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Old 29th March 2014, 17:18   #121
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

0615 PM: As we turn right on HW1 towards Milton, the road widens up, traffic picks up and we run parallel to the cost, but a little away form it. We were happy the rain Gods were with us most of the day today, the drizzle started on the home run. Milton flashes by at 0635, Lake Waihola on the right at 0650, as Dunedin starts sprouting slowly thick around the road, the road evolves into a sealed dual carriageway with exits, the Southern Motorway. Around Fairfield the traffic picks up, by 0715 we hit the Anderson Bay Road to our Motel:

0730 we check in, the lady was nice at the reception, gave us a room on top, our first room on top, but was OK considering the facilities we got, was spotlessly clean, one of the best motels of our tour for sure. It was raining heavily by 0800, we were thankful for the room heater, bathroom heater and wonderful kitchen. We settled down to cook rice, vegetables, eggs and took out a bottle of wine to celebrate the most active day of our tour. The dinner was good, the telly had a Hindi movie going, watched it till 12 and called it a day.

17-11-2013: Dunedin has so much to offer that you would need all of 3 days to do justice.

2nd largest city in NZ, the biggest industry being education, city is full of multicultural students at every corner. This is the music capital of NZ with gigs like The Chills, The Clean, the music scene is pretty active fueled by a cosmopolitan young crowd. We could feel a different vibration in the city, a sense of excitement in the air, something akin to what we felt in Wellington, young people walked faster, with more determination and in an animated state of motion. After all that was said and done, we really felt we should have extended our stay at Dunedin for 2 more nights, next time.

Good wine, lots of wine, a late night movie after a hard day are not the right prescription to get up early the next day. We just had one full day at Dunedin so had to pick what to do carefully from a full stack. We decided to do the steepest street, the Cad-bury Factory Visit, wildlife and drive around the coastline.

Got out at 9 AM after a heavy break fast, the clouds were heavy, the drizzle was on but soon light improved. By now we really did not mind the rain, it was the cold wind that was the problem. The GPS showed us the route to Aromona Road and then Baldwain Street, the steepest street in the world!

When we reached, there were a couple of tourist buses with tourists walking the streets, looked like a must see place in Dunedin. There are shops giving out certificates in your name saying you have been to the steepest street in the world, costs you 2 $ per certificate!

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This 350 mtrs long road raises from about 100 feet to 330 feet, goes up gently and raises steep into a dead-end. Was not sure our car could do the climb in 1st gear even, so left it at the bottom of the street and walked up, was a steep walk for sure. In the end, collected our certificates and plotted the course for the Cadbury Factory.

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Last edited by ramkya1 : 29th March 2014 at 17:33.
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Old 30th March 2014, 10:45   #122
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Originally Posted by ramkya1 View Post
My comments in Bold.
Some more questions as I'm now just 16days away from my start!

1. Which is the good place for forex? Airport or banks within Auckland? Are ATMs reasonably available thru the country (so that I can use my debit card and carry some minimum forex)?

2. Whats the best way to get a local SIM? My need would be mostly to talk to hotels to reconfirm, possibly some grocery shops etc., and occasional calls back to India (say once every 3-4 days).

3. Would the local "ponchos" do? Or do you reco buying some special ones over there?

4. On the way back we have a 2-hr stopover in Auckland (coming in from Chritstchurch). I noticed that the domestic and Intl terminals are different. Any idea whether we need to pick-up bags and re-checkin? Our Chch-AKL-Bangkok-Bangalore is on a single ticket, but Chch-AKL in Air Newzealand and the rest is on Thai and Air Newzealnad and Thai are both part of Star Alliance network, so I'm expecting it would be through check-in. Just thought of knowing whether you flew out directly from Chch or had a break at AKL.

In the next few days, I plan to make daily plans (I know it won't go exactly like that by motto has been "over prepare, but go with the flow") and it'd be great to have your inputs.


