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Old 1st July 2015, 13:52   #1846
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Suspension noise: I mentioned it to the dealer and they merely applied lubrication to the joints and bushes. So the issue subsided for a week or so after which it reappeared. Again it is claimed to be 'dust related'. Why such issues are not there in all cars then? All old Lauras and Superbs? No answer. I will ask for a replacement of entire front suspension or else I will go for Bilstein suspension as I am already on 40K kms already.
I have the problem with the suspension noise too. Its a creaking kind of noise and I got a similar "dust related" response from the dealer and mechanics there, whenever I asked about it. For me the suspension noise has been there since my car was almost brand new. I have noticed that I sometimes hear the sound when I get into the car too, when its parked in a particular position on a slight incline.
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Old 1st July 2015, 16:25   #1847
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by worldtravelbug View Post
I have noticed that I sometimes hear the sound when I get into the car too, when its parked in a particular position on a slight incline.
Try getting into the car when it is at the same position, but with the handbrake disengaged (leave it in P or in gear). Let me know if you still hear the same creaking sound.
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Old 2nd July 2015, 11:08   #1848
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by worldtravelbug View Post
I have the problem with the suspension noise too. Its a creaking kind of noise and I got a similar "dust related" response from the dealer and mechanics there, whenever I asked about it. For me the suspension noise has been there since my car was almost brand new. I have noticed that I sometimes hear the sound when I get into the car too, when its parked in a particular position on a slight incline.
If only it was easier to replicate the sound when we are on an official test drive with a Skoda technician. I was able to do it once, so the technician just ignored the sound and thought I am just another paranoid owner concerned about the quality of the product. I was told two weeks back that the technicians from Skoda will visit the dealership and inspect my car. Still no update on the same from the dealer.
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Old 2nd July 2015, 11:11   #1849
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by VeluM View Post
Try getting into the car when it is at the same position, but with the handbrake disengaged (leave it in P or in gear). Let me know if you still hear the same creaking sound.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried to reproduce the sound by parking on a ramp and inclined road, forwards and backwards. But I was not able to recreate the sound, with or without the handbrake engaged. The next time it happens, I will check it.
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Old 13th July 2015, 18:11   #1850
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Hi guys, can any one of you help me out with the price of the original "SKODA HORN" for my octavia, it came fitted with a regular sounding horn when I had purchased it in 2014. My local dealer says it will cost 7k.
I guess the 2015 make one's are tweaked to enhance the character of the car such LED tail lights, so called "SKODA HORN"(fanfare) and so on. But I guess that's justified as the prices have also skyrocketed if am not wrong.
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Old 13th July 2015, 22:37   #1851
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Originally Posted by Akshay89 View Post
Hi guys, can any one of you help me out with the price of the original "SKODA HORN" for my octavia?

I got it for approx ₹2500+labour since the bumper has to be removed to replace the horn. Total of about ₹4000/-
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Old 19th July 2015, 15:02   #1852
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Its kinda odd that the new octavia's sheet metal is so thin compared to Jetta. My friend just booked the Octavia but when I pressed the metal area above the rear tire it flexed inside that is something I could not do with similar force on the Jetta.

European cars always prided them selfs on thicker sheet metal then why is this thinness the new stranded. FE is one thing but being true to company standards is another.
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Old 19th July 2015, 15:51   #1853
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

XUV also has thinner sheet metal, I have always feared that manufacturers these days change body shape on newer models only so as to facilitate thinner sheet metal in place of thicker. Even the new Octavia and Superb bonnet lip made me think that these designs were in place due to change in sheet metal. These kind of cars will not last a fender bender and will make a mess of everything and give the owner huge bills.
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Old 19th July 2015, 19:35   #1854
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
XUV also has thinner sheet metal, I have always feared that manufacturers these days change body shape on newer models only so as to facilitate thinner sheet metal in place of thicker. Even the new Octavia and Superb bonnet lip made me think that these designs were in place due to change in sheet metal. These kind of cars will not last a fender bender and will make a mess of everything and give the owner huge bills.
I wonder if they've done it in other countries. Something tells me that this kind of cutting down will not work in Europe or for that matter Brazil.
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Old 20th July 2015, 05:21   #1855
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Guys need your help. Off late I have been observing that every time I cross the speed of 90/100 km/hr on the Speedometer the car starts vibrating/wobbling, as if someone is giving it a good shake from the outside.
After having felt this I got the Wheel alignment of the car checked. The report of the same was perfectly fine as stated by the Person who carried it out.
The car has clocked about 6700 Kms on the ODO till date and the car is less than a year old. The wheels seems to be in a pretty good shape too, that is not much wear and tear(Just a visual inspection of the tyres done by me). I am still using the Stock tyres that were provided.
I fail to understand as to what is the problem, as the wobbling of the car does not happen under 90 km/hr.
Could you guys please advise on the above. Any inputs would be appreciated.


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Old 20th July 2015, 06:26   #1856
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Most of the newer vehicles are sacrificing thick metal for lightweight metal sheets and liberal use of plastics in the body shell. Mostly this is on account of trying to achieve a certain "lightness" and "greater fuel efficiency".

This is particularly true of these vehicles being sold in "Developing Markets" where FE is a real "Holy Grail" for these manufacturers to attain!
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Old 20th July 2015, 09:06   #1857
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Artem View Post
Guys need your help. Off late I have been observing that every time I cross the speed of 90/100 km/hr on the Speedometer the car starts vibrating/wobbling, as if someone is giving it a good shake from the outside.
After having felt this I got the Wheel alignment of the car checked. The report of the same was perfectly fine as stated by the Person who carried it out.
The car has clocked about 6700 Kms on the ODO till date and the car is less than a year old. The wheels seems to be in a pretty good shape too, that is not much wear and tear(Just a visual inspection of the tyres done by me). I am still using the Stock tyres that were provided.
I fail to understand as to what is the problem, as the wobbling of the car does not happen under 90 km/hr.
Could you guys please advise on the above. Any inputs would be appreciated.


Does it vanish after 90 KMPH?
Which gear does this appear? 2,3,4,5,6? Does it appear in all gears @ 90KMPH? Is yours an AT or MT?
@ What RPM? Is it prominent in the front or rear?
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Old 20th July 2015, 09:19   #1858
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by wilful View Post
I wonder if they've done it in other countries. Something tells me that this kind of cutting down will not work in Europe or for that matter Brazil.
Well, the Octavia sold in India is basically a knocked down kit from the Czech republic. That means the sheet metal panels are same as what you get in EU countries.

It's the new trend being followed in pursuit of fuel efficiency and cost cutting.
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Old 20th July 2015, 09:27   #1859
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@Artem did get only alignment checked out? I hope you also got wheel balancing checked. What you are describing is typical outcome of imbalanced wheel(s) .
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Old 20th July 2015, 09:39   #1860
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Sudev is spot on, seems to be imbalanced wheels.

Another long shot could be damaged alloy(s). Have you hit any speed-breaker or fallen into a pothole at speed recently?
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