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Old 30th November 2024, 12:55   #16
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Great review! A great refresher to official review or we can also say a long term review. This was the car which I almost bought before last moment shift to X3 M40i due to good deal and Bhpians advise. C300 is in a different state of tune, quite different from previous generation and certainly way better than X3 20d/30i, I had very long test drive, twice and fell for it.
I had a concern regarding high service cost and I do see your service bill at Rs 36,000 but large part of it - Rs 9480 as some PG-INT Perform. Please share more detail as to what it covers and was it mandatory or optional.
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Old 30th November 2024, 15:31   #17
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I do hope to keep this review updated just the same way as the 3GT review was kept updated.

Originally Posted by CEF_Beasts View Post
Simple reason being a tourer should be comfortable and my X3 has a below average rear bench, which is now being felt by the family. They refuse to do very long drives in it now, that duty is now being performed by the HyCross in the garage.
I don’t think any of these cars can compete with a Hycross for sheer 2nd row comfort. Your rear passengers’ grouse is perfectly understandable. The GLC may be a tad more comfortable than the X3 on this front but the difference I’m sure won’t be night and day.

Originally Posted by CEF_Beasts View Post
My dad has started taking the X3 to office alternating with the Innova and the city fuel economy has come down to 7-8kmpl, which is quite similar to what you’re experiencing in the city. On the highways with XP95 diet the onboard computer does go upto 14-15kmpl.
Yeah this sounds par for course for this segment. Although I don’t think I’ve experienced 14 - 15 kmpl even on the highway. Maybe I need to switch to much lighter sneakers during my highway runs.

Originally Posted by CEF_Beasts View Post
What I’ve completed in 2.5 years, you’ve done that in 1 year (10000 kms). The RFTs in BMWs definitely sour the overall experience, where Mercedes always scores.
Well my Bombay - B’lore - Goa - Bombay mega drive contributed in no small part to that overall figure - little under 25% of the total number. But yes, it has seen decent miles and I’m happy for that. This is despite the 3GT doing some of my highway driving too on occasion and the 3GT being used quite generously for weekday duties.

OT to GLC but I finally moved my 3GT to normal tubeless after constant pushing from Mod Akshay as well (recorded here). I feel its made the ride quality MUCH more comfortable and I’m really wondering why I didn’t take this decision earlier. I would suggest you do research and consider whether a similar switch is worth considering for you.

Originally Posted by 100Kmphormore View Post
Did you not consider the GLE? Would have been a weekend car of sorts as well, since its available in the 6 cylinder 450 AMG trim
The GLE petrol is a hint costlier than even the X5 M Sports and does not have a lower trim like the X5 X line either to make the purchase price point more accessible. I think at the time it was around 1.20+ cr even on a BH plate (the X5 was about 1.15cr on BH IIRC). With extended warranty pricing included the GLC was at 79L. The two nos were just different zip codes and with a ~30-32L (with full accessories) GS 1300 purchase also imminent within 6 - 8 months horizon at that time, I just did not feel inclined to spend close to busting 1.2 -1.25 cr on just the car.

In simple math: GLC + 1300 GS = GLE / X5!

Originally Posted by Hayek View Post
Congrats Axe. Had been wondering how come you replaced the Jeep so soon - glad to note that it was just the desire for a more “heart pleasing” car.
Indeed. This was 100% a YOLO / want decision than anything else. I could have easily just carried on with the garage ‘as is’ or even switched the 3GT to a petrol car as I was originally contemplating. This is just how the petrol switch finally materialised - could well have been a 3GT swap as well. I do recall your posts on diesel vs petrol at the time I purchased the Jeep too (may have been on some generic “what car” thread not necessarily to me) and they were certainly ringing true in my head from time to time.

Originally Posted by Hayek View Post
Does seem like a great car - but it reminds you of how much prices have risen. I had evaluated the GLC300 in late 2016 - it was brand new then (the previous generation) and cost ₹54 l ex showroom. Am surprised it does not have the new Mercedes Benz virtual cockpit. I agree that iDrive is a far superior interface than touchscreens, and do hope BMW stick with it for the foreseeable future.
Price increase - oh absolutely. It reminds you that luxury goods inflation rate is clearly nowhere like your grains and commodities rates that our WPI inflation metrics take off on, as the retirement planning thread reminds us from time to time.

I feel all these folks are headed towards more and more touch screens - not something I’m looking forward to TBH. I still feel much happier using my 3GT knobs for controls instead of constantly ‘looking at’ my central MID while operating things like the AC blower etc.

