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Old 16th January 2012, 21:36   #1561
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Not at all, if anything the steering feels meatier to hold. If you think 2500 is a bit on the higher side, you can go for machine stitched one's for around 500 Rs. They will also serve their purpose just about fine. I had one of my swift earlier for about 4 years and didnt have any reasons to complain.

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post

I would welcome your comments on this.

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Old 23rd January 2012, 11:43   #1562
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Completed 15,000 kilometers on my Verna Fluidic SX(O) Diesel today. Took delivery of the car on May 13, 2011, two days after the launch. It has been a good ownership experience till date. Some thoughts on my ownership experience till date -
- Handling at high speeds - The max speed I have driven the car is 120 kmph and I was completely at ease at those speeds. But, if you hit a rough patch on those speeds, one would need to slow down a bit. The handling issue of this car is something that is blown out of proportion. Yes, there might be better handlers in this segment, but a potential customer should not write off the car by just reading reviews that mention about unstable handling at higher speeds. Do take a test drive and decide based on your experience. Mine was the first booking in Trivandrum for the Verna (booked the car on March 31st 2011) and the SA was keen to ensure that the booking gets converted. He made the car available for me for 2 hours, the day after the launch. Drove the car on various terrains at various speeds, went over speed breakers of various sizes with varying loads before finally deciding on this one.
- Build quality - Hyundai has improved by leaps and bounds in this area. They might still not be at par with the Germans but there is nothing to really complain about. There are no rattles, loose panels or signs of aging on the car yet.
- Mileage - Till around 3,000 kilometers, used to get 13-14 kmpl in city and 18-19 on highways. After that, I consistently get 16-17 kmpl in bumper to bumper traffic and 21-22 on highways. KInd of tried almost all the gas stations around my home and these days, I stick to the one that gave me the best mileage.
- Hyundai *** - I have heard great things about Hyundai ***. However, my experience with Popular Hyundai has been kind of average. They mess up the beige interiors with grease everytime I have taken the car there. The driver seat will turn almost blackish with grease with mechanic's work uniform. Had met with a minor accident wherein the driver door had to be levelled and painted and the driver side ORVM had to be replaced. The body work was not professionally done and there was a glaring difference in the shade of the re-painted door. However, the folks there insisted that this is the best that could be done and that company paint finish can never be obtained. Talking to them really was not taking things forward. Had to take the car to a local paint shop (Krishna Motor Works, being run by previous employees of Venus motor works, Kochuveli. Search for Venus Motors in Team-BHP and you can find references for the same). Their paint finish was impeccable and there is absolutely no shade difference now.

Overall, it has been a great ride so far.
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Old 24th January 2012, 20:54   #1563
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Hi All,

My car's USB problem as informed earlier in the forum had dissappered for few days, now it has again resurfaced ( problem is it comes automatically to the first song). This time I took the car to the service station. They had a test drive for around 30 min. with thier pen drive on, but no problem cropped up during the test drive. Thier pen drive has all the songs in just one folder. I am using 3 pen drives, but in each one I have made several folders within which I have the songs, for finding the song I want to listen easily.

The mechanic was of the opinion that the problem is either due to different folders or due to virus in the pen drives.

Any opinions & ideas please on this problem?

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Old 25th January 2012, 12:35   #1564
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

I have tried 2 pendrives recently, a Sandisk Cruzer 8 GB and the other is a HP V250W 16GB. It never goes back to the first song in both. The only difference is that the audio system waits about 10 secs. before it starts playing a song on the 16 GB drive. I am guessing it takes that long to read everything in it (~2500 songs ) and then start playing from where it last was.

PS: What format do you use for your Pen drives? Is it FAT?
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Old 25th January 2012, 12:57   #1565
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

we have booked verna fluidic diesel 1.6 in which there is no reverse parking camera. wanted to know how much is OEM reverse parking camera cost.
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Old 25th January 2012, 14:49   #1566
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Hello all and hope you are all well .
My name is Sahil and I am from new delhi , I am planning to buy the Verna Fluidic petrol automatic as my running is just around 500 km a month .
I wanted to know your kind inputs regarding the A/C of this car .
I need a A/C that really chills the car, I find the A/C on the Honda City very effective , I hear that the Hyundai guys have changed the compressor on the fluidic to a 122 cc one as compared to the old verna which had a 160 cc compressor . Will this A/C chill the car in the 45-46 temp of Delhi?