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Old 30th March 2014, 19:30   #123
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

1. I had my friend at Auckland, paid INR here and picked up NZD as per agreement with him, gave him back lots of them at Auckland, worked for me. I used Credit card at few places as you loose on exchange with CC. That said, if you have some reliable person in India get the exchange in India at least 60% of what you would think you'd need and carry NZD. Balance most places they accept Credit card and as for cash, I did see ATM's in Auckland, Rotorua, Q Town, Dunedin, Chch.

2. The India calling card which you get from India Special Departmental stores at Auckland are the most economic, you can use it for NZ local calls also. Cards are easily available at the airport.

3. Local Ponchos, simple ones you can buy there would do, IMO, just need a rain cover, heavy ones are a problem to dry and adds weight to luggage. I tried online to get them before the trip some time back, but all were expensive and got them cheaper in Vietnam, about 3 $ each. NZ may be more expansive than that but cheaper than the online shops, try the online shops in NZ to get a guidance price.

4. I flew from Chch to Auckland by NZ Air, stayed over for the night and next day caught Thai, so was not a problem. About bags, I don't know, please check with them, send mail and have their response on record, just in case they mess up (generally they don't) good to have something on record.

I also over prepare and take a call on the fly, so I think it would work for you too.

Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by prasad14 View Post
Some more questions as I'm now just 16days away from my start!

1. Which is the good place for forex? Airport or banks within Auckland? Are ATMs reasonably available thru the country (so that I can use my debit card and carry some minimum forex)?

2. Whats the best way to get a local SIM? My need would be mostly to talk to hotels to reconfirm, possibly some grocery shops etc., and occasional calls back to India (say once every 3-4 days).

3. Would the local "ponchos" do? Or do you reco buying some special ones over there?

4. On the way back we have a 2-hr stopover in Auckland (coming in from Chritstchurch). I noticed that the domestic and Intl terminals are different. Any idea whether we need to pick-up bags and re-checkin? Our Chch-AKL-Bangkok-Bangalore is on a single ticket, but Chch-AKL in Air Newzealand and the rest is on Thai and Air Newzealnad and Thai are both part of Star Alliance network, so I'm expecting it would be through check-in. Just thought of knowing whether you flew out directly from Chch or had a break at AKL.

In the next few days, I plan to make daily plans (I know it won't go exactly like that by motto has been "over prepare, but go with the flow") and it'd be great to have your inputs.



Last edited by ramkya1 : 30th March 2014 at 19:33.
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Old 30th March 2014, 19:55   #124
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Don't want to be an alarmist, but people need to know of crime in NZ, so posting a link.

Have heard of some reports of dangers of picking up hitch-hikers. We were jut 2 in the car, so many people thumbed us to get a ride, mostly women of younger ages, in desolate stretches, we DID NOT STOP for anyone, better to be safe than sorry.


Last edited by ramkya1 : 30th March 2014 at 19:58.
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Old 30th September 2014, 15:27   #125
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Just one word....Amazing! It was so gripping..had to read it End to End! Waiting for you to complete it...
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Old 4th October 2014, 23:46   #126
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

A friend visiting New Zealand next week, called me and suddenly reminded me of the unfinished travelogue. I have to finish this, so going to dump the photos at the tail end of the account..... here goes.

Visiting the Cadbury Factory is a fun thing to do, we had time to kill that morning, our next visits were are post lunch. If you are the chocolaty kind of person and want to see how this is made, visiting the factory is ‘the thinkg’ to do. There’s an entrance fee, 16$, which gives you a packet of different bars made there and a conducted tour

We were the only Asians who have been there for a long time said the lady tour guide, the rest of couples were from Australia, they turned out to be more curious about India and us then the Chocolate by the time the tour ended! Guess they don’t see many Indian tourist at all there.

