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Old 2nd July 2007, 21:26   #301
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Originally Posted by Shankyz View Post
Which sunfilm is it ? for 9.4K ?

In Delhi, after supreme court orders, no sum film on any car!!!
Wonder if there is any transparent film that can block the heat or any other alternatives can be used without getting a challan.
Llumar w/ 5 yrs warrenty.

Yes, you have lot of transparent ones. Try V Kool (costly, but worth it) and others.
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Old 2nd July 2007, 21:27   #302
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Originally Posted by Motorhead View Post
I have been getting 11 on my ZXI in the ciy with the AC on pretty much all the time. I havent yet crossed thr 1000KM mark and service is due shortly. Hope to get a better mileage after the service
cool!! I badly need to look at my driving style. Many times, foot is on clutch pressing it slightly.
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Old 3rd July 2007, 12:25   #303
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Originally Posted by sathya_nars View Post
cool!! I badly need to look at my driving style. Many times, foot is on clutch pressing it slightly.
Well Sathya, we also need to look at the city we're living in. In the newer parts of Bangalore, there is bumper to bumper traffic and we need to drive on half clutch once in a while. So I would assume a mileage of 9-10 in crowded conditions is equal to 11-12 in normal city conditions(where you actually put the car in 3rd gear)

There are a couple of things that might have affected driving styles.
Usually clutch pedals are at a height slightly higher than the A&B pedals. This design is because it enables you to depress the clutch completely and press the accelerator slightly at the same time in a comfortable position. In SX4, the clutch position is around the same height as the others. Because of this, we tend to move our seats slightly front and press the clutch more than usual.

The second of course is the absence of dummy wedge or dummy pedal for clutch. It would have helped. I thought of getting one installed as an accessory, but there is no space. These two problems affect the driving styles IMHO.

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Old 3rd July 2007, 14:19   #304
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BTW, I heard that MUL stopped taking bookings of SX4, till it clears existing bookings. Is it true?
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Old 3rd July 2007, 15:56   #305
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Originally Posted by sathya_nars View Post
BTW, I heard that MUL stopped taking bookings of SX4, till it clears existing bookings. Is it true?
True. Though it is still mostly dealer dependent. A few dealers I know have indeed stopped taking additional bookings.
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Old 3rd July 2007, 17:21   #306
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Originally Posted by sathya_nars View Post
BTW, I heard that MUL stopped taking bookings of SX4, till it clears existing bookings. Is it true?
Not yet in Noida till last Sunday. So this might be dealer specific or region specific. Rohan Motors in Noida was quoting a maximum time of 3 months for Zxi. The Vxi was readily available.
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Old 3rd July 2007, 17:44   #307
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I am afraid as someone told that they don't give ZXI until VXI is sold out. I am not sure whether I will get ZXI in 2 weeks. I enquired MUL and Khivraj dealer, they told since the plant was closed for sometime it got delayed. In 2 weeks he told that he will give the car, no other go to believe him.
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Old 3rd July 2007, 19:00   #308
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Originally Posted by gopinathann View Post
I am afraid as someone told that they don't give ZXI until VXI is sold out.
I don't think they will ever do it. All know that Zxi is real VFM and fast moving, if they plan to deliver Zxi only after Vxi's sold out, they are committing suicide!
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Old 4th July 2007, 12:15   #309
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India Earnings >> Maruti Udyog >> News & Company Overview

This article says that there is no immediate plans for expansion of SX4 capacity. I've heard they have re adjusted the VXi/ZXi ratio of production and 2500 is the increased set of production.

What is interesting in the interview is that Mr Khattar says that the initial reactions on SX4 is too early to comment on.

In a strange way, I have a quirky smile on my face when I see people quoting 3 months waiting list. The smile gets broader w/ my SX4 in front of me. ;-)
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Old 4th July 2007, 14:01   #310
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as far as cleaning the outer body is concerned, my experience says that we need 3 pieces of soft cloth, big enough to hold well and spread about half a foot area on the body. Now every dam thing to clean in this world need dusting as the first step. So use the first cloth to remove dust and any dry matter clinging to the body. Make sure not to be hard. Just use soft hands. Dirt or marks that dont go will be taken care of in later steps.

