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Old 19th March 2010, 11:22   #316
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Originally Posted by nairrk View Post
I too heard that free insurance offer was not there with corporate discount, but it doesnt means that you have to pay exhorbitant rate to your dealer for Insurance. Corporate discount is given by FORD, so you can take insurance on your own and no need to accept dealers pressure tactics. It is simple that they are offering some freebies which they want to recover hence quoting high rate for the insurance!
Your are spot on nairkk...
Corporate discount has nothing to do with the dealer concerned; its decided by Ford as an entity. And it would be advisable to take insurance from outside. I am in the middle of the process. Bajaj has cash less tieup with Ford and the quote from the dealer and what i got from outside has a difference of almost 4000/- for the same terms and conditions. Suggest you take it from outside and negotiate for the freebies too. You will save quite a bit.
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Old 19th March 2010, 16:43   #317
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Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
Mustang101 confirmed in the Figo thread that there is no issue with Sea Grey.
It is true that it is a slow moving color so the dealer will try and push the existing colors that are standing in his yard.
Bad news : Today, dealer asked me to give an 'alternate' choice, to Sea Grey. Sea Greys are not expected before April end

Mustand also responded to a PM. There is something brewing, though he is not aware of what that may be.
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Old 19th March 2010, 17:21   #318
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Originally Posted by nairanupg View Post
Your are spot on nairkk...
Suggest you take it from outside and negotiate for the freebies too. You will save quite a bit.
Yes, I will do the same.

Originally Posted by Abhi_s80 View Post
Bad news : Today, dealer asked me to give an 'alternate' choice, to Sea Grey. Sea Greys are not expected before April end

Mustand also responded to a PM. There is something brewing, though he is not aware of what that may be.
Abhi, It is the same reason I was quoting! Ford has several orders to fulfill, hence your dealer was quoting you End of April date. I had further discussion with Ford Sales head today, as per current status, Sea Grey production itself scheduled from April 11th (comes out of assembly line)! There could be revision of plans (due to pressure, like me), but he is non-committal about this. There is a remote possibility that paint supplier if able to deliver Paints by next week (as per current understanding), the above dates can be forwarded. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Please note that, there would be a price rise from April 1st. So if you are tight on budget, I suggest chose different color.
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Old 21st March 2010, 12:54   #319
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Need help !!!!

I just now bumped the right back of car to a coconut tree. There are a large thud. I came out and found out the following damages:
1. Right tail lamp cracked
2. The rear bumper got hugely misaligned (bumped inside) on the right side.

Apart from that, there are at least no visible damages.

Let the pictures do the talking.

Here are my questions now:
1. Do I have to change both the damaged parts? If yes, how much would be the approximate cost?
2. If I do not have to change, will the repair as good as new?
3. Can I claim insurance for the same, since I bumped myself?
4. Do I have anything to consider before claiming the insurance?

I will be posting more if I have any further questions.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 21st March 2010, 18:14   #320
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Originally Posted by mayukh View Post
I just now bumped the right back of car to a coconut tree. There are a large thud. I came out and found out the following damages:
1. Right tail lamp cracked
2. The rear bumper got hugely misaligned (bumped inside) on the right side.

Apart from that, there are at least no visible damages.

Let the pictures do the talking.

Here are my questions now:
1. Do I have to change both the damaged parts? If yes, how much would be the approximate cost?
2. If I do not have to change, will the repair as good as new?
3. Can I claim insurance for the same, since I bumped myself?
4. Do I have anything to consider before claiming the insurance?

I will be posting more if I have any further questions.

Thanks in advance.
I called the service center. Being a holiday today, they told me to bring the car tomorrow morning.

I just inspected my my car in more details. Found out the following:

1. The right hand tail lamp is working properly. Only its external surface cracked. Can they replay only the exterior plastic?
2. I cleaned up the wooden stains and they went off quickly. The paint beneath those stains went off.
3. Due to the impact, the boot assembly shifted a little towards left. It is also visible from the fact that the gaps on the right & left side between the movable boot & the stationary sides have become different. I also have to bang the boot a little more to close it.

Will be waiting for your valued response to get my car back in perfectly new condition.

P.S. I banged it while reversing.
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Old 21st March 2010, 18:31   #321
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mayukh, the rear light assembly is a single integrated unit. The whole thing will have to be replaced. It works for now but will not work during the rains. I don't know much it costs. My guess is 5K. The bumper has to be removed and beaten back into shape and aligned with the boot. My guess is it would cost 3K in labor and maybe some painting. Insurance will pay about 50% for the light and 100% for the labor.
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Old 21st March 2010, 18:44   #322
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Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
mayukh, the rear light assembly is a single integrated unit. The whole thing will have to be replaced. It works for now but will not work during the rains. I don't know much it costs. My guess is 5K. The bumper has to be removed and beaten back into shape and aligned with the boot. My guess is it would cost 3K in labor and maybe some painting. Insurance will pay about 50% for the light and 100% for the labor.
Thanks for the info, Gilead. It means that I will get approx. 5.5 K from insurance. Does this amount justify an insurance claim?
Also, if I wish to get the entire bumper changed, will the insurance pay for it too? And what % of the total cost?

I am asking all this because I am quite ignorant about the same.

Last edited by mayukh : 21st March 2010 at 18:46.
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Old 21st March 2010, 19:23   #323
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Mayukh, this is heart breaking. Don't you have parking sensors installed?

Good news is that post repair, it should look as new..should not be a problem.

Anyway, you need denting/tinkering work and painting..first you should get a estimate from the dealer, preferably from 2 of them and post it here. While spare parts cost will be more or less the same across dealers, labor/painting/denting related cost will differ.

Lamp assembly should be replaced as pointed out by Gilead, but the rest can be a denting/ tinkering/painting job. Anything above 6-7K from your own pocket, you should go for insurance.

