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Old 28th May 2017, 12:20   #31
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Dear karthi.stark,

First let me congratulate you - very well written.

I have a Scorpio S10 AT 2WD. If I could have afforded the Vitamin-M, I would have gone for the top end Crysta AT. In that much money, I can buy two S10 ATs!!

How many years before you can drive a car? Just asking - you can keep it a secret if you want!


Girish Mahajan
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Old 28th May 2017, 18:27   #32
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Dear Karthi.Stark,

I have been on this forum for over a decade, mainly a mute spectator. Altough I visit Team-BHP quite often, I have not written a line for a long long time, The last time I had logged in was to pay my respects to Sam Kapasi.

After seeing your review of the Crysta today, I had to reply to you.

You have an amazing sense of writing for your age, the review is really good,
Keep up the good work, You have great potential.

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Old 29th May 2017, 12:47   #33
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Nice review. During the launch of this Crysta vehicle, I had my reservations about whether this will live up to the old generation Innova sales figures given that it was already a costly care. Having successfully completed over a year, figures shows that there still exists loyal group of Innova buyers.
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Old 6th July 2017, 09:26   #34
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Hi I just wanted to know at what tyre pressure are you using your ride?
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Old 8th July 2017, 13:51   #35
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by yashcosmos View Post
Hi I just wanted to know at what tyre pressure are you using your ride?
We maintain a pressure of 35 psi on the front wheel and 32 psi on the rear wheel.

Also, I had forgot to mention one thing. At the time when the car was new, we observed that the ride was a bit bumpy. (Never expected that from an Innova)

Suspecting that the tyre pressure is at fault, we decided to check it.On checking the tyre pressure, we were shocked to see the instrument read 42 psi!

What was the dealer thinking?

We didn't mention it to the dealer as it wasn't a big issue and could be rectified easily. But all crysta owners, please beware of this!
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Old 8th July 2017, 13:55   #36
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Oh 35 and 32! My ride is bumpy and bouncy even at 32 on all 4 tyres, i guess its the 17inch alloys on Z model thats to be blamed! Now i have kept it at 30, so far its been good apart from the fact that i feel I'm steering a truck and not a Innova.
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Old 8th July 2017, 14:07   #37
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by yashcosmos View Post
Oh 35 and 32! My ride is bumpy and bouncy even at 32 on all 4 tyres, i guess its the 17inch alloys on Z model thats to be blamed! Now i have kept it at 30, so far its been good apart from the fact that i feel I'm steering a truck and not a Innova.
You are absolutely right sir.

Smaller wheels ensure better ride quality.

However, one thing I still don't get is the fact that the Hexa gets better ride quality than the crysta even with 19" alloys. However, we Crysta owners struggle to get the best ride quality one can expect from an MPV and have to fiddle with the tyre pressure always.(I've read similar complaints from other owners as well!)

Despite this, the Crysta dominates over the Hexa when it comes to sale numbers. This shows the kind of trust people have got in the crysta.

But seriously, I feel Toyota has to do something about this!
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Old 3rd August 2017, 07:25   #38
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by karthi.stark View Post
Smaller wheels ensure better ride quality.

However, one thing I still don't get is the fact that the Hexa gets better ride quality than the crysta even with 19" alloys. However, we Crysta owners struggle to get the best ride quality one can expect from an MPV and have to fiddle with the tyre pressure always.(I've read similar complaints from other owners as well!)
It's not the smaller wheels which ensure better ride. In fact it's the other way round. Bigger the diameter, the better the ride quality.

Regarding the reason why the G variant with 16" alloys perform better than the Z variant with 17", it's because of the higher side wall height of the G variant which aids cushioning.

Side wall height of g with 205/65 r16 tyres - 133.25 mm
Side wall height of z with 215/55 r17 tyres - 118.25 mm
Side wall height of Tata hexa top end with 235/55 r19 tyres - 129.25 mm

So, you can see that the hexa side wall height is very close to the G variant of crysta. In addition, it also has the advantage of bigger diameter tyres and softer suspensions.

Then why did Toyota decrease the side wall thickness to such a low value? The answer is again simple. That 2.8 l engine is a beast of an engine. With such power and high speed capability, grip becomes important. You increase the side wall thickness and you start losing out on grip. So, it seems Toyota took the safer route compromising on comfort. But, that resulted in safety hazards due to tyre bursts because Indian roads are not going to be smooth and such a heavy vehicle banging on the pot holes causes pinching effect of the tyre between the pot hole and the alloys causing it to tear.

Last edited by amalji : 3rd August 2017 at 07:30.
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Old 30th August 2017, 23:31   #39
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Thanks for your detailed ownership review!
Is there a trip meter in the MID of the GX model? If yes, how can it be accessed?