Originally Posted by dawnthegreat View Post
That SoBo skyline shot is spectacular, can you share the exact location? Would love to recreate with my car
Here you go buddy. Its this google map linked spot on Walkeshwar Road, which connects Chowpatty / Babulnath to Teenbatti in Malabar Hill area. I’m pretty sure the sundown skyline should be even more stunning. I happened to be here around sunrise and drove around a bit to wind up some final pics for this review.

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
This generation of the GLC is wonderful. Looks great, is fun to drive (unlike the boring previous-gen) and has impressive interiors (unlike the bland previous-gen). I still think you sold your Meridian too early, but hey, when the heart wants just wants it
Thank you Rush. Yeah, this was a heart decision indeed TBH. I’m not regretting it though I’m well aware that something like an X5 would have been a more apt jump.

Originally Posted by RJ2285 View Post
Looking forward to our next road trip together.
All four of us love road trips and travel and both you are I are certified car nuts. It’s incredible that we haven’t done road trips together before this TBH. But never too late to fix things. Let’s definitely plan another one together in 2025.

Originally Posted by Wanderers View Post
Great review! A great refresher to official review or we can also say a long term review. This was the car which I almost bought before last moment shift to X3 M40i due to good deal and Bhpians advise.
The X3 M40i is an absolute beast and you definitely can’t go wrong with that one. There will be no comparison in the driving pleasure between the GLC and X3 M40i - your X3 is a keeper for the long haul for sure.

The TBHP reviews, specially in their slightly compressed formats are spectacular for being a ready reckoner factoid on most key aspects. Believe me I had it open while penning a lot of the data heavy kind of stuff for ready reference. I still access it occasionally when I want to check something.

These member owner reviews though of course complement the official reviews beautifully because we get extended periods of actual ownership inputs. What’s gone wrong, how niggles were dealt with etc. Heck, I even enjoy some of the GLC reviews here just because I love how well they frame and photograph their cars. SKnair’s pics from his ownership thread here most readily comes to mind in particular. He's got some fab clicks from a DSLR of his black GLC.

Originally Posted by Wanderers View Post
I had a concern regarding high service cost and I do see your service bill at Rs 36,000 but large part of it - Rs 9480 as some PG-INT Perform. Please share more detail as to what it covers and was it mandatory or optional.
I had to ask this question. It is apparently some sort of softwares updates etc (those that can’t get done OTA apparently) that they run on a consolidated basis. I’m pretty sure its mandatory but I will double check this if possible and update this post itself once I know.

Frankly for a day job I found the labour also quite rich and in my mind, 25k (max 30k maybe) should have been a palatable amount. This is definitely a bit more than that.

Last edited by Axe77 : 2nd December 2024 at 11:27.
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Old 30th November 2024, 18:28   #18
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

That's quite an exhaustive review Axe. Made for such a wonderful read. Mercedes has really upped the game with the new GLC and its overall a much better package than the predecessor. The interiors are much nicer too. No wonder it is their best seller in the SUV portfolio.

Glad you got the 300 spec. I feel it is just more fun to drive than the diesel. The colour too looks absolutely smashing. Loved seeing it in the flesh when we met at Nashik.

Wish you many happy miles and trips. We should drive together someday since we are virtually neighbours
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Old 30th November 2024, 19:54   #19
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by Axe77 View Post
Active Brake Assist.
Press brakes. Car stops. As per expectation. If it were any different, this review would have opened with it.
This works well in extreme conditions, such as when you’re driving very fast and need to apply hard brakes. You’ll notice the vehicle’s assistance during these situations. It might be intimidating if you’re not familiar with it. The system effectively tries to stop the car in the shortest possible distance and time.

Brake assist (BA or BAS) or emergency brake assist (EBA) is a term for an automobile braking technology that increases braking pressure in an emergency. The first application was developed jointly by Daimler-Benz and TRW/LucasVarity. Research conducted in 1992 at the Mercedes-Benz driving simulator in Berlin revealed that more than 90% of drivers fail to brake with enough force when faced with an emergency.

Additionally, vehicles equipped with ADAS will automatically brake if there’s a danger. I’m not sure how the GLC is equipped in India.

Last edited by Turbanator : 30th November 2024 at 20:01.
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Old 30th November 2024, 21:11   #20
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by Turbanator View Post
This works well in extreme conditions ….
I was writing that entire section partly in a lighter vein but thanks for that super detailed explanation. Will read more on this for sure to understand the tech better.

