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Old 2nd February 2009, 19:43   #16
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Yes, I too watched this on Wheelocity on Zee Business yesterday. It was shown to consist of a liquid spray container, a glove type cloth & a microfibre cloth.
The company executive showcasing the product said that in U.S., Dry Wash was required once a month, but in countries like India, once or twice a week is required.
But the price of ~ 750/- seems steep, as it provides very limited washes.
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Old 3rd February 2009, 09:41   #17
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Originally Posted by abhibh View Post
Even i am using Amway now days. It does job pretty well. And the best thing the shampoo is ECO FRIENDLY
Yes they are definitely eco friendly and economical too. Shampoo lasted for 1.5 years for me for washing 2 cars . Try silicon glaze this is also good. Need to put less effort as compared to wax and I felt better than wax. Give good shine after the work. I used to spend an hr on the wax product but with glaze it is done in 20 mins.
Originally Posted by silver_shadow View Post
where did you pick that up? you are in bangy right?
Check my PM I have mailed you the details of the contact

Last edited by aka_iitd : 3rd February 2009 at 09:49.
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Old 23rd December 2009, 22:45   #18
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Waterless Car Wash - Is it worth the money ?

I've heard that Carnation provides Waterless Car Wash service as part of their service package.

Is it superior(results-wise) when compared to normal water wash ?

What are the pros & cons of Waterless Car Wash when compared with conventional car wash ?

Those who've availed Waterless Car Wash service please provide your inputs since it's not common in India.

Waterless car wash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mods: Please don't merge it with the Car care thread since it's a specific question.
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Old 25th December 2009, 23:41   #19
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Waterless car wash is a good substitute to washing your car daily with water(which takes a lot more time)

I was searching for waterless car wash and came upon the Eurogold website - Waterless Car Wash - Delhi based Waterless Car Wash in India,Waterless Car Wash by Foam and Spray

It has some general info on waterless car washes!
(@Mods - I just found the webpage! and am in no way related to the product marketing etc.! )

I've heard praises about Abel Auto's Car Wash Waterless - Xenos
(again no marketing here!)

I've been searching in Delhi, and everyone who stocks Abel Auto products here, doesn't have the 'car wash waterless' or 'Waterless Car Wash'!!
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Old 4th January 2010, 17:09   #20
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Hey guys!!

I had seen waterless car wash on EuroGold Super's website - Waterless Car Wash - Delhi based Waterless Car Wash in India,Waterless Car Wash by Foam and Spray

Since I couldn't find any other brands of such spray wash locally, I mailed them regarding 'Where to buy it in Delhi'

-In the reply they asked me the quantity I needed and my address

-I replied with my address and that I needed two bottles/sprays and also inquiring on 'how to pay?' etc.

-They didn't reply for a few days and I also forgot about it after a while!

-Then today suddenly a courier came in my name, I opened it to find that it was the 'Waterless car wash spray'!!!

I was like 'Whoa' and instantly shot a mail to the guy who had asked me about the address, regarding payment of the stuff that I had just received!
(as I was holding the product without even spending a single penny!)

I got a mail from him that price of two 600ml bottles is Rs. 640/-

And I have to write a cheque and mail it to their address in Okhla

E-212, Flatted Factory Complex,
Okhla Phase -3,
New Delhi-110020
Ph. : +91-11-32929142
Fax : +91-11-41802171
Mob : +91-9810359883
@Mods - I'm in no way related to EuroGold etc.

I like the way they trusted me on the basis of just an inquiry mail!
and I wont let that go unrewarded!

Here are the pics of the bottle/spray can
Attached Thumbnails
Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-abcd0018.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-abcd0019.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-waterless.jpg  

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Old 20th August 2010, 11:26   #21
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There are a group of guys in Bangalore who have started a providing waterless car wash service under the name Pro Wash. These guys are offering this wash on monthly basis at your apartment itself. They claim to use a chemical which is eco friendly and a micro fibre cloth. I have not got my car washed by them so far.
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Old 29th August 2010, 23:48   #22
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I gave Pro-wash yearly subscription fee (500) and one month advance (350). and after 20 days they just stopped washing. It is all most months now they are not even coming to the apartment (TATA sherwood). Please beware of these guys.
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Old 30th August 2010, 09:12   #23
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These guys visited our campus some 3-4 months back and gave a free demo on employees' cars.
I got my car washed too and the results were good.
But they refused to disclose what the 'spray' was! They claimed that they import the spray and microfiber cloth!!!
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Old 15th November 2013, 22:42   #24
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Rinseless/Waterless Car Washing