The tour guide takes you through the history, procurement, manufacturing, automation and marketing of the products made there. The most impressive part was in the end when one ton of liquid chocolate pours down in front of you down to a funnel and a machine, this is not used for manufacture but to show on tours. The show is impressive, they put the lights out, the guide tips a button, flashes of light, viola.. with a huge sound a deluge of chocolate pours down while the cameras snaps pictures of the tourists staring in amazement at the spectacle! They sell the photos when you finish, nice way to make some extra cash. We were done by 0100 PM and had time to grab lunch and do the wonderful drive to the Otago Peninsula.

This is a must do drive if you are there, the drive from Dunedin of about 20-25 kms is one of the most beautiful in the region, road runs on top of the mountain and you can see the harbour and sea down below for miles, on a clear day this would be awesome for landscape. We were not so lucky, there was a drizzle on but we did get glimpses of the cobalt and green beauty below. The peninsula is famous for the wildlife of the region.

We grabbed a packed lunch from a Chinese restaurant, got us plenty of food for 20$ in the takeaway. The GPS steered us to Monarch wildlife cruises. We had called in early in the morning and did a booking on the phone for a 315PM cruise, the lady on the phone was patient and explained the route and directions, a professional outfit form start to finish. I would highly recommend one to take a cruise to see the wide variety of wildlife, birds and marine life in the peninsula which may be missed from land, well worth the 49$ per head tab. The cruise give you a windbreaker, a rain coat and also binoculars to see up close. There’s a megaphone commentary form a naturalist on the boat to explain all that you see around you, patiently explaining the birds, animals, marine life etc., without that the trip would loose much of its charm, the guy who explained was a pro and appeared to be loving his job. The temperature was near 0 with wind chill a blade, we were glad for the extra protection and guidance from the boat. By the time we the boat hit the open waters, the wind picked up, temp was down to -3! Very cold for us.

With the trip done around 0430, our next move was to the penguin place, you need to reserve early as they take in only a limited number daily. We booked in for 0430 PM. This is an innovative project for the yellow eyed penguins established way back in the 80’s in a small way, but grew to a collaborative and successful breeding place for the rare penguins. You reach the reception, they take in people in batches of 15 people on a bus, bus grinds up the mountain towards the beach and you have to walk through hedges, bushes, trenches and tunnels to where the penguins nest with a guide. We are hidden away from the penguins so as not to disturb them, yet we can observe what they do. Clever idea this, a great experience for us to get up close and personal with them. The charge, can we live without that.... 52$ per person.

We were glad we took the tour, we could see lots of them and also some seals on the beach, some of the penguins walked across our path while we waited patiently for them to cross on their way back from the sea below, hopped up the beach the steep mountains to their dens near up, quiet a sight to see.

We were done about 0600, went up to the Royal Albatross Center, on the top of the mountain. We drove up there, there’s an entry charge or you need to buy something there, light was fading and we wanted to see the Albatross flying overhead and around rather than go inside and miss the light. It was getting colder, yet we walked out and watched the magnificent birds launching, circling, drifting and landing, another highlight of the tour. You can catch a glimpse on the video on the link below.

We hit back the motel, made ourselves and knock out dinner with some wine to follow. Another eventful day, we were happy we decided to spend a day in Dunedin. The drizzle was on, the room heater made it comfortable and we got an old Hindi Movie on the telly, a rarity again.
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Last edited by ramkya1 : 4th October 2014 at 23:56.
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Old 5th October 2014, 00:11   #127
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Some more pictures from the Albatross center and Penguin place.
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Old 5th October 2014, 00:23   #128
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

18-11-2013: Dunedin to Christchurch: The last leg of our South Island Tour. We had a drive day planned, the drive was expected to be uneventful, 360 Kms and 5 hours on HW1. We had only one stop on the route which can be termed touristy and also a must do visit.

Moeraki boulders are about 75 kms, 1 hour drive, the GPS marked out the place well and we were comfortable about the drive. Had an early breakfast, packed some cooked food and checked out around 7 AM, we were planning to do it nice n slow and hit ChCh by evening.

