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Old 19th May 2011, 15:00   #706
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by incinerator View Post
Some pics from yesterday's TD (taken with a phone).

OTR is a total of all these, yes, but insurance premium is calculated on what? EX SR or on full total?

Everything is calculated on Ex S/R and ultimately it adds up to make OTR.
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Old 19th May 2011, 15:38   #707
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Hey, @AutoIndian, my name is not there in the list of people who have booked this car. I am absolutely in love with this car but as I have posted some pages back I am going to wait for some more months to save more and take less loan.

I was discussing about 'ANHV' with my Father the other day. He said, 'ANHV' will look best in white & silver as the main design cues, curves will be more visible in these colors as compared to darker shades like carbon gray, purple or black for that matter and I am in full agreement with him. But, somehow I am hooked onto carbon gray , will take up a call at the time of booking.

Last edited by Rehaan : 20th May 2011 at 12:30.
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Old 19th May 2011, 15:48   #708
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
In the opening post of the thread there is mention of huge panel gaps at the rear. I did not see that on cars I drove. Can the others confirm that it was only on the cars test driven at the start of this thread?
All the test drive cars from the current production have very close gaps. The cars reviewed before the launch must have been prototypes. This has been confirmed by others earlier in the thread also.
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Old 19th May 2011, 16:17   #709
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Amazing review zappo. Great stuff!! Just amazing to see a detailed from the moderator before the launch of the car.

Thank you for the fantastic effort. Felt as if I was taking a Test Drive.
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Old 19th May 2011, 16:39   #710
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by optimist View Post
All the test drive cars from the current production have very close gaps. The cars reviewed before the launch must have been prototypes. This has been confirmed by others earlier in the thread also.
Thanks for confirming. I hope the mods would add that in their opening post to be fair to Verna
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Old 19th May 2011, 17:03   #711
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Fellow mates,
I am just back from HMP, Chennai and wow what an experience.
Have test drove many cars in the past few months to narrow down on some vehicle but none fared as much as this one, except for its cost.

First look at it and i was like AWESOME !
And the color options- they had the white, silver, gray and the beige. I just could not settle for one color and say this suits best for this color.
Every color goes equally well with the car.
Had a detailed look at the exterior
- Low fog light shaped well
front bumpers well designed
The headlights project a bit out of the body
The bonnet shaped well
Side line are the best - gives the oomph factor
Somehow felt it has a ANHC like over shaping. But then who is
complaining when we get best of both worlds.
The back windscreen very acutely slanted and no room for reverse view
The doors closed with a THUD
Door handle made well
Noted the window buttons were not illuminated

The much spoken about back seat - I am just about 6 ft. When the front seat is pushed completely back i just could n get inside the back/sit/get out
The thigh rest was just about half of my thigh length.
Seats are placed low, you don't have much to look from there. Ni-ether the front console or through the window, but with the center arm rest out i managed to place myself comfortably on the seat resting my arms on both side arm rests (door and center) with the front seat moved just 2 bars to the front on the slider.
The car is definitely not a five seater. Don't dare take five. The fifth person will kill you once they get out of the car.
Not that comfortable as a sonata's back seat, but you know this is all you are going to get in this segment, so get real.

Both the sunshades have mirror
There was a cooling glass holder box on the roof - which no one mentioned / did someone?

More to come...
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Old 19th May 2011, 17:18   #712
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
In the opening post of the thread there is mention of huge panel gaps at the rear. I did not see that on cars I drove. Can the others confirm that it was only on the cars test driven at the start of this thread?
You are correct looks like they have sorted out a few things from the early production prototypes that they offered during the press launch events to the journos. The panel gaps is definitely one of them (they were present between multiple panels and not just the rear) but I can see a few other things as well. All for the good I guess

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Thanks for confirming. I hope the mods would add that in their opening post to be fair to Verna
Actually, if you read the review carefully from start to end it was very clearly mentioned that we expect the final production versions will hopefully sort out these issues.

Originally Posted by Zappo View Post
Such gaps are visible between many of the external panels and hopefully, should be sorted out on the final production versions.
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Old 19th May 2011, 19:03   #713
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Zappo View Post
Such gaps are visible between many of the external panels and hopefully, should be sorted out on the final production versions.
Sorry if you think i'm nitpicking but the above is future tense. A small addition of a line that says these issues have been resolved in the production runs will go a long way to ease the mind of the first time reader.