I'm unable to find it in my GX 2.8. Would be a shocking ommission if it's indeed not there.

Also, i've been trying to find out about the silver trim around the air vents. How / from where did you source it? And any indication of the cost would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 24th September 2017, 22:41   #40
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by sanchit.j View Post
Thanks for your detailed ownership review!
Is there a trip meter in the MID of the GX model? If yes, how can it be accessed?

I'm unable to find it in my GX 2.8. Would be a shocking ommission if it's indeed not there.

Also, i've been trying to find out about the silver trim around the air vents. How / from where did you source it? And any indication of the cost would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
Hello sir,

First of all, I am extremely sorry for the late reply. I've been extremely busy for the past two weeks.

Yes, there is a tripmeter in the GX. Just press the stalk that protrudes out of the instrument panel and you get the trip meter. Long press the stalk to reset the trip meter. Like any other car, you do get two trip meters in the GX.

Regarding the silver trim, I'm unable to find the accessories bill. I'll make it a point to get back to you at the earliest. Sorry for the inconvinience.

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Old 9th November 2017, 16:47   #41
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Brilliant review. As a potential GX 2.8 owner I would like to know the real world fuel efficiency that you are getting and if there are any niggles that you are facing.
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Old 6th December 2017, 16:14   #42
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by karthi.stark View Post
Regarding the silver trim, I'm unable to find the accessories bill. I'll make it a point to get back to you at the earliest. Sorry for the inconvinience.
Once again, I'm really sorry for the extremely late reply sir. I'm extremely busy with my studies nowadays, as I'm a 11th grader.

The cost of the silver trim is Rs 4800 which includes the labour costs as well.

The wooden panel costed Rs 6800 which once again is inclusive of labour costs.

Once again, I'm extremely sorry for the late reply.


Originally Posted by SPARKled View Post
Brilliant review. As a potential GX 2.8 owner I would like to know the real world fuel efficiency that you are getting and if there are any niggles that you are facing.
Thank you sir!

As for the fuel efficiency, these are the actual figures:

In city: 10 - 11 kmpl
On highways: 14 - 15 kmpl

Now, let me mention the few niggles I've faced till now:
  • A creaking noise is heard when I roll up the driver and passenger seat windows. I mentioned this to the guys at Nandi Toyota, but they say that it is seen in all Crystas. However, I'm still not convinced with their explanation.
  • A weird noise used to be heard from under the hood whenever we used to fire the engine up. This used to happen right after the engine had finished the process of firing up. Took the beast to Annamalais Toyota where the issue was rectified. Till date, no noise has been heard. Fingers crossed!

Overall, I'm really happy with the way Toyota treats me. I would definitely recommend a Toyota product for someone who is concerned about long term reliability and after-sales services.

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Old 6th December 2017, 17:39   #43
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by karthi.stark View Post
A weird noise used to be heard from under the hood whenever we used to fire the engine up. This used to happen right after the engine had finished the process of firing up. Took the beast to Annamalais Toyota where the issue was rectified. Till date, no noise has been heard. Fingers crossed!
What exactly was the issue and how did they resolve it?
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Old 26th June 2018, 07:10   #44
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

How’s your Crysta doing now - some months / Year’s down the line?

Which is a good ice you recommend for a new buyer - wanted it to run google maps and also have guidance lines for the rear camera.

Awaiting your reply.
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Old 1st August 2018, 13:39   #45
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Re: My bronze beast - Toyota Innova Crysta GX Automatic

Originally Posted by karthi.stark View Post
Interior-2nd Row

The second row is placed a bit higher than the first row. IMO, the second row is the most comfortable place to sit in the Innova Crysta. Those who enter the second row will be amazed by the amount of space provided by it. Maybe that explains the reason for lack of legroom in the rear. The seats (except the middle one) are really comfortable to sit on. However, the area where people are going to complain a lot is the middle seat of the second row. You have to adjust your position at least 10 times to find a comfortable way of sitting. Unlike the seats on the side, the middle seat doesn't get any cushioning! That could get cumbersome during long drives if you ask me. There is not much of a difference in the second row of all variants.
First of all thank you for your excellent and detailed review, based on your review, I bought the 2.8G AT 8Str (instead of 2.8 Z) and got the same 'upgrade' with the wooden panels on the dash and windows and the A/C vent silver line. I wanted 8 seats with AT anyway so 2.8G was perhaps the only choice.

I was also bought some fabric seat covers online and ordered them withOut the armrests, seeing this picture put by you for the second row seats.

But I was surprised (pleasantly) when taking delivery that Toyota is now providing Arm Rest in the second Row with cup holders.
I am adding a picture for other readers on the forum who might find this information useful who might like me order stuff ahead of taking actual delivery!.

Thank you
Ranjeet Singh
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