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Old 3rd October 2013, 10:04   #31
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by amolpol
Enfield + Jeep + Fortuner = Go Anywhere Now!
Hi Amolpol,

Firstly, congratulations for the super ride. Having acquired one recently, I can definitely say that it shall not disappoint you.

I will request you to provide more details on the AU upgrade and the observations, as you progress.

I also like your signature line, real good.

Happy motoring!

Last edited by aah78 : 10th October 2013 at 23:44. Reason: Quote fixed.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 11:22   #32
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!


Congratulations for the Fortuner.
The dislikes mentioned by you are all genuine. But the vehicle grows on you.

The stock Dunlops are'nt bad as they are being projected. Mine are nearing 50K with 5 major long distance trips. 1st had the Chushul sector, 2nd had the Zanskar sector, 3rd had Kutch, 4th had the Kalpa and Jalori and very recently Spiti. Apart from this many smaller trips in MP on some horrible roads. The tyres have held up fine and may last another 20K.

Again wishing you many a safe miles in the beast.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 12:32   #33
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Congrats Amol. Excellent review. Lot of details. I really appreciate the massive amount of information you've shared with all of us. Thanks a bunch.

I too joined the Fortuner club recently. Mine is an automatic variant though. I am completely satisfied except for the ride quality on broken roads and potholes, which I feel could've been better.

The cheap speakers are an eye opener. That's sad! This is the outcome of following lean manufacturing process. There's one contradiction to that though, they have headlamp washers. Wonder from which country/region they got that requirement.

Happy motoring to you and your family!

Last edited by aah78 : 10th October 2013 at 23:59. Reason: Abbreviation expanded.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 13:20   #34
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by amolpol View Post
We did consider the Rexton at one point in time and wanted to check it out before discarding that option. Sadly, we couldn't get a TD since the car had gone out for some event when we visited the showroom and the SA didn't bother reverting back even though we left our contact details to send the car for a test drive later in the week.

A few things that weren't in favor of the Rexton were:

- The manual transmission variant was a very bare-basic stripped down version vs the automatic which had all the bells and whistles. Automatics weren't our first choice!
- Inside space was smaller than what we would have liked, this wasn't a deal breaker but still a considerable factor
- Even though it's serviced by Mahindra, the service/repair expertise isn't available everywhere and that was an issue.
- The automatic AWD mode wasn't really what I wanted - this was the biggest negative for it since I wanted a selectable 4x4 mode.
- This could have been the closest I'd come to driving the German tri-star since it's mostly a ML270 under the Ssangyong badge, but my discussions with the service folks revealed that it wasn't a 100% tension-free product as of now and needed some more mutation to adapt to the Indian conditions. Reliability wasn't something that I'd want to compromise in a new car.
- As with any Tata or Mahindra, it's always best to give them the first 3-5 years to settle down with the product quality issues before giving them your money and let them play with your mind.
- Even after that settling in period, you need to find new ways of beating the stress and anxiety while working with the ASCs. With the Thar already in the parking, I didn't want to ask for double trouble with Mahindra.
Ahh well that about sums it up. I do agree with you about them playing with your mind by paying them money since i am an owner of an automatic Rexton. Though as i keep mentioning since its a Mahindra product I've attuned my ears for any niggle however minuscule and get it attended to asap . So all in all after having completed around 12k kms I'm a happy man.

Anyway congratulations and the work done to the music system does look good. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the completed setup. After reading posts like yours I do sometimes wonder on why i didn't pick the Fortuner after all.

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Last edited by aah78 : 10th October 2013 at 23:46. Reason: Quote fixed.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 14:37   #35
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by amolpol View Post
If we ever get a chance to meet, I'll make sure to display the best of my behavior to help reinstate at least some of the lost faith in SUV drivers.
Ha ha....there will be no need.

Like I mentioned, it is not folks like you who are the bullies. There is another clan out there who think bigger is better and so, be the bully while you can. To a large extent and in our country, this does apply. I wish I had an SUV. A car no longer qualifies for our broken roads.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 14:40   #36
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by kaizanfan View Post

I too joined the Fortuner club recently. Mine is an automatic variant though. I am completely satisfied except for the ride quality on broken roads and potholes, which I feel could've been better.

Is your a 5 speed AT? if yes can you share how is the driving performance of the car in city and highway conditions? There aren't any detailed AT fortuner reviews on the forum so your inputs would be greatly helpful.

Toyota's Audio systems are also very plain jane like their interiors. So it makes sense for a person who has a keen ear to change the setup completely and make it customized.

Last edited by aah78 : 11th October 2013 at 00:00. Reason: Quoted post was edited.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 21:50   #37
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Re: Fortuner gets its first transplant – a musical one!

Good update on the upgrade Amol. Isn't this the Sachin's Auto Shop at Kormanagala. Can you help detail the price details of the upgrade component wise and how much did you get on exchange of the Stock HU.

Expecting some clicks soon
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Old 3rd October 2013, 21:53   #38
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

I remember enjoying your Thar story.
And one month ahead of the anniversary, you present another fine story.

