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Old 5th March 2017, 14:32   #2701
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Received my VCDS cable last week along with the A3 LED number plate lights i had ordered from AliExpress. There were some issues with my laptop and I wasn't able to properly use the cable and the software (16.8). Met with Hardeep (NewtonMeter) and installed on his laptop and its working fine now.

The LED lights were were easy to install and a little notorious to code- since they are not coded through the long coding helper but through adaptations (and most of that is in German). Some pictures below of what all we were able to enable in the limited time that we had.

The number plate lights- Made in Slovakia

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9166.jpg

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9168.jpg

Comparison with the original yellow lights

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9170.jpg

Looks much much better now (day and night view)

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9171.jpg

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9179.jpg

For coding (and an ocean of information on VCDS with Octavia MK3 please refer to

Enabled the fog-lamps and DRLs are Coming Home and Leaving Home lights

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9180.jpg

And also enabled the fuel refuel quantity of MID. It moves in increments of 5.

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_9178.jpg

That's all for now!

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Old 7th March 2017, 12:31   #2702
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

My brother-in-law is looking to buy a new 1.8TSI Octavia - any idea when the new facelift is going on?

Also any idea what the current discount is being offered in Mumbai?

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Old 7th March 2017, 14:36   #2703
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

I booked a skoda octavia 1.8 TSI DSG style plus last week. Expecting delivery next week.

Have already done 46k on a VW Polo GT TSI with just a few problems here and there. Since the two have the same gearbox, I wasn't much worried about it as of now.
But after going through this forum, I am confused. Are there cars which are running fine? Is the gearbox still having issues in the Octavia?
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Old 7th March 2017, 19:47   #2704
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by ashish13 View Post
I booked a skoda octavia 1.8 TSI DSG style plus last week. Expecting delivery next week.

Have already done 46k on a VW Polo GT TSI with just a few problems here and there. Since the two have the same gearbox, I wasn't much worried about it as of now.
But after going through this forum, I am confused. Are there cars which are running fine? Is the gearbox still having issues in the Octavia?
Hi, I had few queries in my mind regarding your booking.

1) Have you booked a VIN-2017 model or is it a MY17?

2)Did you hear any news regarding the facelift model?

The above queries are in my mind because a member itself had posted in this thread that Skoda is not manufacturing VIN-2017 models as they are planning to launch a facelift model soon.

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Last edited by hitsun23 : 7th March 2017 at 20:11.
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Old 7th March 2017, 22:43   #2705
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The Chennai dealer is only offering MY17 cars with 2016 VIN numbers. No VIN 2017 cars on offer so what you heard may be true.
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Old 7th March 2017, 23:33   #2706
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by hitsun23 View Post
Hi, I had few queries in my mind regarding your booking.

1) Have you booked a VIN-2017 model or is it a MY17?

2)Did you hear any news regarding the facelift model?

The above queries are in my mind because a member itself had posted in this thread that Skoda is not manufacturing VIN-2017 models as they are planning to launch a facelift model soon.

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It is a VIN-2016 MY17 model. I got a good deal on it, so was not much interested in a VIN-2017 model and neither was willing to wait for a facelift model. But as per the SA there are no updates for the facelift model coming anytime soon.
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Old 8th March 2017, 13:47   #2707
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Well, here's a disgruntled Octavia owner

Thanks to vsb rt for sharing!
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Old 8th March 2017, 18:38   #2708
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by ashish13 View Post
It is a VIN-2016 MY17 model. I got a good deal on it, so was not much interested in a VIN-2017 model and neither was willing to wait for a facelift model. But as per the SA there are no updates for the facelift model coming anytime soon.
Thanks for the information,even i was gonna book the current model as i find the front face of the facelift kind of ugly-(My personal opinion) but family is insisting to wait for it.

Congratulation for your new car.

