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Old 9th April 2022, 16:31   #106
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
If my math is correct the biker had a healthy 20+ feet road to overtake my stagnant vehicle.
Sorry to nitpick, applying similar logic, how many feet did we have on the left side of the tarmac to park the car? The images above clearly show that as well.
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Old 9th April 2022, 21:54   #107
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post
Sorry to nitpick, applying similar logic, how many feet did we have on the left side of the tarmac to park the car? The images above clearly show that as well.
And that gives a good enough reason to hit a vehicle? Let me tell you there is enough feet of road left for bike to cross from left or right side of my vehicle without hitting it.

Last edited by Axe77 : 10th April 2022 at 06:12. Reason: Minor language edit.
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Old 10th April 2022, 11:48   #108
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
I have to ask this. Why do you have a pseudo seat belt buckle? From your first post, the top 2 requirements you had was related to safety. So I hope there is another explanation other than the obvious one. I am sure you know it, but all the safety features and 5* star ratings will be of no help if the primary safety feature is not used the way it is intended to be.

  • Must have solid build quality and should be loaded with safety features - No compromise here.
  • Must be 5* crash rated.
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Old 10th April 2022, 11:52   #109
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Not going to argue this incident, have nothing to say that hasn't been said already.

Future reference, a couple of must-dos for your own safety:

1. Put on hazard lights immediately if you're stopped anywhere in the vicinity of moving traffic. It is your responsibility to indicate your car is a potential hazard, not for approaching traffic to judge.

2. Indicate a merge and wait for space before actually merging, when you're ready to go again.
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Old 10th April 2022, 13:08   #110
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
I have to ask this. Why do you have a pseudo seat belt buckle? From your first post, the top 2 requirements you had was related to safety. So I hope there is another explanation other than the obvious one. I am sure you know it, but all the safety features and 5* star ratings will be of no help if the primary safety feature is not used the way it is intended to be.
Yes I have a pseudo seat belt buckle on the passenger side of the car. My father and wife don't use seat belts. I hate the annoying dings. Have you noticed the driver side doesn't have any such thing? That is because I use seat belt. Are you seriously comparing a passenger side pseudo seat belt buckle with a main bike driver not wearing helmet?

You can take a horse near water, but you can't make it drink the water. I wear seat belt even for minor grocery runs, I can't make my passenger wear a seat belt.
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Old 10th April 2022, 13:15   #111
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
Are you seriously comparing a passenger side pseudo seat belt buckle with a main bike driver not wearing helmet?
One request, if you are sharing anything on a thread please learn to accept feedback from fellow members, whether it is positive or otherwise. We can learn from others instead of fighting it out.

Those irritating dings are what forced my father to make it a habit to wear seatbelt when he is in the passenger seat in my car (and now, in any car).

Hope your car comes back in perfect shape from the workshop
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Old 10th April 2022, 13:34   #112
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
Yes I have a pseudo seat belt buckle on the passenger side of the car. My father and wife don't use seat belts. I hate the annoying dings. Have you noticed the driver side doesn't have any such thing? That is because I use seat belt. Are you seriously comparing a passenger side pseudo seat belt buckle with a main bike driver not wearing helmet?

You can take a horse near water, but you can't make it drink the water. I wear seat belt even for minor grocery runs, I can't make my passenger wear a seat belt.
Well, in my personal view, the front passenger not wearing seat belt is more dangerous than the driver not wearing it, because the driver in most cases can anticipate and respond to an adverse event better than a passenger. So which side the pseudo belt buckle was inserted was irrelevant to me. Also did not understand the reference to the biker and helmet as I had not mentioned anything about a biker or helmets.

This seat belt hesitancy is a common thing especially in elderly folks, In my view you should insist on it. Even in my case some of my extended family members I know are lax with the seat belt, but when they are in my car, they know I will not move the car unless it is worn and they always comply.

Anyway, it is your car, your family, your decision, so feel free to ignore the unsolicited advice.

Last edited by Rajeevraj : 10th April 2022 at 13:36.
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Old 10th April 2022, 14:44   #113
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
Yes I have a pseudo seat belt buckle on the passenger side of the car. My father and wife don't use seat belts. I hate the annoying dings. Have you noticed the driver side doesn't have any such thing? That is because I use seat belt. Are you seriously comparing a passenger side pseudo seat belt buckle with a main bike driver not wearing helmet?

