Things do happen - without you expecting them though!
If there are any sights that are painful for an auto-enthusiast, this should be one of them:
Things happen!
Wednesday I was driving to a grocery shop nearby, when I parked back in home, smelled some diesel - didn't think it was from TheRedSparkle.
Thursday morning, I took the home minister to another grocery store a km away. When we came back home and parked car, she raised hell that I don't maintain car clean and its stinking. Yes, I am little busy nowadays, thank to the stressful work scenario - this too shall pass.
Thursday evening, I went out for a coffee with a neighbour (yes, male) to nearby cafe. I noticed more strong smell when near the car. While we went to the Cafe, the FE shown was 9.8kmpl on MID. When we were returning, it had dropped to 4.5 for no reason. Upon returning back home, I opened the bonnet, glanced inside engine bay. What caught my eyes was nothing less of an horror. The engine guard below the bonnet was wet with diesel, engine bay was full of diesel spillage and smell.
The first thought that went through my mind was - what if this could have caused the fire in engine bay? Why did I ignore the comment home minister made on first instance itself? This is just not done - frantically called Mahindra RSA and asked for help. They were just getting in Friday mood on Thursday night itself! My request was to have some help sent over. And their point was, we can send you tow-truck provided that you get the car in a place where the car can be loaded on the flatbed! Imagine, they were not even listening to the fact that it seems like diesel spillage and I don't want to drive it anymore without an expert being around from my apartment basement to the ground floor! And they were like, we will talk to you when you have car ready to be towed from spacious location, thank you, bye bye. How on earth they expect me to move the car all alone from basement without starting it, without thinking about AWD system and Automatic gearbox to be manually shifted to N etc. etc.?
Anyway, no point wasting your time with people who don't understand what sensitivities involved here. Then I called Chrome Motors senior technician and GM. These folks are best - they got my back when I need them most! A detailed phone call, some checks and photos, they ensure that it's something they can take care of right-away. Evening 7.30pm, they were sending a technician to help see the issue, identify root cause if at all and get the car to a place where it is safe to load on flatbed. The sanity prevailed - I didn't want to spoil someone's evening - TheRedSparkle was at home and there was no need to call technician from 25 kms away to my home only to inspect and bring car to ground floor. So I asked them to come first thing in the morning and we will do the needful. They agreed.
Got up today morning, and had a look at engine bay. Seemed the leakage is only when the engine is running - so I knew this is not as serious as I thought. This could be just the loose hose, some leakage or worst case fuel injection pump pressure not holding as expected. After a good night's rest, new thought came to my mind. I have Reliance General Insurance and they do have the RSA on my policy. I sent them a "Hi" WhatsApp message - took about 5 minutes to brief issue and what I need. The bot handed over conversation to human and the agent on other side promptly arranged for tow-truck/ flatbed. With ETA as an hour, I called Chrome, they were about to send their person home. I said, instead just guide me to get the car to ground floor and will bring car on flatbed to your place. The reliance RSA did not make any fuss about taking car about 25kms away, that too via less crowded NICE road! Chrome guys stayed on call as needed. best part, Reliance said 1 hr ETA for flatbed to arrive and showed up inside my apartment compound within 15 mins!
And thus we brought the car to Chrome Motors. The senior technician
Edrish was literally waiting for me! As son as car was unloaded, he took charge and within 30 seconds found out the exact location of issue. Not just that, summoned the senior mechanic
Hanumantha to bring the spare hose. Within 15 minutes, they replaced the hose, and put it back neatly. The car was back to being normal! The root cause was, the fuel line hose to FIP had been rubbing against the silver foil wrapped wiring harness. That rubbing over long time resulted into the puncture in the hose. The fuel was literally getting sprayed in the engine bay. The spilled fuel on the engine bottom guard had wet the guard cover completely! Thank god, I did not decide to drive the car to ASC and instead towed it. Thank more that it's a diesel car and not a petrol one
Happy to report that the issue was very trivial with some of the serious consequences if ignored! As usual, Chrome guys (Edrish and Hanumantha) did fantastic work. They not only fixed the issue but also used some zip ties and nicely tied the wiring harness away from the hose, ensure the hoses don't rub anywhere. This was really going above and beyond of what was needed - the very reason why I continue to go to Chrome Motors and don't even try/ think of going anywhere else while in Bangalore. Love these guys for their focus on customer and ensuring the experience is best. And with the assurance of completing paperwork offline, I was allowed to leave within 30 minutes! M4U app helped make the job card closure formalities and online paid directly to the chrome account. And thus, TheRedSparkle is back on road yet again!
See the pictures to learn the extent of issue and parts involved:
For a change, I take the passenger seat in the tow-truck and enjoy the NICE road!
The fuel hoses:
The spare part and damage hose and the actual damage.
The overall bill:
The overall experience leaves me with this in my mind:
Chrome Motors: 10+/10
Mahindra RSA: -10/10
Reliance Insurance : 10/10
Mahindra - 8/10 - you need to probably issue another recall for ensuring the fuel hoses don't rub against any other parts in engine bay causing this ever again or using the parts that dont give up on such simple rubbing against the other parts!
Stay tuned - I am going to be on the road with TheRedSparkle, solo for next two weeks. More #RedSparkle stories to tell you