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Old 26th March 2012, 08:47   #1
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Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige

Yesterday I was lucky to meet Herman Zapp and his charming family. I would have said they are Argentinian but that is a tad limiting - you see - they have been on the road since 1999 - and even had four kids on the way!

Tres Americas: welcome-alaska

Their trusty steed - believe it or not - is a 1928 Graham Paige. They have covered 200,000 kms so far, and no signs of slowing down. They are by and large self sufficient, carrying most essential supplies - but almost no spares for the car. "Spares are too heavy when we are carrying supplies for the whole family as well!" joked Herman.

The car has held up remarkably well - and they even found ADV tyres to carry along as spares in India. Here are pictures taken yesterday by Rony and Harit, who joined me.

Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-001.jpg

Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-002.jpg

The Zapps are currently in Mumbai after having driven from Nepal to Goa and up via Hampi. They are looking for any basic accomodation that a wellwisher can provide them with for their stay in Mumbai - plus any assistance with shipping to send the car next to Africa. Anybody who can help do drop them a line via their website posted above.
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Old 26th March 2012, 09:52   #2
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

I say this is one remarkable feat and would have loved to do the same someday ... even for 1000 mms without a spanner.


Originally Posted by karlosdeville View Post
Yesterday I was lucky to meet Herman Zapp and his charming family. I would have said they are Argentinian but that is a tad limiting - you see - they have been on the road since 1999 - and even had four kids on the way!

Tres Americas: welcome-alaska

Their trusty steed - believe it or not - is a 1928 Graham Paige. They have covered 200,000 kms so far, and no signs of slowing down. They are by and large self sufficient, carrying most essential supplies - but almost no spares for the car. "Spares are too heavy when we are carrying supplies for the whole family as well!" joked Herman.

The car has held up remarkably well - and they even found ADV tyres to carry along as spares in India. Here are pictures taken yesterday by Rony and Harit, who joined me.

Attachment 907276

Attachment 907277

The Zapps are currently in Mumbai after having driven from Nepal to Goa and up via Hampi. They are looking for any basic accomodation that a wellwisher can provide them with for their stay in Mumbai - plus any assistance with shipping to send the car next to Africa. Anybody who can help do drop them a line via their website posted above.
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Old 26th March 2012, 10:43   #3
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

WOW....absolutely amazing !!!

One day when my kids are grown and have flown the coop me and my wife will jump into my FJ and take off for a life of fun and sun and hopefully live happy ever after !!!!!
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Old 26th March 2012, 11:02   #4
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

wonderful to see a family out on such a long drive, and that too in something thats not only a piece out history but also with almost a 100 years of history of its own.
hope they have a good time in India and a safe journey onwards as well.
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Old 27th March 2012, 18:30   #5
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

This meeting was a bit freaky. On Saturday night friends and family had gone for dinner to Yoko's, just opposite to where they were staying and had parked their car. I must admit that I never looked across the road, and did not notice them.

But while we met, we found them to be a most interesting family, just travelling the world @ 40 kph.
Today Mumbai Samachar carried an article about them, which I have scanned and hoping someone will translate the gist of it.

Cheers harit
Attached Thumbnails
Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-gp1.jpg  

Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-gp2.jpg  

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Old 27th March 2012, 19:19   #6
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Hi where can I run into these people would love to meet them and take the family out for dinner.
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Old 27th March 2012, 19:40   #7
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Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

Originally Posted by the mole View Post
Hi where can I run into these people would love to meet them and take the family out for dinner.
Subhash Karmarkar and the press people have been with them today and he said that somebody has offered a place for them to stay in Santacruz from tomorrow onwards. May be you can call Subhash for an update on them.

It is a nice gesture from you Amol, to take them out for Dinner.

I myself am amazed and touched by their daring and adventurous nature to make their Dream a reality.
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Old 27th March 2012, 20:10   #8
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

Truly remarkable ! I salute them and the car !
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Old 27th March 2012, 23:07   #9
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Hey guys let's give them a good dose of Indian Hospitality and take them for a good meal. So please make A nice plan and keep me in the loop please.


Last edited by kasli : 27th March 2012 at 23:08.
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Old 28th March 2012, 10:37   #10
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

Originally Posted by kasli View Post
Hey guys let's give them a good dose of Indian Hospitality and take them for a good meal. So please make A nice plan and keep me in the loop please. Cheers
Couldn't some club or organisation like VCCCI or WIAA take the lead on this? Something similar was done by CIVAA Nagpur when a German couple were stranded due to an accident.

