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Old 21st August 2023, 15:14   #1
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Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Good Day my fellow BHPians!

It has been almost 20+ years since we all visited Kodaikanal. When we visited all those years back, it was my first time, we went as a group in a bus.

Fast forward to 2019 - I came back to India after my stint in Europe. Since the time I came back to India, I wanted to drive to Kodai (one of the many places I wanted to drive to) and was waiting for an opportunity.

The time that I was waiting for, presented itself in the form of a long weekend in August 2023 (12th to 15th). Once the family agreed for the trip, I started hunting for a good place to stay. All the trips I have driven so far, after my daughter's birth, have been with a break in journey and stay overnight at some place; this is the first trip I am going to drive straight to destination. After a lot of enquiries, dramas and disappointments, finally zeroed-in on the home stay Kodai Diva Inn near Attuvampatti. The home stay was on the outskirts of Kodai but was located in an exquisite landscape in between the hills with amazing views, good privacy, ample space and was very comfortable.

The vacation became even more exciting when my close friend's family also joined us. After lot of brainstorming with one of our friends (who used to travel to Kodai often to visit his in laws), we made a tentative itinerary. But the actual itinerary was a little different due to the traffic in Kodai on that weekend.

Tentative Itinerary

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As planned, we all started at 4:15 AM on 12th and my friend's family started at 4:45 AM (due to them going for a night show for Jailer the night before )

Our Ride - Saviour

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We stopped for Breakfast at our usual place, Arya Nivas. This hotel has been there for almost 15+years. Every time we travel to our native in Trichy, we used to have our Breakfast here. This one comes after crossing the Sengurichi toll while travelling towards Trichy after Sangeetha. By the time we finished our breakfast my friend's family also caught up with us. It gave some time for my daughter to have fun running around after food. Post breakfast we all started together.

The Hotel we had our breakfast at.

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We stopped around 10:15 for tea in the outskirts of Trichy on the dindigul road. Had nice strong cup of tea to refresh us and continued our drive. We decided to have our lunch at least 30 mins before climbing hills, so we broke for lunch at Sri Saravana Bhavan Veg Restaurant around 12:30, after the Sevugampatti Toll Plaza. The toll plaza was not operational yet. The food was really good, and the service was excellent. Since we were ahead of the crowd, we got orders pretty quick.

Our Saviour reaching the landmark of 63K just before climbing the hills

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Beginning of the ranges

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View from Manjalar Dam View Point

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Taken from a viewpoint some few KMs after the Dam Viewpoint

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Since it had been raining in Kodai for quite sometime, the silver cascade waterfalls was in full flow on our way up

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All this time, the drive was a breeze with low levels of traffic. We were quite surprised considering it was a long weekend. But we were in for a big shock. The traffic snarl started some 12 Kms before Kodai

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After maneuvering through the tough traffic, we finally reached our intended destination of Boat house around 4:45. Since it had been raining the whole day, boating was closed. It was opened only some 30 mins before our arrival. We were so lucky to have reached and got into boating before their usual closure at 5:30 PM. The weather was serene since it was just after Rain.

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After boating we had excellent tea and hot chocolate accompanied by chilly bajji at the boat house club canteen. The seating at the canteen was overlooking the lake.

The cold breeze....
Slow drizzles...
View of the lake..
Hot Tea....
Spicy Chilly Bajjii..
.... Wow what a combination!

After that little snack we proceeded to our home stay which is 9 KM / 26 Min from the lake. We reached at 7 PM and lazed around the property till dinner.

This is the Property

This property along with 3 more were looked after by a caretaker. He was so humble and courteous. The food was prepared from the central kitchen and delivered to us at the home stay. We ordered dinner before we started from the lake so that the dinner would be ready by 8 PM. All of us had dinner, relaxed for some time and hit the bed early.

Day 2:

Ordered Morning Coffee and Tea the previous day itself to be delivered at 8 and woke up leisurely. The caretaker surprised us with some hot and crispy Masala vadas to go with the beverages. Had a good chat over the coffee and got our Breakfasts delivered at 9:30. After a sumptuous breakfast we started at 10:15 from the home stay. Our friend had arranged for a local cab for him for sightseeing since he wanted a break from the drive. The travel guy sent an Innova. Seeing the Innova we also joined him since all of us can go together.

