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Old 9th July 2024, 15:57   #406
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TheRedSparkle completes 70K Kms

We are back at it - munching miles like we are super hungry!

Just completed 70K Kms on the odometer:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1518.jpeg

Recently took a 1700KM round trip in about 48 hours with some work and meetings thrown in between. BLR - Kolhapur - Solapur - BLR was done over weekend on friday and saturday. The gamble to skip out Sunday paid well - sparse traffic, smooth roads (discount the Belgavi - Kolhapur three laning road work) and hungry mile muncher in me and TheRedSparkle!

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1519.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1495.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1497.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1474.jpeg

70K Service Update:
And because we are back in town after 70K kms, scheduled the service visit to Chrome and got it done in half a day. The service included: oil change, oil-filter, in-cabin air filter and other misc items. The Job card shown two Service Actions: software flashing for ICE and software flashing for power windows. The first flashing was usual CoTek driven laptop aided software update whereas the second requires special tools and connectors to update an ECU that connects with power windows. This is owing to - many customers complained about power window getting stuck and not operating as expected. This is kept pending on my car as they did not have that tool arrived at workshop yet.

As usual, Chrome folks did fantastic work - Edrish and Zubair took care of the car and Prasad addressed the software updates service actions. During the service routine, found the rear brake-pads reaching their end of life mark - hence changed it. The front ones still have about 2-2.5K kms left - will change them later this month. And thus the total wallet damage approx 16K INR!

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1533.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1532.jpeg

During the software flashing, we casually discussed about what is it with sun-film and software update: found the bulletin - seems simple. My interpretation of this - if you are not using Maples, nothing to worry even if the GPS fix/ Maples doesn’t work as expected. We all mostly use Android Auto or Apple CarPlay and hence it shouldn’t really matter. But again, M&M as per their circular are well within their right to deny warranty claims if any related to ICE. Prasad at Chrome is very diligent person - he won’t proceed without checking for sun-film, declare and have customer agree. Since he follows the service bulletin to the minutest details like wait timers, door open closing etc, I am almost certain that in hs able hands, the ICE/ Silver-box wont be bricked.

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_1534.jpeg

The rest of the team at Chrome was fantastic as always - all things addressed, we are out of there to eat lunch at home! And TheRedSparkle is now ready to munch more miles - we are doing two long trips this month and most likely an EPIC drive next month!

Stay tuned for more updates.

Last edited by abirnale : 9th July 2024 at 16:01.
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Old 10th July 2024, 14:02   #407
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Is it new thing or same old?
Around 4pm yesterday, I got a call from Mumbai’s Mahindra Call Center. The person stated that my car is due for 70k kms service as of the July 9th morning. When am I getting it for servicing? I thought it to be impressive. Well - must be new stuff that after software update, they know some alerts that they can remotely track and do proactive stuff. I like it.

Yesterday, 6:10pm, not sure if I liked it anymore. I got a call from again similar number. The agent on other side told that he is calling me in relation to a “prognosis alert” on my car. It stated that, my car’s front brake pads are worn out. I am shocked - no they aren’t. And no, they still have 2-2.5k life left. And no, there is no such alert. While agent is trying to tell me that alert is indeed there, it dawned upon me that today to check the brakepad life, we had decoupled the sensor wires, possibly shorted that triggered false alarm and registered in system. Post latest software update, they found it to be registered and hence called. I am now in two minds - it’s ok to have a false alarm than no alarm but then some Desi Uncle Sam is watching me and my car all time - that sent a chilling sensation down my spine.

I gather my senses, collect all courage and I ask this million dollar question to the agent: what other things you guys are tracking for me? If I speed up even a little for some reason that I feel appropriate and law doesn’t (because simply it is illegal), would you get alert and if so, what will you do with it? The agent luckily did not pause and started responding: sir, at Mahindra we track all kind of prognosis alerts and hence we call and warn before a catastrophe happens. It includes some serious stuff such as DEF level dangerously low, DPF getting clogged, brake pads worn out. And some trivial but important ones too - keyfob battery to be replaced.

I end the call on a positive note. Guess it’s ok to have such service and tracking but the apocalypse isn’t far away - the connected car tech can help as well as spoil your day too. The manufacturer has all data with your car readily available at their fingertips. How to use it is still their prerogative.

I would still like to pray to Mahindra baba to not look at me and others as a notorious kid and start gossiping/ spreading rumours about how bad a kid I am. Or go tell everyone (including who are waiting to loot me) that I need to be controlled at every step and put a leash on me - read that insurance premium to shoot up!

Well, in any case, we got wheels, and we must drive
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Old 12th July 2024, 14:17   #408
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

At 70k kms, did you consider getting the transmission oil changed? Mahindra mentions it as sealed for life but we know what that means
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Old 12th July 2024, 19:52   #409
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by Sumer View Post
At 70k kms, did you consider getting the transmission oil changed?
Great question - and the answer is no, not yet. I will do it around 1 lakh KMs. M&M doesn’t have it in their SOP but they have already told to ASCs that if someone wants to get it done, you can do it with labour charges associated. It’s a lengthy process, needs some re-calibrating of TCM logic and will easily take 1+ day to get it done. A very comprehensive servicing to be done at 1 Lakh KMs.

