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Old 13th January 2020, 11:39   #4216
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Can anyone confirm that the plastic tag that comes with the keys has the same digits as the ending of VIN? I remember it being the same but I seem to have misplaced it somewhere at home. The RM kept insisting to keep it safe though I am not sure why Skoda would not have this record in their books.

Originally Posted by GauravTaneja View Post
Congratulations Praveen. I believe I missed you by a few minutes when I walked into the showroom and was told they just delivered a blue Onyx.

Looks beautiful. Did you get the 3D mats for it?
Thanks! Had you come for the delivery as well? I have not gone for the 3D mats as the ones given by them are quite good.

Originally Posted by Timothy View Post
The skoda App installation took barely a couple of minutes. Just check your spam folder, the email with the activation link may have landed in there. It did in my case. Hope this help. Cheers !

I also just wanted to check that the dealer informed me that the extended 5th & 6th year warranty would be received on my email directly from the company. They did not give any invoice for that. Folks , if any of you have taken the extended warranty, kindly confirm if this is the case.
My RM told me that the document will be sent by post within 30 days to my registered address. Even I did not receive any invoice.
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Old 13th January 2020, 11:59   #4217
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Timothy View Post
They did not give any invoice for that. Folks , if any of you have taken the extended warranty, kindly confirm if this is the case.
I did not get any email from Skoda. I had to chase the dealer few months later and they gave me a scanned copy of warranty and maintenance package invoice via email.
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Old 13th January 2020, 13:25   #4218
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Timothy View Post
The skoda App installation took barely a couple of minutes. Just check your spam folder, the email with the activation link may have landed in there. It did in my case. Hope this help. Cheers !
The app works, email and account registration done, but just that I can't add my VIN. It shows VIN found, and then claims to send an OTP to my phone number, which never comes.

I can never go beyond this screen.

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-screenshot_20200113132228_mykoda.jpg
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Old 13th January 2020, 14:09   #4219
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by SLK View Post
The app works, email and account registration done, but just that I can't add my VIN. It shows VIN found, and then claims to send an OTP to my phone number, which never comes.

I can never go beyond this screen.
The message would come from ISKODA. Have you ever got any other SMS welcoming you to the Skoda family and feedback about your purchase experience? If not, I think your number might not be updated correctly. The screenshot masks the first few digits and maybe 1-2 numbers are wrong.

Another possibility (just in case missed) is that if you are using any 3rd party SMS app like Microsoft SMS Organiser, it might come under a different tab (Transaction Tab for me) or getting filtered out.

Last edited by praveen789 : 13th January 2020 at 14:12.
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Old 13th January 2020, 14:54   #4220
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by praveen789 View Post
The message would come from ISKODA. Have you ever got any other SMS welcoming you to the Skoda family and feedback about your purchase experience? If not, I think your number might not be updated correctly. The screenshot masks the first few digits and maybe 1-2 numbers are wrong.
I did get 3 messages from skoda so far.
The first was on allocation of car.

The second was Dear SKODA Customer, your SKODA Car VIN xxxxxxxx is pending to be added in MySKODA App. Add your VIN to access complete service history of your SKODA car and other great features. To download the MySKODA App, click here

Third was when I made almost the 10th complaint on not receiving OTP, they sent a message hope your concern has been addressed.

And I have no SMS blockers, just use native sms app and have checked the blocked messages box everytime.

The dealer said, there are other cars sold at same time which had this issue, but it was resolved after complaints to Skoda. In my case, it's just not working.
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Old 13th January 2020, 14:58   #4221
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by SLK View Post
I did get 3 messages from skoda so far.

The second was Dear SKODA Customer, your SKODA Car VIN xxxxxxxx is pending to be added in MySKODA App. Add your VIN to access complete service history of your SKODA car and other great features. To download the MySKODA App, click here
The second message does seem to indicate that they have the correct number in their records. Like you mentioned, maybe a different issue affecting multiple users.
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Old 14th January 2020, 00:32   #4222
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by praveen789 View Post
Thanks! Had you come for the delivery as well? I have not gone for the 3D mats as the ones given by them are quite good.
No such luck. Was in the area and dropped in to check on delivery status.
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Old 14th January 2020, 11:47   #4223
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by praveen789 View Post
Can anyone confirm that the plastic tag that comes with the keys has the same digits as the ending of VIN? I remember it being the same but I seem to have misplaced it somewhere at home. The RM kept insisting to keep it safe though I am not sure why Skoda would not have this record in their books.
Can someone who has taken delivery in the recent past, please confirm this?
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Old 14th January 2020, 21:46   #4224
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by praveen789 View Post
Can someone who has taken delivery in the recent past, please confirm this?
Yes - I can confirm that the plastic tag with the keys has the last 8 characters from the VIN. So essentially, it should not be much of an issue even if you lost the same.
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Old 14th January 2020, 22:09   #4225
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by vickyP View Post
Yes - I can confirm that the plastic tag with the keys has the last 8 characters from the VIN. So essentially, it should not be much of an issue even if you lost the same.
Thanks lot Vicky! I think the RM was using the logic used for older/other cars which have a different code for the key.
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Old 19th January 2020, 13:44   #4226
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Hello All,

