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Old 27th September 2011, 11:55   #31
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

A case of more of the same. In this instance that's actually a good thing.The interiors of the top of the line variant looks splendid. Maruti knew they would be able to sell it even if they just re positioned the badges at the rear. But the competition made them improve on what they had. Overall a very sound package. Did somebody mention a 400 day waiting period. Woow !! A decent review.
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Old 27th September 2011, 11:58   #32
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

I've been waiting for the new Swift review for sometime now, and I'm not disappointed the least bit! Great review GTO and Stratos! It was well worth the wait, trust me!

The new Swift has proved to be an all-round package once again. With superior dynamics, a great engine, a sorted 'box and a great steering-wheel, it should keep the enthusiasts happy. But it's sad to see that Maruti-Suzuki haven't really improved on the previous Swift's weaknesses, like the claustrophobic interior and the minuscule boot. Especially considering that the Swift is a great highway car.

What has left me even more disappointed is the quality of some bits in the interior, like the power-window switches, and the pedal positions which seem to be an ergonomic failure.

But that wouldn't stop people for queuing up for this car, and that's a great thing for Maruti-Suzuki. They've managed to hit the nail on the head again, and if they decide to introduce a fresher Swift in a few years, with a few corrections here and there, this car would be unstoppable!
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:00   #33
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Thanks, GTO. So we finally have the official TBHP review.

Originally Posted by GTO
If there is a major letdown in the handling area, it's the Swift's mediocre brakes. Shockingly, the Lxi / Ldi & Vxi / Vdi don’t get brake assist (powerful brake booster) from the factory.
Is the lack of brake-booster for L & V versions, something done in this new Swift or was that the case in previous Swift too ? Either way, it is cheap to cut down on something as crucial as brakes.

They also need to standardise the tyres across the trim-levels. You can give alloys only in the top variant, but having different section/dia tyres for the same car based on variant is shoddy.

Originally Posted by GTO
Nifty feature for India : The doors auto-lock once you get moving. And unlock when you remove the key from the ignition. Also, the doors will auto-unlock in case of a major shunt.
The previous version of Swift also had this auto-lock/unlock feature - atleast our Zxi has it, not sure of L & V versions. Though not sure about the auto-unlock in case of a hit.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:03   #34
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Great job with the review, GTO & Stratos! Thanks to the member who offered his car for the review as well!

Why did MSIL not offer a car to TBHP for a review?
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:04   #35
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Excellent and unbiased review as usual GTO. Completely agree with your views on the new swift. The old swift had a lot of charachter and sold in numbers despite its shortcomings because of that. Me thinks the new swift has lost a lot of its spunk and in trying to grow up has lost its USP to quite an extent.

It will still sell in huge numbers but sadly i think this was an opportunity squandered by MSIL to transform the swift into a TRUE premium hatch!!!
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:08   #36
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Thanks for the review GTO. Top notch
I wonder what stops Maruti from giving a dead pedal. I haven't come across a single person that does not find it useful

Even I find the rear bumper oddly high. Maybe they had the Concept S in mind and the simple design was an afterthought!
Attached Thumbnails
Review: 2nd-gen Maruti Swift (2011 - 2017)-swift-concept-s.jpg  

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Old 27th September 2011, 12:13   #37
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Finally, we have it. The most awaited review of the most awaited hatch. Its come a month late just when I had almost given up on it.

Fantastic review as always by GTO, Statos and the TBHP team.

Good in a way that the V variant was used for the review. Atleast the poor braking capabilities of the V and L variants have been highlighted. Lack of ABS and brake assist is appalling. Safety was the last thing on Maruti's mind it seems.

The linear power delivery and reduced turbo lag in the DDiS is a welcome sign. What is not is the reduction in turbo kick. The VVT engine's performance below 4K rpm seems to be mediocre which is disappointing. The specs on paper do not corroborate with the real time on-road figures.

Reduced boot space, high loading sill and lack of 60:40 rear seat split are inexplicable. How difficult is it to provide the 60:40 split option? The engine bay has taken up most of the length of the car. Must say this is where the Jazz has excellent space packaging resulting in a massive boot.

The comparison chart in GTO's second post shows peak torque at 6000 rpm in case of the VVT Swift. Sorry for nitpicking, this appears to be a typo. Should read 4000 rpm.

Last edited by fuel_addict : 27th September 2011 at 12:18.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:18   #38
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

So, finally the official review is out! And whata review it has been. Totally worth the wait. As usual, 5 stars.

Now, coming to the car. Except for the odd hatch, the looks are pretty much the same, save a few tweeks and twists. Swift was always a drivers car, and this new edition just carries on that notion. Back seat comfort be damned! No, on a serious note, the back seat could have been a tad bit better, especially the rear windows. That actually feels like sitting in an airplane window seat.

Glad that those atrocious JK tyres are a thing of the past.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:20   #39
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Awesome review as usual.

Actually the review is better than the car

The new Swift has really become more impractical than before. Smallish boot, No 60:40 split seats option, No ABS in mid models is a real stupid mistake. Looks like they are trying to convert buyers to the Ritz.

But then impracticality sells with the kind of waiting period on the Swift.

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Old 27th September 2011, 12:20   #40
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by GTO View Post

The 1.2L Petrol:
Thanks GTO for the long-awaited review that is as usual detailed enough to skip a TD!

As you said that the 1.2 K-series has been detuned now, it would be great if you provide inputs on comparison of its performance with that of iVtec of Jazz, especially the bottom end torque delivery.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:21   #41
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

What a brilliant review. It arrived late but arrived as latest .

Now we know why review was late, MSIL didn't provide the test car. Big thanks to TEAM-BHPian who provided his car for review.

Lack of head room in rear seats will be trouble for turbaned passengers, specially relevant in north.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:41   #42
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

How does the plastic fuel tank on the new swift hold up?
I am extremely skeptical about the it. For someone who drives the car 90% on highways at an average speed of 80kmph, there is a high probability that a stone can hit the plastic fuel tank at the bottom a bit too frequently and can cause a rupture.
Is it a cause for concern? Or am I being a bit too concerned?

As usual, thanks a lot for the awesome review

Last edited by himavanth_m : 27th September 2011 at 12:48.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:47   #43
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Amazing review. Rated a well deserved 5 stars. Very meticulous. Thaks for pointing out really fine details like, how the footwell becomes uncomfortable for someone above 5'8''. One reason why team-bhp reviews are a cut above the rest!

Some of these aspects are hard to notice on short test drives anyway. Thanks again.

Surprising that Maruti didn't invite team-bhp for a review. Thanks to both the Swift owners for lending their cars which made this review possible.
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Old 27th September 2011, 12:57   #44
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Great review GTO usual. It seems that you have reviewd a car after ages..... thanks for the insight on the new swift. Any pics of the ZXI swift which you tested as well??
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Old 27th September 2011, 13:11   #45
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

As usual Great review GTO

Recent reviews of hatchbacks didn't include i20 in dimensions and price chart comparisons. Do we have any reason
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