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Old 3rd June 2011, 01:44   #91
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
My Jet would get her first service on the 1/June at Concorde Motors, Ambattur.

Minor Issues to be sorted out :
1. Boot extremely hard to close. Need some lubricants.
2. Roof beading on the rear edge be glued.
3. Squeaking noise from left side on uneven roads.
4. Tyre Noise - tyres to be checked by Goodyear guys.
5. Squeaking noise while braking slowly.
6. Fuel flap hard to close.

Post the service, i am off to Mysore and Wayanad for a week long family holiday in my Jet.
Service report:

Issues reported and status :
1. Boot extremely hard to close. Need some lubricants - Solved*
2. Roof beading on the rear edge be glued - Solved
3. Squeaking noise from left side on uneven roads - Partially solved. There are few squeaks which appear but negligible & only on uneven roads.
4. Tyre Noise - tyres to be checked by Goodyear guys - No solution as the GY NCT5 tyres on all Jets tested are noisy.
5. Squeaking noise while braking slowly - Solved.
6. Fuel flap hard to close - Solved

*Point no. 1 is sorted out but they have misaligned the boot now. Check for the bottom part of the boot on the right hand side (the gap between the boot and the bumper on the right side). Have to now visit the servce centre again to sort out this.

The service advisor tried solving the issue with the help of body shop mechanics but they were clueless. Had to rush to office as it was already late. The delivery of the car was promised yesterday evening but was ready only by 12 noon today. The service advisor told me to collect the car at 10 am today as they couldn't wash it yesterday due to rush. They made me wait for 2 hours today.

What irked me is that i found & reported that the boot was misaligned but the service advisor was trying to convince me that nothing can be done to it and i need to live with it.

Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet-03062011001.jpg

My ratings :
- Welcome at the gate by the security staff : 10/10
- Response at the reception : 4/10 (the lady at the reception was shouting for a person who can take my car but none of the staff were ready to attend to a FIAT car. Finally the CRM had to assign a SA after complaining).
- Waiting time for the Service advisor : 2/10 ( i had to wait for over 30 mins despite having an appointment)
- Customer waiting lounge : 0/10 (over crowded with drivers; heavily soiled sofas)
- Knowledge level of the SA : 6/10
- Car delivered at the promised timeline : No
- Car washed properly : 3/10 (had stains all over. Am sure no shampoo was used)
- All issues reported solved : 5/10

Overall rating : 5/10 (satisfactory)

I had no choice to choose another service centre as my car is under company lease. The Lease company has tie up only with Concorde Motors.

Last edited by bnzjon : 3rd June 2011 at 02:02.
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Old 3rd June 2011, 08:06   #92
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
- Customer waiting lounge : 0/10 (over crowded with drivers; heavily soiled sofas)
Agreed. Concorde Motors, Dairy Circle/Mysore Road, Bangalore, seem to be way ahead of their Chennai units in most of the aspects barring over-crowded customer lounge with soiled sofas.
Old 3rd June 2011, 14:51   #93
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

@bnzjon- So here is the news, I made my car give 13.8 in the DRDO stretch (behind the old airport which leads to EGL).

What I did-
1. Turned off the AC.
2. Did not revv anything beyond 1100 rpm, frequent gear changing did help a lot.
3. Revv the car a little in 3rd gear to gain momentum, within say 5 sec shift to 4th and immediately 5 th. Do not cross 60 kmph, try to only touch the gas pedal and not press it.
4. Be polite with brakes, avoid it if possible.
5. While downshfting, try not to revv and let the car go of its own.(read no ABC)

I dont think I will able to drive like this, it was again an experimental drive. After driving for like 15 minutes I started to sweat due to no AC, turn the AC on and within seconds the FE started to drop in fraction gradually.

But now i can by that the car is capable of giving good FE figures, as good as the honda city. It is just that we Jet owners are not intended to.. (otherwise it was "MJet zindabad!".)

Regarding the tinkering issue in the rear bonnet, I can only say, "Welcome to the club." I have my 3 doors misaligned already and kht left them rattling.

Last edited by Speed Pujari : 3rd June 2011 at 14:54.
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Old 3rd June 2011, 15:14   #94
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
Service report:

- All issues reported solved : 5/10
you mentioned that all issues were resolved, so why 5/10?
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Old 3rd June 2011, 15:49   #95
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
Service report:
5. Squeaking noise while braking slowly - Solved.
What was the actual thing done (what did they actually do) to get rid of this noise?
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Old 3rd June 2011, 16:37   #96
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

6. Fuel flap hard to close - Solved

What did they fix for the fuel flap problem? I have the same problem on my Jet.

Last edited by raprakash : 3rd June 2011 at 16:59.
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Old 4th June 2011, 00:55   #97
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by Speed Pujari View Post
@bnzjon- So here is the news, I made my car give 13.8 in the DRDO stretch (behind the old airport which leads to EGL).

What I did-
1. Turned off the AC.
2. Did not revv anything beyond 1100 rpm, frequent gear changing did help a lot.
3. Revv the car a little in 3rd gear to gain momentum, within say 5 sec shift to 4th and immediately 5 th. Do not cross 60 kmph, try to only touch the gas pedal and not press it.
4. Be polite with brakes, avoid it if possible.
5. While downshfting, try not to revv and let the car go of its own.(read no ABC)

I dont think I will able to drive like this, it was again an experimental drive. After driving for like 15 minutes I started to sweat due to no AC, turn the AC on and within seconds the FE started to drop in fraction gradually.