No plans for a new car - casual projections - Safari departs - Thar helps to temporarily fill in - dissatisfied with the Fortuner - dates an Endeavour - almost moves-in with it - back to the F - not quite cozy - 8515 happens and BAM!!
Need to see only couple more movies this month
One other time I enjoyed a story like this was with the "Last Samurai" Fiesta 1.6S

Chicken Soup for the Auto Enthusiast's Soul.
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Old 3rd October 2013, 22:45   #39
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by abs182 View Post
Is your a 5 speed AT? if yes can you share how is the driving performance of the car in city and highway conditions? There aren't any detailed AT fortuner reviews on the forum so your inputs would be greatly helpful.

Toyota's Audio systems are also very plain jane like their interiors. So it makes sense for a person who has a keen ear to change the setup completely and make it customized.
You can read my first impressions about my Fortuner AT here:

It's a 5-speed auto. Bought it 10 days ago.

Some updates:
- Mileage within the city is 10km/ltr after 10 days of commuting to work - 100% city driving with A/c on. I am told that the mileage should improve after clocking more kms. I won't be surprised if I manage to get more than 10 in the future. Having said that, it depends how you drive - rather, in this case, how you take advantage of AT.

- Very easy to drive within the city - fellow motorists tend to give you lot of room (and respect)

- Tire pressure is set to 30psi as per the manual.

- Overtaking is a breeze. I tend to overtake other cars and found it easy to go past others.

- There are three ways to look at the bumpy ride:
1. It's bumpy on uneven roads, period! Accept that you're driving one great solid truck/SUV - that's not bad since you chose to buy a real SUV (not a soft roader) in the first place.
2. You can go over all kinds of roads at higher speeds than all other motorists. TFort is like a tank. The slogan seems to be "just drive - don't care". I get fed up with other vehicles ahead of me slowing down over potholes and bumps.
3. Hey the ride isn't bad at all. My family loves it (at least so far).

- Visibility all round is awesome - fantastic.

- I am happy with the audio system. I am very picky about audio clarity and flat frequency response as opposed to boom boom loud audio (sub-woofers and horns). Based on my personal judgment the quality of sound is good enough for my requirements. Bluetooth is one major requirement for me and I am completely satisfied with the phone connection and voice quality.

- The breaks are better than what I initially felt. No complaints.

- The beast loves to free wheel starting at 20km/hr and up - more so at sweet spots on each gear.

- Even after purchasing the beast I keep reading a lot about it on world wide automotive forums/blogs/sites etc., and each post directly or indirectly drives home a common point - the Fortuner is built tough and it's pretty much unbreakable. Add to that Toyota's proven A.S.S.

Last edited by aah78 : 4th October 2013 at 03:27. Reason: Expanded abbreviation.
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Old 4th October 2013, 01:55   #40
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Hi Amolpol,

Congrats on your new ride!. The Fortuner is a value for money vehicle and combined with Toyota's legendary reliability is unbeatable.

Wishing you and your better half, many Happy miles of safe driving. Cheers!
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Old 4th October 2013, 15:25   #41
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

What is it with the Safari that makes one feel like going back to it time and again even though one owns a much superior and trouble free ride?
After owning the Safari twice and selling them off I too give it a good glance when one passes.
May be its like the first girlfriend one had.

I am sure you will get over the Safari with time, more so because of the presence of this beast.
With the Pioneer 8890, app radio enabled, you will have a gala time with navigation and the entire phone on the display.

But what came to me as a shocker was your another 4x4 buy.
I am a regular follower of your Thar thread and the problems you keep facing are actually holding me off from buying one.

Anyway, Fortuner will be a super cool and reliable ride and wish you and your wife terrific and exciting miles ahead.
Your better half driving the Fortuner will be a exceptional sight, none will dare to mess around with this beast.

Last edited by himadrimondal : 4th October 2013 at 15:39.
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Old 4th October 2013, 16:35   #42
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Here is how I would look at the negatives (and I did so when purchasing my Fortuner over other vehicles):

1. Do I really want a tough, super reliable large 4x4 with low range and good mile crunching capabilities? That I can keep for many years? Yes

2. What options do I have (or I had when I bought 3 years back)? Endeavour, old Pajero, Fortuner.

3. Do each of them have shortcomings? Are all of them overpriced? Yes

4. Which one out of them is the best compromise? What are the negatives I can live with, to enjoy the positives that matter most to me? Fortuner won that battle.