Last edited by optimist : 19th May 2011 at 19:06. Reason: wrong quote corrected
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Old 19th May 2011, 19:37   #714
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

I was wondering if the EPS used in the new verna is the same as the one in I20. I am asking this because I thought my I20 was free of the steering rattle that has plagued most I20s. But lo behold, it started on my car 2 weeks ago. It rattled away to glory on bad roads and was pretty annoying. The service guys put in some polyurethane material and said it won't come back again. It hasn't come back till now. Hope this is not the case with the new verna. Anyways we will only know once the cars have done 10K kms or so.
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Old 19th May 2011, 21:14   #715
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

For those who do not have the price list of new Verna, here it is. Please note this is Bangalore pricing.

Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)-verna-prices.jpg

Also, in case you want a comparison with other models, here are the prices of i10, i20 among others.
Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)-hyundai-prices.jpg
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Old 19th May 2011, 22:30   #716
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Visaster View Post
There was a cooling glass holder box on the roof - which no one mentioned / did someone?
Can someone please help elaborate what this 'cooling glass holder' could be. Is it by any chance the sun goggles holder or is it some sort of an air cooled glass holder or something. I have been following this review and discussion closely however this is the first mention of something in the roof that has a cooling holder or maybe I have read it wrong.
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Old 19th May 2011, 22:43   #717
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Originally Posted by blackdiesel View Post
For those who do not have the price list of new Verna, here it is. Please note this is Bangalore pricing.
Attachment 547965
blackdiesel, thanks for posting the detailed price list from Blore.
I am specifically on the lookout for a petrol AT in Blore over the next 6 months. The price looks competitive wrt ANHC AT and comes with a lot more features. But reliability is yet to be seen.

Also, the i20 AT @ almost 10L now seems ridiculous when one can get a sedan with bigger engine and loads of features for couple of lacs more.

PS. My first post on team-bhp. yippieeee

Originally Posted by iFuel View Post
Can someone please help elaborate what this 'cooling glass holder' could be. Is it by any chance the sun goggles holder or is it some sort of an air cooled glass holder or something. I have been following this review and discussion closely however this is the first mention of something in the roof that has a cooling holder or maybe I have read it wrong.
He is obviously referring to a box for housing your goggles. No fancy cooling cup holder up here

Mods: Dod not realize the two consecutive posts in quick succession. Pls merge with previous one if possible.

Last edited by Technocrat : 20th May 2011 at 01:17.
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Old 19th May 2011, 22:54   #718
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Originally Posted by Bh.P

blackdiesel, thanks for posting the detailed price list from Blore.
I am specifically on the lookout for a petrol AT in Blore over the next 6 months. The price looks competitive wrt ANHC AT and comes with a lot more features. But reliability is yet to be seen.

Also, the i20 AT @ almost 10L now seems ridiculous when one can get a sedan with bigger engine and loads of features for couple of lacs more.

PS. My first post on team-bhp. yippieeee
Welcome to the privileged forum.
Though am not sure of your budget, check out vento & Verna AT's.
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Old 20th May 2011, 01:12   #719
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by incinerator View Post
Some pics from yesterday's TD (taken with a phone).
You drove the A/T !! The one variant I've really been wanting to drive. Can you give us some detailed feedback and impressions about the four speed gearbox? In order to help you answer (since it's a vague question), you could use the following parameters :

1. Shifts : quick+smooth or abrupt+jerky?
2. Kickdown : Reasonable or too much lag?
3. What was your impression of cruising at 70 kmph+ in fourth?
4. Did you try any overtaking maneouvers at cruising speeds?
5. Does the engine feel strained at three digit speeds?
6. Gear changes in tiptronic (manual override) : quick / smooth / lag / abrupt?
7. General driveability : On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being very good.

Would much appreciate your feedback about the 4-speed AT gearbox.

Last edited by FlyingSpur : 20th May 2011 at 01:13.
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Old 20th May 2011, 09:27   #720
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Friends, carblogindia has published a report comparing the front runners in C segment cars on various aspects. Cars are ANHC, Vento, Verna & SX4. Go through the link below.

Best Sedan Car In India For 10 Lakh Price Budget- Comparison Of Hyundai Verna Fluidic, Honda City iVTEC, Maruti SX4 and Volkswagen Vento
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