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Old 1st May 2007, 00:07   #1
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A drive to Murudeshwar

This was one of those short Let's Go trips, we left home at 11:30AM and were back at 9PM covering 280Kms.

We started off thinking we will visit Banawasi near Sirsi. But we didn't really consult any Map before we started, we just took off with kids. The only preparation was packing our younger son's diaper bag. Also picked up some water bottles and cash on the way and got into NH-17 north.

Some misguided soul had told us that Banwasi was only 40Kms, but we knew better, it had to be 100+ Kms away. But it eventually turned out be 220+ Kms away, so we had to change our plans midway and decided to visit just Murudeshwar.

Since we started late and just an hour before lunch time, we started looking for eating place right after crossing Kundapur. We had never been to Turtle Bay before, so we thought we'll have lunch there, hopefully they'll have a restaurant. When we reached there and turned into the compound, we didn't find anybody at the gates. Then we saw a board saying Rs.200 for car parking. That confused the hell out of us, and since we didn't see anybody around and it was still 12:40PM, so we just took off looking for the next place. We found nothing promising at Byndoor either. Next place of promise was Bhatkal. But my wife who had last visited Bhatkal in 2001, claimed there was nothing better there. So, we found one passable eatery 5 Kms before Bhatkal and had some very tasty Special Dum Biriyani. Since it was in Bhatkal, they didn't call it the famous Bhatkal biriyani, it is kind of obvious. The total bill came to Rs.116 including drinks.

Then we crossed into Bhatkal only to find a very modern town dotted with lost of classy restaurants. My wife's data was very outdated.

We finally reached Murudeshwar at around 2:30PM, but that is a very bad time to be walking around or to take photographs. We needed to kill couple of hours. We saw a board that said Honnavara is just 20+ Kms away. Then I remembered that Honnavara had a very nice bridge over river Sharavati. So we decided to drive by and have a look. Then my wife remembered that one of her first cousins (she has more than 30) lives in Honnavara. A quick call home got us his number and soon enough we were at his home cooling our heels.

After having some snacks at a nearby restaurant, we started back at around 5:15PM. First stop was near the bridge, we all got down and walked along the bridge. But I was a little disappointed. Although it had a good view, there was nothing remarkable about the view. I would need at least an hour to compose something good there. So I didn't even pull out the camera.

Then we continued to Murudeshwar and were at the temple well before 6PM. Although it was a closudy day, sun was still visible giving me that warm golden light I wanted for the photographs.

Initially it was confusing, we first parked at the beach and then saw cars on the top of the hill. Finally we found our way up, and started climbing the hill in first gear. Then I realised my folly, I hadn't revved enough to make that gradient since I had underestimated it. Even though I floored it later, the car moved slowly and silently without any noise, I expected it to start knocking and shudder to stop any moment. That moment never came. It completed the crazy gradient and then came to life roaring when it reached flat ground. The rest of the gradient I took it in much higher revvs and made it to the parking lot smoothly.

Rest is in the photographs:

The Beach

The ancient temple restored by RNS.

A wider shot of the beach, hotel and the parking lot

Various shots of the 125ft Shiva statue built by RNS

These two looked out of place with the whole shiva theme.

The Geeta

Vyasa dictating Mahabharata epic to Sri Ganesh

Sages meditating

Ravana handing over the Shiv Linga to Ganesh who is in disguise.

At 6:45PM we started back and reached home exactly at 9PM. The only sticking point while driving back was the number of cyclists on the highway. They have no light or reflector of any kind, but they ride 4 foot away from the road border. I had to really watch out for them.
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Old 1st May 2007, 00:22   #2
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An epic journey indeed - yes, pun. We'd been to Jog, Murudeshwar, Gokarna and Malpe back in end-2005. While I saw all these statues I never realized their action-story : yes - I can be called lot of things at this point.

Btw - good pics again - and I'm not going to make the mistake of asking whether they were from your N73 - which I know they're not !
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Old 1st May 2007, 00:40   #3
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Samurai that was a real quickie trip in a day. You pics just proved that Murudeshwar deserves a visit and words cant express the beauty of the place. Love your last picture.

God feels like going back there again and having some fun by the beach. My 2 cents,when you have time head there for a weekend stay and book the pilgrims rooms for stay at RNS . Costs about 250/- a night.
These rooms have been built on a huge rock and the backdrop is the sea. One could sit there on the balcony for hours doing nothing but looking at the horizon.
We had never been to Turtle Bay before, so we thought we'll have lunch there, hopefully they'll have a restaurant. When we reached there and turned into the compound, we didn't find anybody at the gates. Then we saw a board saying Rs.200 for car parking. That confused the hell out of us, and since we didn't see anybody around and it was still 12:40PM, so we just took off looking for the next place.
you just had to drive in there and park. Guess the board was mis-leading.You generally never find anyone at the gate.