Cheers harit
Attached Thumbnails
Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-gp1.jpg  

Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-gp2.jpg  

Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-gp3.jpg  

Last edited by GTO : 30th March 2012 at 13:40. Reason: Please keep the sarcasm OFF the forum
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Old 28th March 2012, 10:40   #11
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

Originally Posted by harit View Post
This meeting was a bit freaky. On Saturday night friends and family had gone for dinner to Yoko's, just opposite to where they were staying and had parked their car. I must admit that I never looked across the road, and did not notice them.

But while we met, we found them to be a most interesting family, just travelling the world @ 40 kph.
Today Mumbai Samachar carried an article about them, which I have scanned and hoping someone will translate the gist of it.

Cheers harit
Two days back, one of my friend accidentally bumped this family in Mahim area and when later he read on the internet, he was thrilled.

Harit, below is the translation (rip) I could best manage instantly !:

(scan-1) Mumbai: On Monday afternoon, the Fort area started discussing about 1928 Graham Page car and its owner family. The family who started globetrotting on their car is currently in Mumbai. Since not just 2-3 years, but whole 11 years they have been traveling across the world. Guided by the philosophy of "Live Your Dreams", the family drove from Nepal to Goa via Humpi and now come to Mumbai.

Origins in Argentina, Harman (42) and his wife Candelriya (40) had dreamed of world tour since their childhood. "If we cant fulfil our dreams now, then when could we ever do?!" was the though when then first started in 2000 from Argentina to Alaska. Since then, Zap family have enjoyed the tour of more than 37 countries and 20000 KMs (almost distance to Moon).

A noteworthy element that all the 4 kids were born during the tour, all in different countries; Pampa (8) in America, Teuhu (4) in Argentina, Paloma (3) in Canada and little Welaby (1) in Australia.

(scan-2) Their 1928 dated Graham Page vintage vehicle is not just a car to Zap family; its a home, school, tent to serve. Fondly they call the car as "Grandpa". Zap family's children do not go to school, instead they study in world-school. Looking at a space-shuttle taking-off, polar bear in Alaska, watching Kangaroo in Australia, trying to learn local language of visited country - all this is just amazing for them. We call it world-wide schooling, thinks Harman.

Starting on world-tour taking along 6 people is not a simple task. Since 11 years the Zap family is managing all these expenses. The couple gets some income from their book "Spark your dreams" based on their travel and experiences. In Asia, they have estimated to visit 18 countries.
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Old 28th March 2012, 18:26   #12
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai


A few questions to those who met this amazing family and their grandpa! any idea if they are headed down south towards Bangalore or surroundings, would love to meet them and see this wonderful machine.

And it does not look like it, but is the car modified in any way to handle such a long and non stop journey or is it as it was made?

And do they repair the car themselves, how does the maintenance work? Since it has been mentioned that they don't carry spares! Any details that were discussed during your rendezvous with them?

thank you in advance,

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Old 28th March 2012, 19:22   #13
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

Today a snippet appeared in the Times of India, but Mumbai Samachar was first.

Originally Posted by srinand View Post
Hi, A few questions ......thank you in advance,
Here are some answers, they have been south upto Hampi, Goa, not sure about Bangalore, but now they have to ship the car out of India from Mumbai as the carnet expires. They hope to go to see the Taj at Agra maybe by bus/train, and then fly out to join the car. Next planned destination is South Africa.
The car is largely not modified, and the drive is not non-stop, they stayed in Goa for 2 months. And they are not mechanics, breakdowns have been attended to by helpful local people. They don't carry spares because there is no space, spares can be heavy, and usually when you brake down, then the required spare was left out.

Cheers harit
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Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Paige-spark.jpg  

Last edited by GTO : 30th March 2012 at 13:41. Reason: Keep the sarcasm OFF the forum
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Old 28th March 2012, 21:41   #14
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Leave vccci aside, how say we organize a dinner for them at the cci hall and people can come contribute some amount towards shipping the car amount and have dinner with them, we can even have a slide show of their journey. I am, confidentnatnthe end of the evening we,ll have enough to ship the car out.
Ithink a 1000 rupee per head dinner should do it.

Does anyone know what is the cost ofbshipping the car to south africa?

Last edited by GTO : 30th March 2012 at 13:41. Reason: Removing quoted post
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Old 28th March 2012, 23:38   #15
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Re: Spark Your Dream - the amazing story of the Zapp family and their 1928 Graham Pai

WOW! That must be one real adventure loving family! Great passion has no bounds-proven once again!
The car itself is a piece of history and here this family is adding to the 'history' with this awesome world journey.
Keep it up!
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