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Old 3rd January 2023, 10:48   #1
Stryker's Avatar
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Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Ah, the classic car owner route. (Pre-owned) Maruti Zen MH410 (what a car!) to a (new) Maruti Baleno Lxi (what a car!!) to the (then) newly launched Mahindra XUV 500 (what a car!!!) to a brand new BMW 330 Li M Sport (what a car!!!!). Hatch -> sedan -> SUV -> luxury sedan. How many times have we seen people in this very forum take that route? I am happy to be the latest addition to that illustrious list!

I'm simply unable to find any photos of my beloved first car, the Maruti Zen MH410 :( I remember a couple of photos taken on film and printed way back when, but just couldn't find them. No problem, it lives evergreen in my memory! I bought this in November or December 2001, soon after my darling daughter was born and it remained with us for three and a half years.

My Maruti Baleno Lxi was delivered on 24th June 2005 and here's me waving away happily while taking driving the car out of the dealership. Drove this wonderful car for almost exactly eight years!
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-baleno-delivery-24062005.jpg

Somewhere in Bangalore University campus circa 2006
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-baleno-university-2006.jpg

My Mahindra XUV 500 W8 was delivered on 12th June 2013 and here's me and wife watching the pre-delivery pooja before getting my hands on this beast! Drove this path breaking game changer for nine and a half years!
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-xuv-delivery-12062013.jpg

My BMW 330 Li M Sport was delivered on 18th December 2022 and here's me and wife beaming (pun intended!) after unveiling the car. Hope to keep this one for as long as possible! Given the changing scenario of ICE cars and EVs, I don't know if it will be another eight or nine years though.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-bmw-delivery-18122022.jpg

I was just reading my previous ownership thread (My Opulent Purple Mahindra XUV500 W8 FWD - Going with the heart) and I found a section about "Why move from a sedan?". Nearly ten years later, I find myself retracing that route but backwards!

Why move back to a sedan?
Well, everyone is ten years older now, more and more getting used to the finer things in life. God has been kind to us and fulfilled many of our dreams about what we wanted to achieve. Things yet remain, as ever, and hopefully He will see to it that they are achieved too, sooner rather than later.

Driving the XUV for nearly ten years now has sated my innate desire to dominate the road, project fear into that pesky small car ahead of me and lord over other lesser denizens of the highways (no offence meant to the said lesser denizens). Secondly, luxury and comfort is now a supreme requirement and while the XUV has been as comfortable as we'd want, it can't really be classified as luxurious although that depends on your viewpoint I guess. Anyway, the SUV itch was scratched and I didn't want another SUV in its place, luxury or not. So that ruled out all the X? models, the GL? models etc. We didn't consider them at all, so never took a test drive or even enquired about the price for these vehicles. I was very clear that my next car would be a sedan. My wife was of the same opinion too, thankfully, so it didn't need any convincing on my part.

Moreover, my daughter is now grown up (wow when did that happen?) and is getting ready to head to distant shores for higher education. My nephews, who generally used to accompany us on our frequent road trips, are grown up too (the elder one is even working now! Time really flies!) and fitting all of them even in the XUV was not comfortable any more. The last row is not meant for anyone above the age of 12 at most. So the idea of all of us travelling together in one car is no longer going to work. We certainly had some great road trips over the years with all seven of us (three kids, four adults) in the car. My elder nephew and daughter both now prefer driving their own cars so that is another reason why I didn't want a large SUV.

While budget wasn't a great constraint, I didn't want to spend upwards of a crore for something I really wouldn't need. The Home Minister was happy about this decision too!

Which car?

Mercedes Benz C Class
During our childhood back in the 90s, an "imported luxury" car meant a Mercedes Benz. Period. There were no BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Volvo et al during those times. So a Merc is kind of ingrained in our psyche as THE luxury car. For me, the peak of "arrived"ness is driving a Merc. Even now. It is probably the same with most of our generation. Obviously, the first car I considered was a Merc C class, as the E was too big. To be honest, I never thought I'd even test drive another car. I had decided in my mind that I would buy the C300d and I thought that was that. So we drive down to the Mercedes showroom which is close to our home. Find that there is no C300d available for test drive anywhere! There is a C220d though and the rep insists that I take a test drive stating that I'd be impressed with that model as well. Out comes the car and although I've seen the car earlier too (I mean on the road being driven by someone else), its drop dead gorgeous looks floors me again. If it looks this good from the outside, then the inside should just blow me away. And it does. No question. Merc does luxury better than anyone else. That pin stripe dashboard looks very cool in real life, although it looks a bit cheesy in photos. And that giant 12" hi res screen running MBUX! Just awesome! He spends about ten minutes explaining the various features to us in the parking lot. I'm impatient to take it out and simply nod my head to everything he says.

