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Old 12th July 2023, 20:02   #301
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

The MAPPLS definitely has offline and online hybrid approach on mobile apps - tablets etc. So it shouldn’t be a big deal to make it for XUV7OO too. The challenge that may be - is ICE CPU capable enough to process that kind of connectivity and data and memory? Only time and M&M engineers will know I guess!
We can use the MAPPLS application on the phone with offline maps and use it via CarPlay or Android Auto. It is not a elegant solution, but it works.
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Old 13th July 2023, 08:13   #302
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by ohaak View Post
We can use the MAPPLS application on the phone with offline .. but it works.
I have been trying it every now and then but always had problem with the zoom level. It's always very zoomed out on the car screen that turns and stops gets confusing. I wanted to use it for 3D realistic maps at intersections. Have you had similar issue?
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Old 14th July 2023, 11:16   #303
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
Service Action: The ICE update
The most notable though is MMI maps updates. MMI now has replaced their regular maps with Mappls
That looks really neat for an in car navigation software. Having an in built online navigation is great as you don't have to rely on your phone while burning its data and battery although arguably you get stranded when there's no network coverage, but for the most part I suppose it should work well and the fact that it's in built means you enjoy the map view on the instrument cluster.

Our Innova Crysta(BS4 2019) has the old 7" system with in built mapmyIndia navigation and trust me it's terrible and we had to struggle a lot to fix a destination which forced us to use our phone navigation without any smartphone integration with the car, and I haven't found a way to manually update the map till now.
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Old 19th July 2023, 08:54   #304
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
Service Action: The ICE update
There are some interesting features in this update apart from general stability fixes.
Not sure if this was mentioned earlier, but in-car Alexa now supports Amazon Music by default. Previously I was irritated by Hungama and had stopped using Alexa for music playback and always relied on Apple Car Play. But support for Amazon Music is a welcome addition, and very useful for all Amazon Prime users

On another note, your photos are a treat to scroll through, thank you for keeping the thread active.
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Old 20th July 2023, 20:07   #305
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

There is no better way of spending time than sneaking some time out on a week day to spend it on the road driving #TheRedSparkle

I had a chance to go out of town and stretch the legs a little for a lunch date with my wife (yeah, that is not a typo!) while kids are off to school. And we managed to click some pictures too:

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_4045.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_6529_original.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_6530_original.jpeg

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_6532_original.jpeg

We are slowing down for a couple of weeks owing to work and some health check-ups and things that come thereafter! Stay tuned - hopefully we have busy and driving august!
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Old 31st July 2023, 13:10   #306
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
The MAPPLS definitely has offline and online hybrid approach on mobile apps - tablets etc. So it shouldn’t be a big deal to make it for XUV7OO too. The challenge that may be - is ICE CPU capable enough to process that kind of connectivity and data and memory? Only time and M&M engineers will know I guess!
VI network is the only spoilsport, its very much capable of running all those things.

Looks like the 3rd gen Smartcore was developed in India, Geely & Mahindra being the first customers.

XUV is also referenced in Visteon`s website.

"Visteon launched its industry-first Linux-based SmartCore™ system in Europe with Daimler in 2018. The emergence of Android as the operating system for in-vehicle infotainment led to the development of the company’s second-generation system, which was production ready with a leading Chinese OEM. Visteon established a new benchmark for integrated cockpit solutions with its third-generation SmartCore™ cockpit domain controller unveiled at CES 2020 and launched in Geely Auto Group’s Xingyue L flagship SUV and the Mahindra XUV700 in 2021."

Link :
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Old 31st July 2023, 14:03   #307
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

The offline maps support form the cars is disappearing
Mahindra - no. thats one thing i discovered that was NOT an issue on the test drive car.

It is ok to have online only support as long as: the connectivity across India is super seamless
Just because of this - and battery life - and the lousy wireless charger heating up more than the % of charge that the phone gets. Same grouse with my RE Tripper Navigation app exception of the wireless charging bit. Offline support is a must especially for those who offroad.
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Old 1st August 2023, 13:32   #308
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Re: Adrenox Connection Experience

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
I think I found a situation that many folks have reported earlier - Car loosing connectivity/ Connected car feature not working. While there could be many reasons why this happens, I think I found one such scenario and the fix too - the one that doesn’t need the visit to ASC.