There is a thread elsewhere on this forum mentioning this entire process, pros and cons (almost none), etc about AISIN boxes. Can’t recall it right away…
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Old 13th July 2024, 11:14   #410
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

I had booked the same variant on the day of launch. But due to delayed delivery I bought a carens instead. (and when delivery od XUV was available, sold my booking to someone else for a profit )

Now with price reduction of XUV, I am again tempted to go for this. Only problem is: Safari has improved a lot and would be my pick if money was not an issue, and it had AWD.

Can you please help me decide? How much difference does AWD make?
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Old 13th July 2024, 12:15   #411
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
How much difference does AWD make?
If you tour a lot, the 1% of the time you need AWD, the alternative is getting stuck and getting vehicle towed. You don't want to be in that situation with family.
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Old 13th July 2024, 12:59   #412
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
Safari has improved a lot and would be my pick if money was not an issue, and it had AWD.

Can you please help me decide? How much difference does AWD make?

AWD can be useful for those tricky situations when you are doing off-roading and need to navigate easily. It’s not as capable as a dedicated 4x4 unit but it will fair much better than a FWD or a RWD for that matter.

In Indian conditions, particularly soft off-roading you won’t necessarily need an AWD and it’s just a good to have unless you are seriously considering taking on rough patches off road. Since, your location states “Pune” , you can easily navigate all places nearby with a FWD as well.

Coming to Safari Vs XUV bit, Having owned a Harrier and an XUV , I would go for XUV every time no matter what feature set is on offer on Harrier/Safari.
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Old 13th July 2024, 14:56   #413
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
I had booked the same variant on the day of launch. But due to delayed delivery I bought a carens instead. (and when delivery od XUV was available, sold my booking to someone else for a profit )

Now with price reduction of XUV, I am again tempted to go for this. Only problem is: Safari has improved a lot and would be my pick if money was not an issue, and it had AWD.

Can you please help me decide? How much difference does AWD make?
As someone who gets to drive both of them - It would need an all new generation of Safari to catch up with XUV.

So just get the AWD-L model, it's worth it. We did some trail driving in Bandipur with it, AWD certainly works. With a bit of momentum it will scamper it's way up steep and slippery slopes.

The most surprising bit of the vehicle is that you can rally it, get some air time and it's very comfortable when driven hard on trails. AWD allows you to floor it without having to worry about losing traction.

Why no door handles? It would have spoiled that image.
Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

I don't own one, but I wish I had one - Red or White, I'm thinking Red.
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Old 13th July 2024, 16:26   #414
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by Kosfactor View Post
....but I wish I had one - Red or White, I'm thinking Red.

What about the new colors? Burnt Sienna and Deep Forest?

Regarding the AX7 AWD and AX7 L AWD,

the main misses are
- Sony Sound
- 360 Camera (with DVR)
- Ventilated Seats
- Knee Airbag

smaller ones are
- Rear View Mirror memory

For a 2.2L price diff, AX7 will do for most. But to each his own.

Wireless Charging is available as an accessory (I believe I read at 7K. Keep in mind it is a slow wireless charger).

Boodomo shows the MRP price diff of Sequential Rear Indicators are in the range of 750 bucks each.
4650 for the sequential tail lamps (
3900 for the non sequential ones (

Last edited by rroy92 : 13th July 2024 at 16:30.
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Old 22nd July 2024, 21:20   #415
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Re: TheRedSparkle completes 70K Kms

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
The front ones still have about 2-2.5K kms left - will change them later this month.
When you are on a roll, munching miles is kid's play in XUV7OO. Over a weekend, darted across KA-TN-KL and had a great monsoon drive with some friends. While on the trip, return leg, the brake pad worn out warning popped up. Still 450 kms to home, and crazy Salem - BLR traffic, we ended up scoring the disc too.

As soon as back in BLR, today, TheRedSparkle got new brake-pads and a brand new disc at the front. Typically around 75-80K kms mark, the discs have started showing the age. It could last another 5-7KL kms but its good to change the discs along-with new pads else you will have more scoring. I didn't want to keep visiting ASC again and again - hence changed discs as well as pads. Thanks to Zubair and Edrish at Chrome, a quick coordination and advance note on this work, TheRedSparkle was taken care best, yet again. Total wallet damage - Rs. 14,441.

