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Old 18th June 2012, 14:12   #31
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Re: Tyre change for Indica

No idea about the tyre dealers in Bangalore but Michelin XM2 that you have selected should be a good option and since you are reverting back to stock size for better effeciency these should help the cause even further compared to other brands.

Alternatively even going in for an upsize with XM2 should help fuel effeciency compared to Apollo.

Do note the actual fuel consumption figures would not be coming out correctly while you had upsized due to increased speedo error.
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Old 19th June 2012, 12:47   #32
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Re: Tyre change for Indica

As promised here it comes...Apollo aceleres to Michelin XM2....the drive quality is really amazing...
Attached Thumbnails
Wheel & Tire upgrade for Indica V2-dsc00002.jpg  

Wheel & Tire upgrade for Indica V2-dsc00003.jpg  

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Old 31st August 2013, 19:44   #33
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Re: Wheel & Tire upgrade for Indica V2

Guys, need advice for my friend's indica. Stock is 165/65 R13. He does not want to upsize but both of us are confused between the Michelin Energy XM2 @ 3800 or, the Bridgestone @ 3600. He does lot of highway driving, most of which is on broken roads and varying altitudes (Good traction is desired). Bangalore-Mangalore (Manipal university) is a frequent route. Comfort is desired, but preference is towards reliability (Feel free to suggest other brands too). Other thing that I didn't see being discussed in this thread is the offset for alloys. We intend to put alloys (13", 108 PCD, 4 lug, 4.5J - for 165 width tyre), but not sure of offset (-37 ET or, -50 ET). How are plati alloys ? or, the non chinese ones. If we can be helped by tomorrow evening, it shall be great. We can utilise the weekend for this swap. Thanks team.

Last edited by devsoftech : 31st August 2013 at 19:49.
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Old 31st August 2013, 21:30   #34
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Re: Wheel & Tire upgrade for Indica V2

Originally Posted by devsoftech View Post
Guys, need advice for my friend's indica. Stock is 165/65 R13. He does not want to upsize but both of us are confused between the Michelin Energy XM2 @ 3800 or, the Bridgestone @ 3600. He does lot of highway driving, most of which is on broken roads and varying altitudes (Good traction is desired). Bangalore-Mangalore (Manipal university) is a frequent route. Comfort is desired, but preference is towards reliability (Feel free to suggest other brands too). Other thing that I didn't see being discussed in this thread is the offset for alloys. We intend to put alloys (13", 108 PCD, 4 lug, 4.5J - for 165 width tyre), but not sure of offset (-37 ET or, -50 ET). How are plati alloys ? or, the non chinese ones. If we can be helped by tomorrow evening, it shall be great. We can utilise the weekend for this swap. Thanks team.
Dear devsoftech,

Choose among the following: MRF ZVTV/S, Bridgestone's (I believe turanza are better than the S322), Michelin XM2's, Apollo Accelere series, JK tyres, and Continental ecocontact series.

My suggestions: Apollo > Bridgestone > MRF = JK > Michelins > Continentals.

I am putting the more premium conti and michelin's last because of bad road conditions which your friend has to frequent. Not that the michelin's and conti's generally give any trouble, but there is always the psychological fear associated in general (I ran my michelin's on bad roads throughout their life.. never had a problem. I am already using the lc series currently on bad roads throughout, and they are also running fine).

Apollo's are highly under-rated. They are tough, relatively softer than the MRF's and JK's, and have decent grip as well. Bridgestone's are rough and tough tyres.. that's it. Nothing else goes for them really.

Amongst all the above, the only 'big' benefit for going for michelin's and conti's would be relatively quieter ride. In all other aspects, the differences are not worth the price and also not appreciable much.

I am not aware of the PCD of the indica (do check it out in the PCD thread), but avoid negative offset alloys. Link: Go for zero offset one's.

I would advise to stick to steel wheels since if I am not wrong, most alloys in the market come as a set of 4. If one of them were to get damaged (not that they do, but the local one's do tend to show age beyond 5 years in general), it will be difficult to get another one.

If you wish to go for alloys, please do inquire for a set of 5. Plati alloys are good. Onyx is also another good brand. Any of the known local (not chinese) brands are generally good. I have onyx and lenso alloys currently in my cars. Have used plati alloys as well in the past. Never had an issue.

Steel rims are cheap to procure (especially for the indica), and are tough as well. I think your driving conditions dictate steel wheels.

Keep us updated on your decision.


Last edited by Simple_car : 31st August 2013 at 21:35.
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