A significant number of us live in apartments these days and while they offer conveniences like secure/covered car parking, a dedicated car wash area is either missing or the water supply is restricted. I have even seen people carrying buckets in the elevator all the way to the parking or throwing a hose from the window that connects a tap and allows them to wash the car on the ground floor or basement. In my apartment, I have access to free and unlimited water supply in the car parking area and we even have a dedicated place to wash the car. However, they discourage wasting water especially if I try to shampoo wash using 4-5 buckets. It also creates a lot of suds and water that gets scattered all over and makes the place look dirty. Hence inviting the wrath of the security and maintenance staff. Most of the car owners here have chauffeurs who wash premium cars like the A4 every morning with half a bucket of water and a dirty rag, inflicting endless amount of swirls and scratches. Consequently, when I try to wash my car properly; it gathers a lot of negative attention.

For people like me and those living under similar constraints, Rinseless or Waterless Washing is indeed a blessing. Let us talk about what does it mean:

Rinseless Washing: Rinseless Washing concentrates allow you to add 10-30 ml concentrate in 6-10 Litres of water in a bucket and wash the car using a wash mitt or MF towels, followed by a wipe with a drying towel. It allows you to wash faster, anytime, anyplace, with a small quantity of water and without creating a mess in your parking or washing area. To the best of my knowledge, Optimum No Rinse was the first rinseless wash in the market but there are other brands available now including Duragloss Rinseless Wash, Blackfire Rinseless Wash, Ultima Waterless Wash, Chemical Guys Hose Free Eco Wash, Meguiar's Rinsefree Express Wash and a few others. Rinseless washing can substitute almost all your traditional shampoo washes except when the car is really dirty.

Waterless Washing: Waterless Washing concentrates allow you to dilute a very small amount of concentrate in a spray bottle and fill it up with water. As the name suggests, you can just spray on a panel and wipe off with a MF towel. There is no bucket required. This method is used to clean the car when it is slightly dusty. For Example, after a daily drive or to remove bird droppings. It also comes handy during long road trips as you can clean the car in 15 minutes once you reach your destination. However, WW should only be used when the car is mildly dirty. If in doubt whether WW can be used, you should switch to RW instead. AFAIK, Ultima Waterless Wash was the first WW to hit the market and is quite unique as despite primarily being a WW, it works equally well as a RW, Clay Lube, Quick Detailer and even as an interior cleaner. Other brands followed with their versions of WW and now we have Optimum Opti Clean, Chemical Guys Ecosmart Car Wash and Meguiar's Wash & Wax Anywhere amongst others.

Dilution ratios for all brands vary and are always printed on the product.

Some of the brands available in India are:
  • Optimum No Rinse - Add 1 oz. of Optimum No Rinse™ Wash & Shine to 2 gallons of water in a bucket. Soak a plush microfiber towel into the wash solution and wash one section at a time till it is completely clean. Dry the section using a clean plush microfiber towel. ONR is distributed in India by Eco Car Care Asia based in Bangalore and they ship all over India.
  • Ultima Waterless Wash+ - Ultima Waterless Wash Plus+ Concentrate is a hyper-concentrate that can be used to make the Ultima Waterless Wash Plus+ spray wash formula or as a no rinse car wash solution in bucket. Just 1/2 oz. makes 22 oz. of Ready-to-Use Spray Wash and just 1 oz. makes 3 gallons of No Rinse Car Wash Solution. Either way, Ultima Waterless Wash Plus+ will not only meet your expectations, it will exceed them in both cleaning ability and gloss enhancement! Ultima Waterless Wash Plus+ quickly and safely cleans painted surfaces, chrome, plastic, glass and wheels without the use of water. No hoses! No rinsing! No drying! This Boosted by Polycharger™ formula not only cleans your vehicle’s surfaces, it protects from the harsh elements and harmful UV rays. UWW+ is distributed in India by Ultimatedetailerz and they ship all over India.
  • Chemical Guys Hose Free Eco Wash - 1. Mix 1 ounce of Chemical Guys Hose Free ECOwash with 2-3 gallons of water.
    2. Using a Chemical guys Chenille wash mitt or Microfiber Bone Wash Sponge Soak in the ECOwash solution.
    3. Wash as you would with a traditional soap mixtures starting at the top of the vehicle and working your way down.
    4. You may wish to wash the entire vehicle at once or wash sections at a time.
    5. Unlike traditional soaps with Chemical Guys EcoSMART there is no need to rinse with water. The unique lubricants in Hose Free ECOwash help left debris away from the surface where it can be safely wiped away without scratching.
    6. Wash section by section drying each section with a soft Chemical Guys microfiber towel. Chemical Guys products are distributed in India by Pete's Automotive based in Cochin.
Attached Thumbnails
Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-index.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-uww.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-hfe.jpg  