Also is anyone here using an petrol automatic and if so , what kind of an average does it give in the city?

Thanking you in advance for you replies .

Warm regards,

Sahil .

Note from Team-BHP Support - Kindly type in full and proper English for the benefit of our community. Thanks.

Last edited by Amartya : 26th January 2012 at 02:09. Reason: Reason left inline. Cheers.
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Old 25th January 2012, 15:38   #1567
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by wolfff View Post
I have tried 2 pendrives recently, a Sandisk Cruzer 8 GB and the other is a HP V250W 16GB. It never goes back to the first song in both. The only difference is that the audio system waits about 10 secs. before it starts playing a song on the 16 GB drive. I am guessing it takes that long to read everything in it (~2500 songs ) and then start playing from where it last was.

PS: What format do you use for your Pen drives? Is it FAT?
Thanks Wolfff for your kind response. The format used in my case is MP3. Should it be FAT? Which format do you use? Do you have different folders made in your pen drive like I did?

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Old 25th January 2012, 16:05   #1568
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

I had the same problem in my Verna surfaced after i fit extra horn. It goes back to the first song when i use the horn continuously no matter which horn i use. took it to the Hyundai dealer where i bought the car from. they changed a Relay and the problem is gone. Check with your mechanic, if he needs more info on which relay and all, let me know, i can call my mechanic and tell you. Below is the thread where i mentioned it.

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan View Post
Hi All,

My car's USB problem as informed earlier in the forum had dissappered for few days, now it has again resurfaced ( problem is it comes automatically to the first song). This time I took the car to the service station. They had a test drive for around 30 min. with thier pen drive on, but no problem cropped up during the test drive. Thier pen drive has all the songs in just one folder. I am using 3 pen drives, but in each one I have made several folders within which I have the songs, for finding the song I want to listen easily.

The mechanic was of the opinion that the problem is either due to different folders or due to virus in the pen drives.

Any opinions & ideas please on this problem?

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Old 25th January 2012, 21:02   #1569
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by esranjith View Post
I had the same problem in my Verna surfaced after i fit extra horn. It goes back to the first song when i use the horn continuously no matter which horn i use. took it to the Hyundai dealer where i bought the car from. they changed a Relay and the problem is gone. Check with your mechanic, if he needs more info on which relay and all, let me know, i can call my mechanic and tell you. Below is the thread where i mentioned it.
I too feel that horn ( stock) has a role to play. The chance of going back to the first song most often coincide with pressing of the horn. With out the horn too, it goes to the first song. It both cases the masage displayed is " reading USB", as if the pen drive was just being inserted.

Would appreciate, if you let me know which part/relay of your car was replaced to rectify the problem. If possible it's price & if it is covered under warranty or not.


Last edited by Amartya : 26th January 2012 at 12:07. Reason: Fixed the quote tag. Cheers.
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Old 25th January 2012, 21:06   #1570
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Chitta Pradhan
too feel that horn ( stock) has a role to play. The chance of going back to the first song most often coincide with pressing of the horn. With out the horn too, it goes to the first song. It both cases the masage displayed is " reading USB", as if the pen drive was just being inserted.

Would appreciate, if you let me know which part/relay of your car was replaced to rectify the problem. If possible it's price & if it is covered under warranty or not.


What other mods have you done? I'm asking because there is something which is drawing a large amount of current albeit for a fraction of a second when its turned on. The symptom you're outlining shows that the audio system is restarting. Ensure that all mods have their own power route and are not straining the OEM wiring. Things that come to mind are Amplifiers, HID kits, Power Horns etc.