First stop was Kurinji Aandavar Temple. Had a good darshan. Since it was cloudy, we could not see the Palani hills. Some photos and a video from there.

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From there we went to Coaker's walk and Bryant Park. Spent some good time with lots of street food, juices and ice creams.

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After the tea and snacks took the kids for horse riding while we took the twin bicycle for a ride. Ended the sightseeing with Balloon shooting and called it a day. Reached the property back at 5 PM. Spent the rest of the day leisurely and ended the day with a game of Rummy with lots of fun.

Last edited by jasonbourne : 21st August 2023 at 18:14.
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Old 21st August 2023, 16:23   #2
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Day 3:

We planned to start by 9 since we were going till Mannavanur Lake. Due to it being long weekend, there was always huge traffic from one place to another. We thought to get ahead of the traffic by starting early.

As planned, we finished our breakfast and started at 9:25 AM. I had to fill fuel so went to the BP bunk to fill up the tank (there were only 2 bunks in kodai; 1 BP and 1 IOCL). There was a huge queue at the bunk. By the time we filled fuel and came out we lost 1 hour and along with it the advantage of starting early

First stop was Kuzhandhai Velappar temple at Poombarai. This is the where one of the Navabhashana idol made by Siddhar Bogar has been installed. The other one being Palani. After a good darshan we proceeded to Mannavanur Lake. On the way took some snaps of the terrace farming at Poombarai.

Pine Forests enroute to Kuzhandhai Velappar Temple

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Terrace Farming at Poombarai

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We then went to Mannavanur lake. Lot of mindless idiots parked right in the middle of the roads to take pics and that was resulting in unnecessary Jams. Since it was lunch time, we all had lunch at the Mannavanur lake canteen. It was an Eco conservation area so no plastics at all. The huts where we had our food were made out of bamboo.

There was a children's play area as well. So, after letting the kids play for some time we walked to the lake which was just 250 Mts away. They had kept Rabbits for the kids to take photos. My daughter and my friend's son had a ball playing with it.

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The moment we completed taking the photos it started to Rain. We took shade under a tree. Once the rain started getting heavier everyone else did the same. However, the tree did not help, and we all were still getting drenched. So, we thought 'why not walk in the rain?' and yeah.... we all walked till the hut in the rain. Once we reached the huts, we had tea. OMG... after getting drenched in the rain, the hot cup of tea tasted delicious.

We called it a day and drove back to the property. On the way completed some chocolate shopping followed by Hot Vada and Lemon tea.

We had already informed the caretaker to arrange for the campfire, so it was ready to be setup. Had a great time over the campfire post dinner along with star fruits.

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This was followed by another round of Rummy filled with so much fun and retired for the day. As planned, we started at 7 AM from the property the next day and had tea at the shop nearby and proceeded with our descent. After reaching the plains had a sumptuous breakfast at the hotel Temple City and started back to Chennai. All in all a wonderful Vacation!!

Parting Shot - The Beautiful Silver Cascade Falls

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And a high level view of the expenses incurred

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Route Taken (both ways): Kelambakkam -- Thiruporur -- Chengalpet -- Thindivanam - Ulundurpet -- Trichy -- Dindigul -- Bathlagundu - Kodaikanal
Distance Covered :1131 Kms
Average FE: 18

Last edited by jasonbourne : 21st August 2023 at 18:48.
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Old 21st August 2023, 20:46   #3
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Moving thread from Assembly Line to Travelogues section. Thank you for sharing!
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Old 22nd August 2023, 10:25   #4
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

I have suffered the holiday rush in Kodai.

My advice to anyone planning to visit, Kodai, don't plan go to there on a long weekend. Your entire trip will be ruined, were ever you go there will be crowd. You will just fry your Clutch plates and comeback cursing.
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Old 22nd August 2023, 10:46   #5
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by Arun_S View Post
I have suffered the holiday rush in Kodai.

