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Old 21st February 2011, 17:00   #76
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

praz, very nicely done interiors. Can you let me know where you got the car seats done from and the cost?
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Old 22nd February 2011, 09:23   #77
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Originally Posted by gopikb View Post
praz, very nicely done interiors. Can you let me know where you got the car seats done from and the cost?
Thanks for the compliment buddy. I got the seat covers done in Chennai at Mehra Bros. They cost me around Rs.6500/- They are art leather seat covers.
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Old 22nd February 2011, 12:32   #78
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Originally Posted by praz View Post
Thanks for the compliment buddy. I got the seat covers done in Chennai at Mehra Bros. They cost me around Rs.6500/- They are art leather seat covers.
Praz, Thank you. That is a good price you got for the art leather seat. Looking at the finish I thought they were genuine leather. Time has come for me to put seat covers on my Punto. Looking for options in Bangalore. I will continue to search on
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Old 22nd February 2011, 13:44   #79
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Originally Posted by gopikb View Post
Praz, Thank you. That is a good price you got for the art leather seat. Looking at the finish I thought they were genuine leather. Time has come for me to put seat covers on my Punto. Looking for options in Bangalore. I will continue to search on
You can check out the t-bhp directory section. I remember somebody getting art leather seat covers + leather steering and trims for 11k from Marvin genuine leather. Also, you can check with Karlsson whether they do art leather seat covers.
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Old 22nd February 2011, 15:44   #80
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

+ 1, those were done in a black and white combination. Dont know which I like better - zensters punto with Marvin or praz's dashing red n black combo.
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Old 22nd February 2011, 16:14   #81
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Check this gsport covers on Swaroop Anand 86's car.
Anybody who likes B&W combinations, will like this seat cover I feel.
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Old 28th February 2011, 17:45   #82
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

A question from my friend who has booked a White 90HP GP.

"I have booked a new Fiat punto 90 HP. The car should be delivered in a week or so.
I searched online and could not find any running in directions for fiat's MJD engine. I've even read that the owners manual does not mention a running-in period. Isnt it recommended that the engine oil be changed after the first 1k kms of running to remove metal shavings? Is this covered in the free first/second service? Ive also read that non synthetic oil is preferred during the running in. Im considering this. Meanwhile if fellow members could please share their MJD running-in experiences and advices.."

can anyone throw some light on this?
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Old 1st March 2011, 10:11   #83
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Originally Posted by djkher View Post
A question from my friend who has booked a White 90HP GP.

"I have booked a new Fiat punto 90 HP. The car should be delivered in a week or so.
I searched online and could not find any running in directions for fiat's MJD engine. I've even read that the owners manual does not mention a running-in period. Isnt it recommended that the engine oil be changed after the first 1k kms of running to remove metal shavings? Is this covered in the free first/second service? Ive also read that non synthetic oil is preferred during the running in. Im considering this. Meanwhile if fellow members could please share their MJD running-in experiences and advices.."

can anyone throw some light on this?
People say that modern engines do not need running in. Some experts on this forum, advice you to follow the run-in religiously. I followed the experts, better safe than sorry. I followed the following :
First 1000 kms : Rev upto 2000 rpms (do not rev hard and do not go beyond this range)
Next 1000 kms : Rev upto 2500 rpms (same as step 1)
Next 1000 kms : Rev upto 3000 rpms (same as step 1)

After 3000 kms and the first service (or checkup), you can rev the engine freely. To be honest with you, I did not see much difference in the engine noise level after run-in. The engine felt a tad bit smoother than when it was new. Also, it made a difference to the FE. FE is fairly consistent even with different driving styles (light footed/revved hard).

I have the old 75HP punto. I don't know whether the same can be followed for the 90HP punto as well. Maybe, if you post the query in the official test drive section, some body who owns a 90HP or an expert, can give you a better suggestion.
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Old 30th June 2011, 12:00   #84
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Update : Completed 10,000 kms

I am happy to say that my car has completed 10,000 kms. I am having one small issue with the car now. I hear a screeching noise everytime I press the brake pedal. Could it be that the brake pads are starting to wear out? Is it normal in a car which has completed 10,000 kms?