Last edited by rjstyles69 : 1st May 2007 at 00:42.
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Old 1st May 2007, 01:33   #4
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Nice pics there again samurai san & another good instinctive trip. I wonder how you manage to pack your kids for such trips. Need tips please !!!
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Old 1st May 2007, 02:05   #5
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I had been to Turtle bay day before yesterday,i think it was around 2.30.

The rs 200 parking,50 entry thing was in practice somewhere back in 1997-2001,now it is cool.

Iam surprised it is your first trip there! i mean you are a local. I have been frequenting Turtle bay since 1995(inception year i think) when there were a lot of tents and no solid buildings,the above charges were to sustain themselves then.

Since you are a adventure sort of a person,i strongly suggest you go there once,also meet mr Abraham chacko,a very intresting person.
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Old 1st May 2007, 06:29   #6
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Sweet... What say we bangy boys go for a looonnnnnnggggggg drive here.. huh!!..

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Old 1st May 2007, 11:03   #7
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Originally Posted by esteem_lover View Post
Nice pics there again samurai san & another good instinctive trip. I wonder how you manage to pack your kids for such trips. Need tips please !!!
Never thought much about it, we always travelled with our first kid, now that he can manage on his own, we just have to take care of the second one. If you have specific questions, shoot.

Originally Posted by Desert fox View Post
I had been to Turtle bay day before yesterday,i think it was around 2.30.

Iam surprised it is your first trip there! i mean you are a local. I have been frequenting Turtle bay since 1995(inception year i think) when there were a lot of tents and no solid buildings,the above charges were to sustain themselves then.
We visited on Sunday. But I didn't go there until now because I am a local, I usually go to far off places to stay, not close by places.

Originally Posted by Desert fox View Post
Since you are a adventure sort of a person,i strongly suggest you go there once,also meet mr Abraham chacko,a very intresting person.
I have heard of this guy before... I'll do it sometime.
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Old 1st May 2007, 12:10   #8
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Originally Posted by Godfather View Post
Sweet... What say we bangy boys go for a looonnnnnnggggggg drive here.. huh!!..

Drive to Goa via NH17 (if and when National Meet -2 happens) - we can group up at Turtle Bay, and the boys from Kerala (if any) can join the boys from Bangalore at that point.

The west coast is a very interesting route - plenty of interesting places enroute.
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Old 1st May 2007, 12:55   #9
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Hai Samurai,

Awesome pictures and a crisp account.

Is the Cameera N 73, as the Mag asked.

I remember reading your trip up the north east (?) the pictures were stunning and the account useful for background information for anyone visiting north east.

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Old 1st May 2007, 13:12   #10
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Originally Posted by ramkya1 View Post
Is the Cameera N 73, as the Mag asked.
That's his idea of a joke , no I was using the Olympus E-500 dSLR with 14-54mm lens.

Originally Posted by ramkya1 View Post
I remember reading your trip up the north east (?) the pictures were stunning and the account useful for background information for anyone visiting north east.
Thanks, that was at Sikkim. The credit for those photos should go to the natural beauty of Sikkim, I captured a mere fraction of it, that place deserved a much better photographer .
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Old 1st May 2007, 18:11   #11
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Great snaps.. Karwar is my native place and I had been to Murdeshwar a couple of times. But looks like the place has really improved lately. Or is it the snaps?
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Old 1st May 2007, 19:41   #12
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Originally Posted by watfor View Post
Great snaps.. Karwar is my native place and I had been to Murdeshwar a couple of times. But looks like the place has really improved lately. Or is it the snaps?
I wouldn't know, this was my first visit here. No, the place is pretty nice, I can't make it look better than it actually appears.
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Old 2nd May 2007, 10:46   #13
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Nice pics.... A very serene and beautiful place.

The sea although lovely can be calm yet dangerous. I had visited this place few years back and was staying at RNS Yatrinivas on the topmost floor overlooking the sea. On that particular day i saw 2 men drown right in front of my eyes. Locals tried rescuing them but nature had her way. Their bodies were recovered 2 days later and they were badly smashed against the rocks.

So guys please consult locals and a lifeguard (if available) before venturing in for a swim or even if u wanna stand at knee deep level at any beach.
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Old 2nd May 2007, 11:01   #14
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Is there any good hotels in murudeshwar to dine and stay. Please try to give details of some budget hotels, but clean and good.
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Old 2nd May 2007, 13:26   #15
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Is there any good hotels in murudeshwar to dine and stay. Please try to give details of some budget hotels, but clean and good.
RNS Yatrinivas is the best deal you can pull off. Cheap stay and pretty ok food. If you want non-veg then just drive to Hotel Naveen which is opp' RNS for food.
I have stayed at Naveen Resort and the place is pretty good.

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