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Old 25th November 2016, 10:56   #61
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

On the ICE front:
It was becoming a pain carry CD's in the car for music, so I was looking for a something simpler - the USB pen drive. But I did not like the pen drives jutting out of the HU, even the smaller ones weren't really that small as they would still extend outwards and be visible.
Then, I came across the Ultra Fit 32GB USB 3.0 Pen drive and ordered one from Amazon.

32GB Ultra Fit USB 3.0 Pen Drive (Image
Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®-32gb-ultra-fit.jpg

This pen drive fits so flush into the USB port that it's barely visible, the only giveaway is from the driver's side where you can see that the Plastic flap covering USB and Aux Ports is slightly ajar. It's not even that apparent from the Passenger side.

View from Driver side
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View from Passenger side
Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®-ultfit-usbpassenger-side-view.jpg

So that took care of the aesthetic aspect, but what about the music itself ?

I thought once the music from several CD's was copied to the pen drive, we're all set, so took the pen drive to the car to test it and voila, it failed the first simple test - folders were not playing in the alphabetical order in which they appear when browsing the drive on Windows or Mac!

I could not figure out the order in which it was playing the folders (all folders were named with numeric prefixes like "01", "02",...), it was neither alphabetical nor the reverse alphabetical order. This seemed weird since folders had the numeric prefix so I was really not expecting this. Googled about this and I get @saket77's thread (How to sort music on a USB flash drive?) on Team BHP in the search result.
Ah, there we go, this is a known problem after all. Seems like the "creation timestamp" of the folders was causing this behavior. Before using any tools like FAT Sorter, etc I wanted to give it another shot with a quick & dirty (but slow) attempt.
Deleted all folders on the drive and copied one folder at a time in the order I'd numbered them ("01.." first, then "02..." next and so on).
Tested again in the car and yes the folder order problem was solved failed to play the tracks/songs in the order I'd wanted. Especially one folder where I like to listen to the songs in a specific order, I'd even named the files with the numeric prefixes yet it was't playing them in order (it was again using the create timestamp which was causing this).

More googling, and found that a command called "touch" that works on Windows and Linux/Unix can be used to modify the create and modify timestamps on files. Ran this command against the files in that particular folder (needless to say, took a backup before doing this) and all is well, finally.
Now, all the files in that folder share the same create & modified timestamps so the HU is forced to play them in the alphabetical sort order.

**I think the step where I copied the folders one by one (in the order I wanted them to play) is actually unnecessary and the same trick of using the "touch" command can be applied to folders as well, so it will be much simpler that way.

NOTE:The WagonR's Music System is the Nippon Maruti NC67L1 and the instruction manual does not mention that the play order is based on create date/timestamp. It only mentions with an example how files will be played where there is a multi folder hierarchy (even that is actually based on create date/timestamp as I found out!)

Last edited by NPV : 25th November 2016 at 11:16.
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Old 13th January 2017, 12:08   #62
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Update: Wheel alignment, Balancing and Tyre Rotation @5000Km

With just the minimal city duties, Waggy®'s Odo isn't making great progress these days, so finally when it came close to the 5000Km mark I took it to Madhus Enterprises for wheel alignment, balancing and rotation. There was a nail in one of the tyres but was a very short one so no puncture and there wasn't any loss in tyre pressure.
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Old 23rd January 2017, 10:57   #63
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Last week was a 'milestone' week with the Waggy®'s Odo touching the 5000Km mark. Coincidentally, the Aviator's Odo also reached the 5000Km mark the same day (

No other issues, etc to report for now. Next free inspection (service) is for the 10,000Km interval in March this year but the car is not going to be anywhere close to that 10k mark

Last edited by NPV : 23rd January 2017 at 10:59.
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Old 21st March 2017, 20:56   #64
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Third Free Service/Inspection (10,0000Km / 1 year) Update:
An experience very similar to the other free services.

Booked an appointment for 9am at Pratham, Queens Road for the service.
I reached the place around 9:30am due to a late start. Job card was done pretty quickly, only asked to:
1. Check a sound coming from the front left (passenger side) wheel well/suspension that we'd heard a few times in the mornings at low speeds when steering moves to left or right and also when reversing the car.

Accompanied the Service Advisor (SA) on a 3-4 Km drive to a residential locality where decibel levels were low, but we could not simulate the problem. It was attributed to possibility of mud/dirt in the wheel well/suspension and was to be taken care of during the pressure wash.

SA mentioned that Engine Oil, Oil Filter and Cabin Air (AC) Filter needs replacement in this service. Declined Cabin Air Filter since it was fixed during second free service at 3500Km in September 2016 and now Odometer was at 5600Km. SA asked if I'd like to go with Synthetic Engine Oil which I again declined and opted for the regular Mineral type.

I decided to wait at their Customer lounge and pick up the car when ready, was promised a 2pm delivery.