Finally, we go out on the new six lane Mysore highway and the car behaves just like I expect it to. Smooth, refined, no drama. The rep sitting next to me asks me to floor it on a nearly empty stretch and I need no second invitation. The car quickly hits three digits and there is very little noise inside. In fact, if the 120 kmph bell didn't go off, I wouldn't even know I was doing that speed. The power delivery is linear and sedate. Maybe I'm in Comfort mode. I check the screen and indeed it says Comfort. I change it to Sports and floor it again. Not a huge difference, but certainly the acceleration is better and the steering stiffer.

We return to the showroom after about 20 minutes of driving. In between, we have said Hello to every single road hump! Small humps, medium humps, the car insists on greeting every one of them. When we come to an XL wala hump, the rep cautions me to do the crab walk. I look askance at him and he says there is a special underbody plate that ensure no damage happens to the car in case of scraping. So I ask him how long does that protection last. He says about 3 to 5 years depending on how many humps you cross. And then? It seems the protection needs to be changed and it will cost a bomb. Nobody ever mentioned this juicy bit of info anywhere!

Now comes the downer. Wife and daughter have been sitting in the back seat throughout and they are of the opinion that the back seat is no great shakes. "My knees hit the front seat" complains my daughter. She is quite a bit taller than my wife. Takes after me, I guess. Both of them say there is no special feeling in the rear seat. The front seats have no such problem though. I feel very comfortable driving and the shotgun seat looks good too.

Next problem. The boot space. Calling it "sad" is probably an understatement. "Non-existent" is more appropriate. The spare tyre takes up seemingly about 50% of the available space. Why Mercedes? Why? Was it so difficult to design the spare tyre to be below the floor? Even the entry level sedans do that. So forget about long trips with two large suitcases. Fitting even one medium suitcase seems to be an issue here.

Anyway, we are done with the test drive and return home with mixed feelings. I'm still gung ho for it (actually I'm in love with the big screen, brilliant graphics and all the latest tech in car), but the ladies are not convinced. So you know where this is going already.

Finally, I check with the rep about the price and delivery period. He says there won't be much in the way of discounts, maybe a few tens of thousands only. The delivery period depends on the model and colour. I say 300d and colour we can decide later. He says the minimum wait period will be four to five months. A 220d may be available earlier but still about 45 days. I did expect some waiting period but five months is not acceptable to me.

BMW 330 Li
Meanwhile, my wife's classmate has bought a Beemer 330i after two years or so of owning a Merc C200. So we check with them as to why they took this decision. They say "Two reasons. Rear seat is just OK for this price range and the useless boot." Huh. So we decide to at least visit the BMW showroom before going ahead with the C. We land there one Saturday afternoon. Warm reception, friendly staff, instant attention. Unlike the Merc showroom where we had to wait for ten minutes looking around the cars on display before someone even asked what we were interested in. Now, I as a driver and enthusiast certainly know what I can expect from the BMWs. I have driven my friend's X5 a couple of times, so the expectation is set. The rep tells me something interesting. BMW is refreshing the entire line next year (some like the XM and the new 340i have been announced now, more models probably by the time you read this) and the current line is limited to only stocks they already have. I say I'm looking at the 330i and he says those are no longer available. He says there are two 330 Li ready for delivery. One black Luxury line and one silver M Sport. Unfortunately the test drive vehicle is out being molested by someone else. So we look around some more, get some more gyaan about the Li and he says he will send the car around next day to our home for the test drive. I reluctantly agree, as I'm kind of a "here and now" guy.