Apart from this, I've had no other issues with the car. I am very happy with my purchase. Some points that I have observed so far:
  • Very stable at high speeds and makes you feel secure
  • ABS + EBD should be made mandatory in all cars (personal opinion)
  • Not so easy to drive in the city (compared to i10/santro)
  • Placing of pedals could have been better (I have scratched against the dead pedal many times)
  • Beautiful looks (still looks as beautiful as it did on the first day)
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Old 30th June 2011, 12:23   #85
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Re: Update : Completed 10,000 kms

Originally Posted by praz View Post
I am happy to say that my car has completed 10,000 kms. I am having one small issue with the car now. I hear a screeching noise everytime I press the brake pedal. Could it be that the brake pads are starting to wear out? Is it normal in a car which has completed 10,000 kms?

Apart from this, I've had no other issues with the car. I am very happy with my purchase. Some points that I have observed so far:
  • Very stable at high speeds and makes you feel secure
  • ABS + EBD should be made mandatory in all cars (personal opinion)
  • Not so easy to drive in the city (compared to i10/santro)
  • Placing of pedals could have been better (I have scratched against the dead pedal many times)
  • Beautiful looks (still looks as beautiful as it did on the first day)

Get the brake pads and the rear shoes clean up. This should also give u any indication of any uneven wear of the brake pads. Please check personally else, the TASS will more than happy to replace these with new ones.

The clean should solve this screeching noise. Do update if you get this done.
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Old 30th June 2011, 12:26   #86
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Re: Update : Completed 10,000 kms

Originally Posted by nkrishnap View Post

Get the brake pads and the rear shoes clean up. This should also give u any indication of any uneven wear of the brake pads. Please check personally else, the TASS will more than happy to replace these with new ones.

The clean should solve this screeching noise. Do update if you get this done.
Thanks for the quick reply. Will get this checked and let you know.
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Old 3rd October 2011, 10:10   #87
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Update : Second free service

Got the 15K Kms/2nd free service done at Concorde motors near dairy circle, Bangalore. I got it done this saturday and the total bill came to Rs.6,044. I will give the breakup later. The experience was the same that you can expect from a TATA-FIAT service center. The car did not have any issues to begin with and happy that they did not introduce anything new. The SA told me that the car got ready much early, but the cleaning took a lot of time. While delivery, when I asked him to show me the engine bay, I was shocked. It was as dirty as ever. So, in it went for a quick spray. I don't know what's wrong with the SAs. They are always in a hurry while delivering the car. But, we team-bhpians know better than to take the car without proper inspection. Good that I opted not to take the foam cleaning that the SA suggested .

I need your opinions about something. The SA told me that the brake pads are wearing out fast and they would last only another 1000-1500 kms . I was a bit shocked at this. I use my car to drive to office everyday(~20kms) and one weekend trip(per month) to Chennai.
1. Would it be possible for the brake pads to wear out so soon? (within 15k)
2. Should I trust the TASS guys? Or should I get a second opinion?

Also, I am planning to get the linea armrest installed in my punto soon. I will let you know the cost and post some pics once the job is done.
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Old 3rd October 2011, 11:10   #88
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Re: Update : Second free service

Originally Posted by praz View Post
Got the 15K Kms/2nd free service done at Concorde motors near dairy circle, Bangalore. I got it done this saturday and the total bill came to Rs.6,044. I will give the breakup later. The experience was the same that you can expect from a TATA-FIAT service center. The car did not have any issues to begin with and happy that they did not introduce anything new. The SA told me that the car got ready much early, but the cleaning took a lot of time. While delivery, when I asked him to show me the engine bay, I was shocked. It was as dirty as ever. So, in it went for a quick spray. I don't know what's wrong with the SAs. They are always in a hurry while delivering the car. But, we team-bhpians know better than to take the car without proper inspection. Good that I opted not to take the foam cleaning that the SA suggested .

I need your opinions about something. The SA told me that the brake pads are wearing out fast and they would last only another 1000-1500 kms . I was a bit shocked at this. I use my car to drive to office everyday(~20kms) and one weekend trip(per month) to Chennai.
1. Would it be possible for the brake pads to wear out so soon? (within 15k)
2. Should I trust the TASS guys? Or should I get a second opinion?