But now i can by that the car is capable of giving good FE figures, as good as the honda city. It is just that we Jet owners are not intended to.. (otherwise it was "MJet zindabad!".)

Regarding the tinkering issue in the rear bonnet, I can only say, "Welcome to the club." I have my 3 doors misaligned already and kht left them rattling.
Now you know what the Jet is capable of.
You can not do the same everyday, just enjoy the power of Jet.

As i said earlier, if you want to enjoy the power of the JET, there is no way that anyone can achieve more than 10-12 kmpl.
Jet is powerful and economical. Use the power when you want !

Originally Posted by Palio_2005 View Post
you mentioned that all issues were resolved, so why 5/10?
For creating a new problem - misaligned bonnet

Originally Posted by nkrishnap View Post
What was the actual thing done (what did they actually do) to get rid of this noise?
The brake pads were cleaned and the noise is gone forever.

Originally Posted by raprakash View Post
6. Fuel flap hard to close - Solved

What did they fix for the fuel flap problem? I have the same problem on my Jet.
Adjusted the fuel flap lock. It was misaligned earlier.

Last edited by bnzjon : 4th June 2011 at 01:03.
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Old 5th June 2011, 14:30   #98
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

bnzjon, my Lineas boot too was extremely tough to close. During the first service I showed them this issue and just like in your case they misaligned the boot. Now the boot is easy to close but the misalignment can be seen pretty easily. Once I asked them to rectify it but they said they cannot do it. There is a metal part inside the boot which connects to the locking mechanism. If its moved down boot will align perfectly but it will be tough to close. If its moved up boot can be closed easily but it will be misaligned. Most of the Lines have the boot perfectly aligned. But in my case its slightly misaligned.
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Old 5th June 2011, 15:42   #99
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

So bnzjon how was your race with the Palio 1.6 sports ??
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Old 22nd June 2011, 09:29   #100
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
Yes; they are connected to the door open lamp located just above the Rear view mirror.
The plates are stuck on to the body with a double sided tape/glue.

The red lettered T-Jet lighting up in the dark look really cool. This has become the most fascinated thing for my 5 year old daughter
I am getting my Tjet plus delivered next week from Prerana motors and wanted to know this - I am getting these illuminted door Sils fitted but the dealer told me they are only for the front 2 doors and not all 4.

Are your Door Sils only for front 2 or all 4?
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Old 22nd June 2011, 10:27   #101
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by KarthikK View Post
I am getting my Tjet plus delivered next week from Prerana motors and wanted to know this - I am getting these illuminted door Sils fitted but the dealer told me they are only for the front 2 doors and not all 4.

Are your Door Sils only for front 2 or all 4?
Hi Karthik, first of all congratulations on your T-Jet. I am sure you will enjoy 'flying' the Jet.

The illuminated TJet sills are only for the front doors.

I am assuming that the reason could be because the bottom of both the rear doors are not flat but curved, so you can not fix a 'Straight' Plate on them. Moreover, you can fix only a smaller sized plate in the space available which would look very odd.

There are after market Sill plates available in the market but they are not illuminated ones but steel plates with Linea engraved on it. Suggest go for the illuminated ones for the front doors. It exudes class.

Last edited by bnzjon : 22nd June 2011 at 10:33.
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Old 22nd June 2011, 10:41   #102
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
Hi Karthik, first of all congratulations on your T-Jet. I am sure you will enjoy 'flying' the Jet.

The illuminated TJet sills are only for the front doors.

I am assuming that the reason could be because the bottom of both the rear doors are not flat but curved, so you can not fix a 'Straight' Plate on them. Moreover, you can fix only a smaller sized plate in the space available which would look very odd.

There are after market Sill plates available in the market but they are not illuminated ones but steel plates with Linea engraved on it. Suggest go for the illuminated ones for the front doors. It exudes class.
Thanks for the information. That was helpful. Definitely waiting to fly the jet. I am going for the Illuminated door Sils only The plain ones (non-illuminated) never appealed to me anyway
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Old 22nd June 2011, 10:45   #103
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

You are most welcome my friend !

Looking forward to your buying experience and ownership reviews soon with loads of pictures of your Jet !

Happy Motoring !
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Old 22nd June 2011, 11:11   #104
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by KarthikK View Post
I am getting my Tjet plus delivered next week from Prerana motors and wanted to know this
Heartiest Congrats! T-Jet is the BEST driver's car currently in its segment. Leaving aside a few niggles and Tata-Fiat A.S.S., its one heck of a car.

Wishing you lot many happy miles with the Jet.

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Old 22nd June 2011, 11:36   #105
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Re: Fuelled FIRE into my (T)JET - The Fiat Linea T-Jet

Originally Posted by bnzjon View Post
You are most welcome my friend !

Looking forward to your buying experience and ownership reviews soon with loads of pictures of your Jet !

Happy Motoring !
Thanks a lot! My T-Jet decision was largely sparked first by GTO's TD and review, and then by yours and EarthEd's ownership reviews thanks to you guys i cancelled my Mitsubishi Cedia sports booking and went for the jet. Buying experience and ownership reviews will soon follow

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
Heartiest Congrats! T-Jet is the BEST driver's car currently in its segment. Leaving aside a few niggles and Tata-Fiat A.S.S., its one heck of a car.

Wishing you lot many happy miles with the Jet.

Thanks a lot for the wishes! Yeah I totally agree, I've become mentally prepared for the niggles and A.S.S.. a small price to pay for the huge amount of driving pleasure in the jet.
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