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Old 5th November 2023, 17:00   #1
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GM developing wheels made with two different materials, files patent

According to media reports, General Motors is said to have filed a patent application for a new type of wheel made using two different materials.

Traditionally, car wheels are made combining two metals and are cast or forged as a single piece, However, as per General Motor's patent, their new wheel is made with a two-piece construction using metal and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP).

GM developing wheels made with two different materials, files patent-gmwheels1.jpg

The patent describes that the wheel barrel itself is made from metal, while the wheel face and spokes are FRP and could also include carbon-fibre in its composition. Further, the spokes can be made hollow, allowing for metal inserts or added stiffness. The two pieces would then come together either via adhesive, metal fasteners or by over-moulding the composite piece - where the FRP would flow into pre-made slots in the metal wheel barrel while the composite is molded into shape.

As per GM, the hybrid wheels could offer better impact resistance, durability and also ease repairs. The new wheels will also offer more freedom in terms of designs, while also reducing material costs and weight in certain cases.

Having said that, the hybrid wheels are still in the patent stages and whether or not it will actually make it into production is to be seen.

Source: MotorAuthority

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Last edited by RahulNagaraj : 5th November 2023 at 17:02.
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