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Well, here's a disgruntled Octavia owner

Thanks to vsb rt for sharing!
Post like these make me rethink my decision ,thanks for sharing the link.
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Old 9th March 2017, 11:29   #2709
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-octavia.jpg

In a dramatic turn of events, an owner of Skoda Octavia got his car towed by donkeys. The incident happened in Ludhiana, Punjab, where the car was towed through busy market areas and other residential roads of the city. Two donkeys were made to pull the new-generation Octavia.

The owner resorted to this in protest against the car manufacturer, who failed to solve a problem that caused the car to break down regularly. According to the ANI, the customer was frustrated after many failed attempts by the dealership to rectify a problem in his car. The customer also contacted dealer head and the zonal office of Skoda but did not get an adequate response.
I can relate so well It was only a matter of time until somebody pulled off such a publicity stunt.


EDIT: Missed GTO's post about a news video of the same. Regardless, I'm leaving this picture up for the forum to see. Mods please delete my post if necessary

Last edited by Mtv : 9th March 2017 at 11:33.
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Old 9th March 2017, 15:26   #2710
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Big shoutout to Rahul for sharing - thank you!

See what the dealer has to say

From: sales grandskoda
Date: Mar 9, 2017 10:50
Subject: Fwd: Bring home a SKODA
To: rahul parihar

Dear Mr. Rahul Parihar,

Greeting of the day!

I would like to update you, its humour only, we will share with you some other manufacturers cars also the same snaps.

Please see the mentioned link too.

We will also be sharing with you some other manufacturers car's snaps by whatsapp.


Kindly give us suitable time, so we will call you.

Thanks & Regards


Grand Autocapital | Škoda Auto India
40-49 Pearls Omaxe, Netaji Subash Place, Pitampura New Delhi-110034

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rahul
Date: Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Bring home a SKODA
To: sales grandskoda

Hi Guys

I have dropped a plan to invest my hard earned money in Skoda. Please check the below link:

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Old 9th March 2017, 16:49   #2711
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Either this is an attempt at some deep mind-stretching humour or a Trumpish attempt to deflect authentic news :-)

I have a lot of donkeys which walk around in our neighbourhood; after seeing the article, I now look at them with a slightly sweaty upper lip.

Humour aside, I could not view the video. What EXACTLY has happend to this particular Octavia owner?
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Old 9th March 2017, 17:27   #2712
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Either this is an attempt at some deep mind-stretching humour or a Trumpish attempt to deflect authentic news :-)

I have a lot of donkeys which walk around in our neighbourhood; after seeing the article, I now look at them with a slightly sweaty upper lip.

Humour aside, I could not view the video. What EXACTLY has happend to this particular Octavia owner?
He complains about the suspension, battery, music player, and the fact that spare parts take long to come in.

Funny thing is, the list of issues with my car is longer and more comprehensive than this owner's
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Old 9th March 2017, 18:26   #2713
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Why does this only happen to Skoda? Is it a case of all non customer friendly executives and lazy technicians ending up in same company or is it just that the customers who buy these cars are so scared inside thinking something bad is going to happen soon that they self jinx themselves because every ownership review we read will always contain the most used word of Skoda and VW owners on Team-BHP 'fingers crossed'.
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Old 9th March 2017, 20:11   #2714
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I don't think this only happens with skoda.It might be happening with many car manufacturers.But most of them won't come forward or posts in social media thinking its specific to their car and an one time instance.
Most of these issues escalate due to the laid back support from the dealers
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Old 9th March 2017, 21:35   #2715
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by jithudigitised View Post
I don't think this only happens with skoda.It might be happening with many car manufacturers.But most of them won't come forward or posts in social media thinking its specific to their car and an one time instance.
Most of these issues escalate due to the laid back support from the dealers
I beg to differ. I feel Skoda dealers and company are as thick as thieves, as long as there gullible Indians who drool on Teutonic build and cornering abilities they are going to be happy catering to them. I bet no one in his/her senses will have a Skoda as their only ride!!
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