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Old 17th September 2012, 13:12   #1741
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
Thanks for your answers.
I hope Hyundai fixes the suspension in production models soon.

Also, do you use synthetic oil? And how much does it cost for its refill at the service?
I haven't filled any oil as yet as the level has pretty much maintained since the beginning. Chitta said on a post earlier on this page that the HASS refused to fill synthetic during the third service citing warranty issues. I can't imagine how this is possible but I am sticking with mineral oil right now if that is what it is. It's pretty good considering the colour of the oil at present. Will check the manual and let you know on the amount of oil and the type.

I am surprised Chitta's 3rd free service was at 20k kms. I clearly remember the manuals stating 3rd free is at 10k.

Off topic...I serviced my swift ZDI on Saturday and had an engine oil change which cost me about Rs 3400. Swift takes 3.1ltrs and I believe the Verna takes about 3.6 ltrs (have to check on the exact amount). So a change of engine oil to synthetic will cost about Rs 3.5-4 k.
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Old 17th September 2012, 13:35   #1742
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Shome View Post
Answers below:

a. City:11-12kmpl with 100% AC in Medium traffic. Highway: 16-20 kmpl at about 80 kmph
b. No
c. 1st service: 1000 km, 2nd: 5000 km, 3rd: 10000 km, 4th onwards: every 10000kms/1 yr
d. For the side vents yes by shifting the slider, vents in the console can be closed to about 85%
e. None when I bought it which was last October. Please call up and check with a dealer.I am sure there will be a lot of discounts available now.

Haven't tried any cars with the new suspension yet.

My car is due for its 3rd free servicing as very close to 10000 kms. Car has been niggle free and service costs have been zero.
Hi Shome,

Regarding point (b) of bluetooth streaming, It is possible & I have done it in my car using my phone.

For your above post, 3rd service at 20K is for CRDi Verna whereas you are comparing it with your Petrol Verna so that why this mismatch.

Last edited by Misguided : 17th September 2012 at 13:39. Reason: reply to multiple posts
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Old 17th September 2012, 13:38   #1743
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Misguided View Post
Hi Shome,

Regarding point (b) of bluetooth streaming, It is possible & I have done it in my car using my phone.

Hey Misguided,

Can you share the steps please? I have tried but could never do it. I use an android if that helps.

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Old 17th September 2012, 13:50   #1744
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Shome View Post
Hey Misguided,

Can you share the steps please? I have tried but could never do it. I use an android if that helps.

Hi Shome,

I am using Blackberry so can't comment how to do it in Android.

This option may not be available when you play the song using phone media player. You can try selecting the song in its original folder location in memory card, then you may see the option to play it using BT.

Any Android users around?
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Old 17th September 2012, 14:33   #1745
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
I had a few queries for Verna owners (specifically petrol):
a) What is the real mileage for the petrol variant (City/Highway)?
b) Is bluetooth song streaming possible?
c) Is the service interval 10000kms/1 year for Petrol?
d) Is AC volume control present (can vents be completely shut off)?
e) How much discounts are available for the petrol variant?
I bought a Petrol Verna SX(O) in July. My answers to your questions are below:

a) Mileage - I commute about 25Km each way to office in horrible Gurgaon traffic. On average I get about 12.0 to 12.3 kmpl. I have not yet had a chance to try it out on highway driving.
b) Playing songs from your cell phone via Bluetooth is definitely possible. Only problem is that you cannot do Next/Previous with the car audio controls. All you need to do is pair your Android phone with the Verna, and then play songs with your phone's media player - the output will be through the Verna audio system. I don't think it can read songs directly from the Phone media card like it does for USB drive.
c) 1st service is after 1 month or 1,000-1,200 Km. 2nd Service at 1 year or 10,000 Km. Subsequent services at 1 year or 10,000 Km interval.
d) AC Vents can not be completely shut. This is a bit of a pain, but I just point the vent away or upwards when I need to.
e) In July I got 20,000 corporate discount, and they also had 20,000 exchange bonus if you are selling them your old car.

