now for the negatives, this car sure has many but then who hasn't. NOBODY IS PERFECT. Its to be noted here that this car would be the first car for most of the buyers so little niggling issues, little irritants would get unnoticed by them. But for those who already have owned a car before, some issues are always there to stay.
1. Although Tata has clearly mentioned in the owner's manual that the sound characteristics of this vehicle are different from other vehicles but this different it would be, i never thought so. When you crank the motor it sounds like a CNG run auto. Moreover in reverse gear, the RPM increase and so does the idling sound of the engine. So parking it in front of house in the night, the whole neighbourhood gets to know i have arrived.
I expect Tata to do someting about it in the next bach of NANOs.
2. The viberations inside the cabin are easily felt.The internal RVM vibrates lke anything and makes difficult to look behind. So does the parcel tray, it makes stupid squeaky sounds. Also the plastic cladings on the sides of the front seats are very rattly.
3. The most irritant part are the front seats. The seats themselves are pretty comfy but the sliding channel beneath them are very horendous. There is fair amount of play in them. On the move, when you apply the breaks the Seat goes forward a few mms.
4.Also the ergonomics of the car are pretty poor as well. The Power window swithches located in front of the gear are hard to reach with seat belts on. My wife with her modest height of 5'2 always struggles doing that.
5. The rubber beadings on the doors are of suspeptable quality. Although i have used the the air con very briefly, but as soon as you swictch it off, all cooling it has done disappears quicky. Also if you keep your palm the door opening handle (with windows up and the car moving), you can feel the air coming in.
6. This is serious. I once washed the car with a water hose. When i opened the doors i saw a fair amount of water droplets inside. Same was the case under the bonnet and i also small patch of rust. I am doubtful about the overall expected life of the vehicle.
7. I know this is a car everybody likes but not the car everybody respects. There are people whom egos get hurt when a nano overtakes them. Drivers of bluelines and tempos shout " isse hata le bhai..." . and believe me the things are gonna get worse. People have a prejudice that you are in nano because you can not afford anything else.
8. Mine is top end version but the Left OVRM is missing. I would have happily given another 5oo bucks for that. Moreover that is not availabe as accessory either. TATA are you listening??
9. The tyres are puny. Anything above 20kms/hr on turns and u turns makes a lot of noise. Also the breaks are not that great and takes some getting used to.
Now some of you must be thinking that these aren't big issues specially with the car that is made to cost. The answer is yes they are not such big issues individually but when on a drive ,and just to drive these issues collectively surely irritate. I am looking forward to its first out station drive to Dharamshala in April, will update its performance later.
And yes Inspite of all these
We Love Our VIKRAM (FOR THE RECORDS-" I named my NANO as Vikram because i sound like a Vikram auto".