You can take a horse near water, but you can't make it drink the water. I wear seat belt even for minor grocery runs, I can't make my passenger wear a seat belt.
Unfortunately, I must say you have an issue in getting confronted and shoot excuses all over the place when done so. My family too didnt have the habit of wearing seatbelts sometime ago. From when we got the Innova, the passenger side seat belt alarm was an irritant and this prompted them to start getting habituated to wear seatbelts. This was coupled with a lot of awareness from my side as to how wearing seatbelts matter.

I had alternatives like this buckle, even I could code this feature off in the BCM using my laptop, or even simple leave the belt clipped all the time.

If you take a thirsty horse to the water, it will drink it whether or not you want it to. If you take a well fed horse to the water, it would obviously not drink it. Thats my side of your theory.
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Old 10th April 2022, 15:13   #114
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
You can take a horse near water, but you can't make it drink the water. I wear seat belt even for minor grocery runs, I can't make my passenger wear a seat belt.
IMHO this is a very irresponsible response. If you love your near and dear ones, put your foot down and make them wear a seat belt (including everyone in the rear seat as well, even the 5th passenger).

Explain them how it is very important to belt up. For the front passenger, a deploying airbag is a bomb that can kill. Even if the airbag does not deploy, hitting the head on the windshield can (I know a couple of such incidents of this scenario). Rear passengers who are not belted are a hazard to the front passengers and also they can be thrown around causing injuries (a close friend’s mom passed in an accident a couple
of months back, when she was in the rear seat and not belted).

If they don’t listen to reasoning, refuse to drive if they don’t belt up. They may hate you in the beginning. But they will fall in line.

My personal experience: they may resist, but they always comply to one of the above methods.

Wishing you tens of thousands of safe miles in your red beauty.

Last edited by graaja : 10th April 2022 at 15:17.
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Old 10th April 2022, 16:09   #115
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ashis89 View Post
One request, if you are sharing anything on a thread please learn to accept feedback from fellow members, whether it is positive or otherwise. We can learn from others instead of fighting it out.
Please tell me how a pseudo belt buckle on passenger side seat is related to bike hitting a stagnant vehicle on road? I am more than open to feedback related to the actual accident. I am not open to off topic discussions which are nowhere remotely related.

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Well, in my personal view, the front passenger not wearing seat belt is more dangerous than the driver not wearing it, because the driver in most cases can anticipate and respond to an adverse event better than a passenger.
Same response as above. This is totally off topic and unrelated to actual accident. If you had made this observation/post when I initially posted the pic of the pseudo bucket belt, then it would have been a different approach. Nit picking something totally unrelated to the actual accident from a totally unrelated post is a deliberate attempt to attack me, and I am not open to this kind of feedback.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Unfortunately, I must say you have an issue in getting confronted and shoot excuses all over the place when done so. My family too didnt have the habit of wearing seatbelts sometime ago. From when we got the Innova, the passenger side seat belt alarm was an irritant and this prompted them to start getting habituated to wear seatbelts.
I have issues when confronted with unrelated and offtopic nitpicking posts. Once again, the pseudo seat buckle has not caused the accident, has it? It is the blindness and overconfidence of a nauseated bike driver that actually caused this accident.

Few people have not even read my post properly, and started making judgmental statements. I have a dedicated section in my initial post clearly mentioned "lessons learnt". Many people who made posts here are just reiterating what I posted there. I would have understood if this was FB page, but can't digest such posts in forum like TBHP.

I clearly accepted that it was my fault as well when I mentioned we cannot clap with single hand. What more is required? Having said that, I would be clinically blind if I hit a stagnant vehicle on road which I can clearly miss from a distance. I could have parked the vehicle on a kerb and used blinkers? Yes, the driver could have driven straight past me without hitting me, yes. That is all I can say.

Originally Posted by graaja View Post
IMHO this is a very irresponsible response. If you love your near and dear ones, put your foot down and make them wear a seat belt (including everyone in the rear seat as well, even the 5th passenger).
Again same response as above. The topic got deviated by posting about things which are unrelated to the actual accident. The pseudo belt buckle has not caused the accident here, and hence I am really not interested to discuss about this. The biker not wearing helmet has caused him damage, this accident will teach my family who are not wearing a seat belt the importance of safety, hopefully, but again totally off topic.
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Old 10th April 2022, 16:44   #116
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
Again same response as above. The topic got deviated by posting about things which are unrelated to the actual accident. The pseudo belt buckle has not caused the accident here, and hence I am really not interested to discuss about this. The biker not wearing helmet has caused him damage, this accident will teach my family who are not wearing a seat belt the importance of safety, hopefully, but again totally off topic.
It is not about the accident at all. Enough has been said about the accident.