Here’s where tourists need to be careful, the stretch from Dunedin to Chch is a busy highway and very traffiky compared to the other cost. All along the west coast we were driving, practically ripping above 120 and went scot free form police radars. The GPS marked out the radars and we slowed down, rest of the places where we spotted any car we slowed down and they were all lonely stretches without traffic. We ( read I) was overconfident and asked for it.

About 50 Kms form Dunedin, was following a truck, the traffic was much thicker compared to earlier drives, had to wait for some time to overtake and lost my patience. In an overtaking stretch, gunned the Toyoto, accelerated got away clean and was way ahead when Anu suddenly said, there’s a black flasher car behind us, so I slowed down, sure it enough it was an unmarked police car. He indicated for me to go ahead and park inside the parking bay and I walked over. He said I was doing 127 KMPH on a 100 km road and was maintaining the speed while there was no traffic ahead and behind me, he must have been following me. Told he I speeded up to overtake, he said a flash speed is usually not booked, but I should have slowed down after the event. He was extremely polite, friendly and even got into talk with me about Ladakh and driving on those roads. He said, since the radar and camera has caught me, I’d have to pay the penalty of 170 NZD! That has to be paid on to the website within 30 days. I asked him, what if I don’t pay, he said, a demand would be sent to my registered address and still if I don’t pay, next time I enter NZ, I’d have difficulty. Soon as we reached back India, we paid it pronto, don’t want that hanging over our heads. I was very upset, after all the driving, at the fag end to have to on your Ego is painful. Anu said, move over, I’d take it from here and I was happy to do so.

We reached Moeraki around 9 and parked in. The rain Gods were with us, no rains, the long walk to the boulder was full of suspended animation. Rightly so, as you reach close, their size would hit you. You would be left wondering how in high heavens these 1-3 mtr diameter spheres happened on a desolate beach! There were lots of shutterbugs and we also found a family from Kerala on prowl. They stay in Chch and came down for a drive with relatives. It was a different experience jumping from rock to rock and I remembered my favourite Elton John number, Crocodile rock.
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Last edited by ramkya1 : 5th October 2014 at 00:24.
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Old 5th October 2014, 00:29   #129
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

The drive from there to Chch through Omaru, Timanu with Anu at the wheel was breeze, we were running slower and could enjoy the country better. From Timaru we run inland and the coast disappears, but the country remain as beautiful as ever. After Auckland, we found some traffic density and as we neared Christchurch, the density picked up. By the time we reached our Motel, Avenue Motor Lodge, it was 6, but were very disappointed with the place at 144 NZD it was a let down. The rooms were small, the kitchenette average and partition thin. Only the next day we realized why it was so.

We had dinner and hit the bed but sleepy uneasy. Around 11 we got woken up by our bed shaking for about 5 secs, I thought it must have been an energetic couple in the next room, but it happened again around 2 AM and we were certain this was a quake. Having lived the Gujarat Mama quake we were super sensitive to it, later when I checked the web, I found the one which woke us was around 5, the whole place was still quaking, have a look see on the links below.

We found lots of construction work going on in the city, many sections of the city fully cordoned off due to huge destruction left by the big quake in 2011.

19-11-2013: We woke up late, all we had to do was to return the car by 10AM, wait for our flight to Auckland at 2 PM and chill. We used the GPS to locate the city centre for Apex Car drop, reached there to find that the Airport center is where we needed to go! We rushed there so as not to miss the deadline and made it around 1030, a huge center lots of cars and professionally run. They took in the car, did a routine chek up and were done. We had left a CD inside the player, later they mailed in to ask where they should post it to, cost to me. I said, don’t mind, keep it.

The shuttle dropped us to the airport and we were in Auckland by 4 PM. Good old Bhavin picked us up and dropped us to Park Lane Motel, we had to meet a friend there and fixed up a dinner date by 8 PM.

We checked in, freshened up and went out for dinner to an Indian place nearby. It was raining heavily, yet all 4 of us, hunted down my friends’s sea facing villa by 9 PM and Bhavin dropped us back by 12. My friends wants to remain in the background, he was a great host, he works in the NZ transport department with his dentist wife from Ahmedabad, they have an awesome sea-looking banglow, we were happy to sip some spirits late into the night.


