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Old 25th December 2007, 14:09   #1
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Outing in rural Palakkad

Spending the weekend in Palakkad, I and my wife didn't have any plans for a road trip. However, it was Saturday morning and my BOL's Pulsar was just requesting us to let him take us around a bit. Finally we decided to have a go, just roam about for a couple of hours and be back for lunch.

So here's the who, which, when and where of our trip:

Who: I, my wife and our elder son (who is two and a half).
Which (machine): Bajaj Pulsar (150)
When: 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM, Saturday, 22nd December 2007
Where: Off from Palakkad. Didn't have a route plan. Just read along.

Well I dont want to make this a long report because the trip itself was very short. And I have a few pics to share, so I will try to limit the text.

We started from near Head Post Office, which is in the heart of the town. After debating quickly over whether to turn north (towards Malampuzha/ Kava) or south (out into the rural heartland of the district which wasn't yet explored by us), we decided on the latter.

Skirting by Tipu's fort, we passed Yakkara, crossed the bridge, turned left to cross the highway and headed towards Kinassery. The weather was pleasant - it was the typical, windy Palakkad that you get to see in winter. The sky was a bit overcast but no threat of rains at all.

The road was good to drive on and there wasn't much traffic. The paddy fields were a rich green though the ambient vegetation was starting to take effects of the dry weather.

I stopped to take some pics seeing several cattle egrets (in non-breeding plumage) in a field to our left, giving company to a lone cow.

Here are two closer shots of the beauties:

At Kinassery the road forked, and we could either take the left towards Peruvemba and Pudunagaram, or the right, rather the straight one that led to Koduvayur. The Koduvayur route was new to us so we decided to take that.

Saw this board just as we were entering Koduvayur town:

So we met a T junction at Koduvayur; left leading to Pudunagaram and the right towards Nemmara/Alathur/Thrissur. We took the right and went a couple of kilometres till we reached a junction at Pittupeedika. From there the road towards left was for Nemmara, and the straight road went to Alathur to meet the highway (NH47).

Not wanting to reach familiar places, we turned left towards Nemmara. The road went through some interesting places like this one:

Going some distance further, we reached a junction where some friendly people were requesting passers-by for donations for a local temple festival. We asked them for directions - they confirmed that the straight road went to Nemmara, but advised us to take the left so that we can see their temple 'on the hill' where they're having the festival in a couple of days. From there we could reach Pallassena through a short cut, they said. So be it.

We turned left, and I stopped to turn back and take a photo of the folks who diverted us to this road:

Immediately afterwards we drew up in parallel with an irrigation canal (flowing from Malampuzha dam). The water was mysteriously disappearing at a point, and there was no sign of the canal downstreams of it. It looked like a bridge at first, but the other side was an incline with no sign of the canal. The water obviously went underground through some big pipe.

Passing that point, the road went downhill, crossed a stream over a small bridge, and then went uphill again. To the left of the bridge was an aqueduct that emerged from the ground, explaining why the water from the canal went underground - it had to cross the stream.

Predictably, the canal reappeared on the other side. We stopped for a short break.

This is where the canal reappeared:

Our bike, taking some rest:

In the above pic you can also see the temple far away on the hill, for which we had just contributed a few rupees.

Another view of the canal and the road (below). We could see the western ghats towering over the horizon (though my camera overexposed it). And yes, there were these cattle egrets everywhere.

Soon enough we passed by the hill with the temple. We were in no mood to try climbing it with our son in company, so we just stopped to admire it and then went along.

We came to a place called Thachangode, where there was a bus stop under a big tree. When I stopped to take pics, heard this rustle of leaves nearby and looked to my right. There he was, a handsome rat snake.

While I was taking its photo, it turned towards us, much to the horror of my companion who sat behind me. She ordered me to stop the nonsense immediately and clear the place.

So we went further, still keeping to the canal. Here are some more scenes that we saw on the way:

A village temple:

Palakkad's trademark palm trees : a short couple here.