The car was ready at 1:15pm itself (SA attributed lesser number of vehicles for service to school exams that are currently in progress!)

Total cost:Rs.930 for Engine Oil (2.9 litres of Maruti MGO/Castrol 5W30) & Oil Filter, there were no other charges for service/consumables/labour, etc

*The sound from passenger side wheel is gone, so I'd like to believe it was indeed some dirt/mud.

The SA also mentioned that if it were to crop up again, he would come down to my home early morning on a weekend to see if it was something else that presents itself when engine/tyres are cold. This was very reassuring to hear, pretty happy with these guys so far during the warranty/free services.

The car has done just 5600Km in a year, way less than what I'd intended to, primarily due to commitments on work and home front and the fact that we preferred the Dzire for all long highway runs (it also has the FasTag, so it is the default choice almost always!).

Last edited by NPV : 21st March 2017 at 21:23.
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Old 27th March 2017, 23:18   #65
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

After a long gap, Waggy® got a chance to flex her muscles and taste the highway

We had an event to attend in Mysore on Sunday and did a day trip.
Decided to take the Wagon R, so that it gets a highway run. We had another car for company with some more folks. Unlike our usual trips, we had to start a bit late so as to reach Mysore around 10-10:30am. Being a larger group, decided to take the Mysore Road NH275 (erstwhile SH17) as there would be more options for breaks en route. Working backwards based on a pessimistic estimate, we decided 6:15am would be fine. For nostalgia sake, we had Kadambam, Channapatna on our mind as the breakfast stop.

Reached Kadambam around 7:45am, morning traffic all the way till there was manageable, most painful was the Nayandahalli-Kengeri stretch with the Metro Rail work in progress. Kadambam is just an average place now, not like how it was some years ago. I think there are much better options on this route now.

With traffic being low after Kengeri, kept to a decent 75-80kmph cruising speed most of the journey except when nearing, traversing and exiting the towns on the way.

Started after breakfast around 8:20am and still managed to reach near the Mysore bus stand by 9:45am.

Completed our work in Mysore by 4:30pm and was in two minds on the route to take. With children and seniors traveling, we finally decided to give preference for options to break en route and decided to take the same route again (I thought it would be dreadful!).

We finally started around 4:45pm and managed to make decent progress till Bidadi. Traffic wasn't dense but there would be the sudden cluster of vehicles keeping to a speed range and going in a virtual convoy. Since I preferred to cruise around 80kmph most of the time, kind of had a free run since the faster vehicles would zoom past us and exit the next town just as we reached the signal. Not being at the tail of cars at the signal, we would exit pretty quickly before the next bunch of cars overtook us. This worked beautifully till Bidadi where we had a longish 5-6 minute wait. After Bidadi, traffic got much denser and speeds dropped to 50-60kmph. Near the NICE road junction around 7:15pm, traffic almost came to a standstill, so we decided to take NICE Road and avoid going via the CBD part of the city.
Turned out to be a great decision as we exited at Hosur Road in good time (again did not exceed 80kmph). The 3 signals on Hosur Road did not delay us much and we were in Indiranagar by 8:15pm. Even Koramangala was manageable and the slowest was in fact 100 feet Road in Indiranagar where it was a C-R-A-W-L!

Calculated FE and found it to be roughly about 15kmpl.

In the end, it wasn't a horrendous Sunday evening drive on Mysore Road

Hoping we can do more such short trips in the coming months.

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 28th March 2017 at 10:15.
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Old 1st July 2017, 17:48   #66
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Back in April, after our Waggy turned a year old, had to get an emission test done to certify the engine was within Pollution norms. This was the first time we'd be getting the PUC certificate for Waggy.
All was well and got the certificate quickly. I was surprised that it had a 1 year validity period so enquired with the folks at the testing centre and was told that all vehicles manufacturered prior to 2011 would need testing and certification every 6 months and the newer ones need them every year.
This was something I wasn't aware of.
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Old 17th August 2017, 13:15   #67
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Milestone update:
Waggy® reached the 8000Km mark recently
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Old 25th February 2018, 13:24   #68
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®


Mileage: Odo is at 10,000Km now
FE: hovers around the 11Km/l mark for city usage with AC

Decided to get a Fastag for Waggy® - details here (FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!) and here (FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!)

After a few weeks, I found time to paste the tag and try it, worked like a charm 4 out of 4 times - details here (FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!)