Last edited by ramkya1 : 5th October 2014 at 00:33.
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Old 5th October 2014, 00:51   #130
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Look what we found in Christchurch Airport, surprisingly Indian!

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Last day in NZ, Bhain said you have to see something of Auckland. True to his word, he came around 10 AM, our flight was around 3 PM to Thailand.

The tour to fort Victoria and Museum was squeezed and by 0100 he dropped us to the air port.

Bhavin was a big help for us at Auckland, a true friend who was there to help and guide. Without him, our trip would have been more difficult, we would have spent more time and resources searching for things and places. A big thanks to you friend.

We reached Bangkok, stayed overnight at our usual place, Liliac Inn, next day morning, 21st, they dropped us back to the airport to catch our flight back to Delhi.

After reading this log, I’ve helped at least 4-5 people to visit New Zealand, it was fun doing the research and sharing it with people. So if you have any questions, please call me, PM for information.

That brings us to the end of a long long story. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks a lot for being patient and having a look see into my Travelogue.

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Last edited by ramkya1 : 5th October 2014 at 00:54.
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Old 14th October 2014, 19:58   #131
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Thank you Ramkya1 for a rivetting T'log and well picturised sojourn-loved every post/page/picture. This will be my template for our journey (If possible).
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Old 21st June 2015, 09:46   #132
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Though late, I want to reply to your question as they may be useful to prospective NZ travelers. My answers in bold.

Originally Posted by prasad14 View Post

As I go thru my checklist I got a few more questions:

1. What is the system to get some "over-the-counter" medicines? Are they available in the supermarkets or do they have pharamcies like we have here?

You would get few generic medicines in most cities there, but serious stuff like anti-biotics and ethically promoted medicines ONLY with a prescription. You should take an insurance which would cover most problems, including a helilift. For most of my trips, I take Bajaja Allianz which also cover flight disruptions, baggage loss etc.,

2. What about doctors should someone fall sick? Do they have clinics or should we head to some hospital?

I think I have covered this somewhere in the T-Log, clinics are far and few in between in South Island, best bet is to head for a farm house, they have radio links with hospitals and chopper tie ups. Who will pick up the tab depends on your insurance cover.

3. You have not mentioned anywhere about sandflies which seem to be a menace in southisland. Can you throw some light on this and precautions to be taken, DEET or some such thing to be bought?

I think I have covered it, need to check. However, Dettol with olive oil is the best, rest of the medications are expensive. We came across them only in some parts of south Island.

BTW, I'm all set having booked all the motels, car etc., Many many thanks for all the help. You've been so generous with your time.

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Old 22nd June 2015, 13:09   #133
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

This is just an awesome thread which is going to help countless no. of ppl :-)

I for one have been benefited from this thread and you as a person. I could never thank you and Bhavin enough for all the help.

My journey was mostly limited to north island majorly exploring Wellington and Auckland. but I have realized the actual beauty is outside these cities. This country is just so beautiful and honestly I feel out of words to describe it.

I have already read your travelogue many time, but I still love reading it all over again. Thanks again for this lovely thread.
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Old 23rd June 2015, 10:44   #134
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Ramky, thanks for the wonderful travelogue. The amount of detail you have put down is immense, and will surely help a lot of people. I haven't read through the entire travelogue, to be honest, but read through most of it in bits and pieces and felt that leaving a Thank you note is well deserved.

Looking at the pics, most places and roads look a lot like Australia, but that is something the people of NZ dont like to hear, i believe. I've captured my experiences in Australia through my eyes in my travelogue.

Thanks once again, for sharing.
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Old 1st July 2015, 18:17   #135
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Re: New Zealand: End to End

Thanks for the wonderful travelogue Ramkya!

It cannot get any more detailed than this. Really enjoyed end to end!
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