Also, I am planning to get the linea armrest installed in my punto soon. I will let you know the cost and post some pics once the job is done.
Washing has always been pathetic with dairy circle concorde. Its time they change that washing contract. The washing has been sub-contracted it seems.

The brake pads can wear at 15k kms. See this extract from the user manual.
For the brake pads (petrol car or diesel), 15k is the recommended interval for checking and replacing if necessary
My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD-untitled.jpg

Also check my 15k service report. The final bill was some 6600/- with the brake pad replacement.
Please give a breakup as to why your bill came upto 6000/- without that replacement.
Is the service cost difference between a petrol car(mine) and a diesel car so much? or the service costs have gone up?

Also check my thread for the armrest installation. It might help.
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Old 3rd October 2011, 11:11   #89
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Re: Update : Second free service

Originally Posted by praz View Post
Got the 15K Kms/2nd free service done at Concorde motors near dairy circle, Bangalore. I got it done this saturday and the total bill came to Rs.6,044. I will give the breakup later. The experience was the same that you can expect from a TATA-FIAT service center. The car did not have any issues to begin with and happy that they did not introduce anything new. The SA told me that the car got ready much early, but the cleaning took a lot of time. While delivery, when I asked him to show me the engine bay, I was shocked. It was as dirty as ever. So, in it went for a quick spray. I don't know what's wrong with the SAs. They are always in a hurry while delivering the car. But, we team-bhpians know better than to take the car without proper inspection. Good that I opted not to take the foam cleaning that the SA suggested .

I need your opinions about something. The SA told me that the brake pads are wearing out fast and they would last only another 1000-1500 kms . I was a bit shocked at this. I use my car to drive to office everyday(~20kms) and one weekend trip(per month) to Chennai.
1. Would it be possible for the brake pads to wear out so soon? (within 15k)
2. Should I trust the TASS guys? Or should I get a second opinion?

Also, I am planning to get the linea armrest installed in my punto soon. I will let you know the cost and post some pics once the job is done.
When I had done my car's 2nd service the SA told me that the break pads typically last around 28-30K km. You can check your booklet and see when FIAT recommends it. It also depends on the usage but 15K is too less I guess.
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Old 3rd October 2011, 14:00   #90
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Re: My White Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 MJD

Originally Posted by praz View Post
Got the 15K Kms/2nd free service done at Concorde motors near dairy circle, Bangalore. I got it done this saturday and the total bill came to Rs.6,044. I will give the breakup later. ...
1. Would it be possible for the brake pads to wear out so soon? (within 15k)
2. Should I trust the TASS guys? Or should I get a second opinion?

Also, I am planning to get the linea armrest installed in my punto soon. I will let you know the cost and post some pics once the job is done.
Here's a copy of the bill:

Attachment 820290

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
Washing has always been pathetic with dairy circle concorde. Its time they change that washing contract. The washing has been sub-contracted it seems.

The brake pads can wear at 15k kms. See this extract from the user manual.
For the brake pads (petrol car or diesel), 15k is the recommended interval for checking and replacing if necessary
Also check my 15k service report. The final bill was some 6600/- with the brake pad replacement.
Please give a breakup as to why your bill came upto 6000/- without that replacement.
Is the service cost difference between a petrol car(mine) and a diesel car so much? or the service costs have gone up?

Also check my thread for the armrest installation. It might help.
thanks for the info regarding change of brake pads. Looks like I might need to change them soon. As you can see from the copy of my bill, the costs for diesel vehicle is quite different from a petrol (fuel filter & oil filter). I guess that's something we have to pay extra for paying so less for the fuel(petrol > diesel). Also, thanks for sharing those links to your thread. Very useful info.

Originally Posted by neoonwheels View Post
When I had done my car's 2nd service the SA told me that the break pads typically last around 28-30K km. You can check your booklet and see when FIAT recommends it. It also depends on the usage but 15K is too less I guess.
I have to check with a mechanic or I will check it at another TASS. But anyhow, as hemath.anand has mentioned above, it looks like it is possible for the brake pads to wear out at 15k kms. itself.
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