He sends me a few images of when the car was on display in the showroom, as a precursor of what we can expect.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-330-li-01.jpg

He has sensed our apprehension of the rear seat along with the boot space and points out the various differences between this and the C class. He spends more time talking about the rear seat comfort, the acres of additional leg space and the reasonably large boot space than anything else!
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-330-li-08.jpg

Right on time the next day, the car turns up at home. A bit battered looking I must say. Scrapes on the fenders, dents on one of the panels, etc. All extra visible because the car is pure white. It has run 18K+ kms on test runs! The poor thing must be one abused specimen. The interior though is pretty neat and looks good in that Cognac Brown shade. The service station must be working overtime on the interiors!

I want an apple to apple comparison, so we trace the exact same route we did earlier in the Merc. First surprise. This car doesn't scrape on any of the road humps we meet on the way. Small, medium, large, XL. No problem at all, as long as you take it reasonably slow with the larger ones. The smaller ones are not an issue at all. No need to do the crab walk either. I find this incredible given that the car is much longer than the regular 330i or the Merc C. I ask the guy who has brought the car and he says the ground clearance is much better in this one. Around 160mm to be precise. Merc doesn't give out ground clearance numbers officially, but I'd put it around the 120-130mm range given how it was behaving.

Next up, I floor the throttle in the same location as earlier. And we are literally pushed back in the seat! All 258 horses start prancing at once and we are up in the 150s in absolutely no time at all! The gong is going crazy and both wife and daughter are holding on for dear life! I never felt anything like this in the Merc! Ah, for this rush and this alone, I am willing to change my mind! I'm now sporting a grin like

Test drive done and the rep calls me after some time. Says he can offer some good discount if I confirm booking in a day or two. This is pure sales talk to get rid of his inventory before the refresh, but hey I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The new 3 series has a larger screen with the upgraded iDrive 8 OS. It is already all over Youtube and I can see what I'm going to miss if I buy this one now. Now comes the sweetener. The car on offer is a top of the line M Sport version. Not the lower Luxury line. 18" wicked rims, M sport steering, scuff plates, ///M badging, the works. And they are throwing in several accessories like the add-on wireless charger (which for some incomprehensible reason BMW has decided to take away from the car), floor mats, LED door lights projecting the BMW logo onto the ground, the mild and very good car perfume, etc. All this with an immediate delivery. So no waiting at all.

So I discuss this with our CA and with his reluctant approval (are CAs ever enthusiastic about anything??), I go ahead and book it. The car will be delivered in a week's time, mostly because of the RTO registration process.

I still have a soft corner for the Merc and would have bought it if it had had a faster delivery period, ignoring the boot space issue and the lack of back seat comfort. That's the hold the brand has over me. Merc is losing customers like me, I hope they recognize this.

And the XUV?
It is with a heavy heart that we take the decision to sell our trusted steed. We don't want three cars in the house for three people and anyway the steed is showing its age. It has served us superbly in the decade it was with us. It has taken us in and out of places I wouldn't dare take a low slung sedan.

Somewhere near Rameshwaram, right down at the edge of the rocky beach, May 2022
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-xuv-rameshwaram-29052022.jpg

Somewhere in the Western Ghats, bad roads and very foggy conditions, October 2016
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-xuvjog01s.jpg

Somewhere in Coorg district, August 2015
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-xuv-coorg-august-2014.jpg

But we still have to let go of it. Both the Merc and BMW dealers evaluated the car and offered a very similar value, around 5.5L. I was not convinced, it hasn't run much only around 62K kms in nearly 10 years. I have looked after it like my second baby and don't want to undervalue it.

So I check with Cars24 and Spinny. Appointments for valuation are booked and the guy from Cars24 comes in first. He does a thorough check, points all kinds of instruments at it, pokes in weird places, peers into small gaps, takes a small test drive and pronounces the car in good condition. They will revert with a price by the next day, as it is a bit late in the evening when the poking and prodding happens.

The Spinny guy turns up the next day too and conducts a very similar operation on the car. In fact, the steps he takes are so much the same, I ask him if they are trained in some common school for this. He says there is a lot of cross employment, so the methods will be the same. Finally he too concurs on the car's fitness and says someone from the office will revert with a price.

Apparently the way it works in both places is that they put up the car for online auction to registered re-sellers. These people bid for the car after looking at the extremely detailed report the inspector generated. The highest bid obviously wins and that amount is what is conveyed to the seller.

