re: Bengaluru to Leh Ladakh (Fortuner, S-Cross) - One blind summit, done and dusted! I am taken aback on comments and observations on HVK. I have availed of his services, enroute to Ladakh once. I spoke to him twice. Both times he came up as a nice pleasant person who gave you time, respected your opinion, itinerary to only added suggestions which we could take or leave. In fact he asked me what itinerary I propose and then made suggestions for me to consider.
As regards accommodation he left it to us to ask for with the request to give him a few hours notice, which appears reasonable.
Further as I learn with more and more with passing years of life, persons who appear harsh are actually friends in disguise, for they are sharing their experiences guiding you away from mistakes.
For a journey such as Ladakh (distance and terrain), undertaken by youth who have a lifetime of commitments ahead and at times traveling with kids, persons like HVK are a blessing.
I hope all those who feel they have had not so fair experiences also introspect and see if they have also contributed to the strain in relationship.
The travelogue author has very aptly placed the transaction in perspective and I do applaud you for it.
Happy motoring!
Last edited by aah78 : 10th May 2020 at 18:58.
Reason: Spacing fixed.