This is an independent topic about using a pseudo seat belt to disable the alarm. You are doing harm to your near and dear ones by using this and not enforcing them to wear a seat belt. My response was for this safety issue. Unsolicited may it be, I felt I need to tell this as I have seen people die without wearing seatbelts. Hopefully your family listens to you and starts wearing seat belts. Peace!

Last edited by graaja : 10th April 2022 at 17:07.
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Old 10th April 2022, 17:01   #117
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Hi Ram!

I believe, everyone is happy as no one got hurt severely and that, you went out of your way to help an injured young man. Much appreciated and a very noble gesture.

As far as parking's position is concerned, I always make it a point to park as extreme left as I can, but that is me. People park with one wheel on road and think, it is enough and then someone accidentally side swipes or rams. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, few learn from it and do not make the same mistake twice, I have been lucky as I have seen others making this and several other mistakes while driving / parking and of course at other places. We all continue to see / observe / learn and change ourselves (hopefully for the better) accordingly.

Thing is, everyone has their opinion which one (obviously) thinks is right / logical / sane, but for obvious reasons, others opinion differs and they have their own reason and rightly so.

On another topic, do you wear a seat-belt? I think you do. Why? Is that reason good enough to persuade others to request them to wear one?

A large commercial vehicle instead of a scooter, hitting from any side is not good for unbuckled passengers. Going against the law is completely another topic. We are not even getting there. You may choose to reply, you may not, your choice . Wishing your Compass a fast recovery back to road and may you have countless happy (s)miles with it.
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Old 10th April 2022, 17:10   #118
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Dear @RamNaresh_2000,

The photo in post #105 has clearly been taken after moving the car and placing the broken exhaust & silencer on the muddy ground. In photo in post #97 the car is clearly entirely to the right of the outer white line i.e. intruding entirely on the road with the silencer on the asphalt. In photo #105 the car has been moved entirely to the left of the same line. Why only you will know. I don't need an explanation. I've already got mine.

The discussion around the pseudo belt buckle is taking place as it indicates, all else being equal, your general attitude to safety & following rules of safety which in turn gets reflected in the way your car has been stooped on the road in post #97. Your post does not spell out how suddenly did you stop? How many seconds later did the two wheeler hit you. If he hit you less than 3 seconds later than clearly you stopped rather abruptly. If he hit you 15 seconds later then he is a sleepy moron but you aren't off the hook either. Sure some significant part of the fault lies with this random two wheeler rider. But for your own sake it may help if you listened to what are well meaning pieces of advice from very experienced drivers. Of course you have the choice to continue using pseudo seat buckles and stopping on the road all of a sudden.

Best of luck.


Last edited by V.Narayan : 10th April 2022 at 17:25.
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Old 10th April 2022, 17:14   #119
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

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Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
Every car owners nightmare, the unfortunate yet unavoidable event occurred with my Phoenix today. It met with a minor accident. I was on my way from shopping and I had stopped my vehicle on empty road side to have a sip of water. Suddenly from nowhere a bike came and hit my vehicle at a speed of approx 60 kmph.
I don’t know how many of us are aware of the Jeep's safety standards. The rear bumper is inside the cosmetic back PC/ABS sheet. It is a solid high grade aluminium bumper connected to the monocoque chassis making it really solid. I had a rear car accident and there was a pile of three sedans who had hit one behind the other. My Jeep had only a the rear fog lamp glass broken and a cut in the PC/ABS sheet. I was in uniform and in Punjab where the Army is given its due importance, hence no one accused me or tried to intimidate me. When I looked behind and saw the three sedans, I was taken aback as they were seriously damaged and one which hit me directly had a radiator leakage with a crushed bumper. A local stopped by and whispered in my ear "Jeep thee, is lei bach gaye" which translates roughly to " You got saved because your vehicle is a Jeep". It was quite a relief but felt sorry for the owners of the other vehicles. I do have photos of the accident and will share if anyone is interested.

Last edited by Sheel : 10th April 2022 at 17:23. Reason: MOD NOTE ATTACHED.
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Old 10th April 2022, 17:24   #120
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Re: Red Phoenix - My Used Jeep Compass Limited (D) MT : An Ownership Review

Originally Posted by Col.S Virdi View Post
I do have photos of the accident and will share if anyone is interested.
Colonel, yes please do share.
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