Here are the old pads state:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-15.jpeg

And the new disc now with new pads:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-16.jpeg

And to sum up, some clicks from the KL Monsoon drive:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-1.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-2.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-3.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-4.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-5.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-6.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-7.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-8.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-9.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-10.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-11.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-12.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-13.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-14.jpeg

We had a nice off-roading section while reaching to kava section behind the Malampuzha dam. Both XUVs equipped with AWD and the 4x4 Kodiaq, this section was fun. Kodiaq did all slush and undulation in a very very sophisticated manner while XUV7OO AWDs needed some skills and forceful AWD/ ESP switching off to do the same obstacles without much issues. It was delight to see the inspiration of XUV7OO in action - the alaskan bear for a reason in its "Wolf in a Sheep's clothing" avtaar. At the half cost of Kodiaq, the XUV7OO weren't far behind either! In a hindsight, I think, the MT or AT tyres would have made this entire soft-roading and slush crossings more like a cakewalk. This soft-roading was just part of normal routes - the locals do this every day to reach the mainland from their homes - our homestay was a reason to take these roads which otherwise would have been off-limits for us "tourists". The muddy roads laced with lot of medium size stones, slush and water in puddles made things adventurous. Glad that with four adults on board, both XUVs did not scrape the bottoms, or had any "tongue in cheek" moments.

I have said this earlier and would like to repeat one more time:
  • A SUV must be capable of sending power to all its wheels! This is a capability you can't retrofit for a normal user!
  • The AWD capability is not for off-roading but for such tricky moments which makes your life pleasant.
  • XUV7OO also on the normal roads, aid in stability and performance - AWD owners wouldn't know what a torque steer is for a 450NM torque behemoth.
So for the questions related to AWD utility, my answer is - Yes, please consider AWD as "a utility must have" over fancy touchscreen or gimmicky features. You can't have a SUV without AWD. It's of course helpful, more than you think of. This is one feature you can have and "may" use instead of "need it" and not have it.

Stay tuned - yet another monsoon drive and epic trip happening soon!
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Old 23rd July 2024, 09:54   #416
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Re: TheRedSparkle completes 70K Kms

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
So for the questions related to AWD utility, my answer is - Yes, please consider AWD as "a utility must have" over fancy touchscreen or gimmicky features. You can't have a SUV without AWD. It's of course helpful, more than you think of. This is one feature you can have and "may" use instead of "need it" and not have it.
Completely agree !!

But unfortunately, manufacturers choose to offer AWD/4WD only on diesel variants

I wanted to have 4XPLOR in my Scorpio-N, but for that I have to switch to diesel, which was not acceptable. Glad that at least its RWD, so helps to some extend.
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Old 26th July 2024, 12:25   #417
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Re: TheRedSparkle completes 70K Kms

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
So for the questions related to AWD utility, my answer is - Yes, please consider AWD as "a utility must have" over fancy touchscreen or gimmicky features. You can't have a SUV without AWD. It's of course helpful, more than you think of. This is one feature you can have and "may" use instead of "need it" and not have it.

Stay tuned - yet another monsoon drive and epic trip happening soon!
Hey Avinash, I am also considering changing my XUV500 and looking at all options sub 50lac. Interestingly choice gets very limited and tough to justify anything beyond a XUV700 vs (Tuscon, Kodiaq or Safari). I have a preference for 7 str (occasional flexibility) and diesel (lower running cost and more fun to drive). AWD is good to have but then I am thinking why not, it surely will come in handy sometimes esp future Leh trips. To me AWD is something like airbags or safety, you dont need it till you need it. Btw I get amazed the way you munch miles
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Old 30th July 2024, 10:07   #418
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TheRedSparkle goes for yet another Monsoon Drive!

Like I said, Monsoons are magical - I can't let any opportunity be missed! With some of the old buddies, TheRedSparkle darted across KA - GA - MH and back. Seen a lot of rains, some road closures and an amazing time spent together driving through the best and scenic routes!

A detailed travelogue should be coming up soon, but in the meanwhile, some pictures:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-7.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-1.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-2.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-4.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-3.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-8.jpeg

The odometer now stands past 74080 Kms! Stay tuned for more updates!
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Old 7th August 2024, 12:43   #419
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
This happened today:

Long story short, I think I will leave the tow-hook as-is for now

[IGNORE the video thumbnail - it’s for crediting TheRedSparkle which otherwise cannot be seen in the video!]
BTW, Which tow rope you are using?

Are you using the stock tow hook?

Also OT, Where do you perform the balancing & alignment, is there any points to be taken care of the vehicle being AWD?

Last edited by Vasuki : 7th August 2024 at 12:45.
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Old 7th August 2024, 23:00   #420
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by Vasuki View Post
BTW, Which tow rope you are using?

Are you using the stock tow hook?

Also OT, Where do you perform the balancing & alignment, is there any points to be taken care of the vehicle being AWD?
I am using a Bush Ranger tow tape. Super durable and comes with two D shackles.

Yes, I use stock row hook. I also have two custom tow hooks made and one of them is already bent.

For the WA/WB, nothing specific. The standard values of 7OO in the ASC or FNG shop are good enough.
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