Cars24 reverts with a price of 7.6L and Spinny hems and haws for another day. They revert with a much lesser price, 6.25L. I'm sure the most of same re-sellers will be registered with both companies and they will see the same car up for auction on both sites. So they'll probably know what is being quoted by other re-sellers for the car on both sites. I wonder why there is such a big difference in price. Maybe one gives them some benefit over the other? Whatever, I decide to sell it off to Cars24, a no-brainer decision if ever there was one.

The process is so smooth, once the decision is made. Another guy visits me with all the documents required, gets them signed and leaves them with me. These are to be handed over to the person who comes to collect the car. The car is to be handed over only after the full payment has been credited to my account. The driver comes around in the evening to take the car away, conducts a mini inspection to ensure everything is as mentioned in the original report. He then contacts their coordinator and confirms that all is well. Within seconds, I get the money transferred to my account! As simple as that! I hand over the keys and documents to the driver and he drives away with my heart going out after him, telling him to take good care of it, ensure it goes to someone who will love it as much as I have. Bye bye dear car

D Day!
I consult our local temple priest for a delivery date, he says Sunday 18th Dec is best. So I call the dealership and confirm the date with them. "It'll be ready sir" he says. Thankfully the wait is only a few days, so no long period of dreaming about the car! Sunday rolls around and we take delivery in the morning. We meet another owner who has come for taking a 2 series sedan home and we congratulate each other on the respective cars.

Driving it out of the delivery area, my first drive in my car
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"No further driving until the pooja is completed" says High Command and we wait until the evening for this event. The pooja is duly performed at the Ganesha temple inside our apartment complex and the car is blessed. May it give us years of happiness and sheer driving pleasure!

The iPhone Night Mode photography is awesome, it was quite dark. And the car looks sweet, doesn't it?
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-bmw-pooja-18122022.jpg

Once the pooja is completed, I take the car out for a drive on the NICE road near our home, along with my daughter and the two excited nephews (who were like "Are you serious? A BMW??" when I first told them). I put the car in Sports mode and floor the throttle. And hear absolute screams of delight from all three of them! This in itself has made it worth the money!

A quick photo shoot
I take the car to office the next day (a rare occurrence as I travel almost exclusive by Metro given the convenient location of both our home and the office) and take a few photos at the parking lot next door.

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Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-bmwps002.jpg
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-bmwps003.jpg
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-bmwps004.jpg

Last edited by Stryker : 4th January 2023 at 10:03.
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Old 4th January 2023, 10:03   #2
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Re: My BMW 330 Li M Sport - Dreams do come true!

Initial impressions
In the couple of weeks since delivery, I have driven around 600 kms. Some city driving, once on the new 6 lane Bangalore - Mysore highway and once on the revered Bangalore - Hyderabad, the NH44/AH43.

* The car runs very silently! When I first start the car, it lets out a loud roar (maybe its way of reminding you that there is a spirited beast living under all that luxury) and then settles down very quickly into near silence. In city traffic, where you can rarely exceed 40 kmph, I just cannot hear the engine at all. At signals and other stops, I have to look at the tacho to ensure the engine is still on. This maybe a hangover from the big 2.2 litre turbo diesel mill that was powering my XUV, but even compared to other petrol powered sedans, I still find the engine very quiet.

* City driveability is surprisingly nimble for such a long car. U turns are easily managed even in tight spaces. It is longer than the XUV by almost a foot and it still turns around pretty neatly. Good job BMW! This was one of the apprehensions I had when buying the long wheel base version, but these concerns rest easy now.

* Overall NVH is very well managed. As I said, city driving is a breeze and you hear nothing inside. Sound insulation is wonderful. Even the loud honking at signals from jokers who are impatient sound very muted inside, like it is coming from several cars behind instead of right behind you. Of course, this is assuming you have your windows up. There is zero vibration from the engine felt anywhere, either on the steering wheel or on the pedals.

* Ride quality is brilliant. One of the changes BMW made for the long wheel base was the softer suspension setup. While it may not appeal to the hardcore enthusiasts, it is just perfect for someone like me who doesn't like to feel every pothole on the road. And there is no dearth of those on BLR roads!