Waggy® Fastag'ed
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Old 24th March 2018, 12:19   #69
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Second Year (24 month) Service Update
Odo : 10,500Km
Service done : At Pratham Motors as per Periodic Maintenance Service of 2 yrs/20,000 Km

Details of service :
  • Replaced Engine Oil - Castrol MGO 0W20 (99999M00W20-CAS) 2.9 litres
  • Replaced Brake Fluid - GC 1500 AA (99000M24120-579) 500 ml
  • Replaced Coolant - Golden Yellow (99000M24120-639)
  • Replaced AC/Cabin Filter (990J0M67LS0-010)- Inspected the filter and it was very dusty, so had it replaced

There were no other complaints from me and all other inspections revealed everything was fine (drive shaft boot, brake pads, etc)

Others :
The service center did try to upsell a host of other things like interior cleaning, etc which I turned down, but decided to try one thing - the AC disinfectant.
  • Liqui Moly Klima Fresh - cost about Rs.700

Total Cost : Rs.5300 (including Rs.700 for the Liqui Moly Klima Fresh)

Note on Engine Oil :
At the 1 year/10k Km Periodic Maintenance Service, the service center mentioned about a circular from Maruti recommending 5W30 Semi-Synthetic Engine Oil and had used it then, this time I asked them to go with 0W20 which is the recommended grade as per the Owners Manual.

Price difference -> 5W30 is about Rs.500 more than that of 0W20 (for 2.9 litres)

Quickly checked with Parag on using 0W20 and then went ahead.

I wanted to compare 5W30 and 0W20 to see if there were any perceivable differences in terms of engine smoothness/tone and FE.

So far, I do not see any perceivable difference in the engine smoothness/tone/ride quality, but will keep a watch on it and also see if there is any difference in FE. Prior to this service, FE has remained around the 11km/l mark with AC on almost always and city driving conditions.

Alignment, Balancing and Rotation : Had this done as usual at Madhus Enterprises, Langford Road.
So far, the stock Apollo Amazer 3G 155/65/R14 tyres have been doing well.

Last edited by NPV : 24th March 2018 at 12:38.
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Old 5th September 2018, 18:26   #70
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Replaced Rear Wiper:
After about 2.5 years of usage, the rear wiper had become a bit noisy and the rubber on the blade did not feel softer anymore.
Looked up the part numbers for the Rear Wiper Blade and Rubber and headed to a local MGP store. I was told the Rubber part alone cannot be bought, so asked for the Wiper Blade assembly. Placed an order since it wasn't readily available, was told that it can take about 4-5 days. It actually took about 2 weeks and this is what I bought:

WagonR - Rear wiper Assembly
Part No:38340M67L10

The rear wiper does not have a tab/clip mechanism to lock/unlock, looked up youtube to find this useful video. This was helpful and in the end pretty easy to remove the old wiper blade and replace with the new one

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Old 26th March 2019, 09:41   #71
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Third Year (36 month) Service Update
Odo : 13,650Km
Service done : At Surakshaa Car Care Nexa Service outlet, Electronics City as per Periodic Maintenance Service of 3 yrs/30,000 Km

As per the manual, this scheduled service only needs replacement of Engine Oil & Oil Filter.

The car is used sparingly as can be seen by the mileage on the Odo at 3 year milestone, so wanted to err on the side of safety - Air filter and Spark plugs have a 40k Km interval, so I decided to get at least the Air filter replaced as it is inexpensive and can help improve FE and keep the engine in good health in our dusty conditions. Also decided to get the Cabin Air/AC filter, Engine Coolant and Brake Fluid replaced.

Note on Engine Oil :
During the previous service (20k Km PMS), I found that many of the Maruti dealer workshops use 5W30 for most cars with petrol engines, so decided to get the 0W20 grade engine oil (recommended in the WagonR manual) myself.

MGP dealers located nearby did not have this grade, so tried at Shell Petrol pumps nearby and was told that Shell hasn't launched this grade in Bangalore outlets yet

Finally, I headed to Essar Automotives which is a large MGP dealership and found it there with the MGO branding and was indeed a Shell manufactured product!

Details of service :
  • Replaced Engine Oil - Shell MGO 0W20 (99999M00W20-SHL) 2.9 litres
  • Replaced Engine Oil Drain Plug - This is a Suzuki Genuine Part (SGP) imported from Japan (11518-63J10)
  • Replaced Engine Oil Drain Gasket (09168M14012)
  • Replaced Brake Fluid - GC 1500 AA (99000M24120-579) 500 ml
  • Replaced Coolant - Golden Yellow (99000M24120-639) - 1 litre
  • Replaced Air Filter - Element, Air Cleaner (13780M67L00)
  • Replaced Oil Filter - Filter Assy, Oil (16510M65L10)
  • Replaced AC/Cabin Filter (990J0M67LS0-010)- Inspected the old filter and it was very dusty

There were no other complaints that I asked them to check, but they found battery to be slightly weak (though I had forgotten to mention about this ("My Car Won't Start" | What To Do) symptom that I noticed in Sep 2018)

Others :
The service center did NOT try to upsell anything. I also told them that I will get alignment and balancing done later (I prefer Madhus).