Additionally, vehicles equipped with ADAS will automatically brake if there’s a danger. I’m not sure how the GLC is equipped in India.
That is indeed available in this generation of the GLC. In fact initially it was set to “always on” and personally I was not happy with it in city driving conditions (it can be too abrupt even after tinkering with the reaction setting to late). It would be a bit of a process to switch it off every time you (re)/started the car.

Thankfully, with a software update, Mercedes had changed this to remember its last setting.
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Old 1st December 2024, 01:31   #21
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Hey Axe77,

You do have another cigerette lighter below the Glove compartment. It’s especially useful one for using the Air Pump or for other charging usage.

You don’t need a different longer one for sure. Unless there if a new change in the configuration. But I am pretty sure you will find it.

Its part of the ownership process to keep finding things in a Mercedes-Benz. I too didn’t know it initially.
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Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-cig-lit.jpg  

Last edited by Axe77 : 1st December 2024 at 12:05. Reason: Minor typo.
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Old 1st December 2024, 12:13   #22
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by PSOPS View Post
Hey Axe77,

You do have another cigerette lighter below the Glove compartment. It’s especially useful one for using the Air Pump or for other charging usage.
Its part of the ownership process to keep finding things in a Mercedes-Benz. I too didn’t know it initially.
Thanks buddy. This is fantastic. I do indeed have a port there thank you so much for pointing this out. I have updated the original point as well in the review linking to your helpful post above.

Even the SA, when I’d asked him about the 12V ports pointed me only to the one in the boot. Even he wasn’t aware of the one below the glove box.

This is why I love ownership reviews on a live community. I get to benefit as much from members from these review threads as other readers from my review.

A picture of the USB port in my car - it’s on the right side below the glove box.

Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-img_4479.jpeg

Last edited by Axe77 : 2nd December 2024 at 07:53. Reason: Added picture.
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Old 2nd December 2024, 10:27   #23
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Congratulations "again" as this is a year now since you got it. An absolutely fabulous and detailed review.

I do not think you have left any aspect at all so the discussions to follow probably will mostly be on the newer discoveries given this is a supremely complicated equipment with tonnes of electronics unlike the earlier and many other current models in the Mercedes' line-up as I am discovering myself over the last 4 months of ownership.

Few observations to add.

1. The Engine output mentioned on India website is 258 Bhp but in some other countries I have seen the same as 268 Bhp. Do not recall where but it was somewhere in Europe when I was surfing local websites during my travels.

2. The updated version in June/July this year has added front seat Ventilation and "basic" massage functions (in the menu) but activating that does little. You barely feel it moving at lower back.

3. There are many updates to modules and MBUX which you need to pester the ASCs to update as they are really time-consuming and hence they tend to avoid. Apparently each module takes on an average 40 mins.

4. One odd thing that stands out is the exposed crudely finished metal casing around the engine on both sides under the hood. I would have expected a rubber lining to give a better finish and initially thought it is a missing part. But discussions with fellow Team BHpina and also an owner of GLC300 @sknair and other GLC owners at the ASC cleared the doubt that the vehicle is intentionally left that way. I still wonder why though. Any heat-resistant rubber lining would have made it look not so much an eye sore.

I have faced Battery Low and Critical Battery warnings a couple of times. Based on the advice of @sknair and some research on MB and GLC Forums, narrowed down to Door Control Module which keeps looking for the key. ASC here has updated the module for him and based on the results I have got mine updated last weekend. Just FYI.

Another issue on Active Brake Assist. While I have the same de-activated, the car still has braked hard when close to an object in front (Once a vehicle and twice humans) which a further research pointed to Brake Boost Function which is independent of Active Brake Assist. Still need to read up more to be able to comment on this with any authority.

The mileage in the city (notorious Bangalore traffic) has been around 6.5 to 7 but on a long trip to Kerala via Mysore Expressway, using the Cruise Control at 90, I saw the figures cross 17.5 for a reasonable period. However a slight climb up the hill brought the average down to 12-13 and lower. I always use XP95 as a default.

Overall, as you pointed out, a very satisfying buy. Best wishes to you and years of Happy Driving.

p.s. Did you get the Dashcam installed yet?

Last edited by nareshtrao : 2nd December 2024 at 10:39.
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Old 2nd December 2024, 16:34   #24
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Hey Axe77

Do you like your MercedesMe App ?

I personally use it a lot for all the climate controls and also for locating the car in parking lots or opening the door for ventilating.

Its a common thing these days with all manufacturers but if you are not using it, highly recommend using it.
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Old 2nd December 2024, 18:13   #25
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by PSOPS View Post
Hey Axe77

Do you like your MercedesMe App ?