Once the car is cleared of dust and all loose dirt, its time to use the second cloth. Now we need half a bucket of water. Soak the cloth and sqeeze it half (dont sqeeze it dry). Now wipe the car evenly with some pressure as to remove the dirt. Do this little faster as to avoid water marks to form before you start dry wiping. Now wash the same cloth in the bucket water, squeez it half again and repeat wiping.

Once you are done with wet wiping, take the clean and dry third cloth and wipe the remaining water off. Do it faster again to avoid formation of water marks.

This is regular cleaning excercise. In case there are some special marks or tars its better use the cleaning agents as mentioned in the detailed car cleaning guide.
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Old 4th July 2007, 14:44   #311
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Originally Posted by sathya_nars View Post
I don't think they will ever do it. All know that Zxi is real VFM and fast moving, if they plan to deliver Zxi only after Vxi's sold out, they are committing suicide!
I was thinking like tht it will take some more time for delivery (already 2 months over) for me Then i came to know that the dealer (Pratham motors) delivered a vehicle to who booked later than me, I asked about this to them with vehicle number, but they denied and said they havent received any vehicle for last 1 month bcoz the plant is closed for maintance. I raised a complaint to MUL Delivery manager in Blore, he claimed that they are delivering the vehicle on weekly basis...he banged the dealer well.

after all this story, the dealer called me and said that vehicle is alloted for you.. pay the remaining amount... and asking me to withdraw compliant.. but i refused ti do it immediately...

As of now i paid full amount(i noticed from the file, that couple of times vehicle has alloted and cancelled bcoz there are som many strikes out in the vehicle despatch details)... i think it is going for this week registration.

So dont believe wut the dealer says......newer booking takes 3 months but those are all booked in May should have got the vehicle...

keep track the dealer...
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Old 4th July 2007, 15:22   #312
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Hi guys.. I had booked for an SXI zxi on 6th june and when I enquired a week back about the delivery status, the dealer told me that they can priorties my booking if I pay them all the balance amounts (7 lacs) at when I have paid, they are saying its going take 3 weeks (end of july) ..with the excuses that the Azure grey I asked is hard to come by.. I gave my choices for alternative colors - silver, white, red but to no avail... I am getting desperately frustrated knowing the fact that I have been conned into paying the amount upfront and without having the car delivered on time... Now I am considering cancelling the booking altogether and go for a Honda City.. No doubts, a fantastic car.. ruined by Maruti dealers...
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Old 4th July 2007, 16:04   #313
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Originally Posted by iTNerd
Now I am considering cancelling the booking altogether and go for a Honda City.. No doubts, a fantastic car.. ruined by Maruti dealers..
I completely agree with you. So are you going for the VTEC or the NON-VTEC?
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Old 4th July 2007, 16:49   #314
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Originally Posted by mclaren1885 View Post
I completely agree with you. So are you going for the VTEC or the NON-VTEC?
Not quite sure.. a VTEC is almost 8.7 lacs on road.. thinking of Exi with 15 inch Alloy wheels.. (available with 4-5 days delivery) must come to around 7.5 lacs (in total) ~ SX4 Zxi .. the new CITY with safety featurs is just hyped... don't see it coming soon.. not sure it is coming at all... what say?.. Still have to finalize whether to cancel the booking for SX4 and take back the full amount paid... quite a task ... what a loser .. Maruti...
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Old 4th July 2007, 18:13   #315
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Originally Posted by GeekSrik View Post

no freebies as of now. thats how it stands. i m trying hard to bargain atleast for mats! damn guys. after all i guess there is no such thing as a free lunch anywhere in the world today, even if there is, it will have some catch or the other!

@sathya, i cant help drooling over the grey colour of late man! cool looks its got, not so sedate. not so blazing exactly either, somewhere decently midway, a bit sporty, a lot executive. nice pics.
Well i got my alto from mandovi and they threw in free mats front, back and boot. They also threw in an ambi pure fresher..
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