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Old 17th December 2020, 11:45   #61
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Re: Updates!

Originally Posted by viXit View Post
That looks amazing!

Could you tell me about the relation between the DPF and the engine oil.
Incorrect grade of engine oil used in a DPF equipped diesel potentially could clog your DPF. BMW recommends using a LL-04 oil for cars equipped with DPF.

The relation between the engine oil and DPF being, although the engine oils used today are mostly synthetic, low ash and sulphur can't burn up completely. This grade of engine oil recommended by BMW for diesels with DPF can burn as cleanly as possible, thereby keeping the DPF relatively clean. Incorrect grade of engine oil would essentially mean the oil not burning completely and it could potentially clog your DPF which you wouldn't want.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 13:27   #62
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More Pictures!

We finally had some clear blue skies, and non-foggy(smoggy?) light last weekend, so I ended up taking a few pictures while out on a casual drive. Uploading them here for your viewing pleasure.
Attached Thumbnails
My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20201219_172847.jpg  

My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20201220_170114.jpg  

My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20201220_170152_hdr.jpg  

My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20201220_170223_hdr.jpg  

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Old 9th January 2021, 09:10   #63
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re: My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!

Just finished reading your updates Bhuvan; great job indeed. The new wheels are looking great. 18 inches is the right diameter for Indian road conditions. I have 20s on my car and sometimes wish I had 19s.

You’re of course a handyman with a great comprehension of the complexity of this teutonic beauty. Your car looks absolutely fabulous. I wonder how do you manage to keep her in such a good shape given Delhi’s horrendous traffic.

Reading about all the mods that you’ve done; the only ones that I would like to do once my car crosses 40K (currently at 33K) are installing a larger intercooler and replacing the stock charge pipe with an aftermarket metal one.

N55 is a fabulous engine but I feel it suffers from heat soaking. I have yet to do some detailed research but I feel installing a slightly larger intercooler will reduce the intake temperature, but my only worry is would a larger intercooler result in loss of some boost pressure or lag. One of the guys down south has claimed that fitting a VRFS intercooler dropped his intake temperature by as much as 81F (as compared to peak intake temperature with the stock intercooler). If I go ahead with this install, will post the update.

All the best & drive safe!!
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Old 16th February 2021, 17:58   #64
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re: My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!

Originally Posted by Vikram Arya View Post
Just finished reading your updates Bhuvan; great job indeed. The new wheels are looking great. 18 inches is the right diameter for Indian road conditions. I have 20s on my car and sometimes wish I had 19s.

You’re of course a handyman with a great comprehension of the complexity of this teutonic beauty. Your car looks absolutely fabulous. I wonder how do you manage to keep her in such a good shape given Delhi’s horrendous traffic.

Reading about all the mods that you’ve done; the only ones that I would like to do once my car crosses 40K (currently at 33K) are installing a larger intercooler and replacing the stock charge pipe with an aftermarket metal one.

N55 is a fabulous engine but I feel it suffers from heat soaking. I have yet to do some detailed research but I feel installing a slightly larger intercooler will reduce the intake temperature, but my only worry is would a larger intercooler result in loss of some boost pressure or lag. One of the guys down south has claimed that fitting a VRFS intercooler dropped his intake temperature by as much as 81F (as compared to peak intake temperature with the stock intercooler). If I go ahead with this install, will post the update.

All the best & drive safe!!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Heat soak in Canada?? I would suggest you log the IAT's under different scenarios, before plonking the big bucks on the intercooler upgrade, just to be sure it was the intercooler and not a bad batch of fuel or something. That being said, the aftermarket ones are designed well, and in my experience do not increase the lag noticeably. You as a driver, would barely notice it.

Since my new wheels are 1kg lighter per alloy, I tried some 0-100 runs, in the hope that I will crack into the 4's, but that was not to be.
My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20210112_191330_hdr.jpg

Had some carguys hybrid wax sealant leftover, and applied it to the bonnet.
My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!-20201227_180110.jpg
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Old 3rd April 2021, 10:57   #65
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re: My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!

Hey Bhuvan, I have gone through your thread quite often and love how you have transformed your car. After reading GTO’s, Tanveer’s and your threads it gives me more confidence on buying a pre-owned car. Waiting for the day when I buy myself a BMW!
Wishing you many more miles!
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Old 18th August 2021, 21:48   #66
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re: My pre-owned BMW 530d (F10) Edit: Sold!

I have moved out of India and hence sold the 530d to a close family friend. The car was first transferred to Hyderabad with a TS registration as the 10 years(NCR life) were almost up, and then sold. Requesting mods to close this thread.
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