Regarding replacement of bumper, it will depend on the dealer - if they say it needs to be replaced, mostly insurance guys should agree to it.

With whom you have insurance?
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Old 21st March 2010, 19:39   #324
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Originally Posted by sanjayc View Post
Mayukh, this is heart breaking. Don't you have parking sensors installed?

Good news is that post repair, it should look as new..should not be a problem.

Anyway, you need denting/tinkering work and painting..first you should get a estimate from the dealer, preferably from 2 of them and post it here. While spare parts cost will be more or less the same across dealers, labor/painting/denting related cost will differ.

Lamp assembly should be replaced as pointed out by Gilead, but the rest can be a denting/ tinkering/painting job. Anything above 6-7K from your own pocket, you should go for insurance.

Regarding replacement of bumper, it will depend on the dealer - if they say it needs to be replaced, mostly insurance guys should agree to it.

With whom you have insurance?
Thanks Sanjay da for more insights.

I don't have a parking sensor. Actually I reverse in this parking place everyday. I remain extra cautious wherever & whenever I reverse as I am new in driving. I banged it just accidentally today. May be I was not in proper state of mind. And I do have regrets for that.

I am feeling good now to hear that they they can make the bumper repaired just like original. If that is the case, I may not insist for the bumper change.

I also assume that they they can fix the bonnet misalignment perfectly.

I do have insurance from IFFCO-TOKIO. I have heard they have a cashless facility with FORD. I have already fixed an appointment with Victoria Ford (I bought from them) for tomorrow morning. I am not very much comfortable with the Ganges Ford (impression just based on their casual attitude during my buying process). Do you still insist to take a quote from them?

Again, thanks for the help. Do let me know if anything extra I have to take care off.

Last edited by mayukh : 21st March 2010 at 19:41.
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Old 21st March 2010, 19:58   #325
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Victoria Ford should be able to give you the official spare parts price list from Ford.

Don't judge service by sales experience. First take the quote from Victoria..if it sounds reasonable, then settle with them otherwise take a second opinion. For example, for my Ikon, to do a full body paint & some tinkering work in a couple of place, the difference in estimates by 2 dealers here was almost 12K or so.

Post the estimate here..since Gilead/Shaju has gone thru similar experience a couple of weeks back, you can compare their estimates, in their individual threads.

While prima facie it looks only lamp & bumper damage, question them regarding the why's & how's for each part they are trying to replace/repair.

Take a printout of this price comparison list with you: it provides the bumper/lamp cost.

And, install the parking sensor asap, more so becos you are new to driving ..should cost around 2.5-3.0K.

All Fiestians, this is the third damage reported in last few days...2 of them totally be on the watchout.
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Old 21st March 2010, 20:21   #326
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I think the bumper can be repaired as it is fiber just a light shove from back will push it back into place,but the problem will rise if the clips holding the bumper are broken.I think the service center guys will tell you to replace the whole bumper,get it checked with a local garage also see what is their opinion.The tail lights you will have to replace.
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Old 21st March 2010, 20:27   #327
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Originally Posted by sanjayc View Post
Victoria Ford should be able to give you the official spare parts price list from Ford.

Don't judge service by sales experience. First take the quote from Victoria..if it sounds reasonable, then settle with them otherwise take a second opinion. For example, for my Ikon, to do a full body paint & some tinkering work in a couple of place, the difference in estimates by 2 dealers here was almost 12K or so.

Post the estimate here..since Gilead/Shaju has gone thru similar experience a couple of weeks back, you can compare their estimates, in their individual threads.

While prima facie it looks only lamp & bumper damage, question them regarding the why's & how's for each part they are trying to replace/repair.

Take a printout of this price comparison list with you: it provides the bumper/lamp cost.

And, install the parking sensor asap, more so becos you are new to driving ..should cost around 2.5-3.0K.

All Fiestians, this is the third damage reported in last few days...2 of them totally be on the watchout.
Yes, I have to now think of installing the parking sensor. I will try to question them on everything. Will let you all know the results before giving it for repair.

I will get the official Fiesta spare price list from Victoria Ford. And thanks for the spare parts list. I looked into the price comparison PDF and found out that the costs are:
Rear Bumper - 3455
Tail Light Assy (each) - 1528

May be the list is 1 year old, but seeing this, I am again into confusion. Are they new spare costs or repair costs? I was expecting prices as Gilead said - 5K for tail light assembly & 10-12 K for a new rear bumper.
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Last edited by mayukh : 21st March 2010 at 20:29.
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Old 21st March 2010, 20:30   #328
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Sorry to read about your accident.
I don't think you can claim insurance for this kind of damage but the workshop may find a way to help you out.
I have had good experiences with the Ganges Ford workshop so far. No harm in taking an estimate from them as well.
Good luck.
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Old 21st March 2010, 20:41   #329
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Originally Posted by nura View Post
Sorry to read about your accident.
I don't think you can claim insurance for this kind of damage but the workshop may find a way to help you out.
I have had good experiences with the Ganges Ford workshop so far. No harm in taking an estimate from them as well.
Good luck.
Insurance can definitely be claimed for this kind of an accident.

mayukh, you may lose about 4K in NCB if you do claim insurance. Take a decision only after they give you the estimate.
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Old 21st March 2010, 20:43   #330
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Originally Posted by nura View Post
Sorry to read about your accident.
I don't think you can claim insurance for this kind of damage but the workshop may find a way to help you out.
I have had good experiences with the Ganges Ford workshop so far. No harm in taking an estimate from them as well.
Good luck.
Thanks for your insight, nura. Can't I claim insurance just because I banged it myself? I could not find such points in the policy document though.

After hearing you, I will surely take estimate from Ganges Ford too.
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