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Old 7th November 2011, 19:22   #1441
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Second problem in my Verna CDRI SX: first being rear sensor failure:

While playing music through USB, many times automatically it comes to the first song. Again, when music is in switched off mode ( switching off done while playing through USB) , it starts playing from the first USB file. No such problem in MP3 CD.

Has any body faced this problem?

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Old 7th November 2011, 21:00   #1442
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post

While playing music through USB, many times automatically it comes to the first song. Again, when music is in switched off mode ( switching off done while playing through USB) , it starts playing from the first USB file. No such problem in MP3 CD.

Has any body faced this problem?

Does it go to the first song after the end of the playlist (I guess not but just thought of asking)

Is random mode on? If yes, then it might just be selecting songs randomly and might just be selecting your first song more often. How big is your playlist? This mode I believe has to selected manually every time you switch on by clicking the numeric button 2 on the HU

Do you remove your USB stick after you switch it off and then slot it back in before you play the next time?

I dont seem to be facing either of the two problems as of now
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Old 7th November 2011, 21:57   #1443
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Shome View Post
Does it go to the first song after the end of the playlist (I guess not but just thought of asking)

Is random mode on? If yes, then it might just be selecting songs randomly and might just be selecting your first song more often. How big is your playlist? This mode I believe has to selected manually every time you switch on by clicking the numeric button 2 on the HU

Do you remove your USB stick after you switch it off and then slot it back in before you play the next time?

I dont seem to be facing either of the two problems as of now

@Shome: It goes to the first song from any where, even from middle of anothor song. Random mode is not on? I have not made any play list either. I never take out the Pen drive, it is always plugged into the slot. How come it starts playing automatically even when the HU is in switch off mode??
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Old 7th November 2011, 22:08   #1444
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Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post
@Shome: It goes to the first song from any where, even from middle of anothor song. Random mode is not on? I have not made any play list either. I never take out the Pen drive, it is always plugged into the slot. How come it starts playing automatically even when the HU is in switch off mode??
I have this exact same problem in my Fusion's after market HU. When using the USB, it frequently jumps back to the beginning of the list and switches on automatically (occasionally) when the ignition is switched on. Now, I remove the USB & use it only when I need it.
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Old 7th November 2011, 22:42   #1445
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by ethanhunt123 View Post
If Verna Diesel was available off the shelf or low waiting (4-6 weeks max), I can bet City wouldn't be moving more than 1500-2000 per month.
It's unlikely that the prospective "diesel" customers will move into a petrol car just because of delivery delays. And Honda City sells for a reason ! It's still rated as the BEST petrol car from the segment. Also on a petrol to petrol comparo, please note that Hyundai should not be selling more than a 100 units against City's 3000 odd units; MoM.

By the way what is the current waiting periods for Verna CRDi ? Anyone ?
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Old 7th November 2011, 23:20   #1446
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Originally Posted by swiftnfurious

It's unlikely that the prospective "diesel" customers will move into a petrol car just because of delivery delays. And Honda City sells for a reason ! It's still rated as the BEST petrol car from the segment. Also on a petrol to petrol comparo, please note that Hyundai should not be selling more than a 100 units against City's 3000 odd units; MoM.

By the way what is the current waiting periods for Verna CRDi ? Anyone ?
Verna diesel has a waiting period of 9-12 months here in BLR :O

And with the rising petrol prices, most people start with Diesel as starting point. Given the ridiculous waiting periods for diesel sedans (heck even Vento has a 2 month waiting period) and the massive discounts on Honda City, some are attracted towards it.

I agree with you on one part though, if petrol City is the choice. Nothing comes close.
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Old 7th November 2011, 23:29   #1447
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Correcting my own post - wanted to type "1000" and ended up with one zero less.

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Also on a petrol to petrol comparo, please note that Hyundai should not be selling more than a 100 units against City's 3000 odd units; MoM.
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Old 8th November 2011, 07:06   #1448
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post
While playing music through USB, many times automatically it comes to the first song. Again, when music is in switched off mode ( switching off done while playing through USB) , it starts playing from the first USB file. No such problem in MP3 CD.
Has any body faced this problem?
I am not facing this problem. My system works fine.
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Old 13th November 2011, 20:59   #1449
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Hi All

The cooled glove box provided is quite spacious & a very useful feature . But when 1.5 lit to 2 lit. of water is kept inside, it tend to unlock on jerks. The locking mechanism do not seem to take the load commensurate to the space inside.

Does any body has faced the same problem or it's particular to my Verna fluidic alone?

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Old 13th November 2011, 23:37   #1450
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post
@Shome: It goes to the first song from any where, even from middle of anothor song. Random mode is not on? I have not made any play list either. I never take out the Pen drive, it is always plugged into the slot. How come it starts playing automatically even when the HU is in switch off mode??

This happens to me only when I use the cheapest pen drive I have. It doesn't happen on any of the others. Also when I turn on the car, the first song starts playing automatically.

Get a good kingston/corsair/transcend/sandisk etc. I have a ton of pen drives and the car does this only with my el cheapo verbatim 4gb drive. Rest everything works fine.

On a different note,

I installed new alloys.. (more pics in garage)
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Last edited by Tassem : 13th November 2011 at 23:43.
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Old 14th November 2011, 00:04   #1451
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Originally Posted by Tassem View Post

This happens to me only when I use the cheapest pen drive I have. It doesn't happen on any of the others. Also when I turn on the car, the first song starts playing automatically.

Get a good kingston/corsair/transcend/sandisk etc. I have a ton of pen drives and the car does this only with my el cheapo verbatim 4gb drive. Rest everything works fine.

On a different note,

I installed new alloys.. (more pics in garage)

I also have the low-priced pen drive for the songs. The higher grades are always used for data transfer.

Your car with her new shoes looks amazing and extremely sporty. Did you also upgrade the tires?
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Old 14th November 2011, 00:10   #1452
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by MAS View Post
Your car with her new shoes looks amazing and extremely sporty. Did you also upgrade the tires?
Thanks MAS. The tyres are currently stock. I want to upgrade to 205 Profile S drives or similar tyres. But since I've run close to 7k on these tyres, I wont get a good price on them. So I'll stick with it till 15-20k and then upgrade. My monthly run is 3-4k on an average. So I'll reach there soon.
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Old 14th November 2011, 11:37   #1453
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)


This happens to me only when I use the cheapest pen drive I have. It doesn't happen on any of the others. Also when I turn on the car, the first song starts playing automatically.

Get a good kingston/corsair/transcend/sandisk etc. I have a ton of pen drives and the car does this only with my el cheapo verbatim 4gb drive. Rest everything works fine.

Tassem, I use a 4 gb pendrive of HP make. I think quality of pendrive should not be as issue.

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Old 14th November 2011, 12:02   #1454
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Just try using a different one and see if it makes a difference. Or else, its upto the ICE gurus or HASS
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Old 14th November 2011, 12:21   #1455
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

[quote=Chitta Pradhan;2576995]
Originally Posted by Tassem View Post
Tassem, I use a 4 gb pendrive of HP make. I think quality of pendrive should not be as issue.
Is it the small blue colored one? The tiny one? If yes, it doesn't work. Try the full size cousins. Any one from kingston/transcend and you will be a happy man

A rule of thumb is that most tiny drives without a light won't work. But my PNY worked fine and its the smallest I've seen.
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