I see too many cribs elsewhere (from people who don't vote with their money, or are in permanent dilemma for ages - but are happy to criticize from outside) about Fortuner or other vehicles. Perfect or great VFM + capable + reliable vehicles don't exist in the LWD 4X4 SUV category in India (yes, I would leave out e.g. Safari or Scorpio 4x4 versions because of the reliability aspects). It is all about the best compromise. And what a person is willing to compromise on is specific to that person. Someone might prefer a Pajero Sports's superior handling or ride comfort. I might prefer Toyota's greater commitment towards the Indian market and better ASC ecosystem. And the fact that Toyota's do very well in stock (T2) format in Dakar - unlike Mitsubishis which always won in T1 that is the heavily modified category.
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Old 7th October 2013, 19:38   #43
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Originally Posted by getsurya View Post
I will request you to provide more details on the AU upgrade and the observations, as you progress.
I definitely love the setup till now. Have tried various genres including the current list of favorite AR Rahman coke studio which has a lot of fusion that needs a well balanced system to enjoy it. The HU has passed all the tests with flying colors and even the subwoofer has behaved better than the JBL12inch sub that I had previously. I'm sure it will get even better once the sub is broken in completely.

The best part of the 8590 is the auto EQ which helps in tuning the system with just the right amount on each EQ bar. I had a particular v-shaped EQ pattern that I generally used to follow, but the Auto EQ makes adjustments based on the speaker positions etc for better listening experience and it did work for me to get more SQ than before.

I couldn't figure out the TA adjustments since it needed a DSP module I believe. I don't think this has manual adjustments for TA though. Any help on getting TA adjusted will be welcome.

Originally Posted by getsurya View Post
I also like your signature line, real good.
Thanks, the signature is what our family's mission in life is actually.

Originally Posted by columbus View Post

Congratulations for the Fortuner.
The dislikes mentioned by you are all genuine. But the vehicle grows on you.
I'm damn sure it will. The car was put in service right as soon as the humble Punditji finished bestowing the Almightys blessings on Saturday morning. The first stop was only after an 850km drive to Pune. I made sure that I don't push it too far but 100-120 was quite comfortable all through the highway. Resisted the urge to go higher than that considering that it was the cars first drive, also had to keep varying the rpms and speeds to follow general running-in guidelines.

End of the day, it was quite a comfortable ride, except for the slight back pain I felt because of the seat position. The seats are a bit firmer than the Safari and while they contour your body if you sit with a straight back. However, even a little slouched position quickly starts aggravating the pain and forces you to change position. Can't say it's good or bad, it's probably just a matter of getting used to it. The Safari seats were a lot more accommodating for bad sitting postures.

Originally Posted by columbus View Post
The stock Dunlops are'nt bad as they are being projected. Mine are nearing 50K with 5 major long distance trips. 1st had the Chushul sector, 2nd had the Zanskar sector, 3rd had Kutch, 4th had the Kalpa and Jalori and very recently Spiti. Apart from this many smaller trips in MP on some horrible roads. The tyres have held up fine and may last another 20K.
This is indeed quite comforting to know since I'll soon be showing it roads for which it was bought for.

Originally Posted by kaizanfan View Post
Congrats Amol. Excellent review. Lot of details. I really appreciate the massive amount of information you've shared with all of us. Thanks a bunch.

Happy motoring to you and your family!
Thanks Kaizanfan and happy motoring to you too. I wish to test the auto box someday to understand how different it feels. I'm sure the lack of wobbly gear stick will be biggest satisfier on the automatic.

Originally Posted by BIBIN004 View Post
Good update on the upgrade Amol. Isn't this the Sachin's Auto Shop at Kormanagala. Can you help detail the price details of the upgrade component wise and how much did you get on exchange of the Stock HU.
Yes, the work was done at Sachin's Autoshop in Koramangala. Been going to them for almost 7 years now and never been disappointed.

Here's a rough breakup of the equipment

HU - 28.5k
Steering adapter - 3.5k
Wiring (2 sets for amp and harness) - 3k
Camera adapter - 850
Subwoofer - 4k
Enclosure - 1k
Speakers (all four) - transferred from Safari
Amps (4ch and mono) - transferred from Safari
Damping (4 doors) - 5 sheets of 1200 each

The prices may be off by a few hundreds here and there since they're pretty much from what I remember, so don't quote me for a bargain. And please don't total them up and post it here, I won't like remembering how much I spent.

BTW, the stock system from the Fortuner alongwith the speakers are lying at home with me. There was no exchange offer for those at Autoshop, will put them on classifieds shortly. I also have the HU from the Safari which has been put on classifieds already so the list is just getting bigger by the day.
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Old 8th October 2013, 11:08   #44
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Re: Fortuner gets its first transplant – a musical one!

Originally Posted by amolpol View Post
The one thing that’s been haunting my wife and myself has been the music system...
Thanks for the details, Amol.

Originally Posted by amolpol View Post
...Unfortunately I forgot to click pictures of the finished setup, will have them up pretty soon.
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Old 8th October 2013, 11:59   #45
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Re: Toyota Fortune-Her: A ride for the wife & maybe for life!

Congratulations and Wish you have lakhs of hassle free ride

Originally Posted by amolpol View Post
The Safari seats were a lot more accommodating for bad sitting postures.

The Safari seat and the driving position are more comfortable during the long drives considering that I am 6.1' tall. somehow I start getting back ache in just 100 kms when I drive the swift or Linea.
Recently did 500 kms nonstop drive in my safari and did not feel even a pinch in my back.

Last edited by BulZire : 8th October 2013 at 12:08.
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