* Ground clearance is extremely well managed considering the long gap between the front and rear wheels. I am yet to scrape any road hump (again, of which there is no dearth on BLR roads) whether it is that irritating "rectangular" hump or the scary mega hump that pops up at random. I have been used to not caring about humps for the last decade in the XUV (after being very careful with the Baleno which scraped everything) so I was initially extra careful about them. Still am, but not so much as before after realizing that the car is not wishing them good morning.

* Fuel efficiency may be too early to guage, but I've been getting around 12.5 kmpl so far with a mix of city driving and some heart pounding runs on the highway.

A note on the driving modes
Eco Pro: Perfect for city driving. Reduced fuel consumption (BMW claims 25% reduction), very sedate handling, requires a firm push of the throttle to really accelerate. Q.U.I.E.T.! Also turns on the irritating "auto on/off" mode for the engine by default, i.e., if you stop moving the engine switches off instantly. Switches on instantly the moment you touch the throttle too, but it might cause you to miss that micro gap into which you could have jumped in. They should have introduced at least a few seconds delay before switching off. I have to remember to switch it off every time. The driver dashboard changes to a cool blue colour when you are in this mode, a visual indicator.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-01-eco-pro-mode.jpg

Comfort and Comfort Plus: This is the default mode with which the car starts. You have to switch to Eco Pro manually. This behaviour can be changed, but not by you. Requires "coding" (see below). BMW says this mode offers a comfortable mix of driving experience vs performance. It certainly feels peppier than in Eco. Acceleration doesn't require much effort and the "auto on/off" is off by default. I personally feel the in city driving is best in Eco Pro. I don't see myself using Comfort (or its sibling "Comfort Plus") much. I will be either in Eco or in Sports. The driver dashboard changes to a reddish orange colour when you are in this mode.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-02-comfort-plus-mode.jpg
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-03-comfort-plus-mode-dash.jpg

Sport: If you are an adrenaline junkie, this is the mode to be in. The display turns a deep red and the car becomes so much more responsive. A slight push of the throttle is enough to send it flying, the steering is a stiffer than in other modes and you feel the road much more. The engine note also changes to a deep growl, a sign that the spirited beast living under the hood has just woken up. I haven't been in this mode much, there is no point in putting the car in Sports while driving in the city. This is meant for highways only. The two runs I did on the highway were partially in Sports as I feel it can be enjoyed best on those long stretches. Yet to try the twisties, so no input there.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-04-sports-mode.jpg
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-05-sports-mode-dash.jpg

Sport Plus: Not available by default, requires "coding". This is Sports mode on drugs. Even the mere thought of accelarating makes the car simply take off! I have used it only once so far and the 0 to 100 numbers are unbelievable. Not that I was recording it, but it felt like it took just a few seconds. I was literally pushed back in the seat and the G meter showed over 1.2g accelaration! Not recommended for the faint of heart. Oh no!!
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-06-sports-plus-mode-dash.jpg

What I like
Got to control myself or this list is going to be very long!

* That long, long hood! The side profile shots shows this off very nicely and I'm in love with that hood. Surprisingly, it doesn't affect driver viewablity much and it does take some getting used to, especially if you are driving a short hood hatch. Stopping behind the vehicle ahead in a traffic light, you realize just how long that thing is!

* Auto Hold. A gentle double or hard press on the brake engages this nifty little feature and then you can take your foot off the brake. Very useful at signals and the eternal traffic snarls.

* Silence inside. I have already spoken about this. I wonder how a Rolls would be on the inside, if an entry level BMW can be this quiet.

* Headlights. The throw of these white LED lamps are really good. High beam will definitely irritate the oncoming vehicles.

* Side tracking headlights. When the car turns, the headlights turn slightly further, so that you see what is ahead in the turn. This is way better than the side lights that would come on in the XUV.

* The hyper convex outer part of the ORVMs. These are so useful, especially in tight situations, as they show more of the side conditions than would normally be visible.

* The leather seats. So comfortable even on long drives. The driver and passenger seats are electrically adjustable, although only the driver gets the memory function (2 settings).

* Rear legroom. There is as much room as you would want. I'm just over 6' tall and even in my driving position, I can cross my legs and relax in the rear seat. Shorter persons will absolutely enjoy the leg space on offer.

* Door closing sound. A solid thud, as you would expect from a German brand.

* Electronic parking brake. Very effective and very useful. Disengages automatically when you move, so no more pushing down that lever. But it makes a grruummmppp sound when it goes off, the first time I thought there was something wrong!