My advice to anyone planning to visit, Kodai, don't plan go to there on a long weekend. Your entire trip will be ruined, were ever you go there will be crowd. You will just fry your Clutch plates and comeback cursing.
Very True. Learned it the hard way in Kodai. Normally I plan vacations during off peak season. This time made the mistake of going on a long holiday weekend. A good reminder for me to stick with the regular planning of going on non-Holiday weekdays.
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Old 22nd August 2023, 12:17   #6
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by jasonbourne View Post
Day 3:

As planned, we finished our breakfast and started at 9:25 AM. I had to fill fuel so went to the BP bunk to fill up the tank (there were only 2 bunks in kodai; 1 BP and 1 IOCL). There was a huge queue at the bunk. By the time we filled fuel and came out we lost 1 hour and along with it the advantage of starting early

Nice travelogue, man! I had this issue myself a few years back. So now, before I head up to any hill station, I always make sure my tank is topped off. I've learned my lesson – I never want to run out of fuel up there again. It's been like a good five years since I've filled up at a hill station. I'm all about avoiding that whole situation now. Filling up before the climb just makes sense. You never know, there might be a strike or some kind of emergency, and having that full tank can be a lifesaver. Even if it's the dead of night and no fuel stations are open, you're covered.

Kodai has become incredibly crowded these days. It doesn't matter if it's a weekday, weekend, or even a long weekend – it's always packed. And let's not even get started on those cab drivers. They just don't bother to queue up; they drive recklessly and end up making things even worse.
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Old 22nd August 2023, 14:03   #7
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by jasonbourne View Post
Very True. Learned it the hard way in Kodai. Normally I plan vacations during off peak season. This time made the mistake of going on a long holiday weekend. A good reminder for me to stick with the regular planning of going on non-Holiday weekdays.
Same with Ooty. Instead try Coonor or Kothagiri. They are way better. We went to Ooty and finding a parking spot was a huge task. Hardly enjoyed at all. Always was worried about traffic and parking. Ruined my entire vacation.
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Old 22nd August 2023, 14:50   #8
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by raptor_diwan View Post
I had this issue myself a few years back. So now, before I head up to any hill station, I always make sure my tank is topped off. I've learned my lesson – I never want to run out of fuel up there again. It's been like a good five years since I've filled up at a hill station. I'm all about avoiding that whole situation now. Filling up before the climb just makes sense. You never know, there might be a strike or some kind of emergency, and having that full tank can be a lifesaver. Even if it's the dead of night and no fuel stations are open, you're covered.
Very valid point on the possibilities of the bumps / fuel not being available on the hills. But I have always preferred to fill up my tank in the hills for one simple reason. Density of the fuel - Since the density of the fuel is higher than what you get in the plains. More Fuel for the same cost.

In all my previous experiences in hill stations (they all have been in off peak seasons), I never had to wait so long in queue for fueling. This is the first ever time.

Originally Posted by raptor_diwan View Post
Kodai has become incredibly crowded these days. It doesn't matter if it's a weekday, weekend, or even a long weekend – it's always packed. And let's not even get started on those cab drivers. They just don't bother to queue up; they drive recklessly and end up making things even worse.
Surprised to know that Kodai has become so crowded even on the weekdays. The locals were asking us to choose weekdays with no holidays to enjoy Kodai without much traffic.

Definitely the Cab drivers are the worst. The driver of Innova that we took on Day 2 drove so rashly. His justification was "In this season only we can make money sir. We will drop you and while you go for sightseeing, we will go for another customer and come back by the time you finish sightseeing to pick you up."

Originally Posted by Raghu M View Post
Same with Ooty. Instead try Coonor or Kothagiri. They are way better. We went to Ooty and finding a parking spot was a huge task. Hardly enjoyed at all. Always was worried about traffic and parking. Ruined my entire vacation.
When I went to Ooty in 2019 I took the Kothagiri route. That route was much better to drive than the conoor one. Since I went off season, I did not experience much crowd. Probably after COVID the situation has changed. Irrespective of the season there seems to be too much crowd is what I understand from your comments.