With now over 20 days with my Octavia L&K - I realized something about the music, sort of a revelation for me (though I need to establish if this is indeed consistent with others).
One of the reasons for me opting for the L&K, along with a few others, was the option of having the Canton Music System (with the sub-woofer). Though during the test drives, I did try it and found it to be good - I had never given it a due focus as I was kind of convinced that as all the reviews have mentioned it to be a great one - so it must be great! The focus during the test drive was always around the other must haves for me, in terms of driving & related dynamics. Also my previous car - Vento TSI - had a good music system which made me believe that this one should be anything but better.

Now post the car purchase, I have been using the wired Apple CarPlay through all these days - as I use Google Maps during the usual commutes and been streaming music through Apple Music. Though the quality of music has been good but I wasn't blown away as I had expected. Even with some tweaks to the equalizer settings in the car system (a little heavy on the bass), I did not feel it to be a major improvement over what it was in my Vento and wondered what all the fuss about Canton system was about. Though I made peace with the fact that this is how it is going to be, but was definitely a little disappointed.
And then, a couple of days back I was trying to use the car's inbuilt navigation and experiencing the same on the virtual cockpit and thus had not connected my phone to the wired carplay. Now during that time, when I played the music over the bluetooth (again through Apple Music only) - I was simply blown away with the difference of the output quality. This is when I realized the substantial difference when the music was playing through wired carplay vs over the bluetooth. If I preferred my volume to be around 50% with the wired carplay connection (when I want it a little loud), then I get a similar output at 30% itself when using bluetooth and probably with better clarity as well. To top it all, the track names and all are visible on the virtual cockpit when played through the bluetooth (media on the system) but not when done through Apple CarPlay.

So a few quick question to the experts:
  1. Is this consistent with what others have experienced or do I have any issue/ missing any settings?
  2. Do I need to check if the connecting cable is the culprit? I bought a short cable from Amazon recently for my use in the car. I shall test this soon with the original cable & check if it differs.
  3. Is there anyway that I can use the Apple CarPlay wirelessly?

Another query with respect to the touchscreen system on the car - The touch & responsiveness of the system is great, but we all know that it is a fingerprint magnet like crazy. Has anyone found a resolution to this? Would using a tempered glass protector help in any way? I found a relevant one on Amazon and was considering the same. Any experiences?
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Old 19th January 2020, 16:03   #4227
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

@vickyP, I usually play my music on Spotify on my Pixel2XL connected to my car using Android Auto. My car is 50 days old Onyx 1.8 TSI. The music was just ok, Then I copied my music purchased in iTunes to a SD card and inserted the card in to the card reader in my car. I was just blown away by the quality of the music. My system is not even Canton system. Can you also try SD card with high quality music files and share your feedback? May be you can try pen drive using USB port too.

Regarding the finger prints on the screen, I have kept the cloth that comes with phone screen protector in my car and occasionally clean the screen with the cloth.
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Old 20th January 2020, 09:59   #4228
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Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Thank you both.
@vishy76: thank you for your PM; have been categorically told that the DQ200 is sealed for life, and Skoda does not even have a procedure to top-up the little oil there is inside.

@itwasntme Did the service folks find out the root cause?

Last edited by Jaggu : 20th January 2020 at 14:47. Reason: Trimming the large post quoted.
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Old 20th January 2020, 19:04   #4229
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by vickyP View Post
[*]Is this consistent with what others have experienced or do I have any issue/ missing any settings?[*]Do I need to check if the connecting cable is the culprit? I bought a short cable from Amazon recently for my use in the car. I shall test this soon with the original cable & check if it diffe?
Yes, i have also faced the same. I use Skoda cable and still the output while connecting to android auto is low and lesser in quality. Connecting via bluetooth is much better.

I use skoda official accessory cable. But since my phone is type c, I have to use an external connector to the cable. O haven't checked using another cable, however I think that the issue is due to my external connector.
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Old 20th January 2020, 19:33   #4230
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by sud View Post
@itwasntme Did the service folks find out the root cause?
Unfortunately could not as a sudden issue at work meant unplanned travel. Hopefully later this week.
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