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Old 22nd October 2009, 11:56   #106
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Completed 2000 kms and I continue to be amazed with the Spark's high speed poise and handling. I finally did my ICE at Bass&Trouble's shop at Vile Parle and have opened a dedicated thread about it here

The following problems have crept in within 2 months of ownership which is a bit disappointing.

1) The brakes squeal a bit on application. The car was was taken to nikhil auto and they did a clean up of the discs and the pads. But the problem still persists.

2) The AC blower is working only on fan sped 4. There is no air flow at all at speeds 1,2 and 3. Have taken an appointment with Pashankar at Satara road for Saturday. the funny thing is that at 1,2 and 3 the AC compressor light is still on even though there is no air flow through the blowers.
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Old 22nd October 2009, 20:13   #107
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Well my first spark service is due in a few days too. run just over 200 km in the first month. However I notice the engine revs up when u drive like an aero engine, which I found disconcerting. I pointed it to the Satara rd guys but they said it is nothing. By the way, I had complained to GM that the dealer insisted on putting his sticker on the painted part of the car and it could be removed at home only with difficulty and would they instruct the dealers not to put stickers. I got a mail from GM and confirmations from both Pune dealers that they would not put their stickers. Let me know your experience. I feel dealers should not be using our cars to advertise their dealerships.
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Old 22nd October 2009, 21:57   #108
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I am also facing some problem with my spark.

please assist.
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Old 23rd October 2009, 22:12   #109
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You have not mentioned the problem. If u have a dealer problem send an e mail to customer service GM at their e mail address (chk their Indian web site) and ask them to sort it out with the dealer. You may have to be persistent. My fourth e mail yielded dividends. I am now giving the vehicle for first service on Monday. I too got a three digit number end September in the normal course....

How was the pick up with AC on during your trip to Nagpur? Also since first service is at 1000 km how did you get it after 2400 km?
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Old 26th October 2009, 11:00   #110
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Took my car to Pashankar at Satara road on Sunday and they have diagnosed the AC blower problem to a faulty blower speed resistor. They did not have the said part in stock and have asked me to come back sometime this week as soon as the part is available. According to the senior service advisor this is a pretty common problem with the Spark.

The brake squealing is finally over with some lubrication near the brake calipers and they also tightened the the pipe that creates the vacuum in the booster that was not connected properly. Looks like the braking woes are finally over, but is too soon to be absolutely sure.
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Old 26th October 2009, 14:23   #111
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Got the first service done for the Spark at Pashankar satara road. The easy going attitude is in contrast to Planet Ford. it was a ritual washing of the car and I got it in two hrs. I bought a rear parcel tray (the price was quoted as 1400 last month and now they were quoting 2800! When I pointed this out, they gave it to me for 1400 as a one time case.) and had to get the hooks to hang it from the service centre - it did not come with the tray. GM has to get over its cheap attitude to selling cars with dealers selling the accessories removed from the cars at a premium (It reminds me of Maruti selling cars without the left side rear mirror, which is an essential safety feature of the car.). I now plan to get the Central locking fitted as it is not standard fitting for any spark. The GM Autocop one (basic) was quoted at 4800 as it had all the couplers in place...anybody has fited one?
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Old 26th October 2009, 14:43   #112
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Why do you want GM original accessories at more than double the cost available from most car accessory shops? I am looking for a rear parcel shelf myself but no way am I going to plonk 1400 bucks to get one from any dealership. I asked at Gurukripa in Navi mumbai 2 weeks back and was told 400 but did not buy as they usually come with speaker cut outs. I am going this week end to mumbai to get a rear plank without the speaker cut outs. Even the car alarm is over priced and I got mine for 2200 all inclusive. Eve the original GM alran is the same brand. Dont buy into the crap the dealerships give you about car warranty being void if bought from else where. There a lots of competent installers who will install better than the dealership. I saw one car alarm installed by the dealer at Pashankar and they have drilled holes and moved a bit of the sound deadning material for the install which looks pretty bad. Mine is much better installed and looks OEM.
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Old 26th October 2009, 22:03   #113
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I got the original fibre tray as u only get wooden ones outside. The original ones have no holes, altho the dealer accessory guys sell them, they r not from GM. There is place for speakers (4 inch) at the sides outside the tray, which to me seem adequate. the trend is to seel 6 inch speakers for the rear and four inch for the front..but I dont want big speakers behind. I am just running a check on the systems for central locking..if you check autocop on the net you will find a site linked to GM, so they do make them for GM cars. I saw the couplers they allow easy joiningg and wiring with the car end and avoid cutting and joining wires. The ones sold without couplers are the 'universal' kind that go with any car. Warranty was not discussed, but I will check next time I go there. Still will look up other shops for central locking. Pune is more expensive than Mumbai and dealer shops most expensive! I got my seat covers from elsewhere...
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Old 27th October 2009, 10:51   #114
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Originally Posted by frequentflyer View Post
I got the original fibre tray as u only get wooden ones outside. The original ones have no holes, altho the dealer accessory guys sell them, they r not from GM. There is place for speakers (4 inch) at the sides outside the tray, which to me seem adequate. the trend is to seel 6 inch speakers for the rear and four inch for the front..but I dont want big speakers behind. I am just running a check on the systems for central locking..if you check autocop on the net you will find a site linked to GM, so they do make them for GM cars. I saw the couplers they allow easy joiningg and wiring with the car end and avoid cutting and joining wires. The ones sold without couplers are the 'universal' kind that go with any car. Warranty was not discussed, but I will check next time I go there. Still will look up other shops for central locking. Pune is more expensive than Mumbai and dealer shops most expensive! I got my seat covers from elsewhere...
When you find that the 4" speakers placed at stock location are inadequate, then the MDF shelf will be better than the fibre one provided by GM. Like I said if purchased from outside the rear wooden shelves usually come pre cut for speaker housing but you can easily get them without the speaker cuts. IMHO 1400 vs 400 is an absolute no brainer atleast for me. If installed from competent installers outside they use couplers do no cutting to void warranty.