When there is too much crowd finding the parking is a herculean task for sure.
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Old 22nd August 2023, 23:21   #9
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

I went there along with my Better half last month . Absolute madness in terms of parking in Vattakanal ( near Dolphin Nose point).

The property where I was staying had in-premises parking otherwise all other hotels required their guests to park on that 1.5 lane road.

The views were good and the drive in a Fronx AT was excellent , however , a manual car would surely come back with a fried clutch .

Trip details

Madurai - Kodaikanal - Vattakanal - Kodaikanal - Madurai.

INR 2600 fuel expense
Total approx distance 350kms ( incl sightseeing )
Approx mileage : 14.2 kmpl ( given majority hills , I think with turbo petrol is ok, others may provide input ).

Pic1: Worth visiting for view itself.

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Pic2: with the machine. Good ol reliable MS.

Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills-img_2313.jpeg

Last edited by ampere : 2nd January 2025 at 13:45. Reason: Mileage correction.; 2 smilies per post please!
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Old 23rd August 2023, 10:30   #10
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by crossoverhead1 View Post
I went there along with my Better half last month.
When you went last month in July how was the weather like? Was it raining too much? July is supposed to be off season.

Originally Posted by crossoverhead1 View Post
Absolute madness in terms of parking in Vattakanal ( near Dolphin Nose point) .
The property where I was staying had in-premises parking otherwise all other hotels required their guests to park on that 1.5 lane road.
Anywhere around a famous sightseeing spot, parking will be too difficult and haphazard.

Originally Posted by crossoverhead1 View Post
The views were good and the drive in a Fronx AT was excellent , however , a manual car would surely come back with a fried clutch .
Yes indeed, the view from your stay looks awesome. Can you please share the name of that place?

I drove a manual (Personally i always prefer a manual) and did not have issue with the clutch.
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Old 23rd August 2023, 11:19   #11
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

The name of the premises was Cloudwalk.
It’s a fair distance from Kodaikanal in terms of time ( approx 20-25 mins given the traffic) . The property has some restrictions with respect to eating within the rooms( which I found odd) , and they take a 1000 rs advance ( against damages /ordering from in-house restaurant) . If vegetarian, I would avoid given same utensils being used.

We didn’t experience rains that much , only the fog played spoilsport sometimes, but it got cleared within 20-25 mins ( I guess after -effect of Reels , 20-25 mins feels like ages) .

The traffic was due to the people visiting + hotel parking . Most of the hotels do not have a dedicated parking in was a pain to drive there due to the constant wrong side driving caused by parking on the road.

If you are planning to stay there , look for properties with dedicated parking, else someone else’s car might just give a slight graze.
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Old 23rd August 2023, 12:53   #12
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Cloudwalk in Vattakanal.... while I was searching for places to stay of kodai, checked this one as well. The cost was way over my budget for 3 night's stay with 4 people.

The Homestay that I took (kodai Diva Inn) was also fair distance from Kodai. But had a great stay in perfect ambience. The property had its own parking and were able to mark both our cars within the premises.

Even for us Fog played spoil sport most of the times.
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Old 23rd August 2023, 13:20   #13
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Yes, it is overpriced for what it offers , but since we there for 1 night only , thought to indulge ��

It is always a delight to drive in TN and Karnataka highways . The roads induce to drive spiritedly , indeed .

And the views , are of course , unparalleled.
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Old 23rd August 2023, 15:26   #14
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Originally Posted by crossoverhead1 View Post
Yes, it is overpriced for what it offers , but since we there for 1 night only , thought to indulge ��
One night for a couple is very good at that place for that cost.

Originally Posted by crossoverhead1 View Post
It is always a delight to drive in TN and Karnataka highways . The roads induce to drive spiritedly , indeed .

And the views , are of course , unparalleled.
Very true indeed. The roads are laid exceedingly well in both the states and also in major parts or Kerala.
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Old 2nd January 2025, 11:57   #15
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Re: Kodaikanal - The Princess of Hills

Driving in and out of Vattakanal needs lots of experience, I recently did a trip there. Where did you stay in Vattakanal, the balcony view looks good.
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