* Crisp displays. Although Merc/MBUX has a much better display, iDrive 7 is no slouch. The car representation is very nice in all screens as you can see from the screenshots above and the Apple Car Play display is really good too.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-07-car-play.jpg

* Audio system. I'm a confirmed audiophile and I have no complaints about this Harman Kardon 16 speaker system that generates 464W of great quality sound. The equalizer can be set any way you want and goes a long way in customizing the sound to your tastes. You can also get additional Bowers & Wilkins sound profiles installed by "coding" which gives you more options to play with.

I can go on, but let's move on to the dislikes.

What I don't
Not many, but those that are here seem to be common for this model.

* No keyless entry. Or comfort access as BMW calls it. C'mon even cars at 1/10th the price have this feature! Chip shortage, they claim. The universal escape clause these days.

* No wireless charger. Again BMW claims chip shortage. Ridiculous! It is enough to make me think of starting chip manufacturing myself.

* No window shades. Not sure what prompted BMW to remove this, as it was present in the earlier iteration of the same model. Such a useful thing to have and would have made the rear seat experience even better than it already is. Bad BMW.

* Auto ON/OFF. Even my 10 year old XUV had a better implementation of this. There should be a few seconds delay before the engine switches off. I wonder what the BMW software team was smoking when they wrote this one in.

* Unable to find a place to mount the Ganesha idol! Most surfaces are sloping downwards and this would make the idol face downwards. Yet to find a jugaad method to get Ganesha looking straight ahead instead of at the iDrive knob. 3M two side tape also finds it difficult to grip the surface.

Closing thoughts
As I mentioned earlier, the automobile scene is fast changing for the first time in nearly 80+ years so I'm not sure if I will get to drive this car for another eight to ten years. But for whatever time I drive this, I'm 100% sure it will give me "sheer driving pleasure"!

"Coding" is a topic I have not covered in this post as I am not sure if it is allowed. If any of you wants to know more about it, let me know.

I also got the PPF and Ceramic treatment immediately after delivery from M/s Esperto in Koramangala. Sahil over there is such a pleasure to interact with and great prices too! Again, if you need details of this, let me know.

I'll keep this thread updated with more info as it happens, but for now, I'll sign off. I foresee several long trips coming up in the new year.

Until next time then, bye and drive safe.

Last edited by Stryker : 4th January 2023 at 11:55.
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Old 5th January 2023, 05:08   #3
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Thread moved out from the Assembly Line. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 5th January 2023, 10:05   #4
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations and wish you lakhs of happy kilometres in the 3GL!

While deciding between the X1 and X3, a year and a half back had given the 3GL a good look. Was seriously impressed by the space at the rear with the LWB. The 3GL sells much more than the RWB 3 hence BMW is only bringing the 3GL LCI this time around. We wanted a SUV so didn’t get one, but had it been a sedan, the 3GL would’ve been on the top.

The MSport version paired with this Cashmere Silver looks especially sweet!

And the B48 30i is an absolutely phenomenal engine, the A4 TFSI and C200 aren’t even close in terms of performance.

I see that you have an additional Comfort Plus mode, did you get it with the car itself or was it coded in externally?

Last edited by CEF_Beasts : 5th January 2023 at 10:07.
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Old 5th January 2023, 11:21   #5
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Originally Posted by CEF_Beasts View Post
I see that you have an additional Comfort Plus mode, did you get it with the car itself or was it coded in externally?
Thanks CEF_Beasts! I think the Comfort Plus mode was already available in the car, only the Sports Plus mode was coded in. I'm not 100% sure though, as the coder mentioned only the S+ and nothing about C+.

The C200 is a decent engine, but the C300d is probably way better. I didn't get to drive it, as I mentioned, so can't say from personal experience. The 220d doesn't compare favourably with the B48 but then it isn't apple to apple, one being petrol and the other being diesel. Sad that Merc doesn't have a higher spec petrol engine on offer.
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Old 5th January 2023, 11:43   #6
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Re: My BMW 330 Li M Sport - Dreams do come true!

Congratulations on your purchase and wishing you years and years of happy motoring!

Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
* Auto Hold. A gentle double or hard press on the brake engages this nifty little feature and then you can take your foot off the brake. Very useful at signals and the eternal traffic snarls.
I love this intuitive method of activating brake hold which I first experienced on Mercedes cars and always miss it when in traffic jams with my G30 in which I need to use the button on the console for turning on the same and then the car just keeps the brakes held every single time she comes to a stop. I am glad that BMW finally implemented this in their cars now!

Last edited by NerdyMillennial : 5th January 2023 at 11:47. Reason: Fixed an error with the quote.
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Old 5th January 2023, 12:04   #7
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations, Stryker! The car looks hot in that shade!

I was surprised by the amount of leg space there is in 330 Li when I TDed it in 2021.

Does it come with space saver tyre? Also, can you post a photo of the boot?

Wish you many happy miles!
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Old 5th January 2023, 14:34   #8
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Originally Posted by the_skyliner View Post
Does it come with space saver tyre? Also, can you post a photo of the boot?
Thanks, the_skyliner!

Took your request as an excuse to go sit in the car again! Here are the photos:

BMW claims the boot space is 430 litres in this model and I have no reason to doubt that. Space looks quite large.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-boot-01.jpg

It is quite deep too, so I'm sure we can fit in all our holiday luggage and then some.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-boot-02.jpg

There are also these deep pockets on both sides which can fit in additional large cans or any odd shaped luggage pieces.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-boot-03.jpg

And yes, the spare tyre is a space saver.
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-boot-04.jpg

It is a 135/80/R17, not sure how this will feel when actually fitted given the front is 225/45/R18 and the rear is 255/40/R18
Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up-boot-05.jpg
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Old 5th January 2023, 15:01   #9
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations, looks fabulous!

Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
It is a 135/80/R17, not sure how this will feel when actually fitted given the front is 225/45/R18 and the rear is 255/40/R18
It will fit okay, within acceptable 2% rolling dia difference. The bigger headache would be to figure out where to accommodate the original wheel in case of a flat tire. Imagine four people traveling with boot stuffed with bags (fairly common scenario) and then you have a flat tire. You can mount the space saver but what about the original wheel that has been taken off?
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Old 5th January 2023, 15:11   #10
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
You can mount the space saver but what about the original wheel that has been taken off?
Thanks, androdev! In this scenario, I guess one of the passengers will have to take their chances with public transport
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Old 5th January 2023, 15:28   #11
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations, Stryker.
I checked out BMW 3 Series Gran Limousine couple of months back and found it to be the best in that price range. The only let down was the lack of basic features and some of those are essential these days. e.g. ventilated seats, sun shades, mild hybrid etc.

Nevertheless, it does make it up for it with its sheer driving pleasure which is core of BMW.

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Old 5th January 2023, 15:59   #12
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congrats on the new steed, Stryker!

I am curious about what all coding was done and did/does it not void warranty?
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Old 5th January 2023, 16:19   #13
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations!! Wish you miles of safe drive!
Rear seat space is really impressive! You mentioned the suspension as soft, does it become stiff as you change the drive modes?
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Old 5th January 2023, 17:44   #14
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
Congratulations, looks fabulous!

It will fit okay, within acceptable 2% rolling dia difference. The bigger headache would be to figure out where to accommodate the original wheel in case of a flat tire. Imagine four people traveling with boot stuffed with bags (fairly common scenario) and then you have a flat tire. You can mount the space saver but what about the original wheel that has been taken off?
Tell me about it ! Faced this very same issue on my V40 CC twice where I was traveling with a full boot with family and had a side wall tear in the middle of the night. Had to dismount every little luggage only to shove them into the cabin with occupants to make space for the regular wheel/tyre in the boot and it was a night mare. At least the 330Li has bigger boot space compared to the V40 CC.

With the BMW run flats the story might different in such an episode though.

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Old 5th January 2023, 17:49   #15
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re: Ownership Review | My BMW 330 Li M Sport | Dreams do come true | EDIT: 6 months & 5,600 km up

Congratulations Styker. Its a fabulous car and in the multiple drives, I came back mightily impressed. Enjoy several long road trips with your family and friends. This thing is a drivers delight and with the added rear leg room, it is truly a comfort machine.

I will safely assume you didn't try the M340i. If you did tell me you also took your family in it Bonkers it is suffice to say!
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