On May 19th, we were at the banks of Cauvery, in the jungle with zero connectivity to any sort of network - let alone Vi. So obviously the connected car features (viz. Lock, Unlock, Remote Start/ cooling) did not work while out of network. Neither the phone that runs the Adrenox app nor the Car that has Vi eSim worked.

On 20th May, car returned to urban jungle where connectivity is not an issue. I did not notice that the Car network connectivity wasn’t restored. I was thinking something wrong with the mobile app - tried logging out and in to no avail. Then it dawned upon me - checked the car ICE display. The network signal icon with car on it always showed zero signal! When I had logged into the app, none of the trips from May 19 onwards were logged in the app. This basically means, without eSim having signal and connectivity, even the car tracking is useless.

So I did a simple fix - use the spanner provided in the car’s stock toolset and disconnected battery for about 5 mins. And then reconnected it again. And there we have the connectivity restored. All the features including lock, unlock, trip tracking etc. is working like normal.

So here is the summary - when things don’t work, try Ctrl + Alt + del! Meaning, battery disconnect and reconnect! This car is half mechanical and half computer - some of the computer hacks should work here too!
I faced the same issue during my visit to interiors of Maharastra. We were at a resort which did not have any Vi coverage. When we started from there we did not have any coverage and i din't realize that eSIM never got restored even when we came into coverage. I thought as usual Alexa is having some issues and continued my songs on carplay.

When we stopped for refueling I was not getting a notification on adrenoX regarding refueling. I was trying to refresh the app but it wasn't refreshing. I was too exhausted to troubleshoot that so drove back home. After reaching home I realized the trip info wasn't captured at all and that is when it struck to me that eSIM must have gone into dormant state.

I was busy for last 2 days and decided to take the car to MASS for battery reset today and surprisingly the eSIM came back to life when i started the car. But i lost the trip info of my drive back home.

My observations are as follows:
  • eSIM works fine when the car is being driven from coverage to no coverage and back into coverage. It recovers well in such scenario
  • If car is switched off in no coverage zone and started, eSIM doesn't become automatically active once it comes into coverage
  • It needs a restart to bring the eSIM from a dormant state to active state. Atleast this is what i could conclude from my experience
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Old 4th August 2023, 15:52   #309
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Re: Dashcam Installation

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
Technically, yes. But it did survive the 40 degrees for a week when it was parked out in the sun while I was in MH.
Why did you have to be in MH for one full week? All fine? Best wishes.
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Old 5th August 2023, 07:26   #310
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Dear Abirnale Sir, ,

I have been using Apple CarPlay on my 700, majority of the time without any hiccups. The car initially takes a few moments to set up the connection by turning on Wifi and then the connection runs smoothly.
I hope you can clarify a doubt, as to how to get the navigation on the Driver's screen (Navigation tab between the dials/Full screen) while using the CarPlay?

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Old 5th August 2023, 14:19   #311
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by skdking View Post
Why did you have to be in MH for one full week? All fine?
That was from April 2023 - My parents live in MH and I often visit them. And yes, all is well! Thanks for checking-in

Originally Posted by Karaboudjan View Post
I hope you can clarify a doubt, as to how to get the navigation on the Driver's screen (Navigation tab between the dials/Full screen) while using the CarPlay?
There is no way you will be able to get the Gmaps or anything from Phones mapping onto the MID console without issues. Earlier there was a hack - if you start navigation using in-built MMP maps and later use Apple maps from carPlay, the display used to come on the MID console. Now that is also gone. The only maps that will come on MID console is the car’s inbuilt Mappls.

Unfortunately, the integration of CarPlay isn’t intuitive for this need. It literally has zero support for MID console - everything is just for main ICE screen. if one wishes to see the apple CarPlay integration done right, check-out Jeep Compass.

