Re: Weekend in Nice and Monaco Quote:
Originally Posted by turbowhistle Thank you for sharing, I know what to expect now |
Thank you turbowhistle! Hope you can go there in 2021. Quote:
Originally Posted by nirvanaguy19 Even though I was driving a lowly Ford SUV, it was an unforgettable experience. |
Thank you nirvanaguy19! At least you drove on that lovely route, a lowly SUV or not. I was in a bus and was the only time I missed driving in that trip. Quote:
Originally Posted by Samba You might have missed driving in this trip, but the pics you have clicked are really amazing. |
Thank you Samba! Quote:
Originally Posted by Samba Would like to hear from you on this, whether you feel the same or not? |
You are much more experienced than me in this respect. On other trips where I have not taken my car, I have been so unhappy that I have not clicked pictures as well . So it will take me a few more trips to come to a conclusion on this. Quote:
Originally Posted by ampere Did you try the old town on the hill on the way to Monaco. (The perfume factory at Eze?) Another location that gives a brilliant view of Cote D'Azure.
Brilliant Log as always. |
Thank you ampere! No we did not visit the old town on the way to Monaco. Will surely do if we go back again. Thanks for the suggestion. Quote:
Originally Posted by Thermodynamics How is life in Monaco. I have read, there is no income tax, one of the highest per capita GDP, lowest unemployment, lowest poverty rate etc., |
Thank you Thermodynamics! Whatever I have read about Monaco points to what you have mentioned. But since we spent just an afternoon there, it is very difficult to understand the way of life. One thing for sure is that it is an expensive place! Quote:
Originally Posted by Jeroen Excellent travelogue, thanks for sharing. Brings back many memories. |
Thank you Jeroen! Quote:
Originally Posted by Jeroen I have visited Monaco a few times. But I would rate Nice much more attractive. |
I will absolutely agree with you on this. Monaco looks like a perfect place, too good to be true. Nice, on the other hand, looks a lot more real. Quote:
Originally Posted by ABHI_1512 But this is also true as Samba said that you tend to click better pictures when the keys are not in your hand for the drive |
Thank you ABHI_1512! Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.Bentley Awesome travelogue!
Monaco! Those pictures doesn't look unfamiliar at all. Those shots were so nice that some seem like screenshots out of a movie, or a race! Thanks for them! |
Thank you Mr.Bentley! Quote:
Originally Posted by aah78 Lovely Travelogue BlackPearl - always enjoy reading your write-ups! Beautiful pictures! |
Thank you aah78! Quote:
Originally Posted by mi2n Yet another very enjoyable log. Loved the opening video clip. It was nice to see the Scorpio (Goa) in Nice. |
Thank you mi2n! Yes I was pleasantly surprised to see the Scorpio. We were already quite late to see the Russian church and I had stopped for a few minutes to check the Scorpio. Others were getting irritated seeing me jumping around a vehicle that they have seen so many times in India
Posting a few pictures of the cars that I clicked in Monaco. |