Service Cost : Rs.3007 (includes PMS 30k Km Labour Rs.2100, Oil Drain Plug Gasket Rs.5, Coolant Rs.238, Brake Fluid Rs.150, Caliper Grease Rs.50 + 18% GST on all items)

Parts Cost : Rs.1987 (includes Engine Oil Rs.1404, Oil Drain Plug Rs.59, Oil Filter Rs.82, Air Filter Rs.174, Cabin Air Filter Rs.350 and inclusive of GST on all items)

Total Cost : Rs.4994

Parts and Engine Oil bought from MGP store
Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®-wr-svc1.jpg

Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®-wr-svc2.jpg

Last edited by NPV : 26th March 2019 at 09:47.
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Old 26th March 2019, 10:38   #72
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Parts and Engine Oil bought from MGP store
You bought other parts also from the MGP shop ?

After we spoke, I thought it was just the rarity of the grade of the engine oil that necessitated you to visit Essar on Siddaiah road.

Any reason why you picked some very fast moving parts like filters from an MGP Store when you were visiting a Dealer ASC? Were you offered any discounts? I am only curious.

Also, I am sure the Service charges by the ASC includes labor for all fluid and filter changes as part of the bundle.

I still remember that 147,000 Kms for my WagonR at Mandovi, Yeshwantpur nearly 8 years before when I upon learning that they didn't have Ceekay Branded Clutch in stock (They had only Valeo), I headed out and picked it from Nema Auto Spares and returned back to the service center as rest of all parts including suspensions, drive shafts, steering rack and even Cat-Con was available at the ASC as they normally stock all of them.

Last edited by paragsachania : 26th March 2019 at 10:41.
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Old 26th March 2019, 11:05   #73
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
You bought other parts also from the MGP shop ?

After we spoke, I thought it was just the rarity of the grade of the engine oil that necessitated you to visit Essar on Siddaiah road.
When I visited the MGP store for the engine oil, I hadn't made up my mind on where to have the service done, was contemplating FNG Vs dealer workshop, so picked the other parts as well. Later, decided on dealer workshop since the car is still 3 years old and has a valid extended warranty.
Previous services of the car were done at Pratham Queens road (had also bought the car from their sales outlet on Queens road), but they closed that service centre, so I decided to go to Surakshaa Koramangala where I get the Dzire serviced. After I spoke to you, I thought why not try the Nexa service outlet since I knew the Service Manager who had moved there from Koramangala branch. When I reached there I realized I also know the Service Advisor as he used to be at Koramangala as well, small world.

Also, I am sure the Service charges by the ASC includes labor for all fluid and filter changes as part of the bundle.
Yes, there were no additional labour charges other than Rs.2100 (+ GST) for 30k Km PMS. In fact I had also asked them to install the left side tail lamp assembly and a wheel cover that I had bought few months ago from MGP store. More on this later.

According to the SA - when the customer provides parts for any PMS service at dealer outlets, the billing system (Dealer management system?) always bills for Oil filter, so they suggest not buying oil filter outside. In my case, I said exclude that since I will be paying for coolant and brake fluid anyways. So, as a workaround, bill does mention oil filter but it's cost was adjusted by reducing the cost of coolant

Also, as per your earlier post in some thread I asked the SA to update service history comments by adding "Customer provided engine oil MGO grade 0w20"

Last edited by NPV : 26th March 2019 at 11:08.
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Old 27th March 2019, 13:09   #74
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Thanks to Bangalore traffic, Waggy also had couple of traffic inflicted wounds that needed to be taken care of.

Few months ago a motorist, elbowed his way behind the car to try and get ahead from the left side and the bike's brake lever brushed against the Left Side Tail lamp causing the plastic lens cover to chip. To prevent further damage, I used some electrical tape to plaster it. Bought the Left side tail lamp assembly from the MGP store (Part #35750M67L00 LAMP UNIT, RR COMBINATION LH - Rs.995)

One of the wheel covers had cracked on the periphery, again thanks to a scooterist. Bought the wheel cover also from MGP store (Part #43250M67L10-27N WHL CVR SLVR WAGONR - Rs.295)

Thanks to @Leoshashi for the MGP Part #'s!

These were also installed during the last service.
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Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®-wr-wheel-cover.jpg

Last edited by NPV : 27th March 2019 at 13:11.
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Old 5th April 2019, 18:47   #75
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Re: Our 2016 Glistening Grey Maruti WagonR VXi - Waggy® meets Dizzy®

Had the wheel alignment and balancing done at Madhus, Langford Road last week, happy customer again (I prefer to get it done at Madhus rather than at the Maruti Service Centers)

The folks there also used a new device to test automotive batteries and as expected (see feedback from service centre during last service in posts above), it returned status as "bad". Didn't replace the battery yet, but may need to sometime soon.

Last edited by NPV : 5th April 2019 at 18:55.
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