By the way, you cannot use pinch zoom in and out on the CarPlay maps screens - unlike Android Auto G Maps. Some small usability niggles that none from M&M cares for
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Old 8th August 2023, 09:43   #312
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Nothing really to update here: other than we are stuck around this palindrome number for last two months or so -

Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!-img_6887.jpeg

Seems like I would need another 3-4 weeks to actually see #TheRedSparkle start munching miles again. Hopefully in Sept we will cross over 50K, get Ultra (synth oil) in the veins and report back how the life is when on the move.

Until then, stay safe, see you soon here again.
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Old 8th August 2023, 22:56   #313
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
The interior looks classy when at night - the cabin lights throw the optimum white light all over and the seats in white add the extra touch of class to them. These for sure will lose the glitter over time as we soil them but for now, they are fantastic.
Hi Abirnale,

I remember reading through your posts on your Orange Cheetah - and congratulations on the reincarnation. I upgraded my 2012 W8's headlamp with HID's after your detailed DIY story on your upgrade.

Now that I am also waiting for my new 7OO to be delivered in a couple of weeks - wanted to quickly check on a few things - around accessories.

Side Step This is something that the dealer in Cochin has been pretty adamant about even though I never felt the need for one. I too see that you didn't have one on delivery - your thoughts on spending this 24K.

Floor Mats Personally I am a big fan of 3D mats as I still have this lying in decent shape on my 5OO and my 2014 Ecosport. Any recommendations on the mat side? I somehow do not like the way 7D looks.

Could you please also suggest some set of accessories worth adding - I somehow feel everything from Mahindra is too expensive and would like to see if equally good ones from the aftermarket.
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Old 9th August 2023, 09:17   #314
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by peterjim13 View Post
Side Step This is something that the dealer in Cochin has been pretty adamant about even though I never felt the need for one. I too see that you didn't have one on delivery - your thoughts on spending this 24K.

Floor Mats Personally I am a big fan of 3D mats as I still have this lying in decent shape on my 5OO and my 2014 Ecosport. Any recommendations on the mat side? I somehow do not like the way 7D looks.

Could you please also suggest some set of accessories worth adding - I somehow feel everything from Mahindra is too expensive and would like to see if equally good ones from the aftermarket.
Hey Peter, thanks for the kind words and appreciate your questions that will help others too.

Here is what I would suggest:
  • Side Steps: unless someone physically challenged and very senior in family, this is not needed at all. The M&M accessories are by far best side steps as they don’t lower the GC further for the car and probably are descent looking too.
  • Floor mats: its a personal choice - anything that snug-fits and can hold lot of dust is good. Noodle mats carved to fit nice is ideal choice. below that you can keep simple 3D mats too.
  • More accessories: for a L variant (and probably upcoming AX9) you wouldn’t need any accessories. Maybe screen guard for ICE Screen, Mud-flaps and Floor mats. Air Freshener to your liking can be added! Since there are just too many XUV7OOs on the road, do something different on exterior to get that feel of uniqueness - like I did dual tone, and would be de-chroming the front grill soon. I also de-badged the car on rear hatch door and added AWD moniker. The Boot of the car doesn’t have any light - get some portable/ rechargeable or with battery lights that can be hung around anywhere in boot without having to do any drilling etc. Though the car has wireless charging, nice dedicated charging cables in car wont be a bad idea. The car doesn’t have cigar-lighter. There is a 12V socket in the boot - can use that for cigar lighter: when you wish to go camping and want to light up the bonfire The list this way can go longer than we can imagine. In short - just basic accessories is good enough. Enjoy car for some months and then you will know your usage pattern, how you use the car and then accessories list will grow!

Hope this helps.
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Old 10th August 2023, 00:39   #315
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re: Reincarnating Orange Cheetah | TheRedSparkle Mahindra XUV7OO AX7L AWD | 90,000 km done!

Originally Posted by abirnale View Post
like I did dual tone, and would be de-chroming the front grill soon.
How and from where do you intend to dechrome the front grill? I've been thinking of doing the same, front as well as the sides, but have been unsure of which method to choose. Have read about Vinyl Wraps but also watched videos of people spraying/painting over the chrome parts.

I live in Bangalore, if you could share how you're approaching this and any detailer in the city which you trust for the job, that will be much appreciated (like all your previous posts )
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