Last edited by SPARKled : 27th October 2009 at 10:55.
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Old 28th October 2009, 03:19   #115
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The rear tray comes standard for the LT. In my case I had supplied the ICE components to the dealer for fitment, which also included a MDF tray for the ovals. When I took delivery on Oct 15th, I forgot the stock tray that was supposed to come with the car. The pamplet that my dealer gave me before I booked the car had pricelist for the accessories as well. The parcel tray was quoted 3400.

Yesterday I remembered about the missing tray and called the dealer. He said I can drop in and collect it. I said since I have a MDF tray, I'll exchange it for art leather seat covers worth 3800 paying the 400 difference. And guess what, he agreed!

@frequentflyer - LT comes with central locking (Not remote). I convinced my dealer to give me a autocop remote locking system worth 3800 for free
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Old 28th October 2009, 10:12   #116
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Well every dealer seems to have his own offers! I was keen to have the original tray and was sure I will not be fitting 6 inch speakers behind and I did not want the wooden tray. The original tray has the cord that lifts it up when I open the boot. I doubt whether the wooden one will have it.
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Old 30th October 2009, 13:22   #117
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Pashankar changed the faulty blower resistor and also the blower saying that the blower was clogged which caused the resistor to fail. Dont know how this is possible but atleast the AC is working fine now at all speeds. The brakes are holding up nicely as well with no more squealing sounds. Overall pretty happy with Pashankar service, but since the Satara road service centre is not their main service centre, they do not always have all the spare parts in stock.
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Old 11th November 2009, 15:09   #118
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After owning the Spark for about 3 months now, I find that the front seats are really poor. They are lacking lumbar support and so long drives do get tiring. Any one has the same opinion? Any ideas to alleviate this problem will be appreciated.
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Old 11th November 2009, 19:24   #119
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Actually after owning the Spark for six weeks I feel GM have done somethng wrong to the Matiz. I drive my old Matiz too and although it has a 800 cc engine and has done over 100000 km, it still seems to have better power. I drove hundreds of km in the Matiz earlier too and found it fairly comfy. Spark I will not be taking outside the city, but as far as seating is concerned, very few cars have the correct lumber support needed and even when I go out with the Ford Fusion, I need to get out and stretch every few hundred km.....that seems the way to avoid back strain....
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Old 12th November 2009, 21:18   #120
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Originally Posted by SPARKled View Post
After owning the Spark for about 3 months now, I find that the front seats are really poor. They are lacking lumbar support and so long drives do get tiring. Any one has the same opinion? Any ideas to alleviate this problem will be appreciated.
My sister had a severe backache after being in the driver's seat for an hour or so. I havent faced any such issues so far.
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