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Old 23rd August 2009, 00:01   #1
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My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)

I am attaching only one photo taken on my camera phone(not a good quality photo in my E71) but i will upload more photos when i get photos in my digital camera.

My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-22082009092.jpg

Yes, i got my i10 AT white sportz delivered on August 21 with registration the same day of my booking, wanted to get for my wedding anniversary on 22nd August.

Why i choose i10 AT: I drive Esteem daily to my office and no doubt it is a lovely car to drive and with performance KN Filters but our city conjusted roads and traffic conditions pushed me to buy a small car with AT gears, I booked I10-AT primarily due to driving in City conditions and reducing the daily driving stress. As everyone knows about Bangalore traffic condition i drive two way 30KM to my office everday and it nearly takes 45mins to 1 hour to reach office and return home everyday, sometime due to heavy traffic jam or during bumber to bumper traffic i felt little stress due to pain in my left leg joints may be due to continuous clutch operation, i drive 90% in city and only 10% highway(once in three/four months on highway) and thinking of the driving comfort the Automatic gear car provides i decided to go for Automatic. Now the search started to find out which car is convenient and comes with reasonable budget, since it is primarily going to be the City car i am not willing to spend big money so listed down the the options we have in hand, the options are i10-AT, i20-AT,WagonR-AT.
I was not interested in AT Sedanslike Verna AT, City AT as i already meantioned i am looking only the city car and occasional highway driving and also due to high costs of AT Sedans.

Now WagonR AT is ruled out and iam sure everyone knows the reason. finally it is between i10 and i20, i20 is a different segment and although i would love to buy one but the cost difference between i10 AT and i20 AT is more than 3.5 lacs and moreover i am not convinced with i20-AT due to the high cost and by putting additional 1.3 lacs above the price of i20-AT we can move to Verna-AT.
I20 costs 8.6 Lacs (onroad-Bangalore) and verna-AT costs 9.90 Lacs(onroad Bangalore)

So finally i decided to go only for i10-AT Sportz(i know now how tough is making decision on make and model of car to purchase)

What Colour ? Now comes the color of the car sincei like White color so i decided on it without spending much time on chossing colours.

Delivery: I enquired with Advaith Hyundai about the car on 20th August and the corporate sales executive mentioned they have one White AT ,RED AT and silver AT available ready in stock, i paid the DD for 5.21 Lacs on 21st morning and on the same day evening i got the delivery of my white i10 AT Sportz along with 3 other customers taking I10-AT delivery, i asked for fitting ready seat covers, body graphics, roof rail, steering cover,carpet mat, Door scuff kit and this complete kit costs me 9K after negotiation and by default it comes with integrated Audio/MP3.

Shoes/Alloys: i10 comes with Bridgestone tyres and with OEM rims, i am interested going for Michelin so i went in for Michelin Energy and with Evo alloys wheels which cost me total 29K after buyback of 2k for each of my stock tyres and also filled in nitrogen free of cost.

Tyre/alloy Performance : I have nothing to talk about the difference in performance between the old stock tyre with stock rim and Michelin with alloys since i have not driven the car with stock tyre for more than 40kms before i changed to new tyres and alloys so sorry no comment on performance of Michelin and alloy combination, i would be happy to know from other bhpians about their experience with Michelin Energy tires.

Driving Pleasure: oops..What a change in driving comfort comparing manual and AT gears within city..! no doubt my Esteem always feel planted on road comparing i10 but i felt the immediate relief for my left leg due to AT, the smoothness of engine is also good and the ingress and eagress is much better than my Esteem, everyone in my family including my parents felt easy getting-in and out of i10 than my Esteem.
Within a day i drove about 60kms within city and never felt any stress driving in city traffic, I am using only "D" now though i used "R" for reversing sometimes, the only week point is the horn which i will be changing to roots or some other good model.

Other important point is that the steering is so light to operate in city however not sure about steering wheel feel during highway driving, i am going to Chennai tomorrow with my new i10 and i will write down my highway experience when i am back from the trip. overall it is joy driving AT in city but i need to wait until i complete my highway trip and i know i need to limit my speed upto 80kmph till the car completes the first service which is at 1200-1500 kms and yes the something about Fuel Efficieny which i am not providing this data till i complete first service, just not willing to misguide probable buyers..

Thanks for reading my long post and wait until i post my highway experience in i10 AT.


