Greetings all punekars
the Fiat Classic Car Club of India will hold its annual vintage and classic car rally in pune on independance day, at Centre for Police Research, Baner. To be held to celebrate Independance day, it is open to ALL MAKES AND MODELS of classic cars, and is a regular feature in pune...all are invited, please PM me for details...spread the word to one and all, especially potential participants....dont worry bout the rains, they will clear up...
(mods, i hope this is the relevant area to post!)
I'm in... me and moralfibre (kiran) are hitching a ride with desmoquattro (ashvin)...
P.S. desmoquattro is participating in his Palio!
Make that me + 1 friend.
I am leaving for the meet now!
glad u guys could make it, my apologies for disspaearing every coupla minutes...!
some nice pics to follow in due course...
Saw Mr. Peter Travasso's car being driven to Pune on the expressway yesterday on my way back from Mumbai. Absolute Beauty i must say - and the way his son was driving - Kudos to the way it is maintained !!!
PS : sorry guys i couldn't make it for the rally -- too much of work :(
we flagged peter off from bombay at 10 30am yesterday...he reached khopoli at 5! finally reached pune at 945....they were soaked to the bone, (remember, the car has no weather protection) endured some TERRIBLE weather, but came with enthusiasm missing in some 18yr olds...hats off to our dearest peter, and his fabulously maintained fiat...
Originally Posted by karlosdeville glad u guys could make it, my apologies for disspaearing every coupla minutes...! |
No probs buddy. We know how difficult it is to organise an event as big as this. cheers to you and the organizers and to the future of FCCC.
And hats off to Mr. Peter, who is so much of enthusiasm!
was this Mr badamikar's fiat was snapped up at Mehendale garage/ Manohar mangal karyalay ?? Today, coming back from work, i saw two vintages at the same place - couldnt take any pics as i was driving.
BTW i guess owners of Manohar Karyalay ( or may be Mr. Badamikar ) have a good collection of vintage cars
yup, mr badamikar has his office there, and keeps a few nice cars there from time to time...
Pics. look gr8! :) How I wish I cud've seen it all in person! :-(
Glad to see atleast my car took part tho! :)
Interesting to know abt the sables' '61 fiat..btw, tats from AP (I think APJ is Vizag but not sure) they live in pune or did they drive down from south?
And btw, abt Col. Chakravarthy's car- if its a '75 Fiat, how come its got a President grille/badge? I thot those wer made only for a year?
Oh, n forgot to ask- is tat red Beetle Nasir's?? He had one of the same colour...
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