Last edited by Tassem : 25th January 2012 at 21:17.
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Old 26th January 2012, 01:28   #1571
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

hello all and hope you are all well .
My name is sahil and i am in new delhi , i am planning to buy the varna fluidic petrol automatic as my running is just around 500 km a month .
i wanted to know your kind inputs regarding the a/c of this car .
I need a a/c that really chills the car , i find the a/c on the honda city very effective , i hear that the hyundi guys have changed the compressor on the fluidic to a 122 cc one as compared to the old verna which had a 160 cc compressor .
will this a/c chill the car in the 45-46 temp of delhi !!

also is anyone here using an petrol automatic and if so , what kind of an average does it give in the city !!

thanking you in advance for you replies .
wishing you well
warm regards
Sahil .
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Old 26th January 2012, 01:52   #1572
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by sahilm View Post
hello all and hope you are all well .
My name is sahil and i am in new delhi , i am planning to buy the varna fluidic petrol automatic as my running is just around 500 km a month .
i wanted to know your kind inputs regarding the a/c of this car .
I need a a/c that really chills the car , i find the a/c on the honda city very effective , i hear that the hyundi guys have changed the compressor on the fluidic to a 122 cc one as compared to the old verna which had a 160 cc compressor .
will this a/c chill the car in the 45-46 temp of delhi !!

also is anyone here using an petrol automatic and if so , what kind of an average does it give in the city !!

thanking you in advance for you replies .
wishing you well
warm regards
Sahil .
The A/C is an absolute chiller. I've only used it at temperatures under 36 degrees celsius. But the reason I'm confident is because I never have to go above the second blower setting under any situation. Its normally on the first blower setting with the temperature set at 20 degrees.

A friend of mine has the petrol automatic and it gives him 7-9 in city. That car has zero highway use.
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Old 26th January 2012, 05:21   #1573
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I do not own a verna but I think its important to tell what happened.

I was driving behind it yesterday on the expressway.

There a patch where the road goes down and up suddenly thus the car jumps in a way. You can't see that patch coming and generally cars are driving above 100kph.

Our speed at the time was around 130kph.
My car settled almost immediately after the jump, maybe after another 2 oscillations.
Now the verna on the other hand continued long after that. I counted 20 oscillations for what I figure was 10 seconds (estimate, can be very inaccurate).

I have seen a lot of cars in front of me at this patch and none act as unstable as this one.
It looked very freaky and dangerous from where I was sitting.
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Old 26th January 2012, 07:38   #1574
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Originally Posted by mjumrani
.....Now the verna on the other hand continued long after that. I counted 20 oscillations for what I figure was 10 seconds (estimate, can be very inaccurate).

I have seen a lot of cars in front of me at this patch and none act as unstable as this one.
It looked very freaky and dangerous from where I was sitting.

Oh c'mon!! Isn't this a trademark of most hyundai cars? IMO.... This is the major factor that turns away a majority of informed buyers from this otherwise brilliant car.
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Old 26th January 2012, 08:44   #1575
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re: Review: 2nd-gen Hyundai Verna (2011)

Originally Posted by Warwithwheels View Post
Oh c'mon!! Isn't this a trademark of most hyundai cars? IMO.... This is the major factor that turns away a majority of informed buyers from this otherwise brilliant car.
Since it launch, it is still a segment topper buddy. Handling at 130 kmph is not a factor majority of buyers consider. Very few look to drive at that speeds. The soft suspension set up is largely suited for in city driving and not a racing set up. By the way informed buyers know the limits of their car.

Originally Posted by mjumrani View Post
Our speed at the time was around 130kph. My car settled almost immediately after the jump, maybe after another 2 oscillations.Now the verna on the other hand continued long after that. I counted 20 oscillations for what I figure was 10 seconds (estimate, can be very inaccurate).I have seen a lot of cars in front of me at this patch and none act as unstable as this one.
It looked very freaky and dangerous from where I was sitting.
When you drive the Verna you do not feel as freaky and dangerous as it may seem. The car is quite stable let me assure you. The answer to your observation would be in how the Verna driver reacted after the so called 20 oscillations? Did it look like he was panicking or did he slow down dramatically after that? In all probability he must have continued at the same speed . The so called 20 oscillations could be the result of the rest of the bad patch. I guess you car has a harder suspension set up so you may not have noticed the smaller oscillations

The Verna handling is not great at very high speeds as the soft set up is more tuned to city conditions. Having said that, I believe you can still drive at good speeds and enjoy the car fully.

My car has crossed 8K and I am enjoying it to the maximum


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