Women working in a paddy field:

Going further, we came close to this hill:

Here is a zoomed shot of the flora on the hill:

Two jungle babblers in a shrub:

Another one on a teak sapling:

Riding further, we passed the hill (seen in earlier pic). There was a bridge to the left to cross the canal, so we crossed over. I took a snap of the hill from the bridge - I will share it in the next post.

From there it was a winding road, and we had hardly covered a couple of kilometres when we suddenly reached the Pallassena temple. We had visited this temple a couple of times before and were suddenly in familiar territory.

From there we took the known route back to Palakkad via Karippode, Pudunagaram and Peruvemba.

In all the trip took a little more than 2 hours, and we covered approximately 50-55 km by the time we reached back home, just in time for a hearty lunch.
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Old 26th December 2007, 00:25   #2
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Nice short sojourn with good pics!
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Old 26th December 2007, 05:24   #3
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Beautiful pictures!! Loved them. Short trips like these - just for the sake of a ride... these are the ones I most cherish. Lots of time, with no definite route or plan to fall in line with.

Very impressive shots of the snake indeed! I am puzzled as to why the snake would turn to you, being the shy animals that they truly are.
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Old 26th December 2007, 05:36   #4
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Nice and a unique way of writing. Felt as if we also accompanied you.
Good choice of pictures made the whole experience better.
Thanks for sharing here.
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Old 26th December 2007, 09:10   #5
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Thanks to all for the good comments.

Originally Posted by skandyhere View Post
I am puzzled as to why the snake would turn to you, being the shy animals that they truly are.
Yes the snake was very shy indeed, skandy. We were sitting still on our bike, engine turned off, and the snake probably spotted us only after it turned towards us. It quickly turned away and disappeared in the bushes even as we moved on.
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Old 26th December 2007, 09:11   #6
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Excellent pics and good write up too! looking forward to more
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Old 26th December 2007, 10:20   #7
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Nice writeup accompanied with pics pjay. Loved the pic of the rat snake looking at the camera. Good on you mate.
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Old 26th December 2007, 10:26   #8
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Nice write up accompanied with some nice pics... liked the pic of the rat snake...
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Old 26th December 2007, 11:11   #9
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Good write up & excellent pics. A 2 hour short trip is beautifully narrated & Your IS3 captured the beauty of Palakkad, especially that rat snake with all the details. Palakkad is a real treat for the lensman, the rider & the ride. I also appreciate your enthu to explore the HOTtest district in kerala.
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Old 26th December 2007, 11:34   #10
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Nice writeup.

Next time you start off from GPO (Karala Street, I assume?) drive on the Calicut route and turn left towards Kongad and Cherpulassery. There's some amazing views on this drive.

Last edited by Steeroid : 26th December 2007 at 11:38.
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Old 26th December 2007, 11:56   #11
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Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post
Nice writeup.

Next time you start off from GPO (Karala Street, I assume?) drive on the Calicut route and turn left towards Kongad and Cherpulassery. There's some amazing views on this drive.
Assumption spot on, Steeroid! We started off from Karala Street.

Yes, I agree with you on the Kongad route. I used to frequently travel on this route by bus (and alternatively the Mannarkad route which offers beatiful view of the western ghats) when I was a student in Palakkad. Those were my weekend trips to Nilambur, then my hometown.
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Old 26th December 2007, 12:52   #12
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Lovely pics. If only there had been a professional camera !
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Old 26th December 2007, 13:07   #13
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Great Pictures


Great pictures, they tell volumes on your ride. Really enjoyed the canal photos.

I know that route from Pgt, Koduvayur, Kakkayur, Pallavour, Nemmarah like the back of my hand. Love that stretch (your photo has that) from Koduvayur to Pallavour till Nemarrah, beautiful with the hills on the back drop.

You can even try the Pgt -Malampuha- Kanjikode-Pgt route next time, great scenary.

Loved reading the short, graphic account.

Happy Driving,


Last edited by ramkya1 : 26th December 2007 at 13:12.
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Old 26th December 2007, 13:37   #14
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Excellent pics and nice scenic beauty around..
Any idea how is the road to Neliyampaty from Palakad?

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Old 26th December 2007, 13:46   #15
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Narrow but clean & maintained. Road repairs & widening is happening in few stretchs.
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