Last edited by GTO : 4th September 2009 at 19:38. Reason: Taken care of
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Old 23rd August 2009, 00:05   #2
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Fabulous colour and nice choice of alloys !!

Here is wishing you lots of miles of comfortable and safe drive
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Old 23rd August 2009, 00:07   #3
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Mods I think there are 2 identical threads on the forum. Please merge both or delete one.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 08:59   #4
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Now that is one hot looking i10. Surely deserves a proper photoshoot !! Please update us on the FE or hop onto the i10 FE thread.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 09:02   #5
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nice purchase muke. congrats. i wish you had avoided the stickers, would have looked a lot classier.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 10:17   #6
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Congrats dude.

That's a very good looking i10 with alloys and other add-ons. Please post proper photos once you come back.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 14:14   #7
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Congrats buddy on purchase!

She is indeed looking very good in that color and alloys. Safe Driving.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 15:17   #8
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Congrats mate. She looks beautiful with those alloys and new shoes.

i10 is a very beautiful car, I am sure that you will enjoy i10 for many years to come.

Pretty cools graphics and roof rail. Please post some more pics.
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Old 24th August 2009, 11:58   #9
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Hey! The car is looking great with those wheels. Congrats.!
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Old 26th August 2009, 13:34   #10
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uploading Photos and my Highway experience.

My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020629.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020632.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020633.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020643.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020644.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020646.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020647.jpg
My Cute little white Eye ten AT (Hyundai i10 AT Sportz)-p1020642.jpg

I got this delivered on 21st August and have driven to Chennai on 24th from Bangalore.
So far the ODO is 944 KM(driven lot within Chennai).

It is pretty simple and easy driving within city but what about highway driving and how I10 AT performs in highway?
I did not crossed the speed limit of 80 which is becuase of run in period or till first service. It attains 80KMPH speed in quick time and it is engine is not underpowered, the NVH is good but only after upgrading my tyres to Michelin Energy.
Road holding is good and car felt planted on road, i only felt the power of manual gear while overtaking or passing the trucks using AT gears. We should be cautious while using AT while overtaking.
The AT puts the gear to overdrive once the speed reaches 50 or 60 so it reduced the pickup, during overtaking pressing OD button which switches Off the Overdrive puts back the gear to 3rd level(I10 is 4 speed AT) and then i could see the sudden rush of power which is now easy overtaking, after the overtaking is done we can enable to OD again.

AC was effective in Chennai and no issues in cooling power.

Braking is adequate while doing 80kmph(not tested beyond 80kmph speed)

I never felt tired even after continous 350km of driving, may be due to no clutch operation and never used any gears other than "D" and "R", drive "D" picked up well even in inclines.

overall i am happy with my i10 AT for my daily use and occasional highway drive and i would recommend it to all who wants to get stress free self driving comfort.

will give the Fuel efficiency after my first service.


Last edited by muke31 : 26th August 2009 at 13:37.
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Old 28th August 2009, 02:42   #11
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Hi Muke

good pictures

i have just booked i10 sportz automatic. but not able to decide in between red & black..

what about the mileage of this cute little car?
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Old 28th August 2009, 03:10   #12
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Deepan, what is the OTR price in Chennai?
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Old 28th August 2009, 08:52   #13
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I am yet to check the Fuel Efficiency, i am willing to check this only after first service, search for other discussion going on for i10 AT fuel efficiency

For colour, my preference is Red, i feel Black tends to absorb heat and considering Chennai climate it is no no in my opinion, i heard somewhere that the heat inside(interiors) the black coloured car is always high comparing cars with other colours and thus overworking AC.

Happy driving and reclaim the lost love in city driving with your AT.

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Old 28th August 2009, 09:23   #14
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Loved the alloys, not a fan of the graphics though.
cheers! enjoy the car.
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Old 28th August 2009, 10:48   #15
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Originally Posted by muke31;1445394
Shoes/Alloys:[/b] i10 comes with Bridgestone tyres and with OEM rims, i am interested going for Michelin so i went in for Michelin Energy and with Evo alloys wheels which cost me total 29K after buyback of 2k for each of my stock tyres and also filled in nitrogen free of cost.
Alloys look hot ! Did you get a set of 5?
Also, could you please let know the breakup of cost (Michelins, alloys and buyback value for oem rims + bridgestones)?
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