Originally Posted by V-16 Yes it is indeed a Citroen. This belongs/belonged to an Irani family running a popular bakery on Worli and i have seen some really flamboyant colours on it. Red & Black to Metallic Green and Silver to Copper and Gold , etc, etc. I presume the car was made available for shootings and thats where these original colours were derived.
Used to chat with the old Irani Uncle over a slice of Plum cake (still available and still the best i have tasted) which he handed out free to kids and the like (discontinued now).
It was a family heirloom i believe but sadly, after the old man passed away a few years ago, it seems to have been either sold or retired to some other resting place |
Sirjee, finally gotcha with a tale!!
This Citroen is of about 1926. It belonged to the driving school fellows just a few shops after the bakery, not the bakery.
In the mid 1990's I went there on a sunday and spent time with the old gentleman. The Citroen was silver in colour and was kept inside the shop. I used to see her daily on my way to office. He told me that the car came from a Parsi gentleman in Pune. He had modified the wheels because the correct tyre size was no longer available. And he no longer had the rims.
Then looking around the premises, he had another chassis of a Bantam, complete except for the head. I discussed with Solanki, he having the other Bantam in Mumbai and he told me that that car was originally an open tourer and belonged to a Parsi wrestler or body builder with a name something like Adrian Sandow? Anyhow, in those days all driving schools were required to have a complete chassis on display. Solanki bought the chassis, took some parts in his car, the rest came on a handcart. Later they called back the handcart, sold the parts to chor bazar and did not compensate Solanki.
Subsequently this driving school went on an expansion mode, driven by the next generation and an office was made. So the Citroen came out on the street. Then they painted her red and black. She was seen in some song video also. Then she was sent to Vasu at Worlinaka for repair, all wood work replaced with metal, horrible job. Engine gave a lot of trouble and another unit was fitted, probably Maruti, effectively killing the car.
Short story on this Citroen |