I hope this is the right thread for the forum.
I have a MAJOR problem with my Manza. (link to Ownership Thread)
It's an extremely well maintained car - with even a fog lamp bulb being changed only at Authorized - Concorde Motors, Worli.
Smallest scratch - treated.
GOLD AMC till 50,000 kms.
Current odo - is 56771 kms.
Here's the thing.
2 days ago - around 11 pm - on an otherwise empty stretch of road - with nothing obviously suspicious visible -
suddenly I hear a GRATING sound - coming from the engine. Metal grating.
Goes away on acceleration - comes up on pressing the clutch.
NO LIGHTS blinking. No other issue. No smoke. No fumes. Nothing.
While I am still trying to figure out what is happening - the car travels another 150 to 200 meters.
& suddenly - no response to acceleration - just more grating sound.
By then I had already shifted to the left side of the road and parked it - popped the bonnet.
What do I see ...
Attachment 1411040 Attachment 1411041 Attachment 1411042 Attachment 1411043
Okay - so the belt has slipped off - broken.
Happens maybe. Wear and tear? Age? Maybe.
So be it.
I immediately call - Javed Shaikh (SA) from Concorde Motors, Worli - who attended my call even at that late hour.
He said - no problem. it's a 30 minute job to change the belt.
Please get to car towed to the workshop. We will do it tomorrow itself.
Fair enough I though. No big deal. Called up the Tata 24 x 7 helpline & roadside assistance.
All good. All courteous. Within 20 minutes we had a tow truck. Connected through the front bumper - towed to Worli. All fine. No issues.
The horror story begins the next day -
Javed calls - he asks - what exactly happened? Did you hit something?
I said - no - not in the least. Why?
"Sir - the engine has broken off from the mount and tilted to 1 side. The belt has broken. The pulley has eaten into the air pipe - the AC compressor might be damaged too. & this is just preliminary report - what can be seen."
My heart stopped for a moment. I did not know what to think or react. How did this happen? How can this happen? What does this mean?
Curtains for my beloved ?
I rushed to Concorde - everyone involved immediately came to show me around.
Javed, Kavishwar from the body shop, guys from the insurance - showed me things in detail.
Gladly let me click pics. Shared theirs too.
2 things:
1. They all unanimously agreed - that there is NO SIGN of any damage. Any rock hitting. Nothing. No cause found.
2. They all could not answer the simple question - why did this happen?! How - does a iron mounting (die cast metal) just snap off?
Pictures attached.
Attachment 1411044 Attachment 1411045 Attachment 1411046 Attachment 1411047 Attachment 1411048 Attachment 1411049 Attachment 1411050 Attachment 1411051
My question to everyone here at the community is this:
1. Is this possible? Does this happen? This easily? For a 56771 kms run car? Immaculately maintained?
2. If yes, why? What is the cause? Irrespective of who foots the bill, my concern lies in the why and how? Those are the crucial answers - even to convert it to a 'learning experience' (in hindsight - right now the entire family is traumatized - one of our family members is in the ICU at Concorde - so that's our state)
3. What is the right way forward? Repair and then ... ? Future?
4. Is this a known issue? With Manza? With Tata? They are known for robust build and thick metal, right?
Any and every advice will be appreciated.
Thank you !