I personally use it a lot for all the climate controls and also for locating the car in parking lots or opening the door for ventilating.

Its a common thing these days with all manufacturers but if you are not using it, highly recommend using it.
Climate control options are not activated for India. While we can switch on and switch off the car and open and close doors, other options are not there IMO. So, while we can switch the car on and open the doors remotely, we can not switch on the Climate Control remotely. Pre-Entry Climate Control Icon is absent in India version of the App.

Of course Vehicle statistics and other alerts like Battery and Tyre pressures are there.

Let me know if I am wrong and if so, how to use those.
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Old 2nd December 2024, 20:05   #26
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by nareshtrao View Post
Climate control options are not activated for India. While we can switch on and switch off the car and open and close doors, other options are not there IMO. So, while we can switch the car on and open the doors remotely, we can not switch on the Climate Control remotely. Pre-Entry Climate Control Icon is absent in India version of the App.

Of course Vehicle statistics and other alerts like Battery and Tyre pressures are there.

Let me know if I am wrong and if so, how to use those.

No no the latest cars do have the possibility to activate with remote engine start and stop. Maybe its dependent on the car model and engine
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Old 2nd December 2024, 21:02   #27
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by nareshtrao View Post
2. The updated version in June/July this year has added front seat Ventilation …
This is the one thing I’d have really liked. I just drove a brand new Camry yesterday in fact and the cooling seats were so nice to use. Reminded me of my Meridian days.

I have faced Battery Low and Critical Battery warnings a couple of times. Based on the advice of @sknair and some research on MB and GLC Forums, narrowed down to Door Control Module which keeps looking for the key.
I had clean forgotten about this (and missed this in my review too) but this happened once to my GLC too - while I was in Bangalore in fact. I never got around to the reason for this but I just left the car with the B’lore dealer (Sundaram Motors I think) very close to Bowring club and they sorted it out for me. In fact I was at work meetings the entire day so my wife had to take the car there and get it sorted. Was a one off though and never happened to me again.

p.s. Did you get the Dashcam installed yet?
Still not got around to this. But now that I know there’s a cigarette lighter up front it definitely makes it a more palatable prospect. December is really busy with a lot of travel too so definitely not happening this month (or even the next). But I will get around to this once I have the mind space to see it through.

Originally Posted by PSOPS View Post
Do you like your MercedesMe App?

I personally use it a lot for all the climate controls and also for locating the car in parking lots or opening the door for ventilating.
I use the manual version of the app for most of the above - i.e. call the driver.

To be honest I really dont use any of the above - in malls I have a habit of taking a picture of the floor and pillar number so I don’t forget car location. I use the app sometimes to check fuel level or very rarely to check car location / route if the driver has gone off somewhere alone with the car. Don’t bother to use any of the other features including stuff like valet, geo fencing etc. all of which IIRC are also there.
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Old 6th December 2024, 00:01   #28
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

The car completed exactly one year of ownership yesterday (4th December) and I thought its as good a time as any to take my GLC travelogue live too (linked here). It’s my longest road trip in a car to date - going from Mumbai to Bangalore and returning via Karwar and Goa. Week long trip with 4 days in Bangalore and 3 in Goa.

Hope you enjoy it. I did this trip back in June 2024 when the car was less than 5000 kms old. As at its first anniversary, it stands at barely 30 odd kms short of the 10,000 km mark.

In other news, I got this email earlier today (5th December) indicating the expiry of some subscription service. Frankly I had never even noticed this in one year of using the car and had to google to figure out what it was alluding to. Fair to assume I’m not going to miss it much.

Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-img_0334.jpeg

Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-img_0335.jpeg

Last edited by Axe77 : 6th December 2024 at 00:08.
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Old 18th December 2024, 15:18   #29
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I got this service campaign email on 9th December to replace the software in the battery module control unit. Contents of the email have a little more detail about this.

Got the job done on Friday 13th since I was traveling on that date. Took them the better part of a day to get it done but they did return the car with a wash etc as well which was nice on their part.

Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-img_0415.jpeg

Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review-img_0414.png concerning some software update.
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Old 18th December 2024, 15:24   #30
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Re: Mercedes GLC 300 Petrol 4MATIC | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by Axe77 View Post
Even he wasn’t aware of the one below the glove box.
This might also support Trickle Charger. Most Porsche models get a similar port that supports it, you should check yours as well. Very handy.

Last edited by Turbanator : 18th December 2024 at 15:30.
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