Last edited by Fusion2006 : 17th September 2012 at 14:54. Reason: Edited BT streaming from Android
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Old 17th September 2012, 17:09   #1746
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Fusion2006 View Post
e) In July I got 20,000 corporate discount, and they also had 20,000 exchange bonus if you are selling them your old car.
Wouldnt the exchange bonus be applicable if you are selling them a hyundai make vehicle? Also, isnt there a loyality bonus scheme available?

Last edited by moralfibre : 17th September 2012 at 19:15.
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Old 17th September 2012, 18:07   #1747
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
Wouldnt the exchange bonus be applicable if you are selling them a hyundai make vehicle? Also, isnt there a loyality bonus scheme available?

Loyalty bonus is if you are trading in a Hyundai.

Exchange Bonus for any other make of car.
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Old 19th September 2012, 13:39   #1748
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Have been reading at many places online that Hyundai is going to update the suspension of the Verna. Is this true? If yes, by when will they be doing it?

I'll be looking forward to updating my car in the month of October/November. My biggest problem with the Verna is the uninspiring handling. If they improve this, then it will be a serious contender for me.

So, is there any news on the suspension?
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Old 20th September 2012, 08:54   #1749
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Took a test drive of Verna yesterday. Surprisingly, the suspension felt stiff. Asked the SA as to whether Hyundai did anything about their soft suspension to which he confirmed that the suspension is being retuned.

Personally, the car felt good to drive (couldnt test the highway manners), but it also scrapped its bottom on two speedbreakers which dampened our moods. But when we took the car at an angle to the speed breakers, it went above it without any problems.

Also, was surprised to see the mileage between 9 and 10 kmpl in the city. Can any VTVT owners in here confirm this?
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Old 20th September 2012, 09:49   #1750
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
Took a test drive of Verna yesterday. Surprisingly, the suspension felt stiff. Asked the SA as to whether Hyundai did anything about their soft suspension to which he confirmed that the suspension is being retuned.
This could be a sigh of relief for me. Can we get someone to find out what exactly they have done with the suspension?

I don't believe 50 % of the blithering the sales reps do because they only speak out whatever is there in the brochures. Anything question technical, is answered by a quick repetition of the specs of the part in question. I don't believe that the suspension has been upgraded. I'm still looking for a buyer for our year old Verna.
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Old 20th September 2012, 20:43   #1751
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Shome View Post

I am surprised Chitta's 3rd free service was at 20k kms. I clearly remember the manuals stating 3rd free is at 10k.
Mine is CRDI & the 3rd & last free service is at 20k, no idea for petrol. Subsequent service intervals are at 10k or one year which is earlier.
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Old 21st September 2012, 01:12   #1752
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by _raVan_ View Post
Took a test drive of Verna yesterday. Surprisingly, the suspension felt stiff. Asked the SA as to whether Hyundai did anything about their soft suspension to which he confirmed that the suspension is being retuned....
Was it the first time you drove a Verna Fluidic? How much had the TD car clocked at the time of TD? I am still not sure whether a "re-tuning" can make a noticeable difference in the handling, but gurus could clarify!
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Old 21st September 2012, 08:49   #1753
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Was it the first time you drove a Verna Fluidic? How much had the TD car clocked at the time of TD? I am still not sure whether a "re-tuning" can make a noticeable difference in the handling, but gurus could clarify!
This was the second time, but again, both the times it was within city limits and the first one was unusually a short one. Also, I am not an enthusiast driver So you can take my wordings with a pinch of salt.

The SA did acknowledge that 2011 models were having a softer suspension and he said the newer models are addressing that issue. But since he was looking for nailing a deal, I think you can leave that comment aside.
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Old 21st September 2012, 23:25   #1754
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

I had recently TD the Verna (CRDI SX) and here are my 2 cents.

Very low seating position even with the highest seating position. And it would be hard to say you are driving a 128 bhp engine, somehow you never feel it. The NVH is OK but not that great. Could not really test the infamous handling but city driving in traffic is not exactly a breeze either. And yet it is the segment leader. Goes to say how a well packaged car can do wonders in sales in India because the majority of the customer base is looking for features!
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Old 22nd September 2012, 21:34   #1755
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Just want to post 20k picture taken few days back on my cell phone.
Attached Thumbnails
Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)-photo0088.jpg  

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