Last edited by Pedaltothefloor : 15th November 2013 at 22:52.
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Old 17th November 2013, 10:11   #25
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Duragloss Rinseless Wash Review

DG RW with Aquawax

I have been using DG RW since March 2012 and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. It is pink in color and has a pleasant fruity scent. It has Aquawax added to it for that instant gloss after the wash. DG Aquawax is a spray sealant that is sold separately.

The directions say to add 0.5oz of product for every gallon of water you use. This can be measured by using the cap. I dilute it in a bucket and wash suning a Noodle or a MF Mitt and dry with several good MF towels. However, unlike a conventional shampoo wash; you wash a panel and then dry it immediately. One panel at a time. It is recomended to use the 2 bucket method. I also like the Gary Dean method to do rinseless washes.

I have used DG RW on the car on several occasions including when it was quite dirty from the rains and mud. It never fails to wash off the contaminants and has never caused any scratches or marring. It is trim friendly and cleans the windshield and the windows very well. Unlike some other rinseless washes, it is very easy to work with and does not flash on you before you can get your drying towel out. I prefer to use it with a noodle or MF wash mitt. Noodle mitts are relatively safer with rinseless washes as there aren't any suds involved.

The Aquawax in it is a sealant so gives a very glossy look after the wash that lasts upto 48 hours or so. It is similar to ONR Wash & Wax in that aspect.

I procured it from BB Impex Duragloss Rinseless Wash
Attached Thumbnails
Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-1.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-2.jpg  

Last edited by Pedaltothefloor : 17th November 2013 at 10:13.
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Old 21st November 2013, 17:21   #26
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Re: Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash

Any retailers as to where I can buy UWW?
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Old 21st November 2013, 17:38   #27
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Re: Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash

Originally Posted by manas27587 View Post
Any retailers as to where I can buy UWW?
Ultimate Detailerz based out of Bangalore & ships to all over India.
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Old 21st November 2013, 17:53   #28
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Re: Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash

And our very own 'Indian' product, PROKLEAR WaterLess wash. The feel is not slick as in UWW or ONR, but the least expensive of the three.
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Old 21st November 2013, 18:12   #29
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Can u let me know price?
Also do u still give the free mitts?
And where do i order?
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Old 19th February 2016, 12:12   #30
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Re: Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash

I made use of a waterless car wash service in Coimbatore from a company called Tyro Enterprises. I'm not related to this company in anyway, I'm just giving my feedback on their service.

They charge INR450 per month which includes 4 sessions spread over a month. That's the cost of a single regular water wash.

Contact: 919500814793

1. Since this is a waterless car wash they can detail your car in your car park even if you are at work.
2. The finish is much better than a regular water wash. the product they use also has some wax compound in it.
3. They apply AMWAY™ SILICONE GLAZE™ Car Polish after the wash

1. Wheel arches, under body are not cleaned.
2. plastic covers are not used on seats while detailing, this is a problem especially if you have fabric covers.

Here are some pictures of the result.
Attached Thumbnails
Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-wp_20160219_08_42_31_pro.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-wp_20160219_08_43_02_pro.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-wp_20160219_09_32_58_pro.jpg  

Dry Washing cars / Waterless car-wash-wp_20160219_09_33_22_pro.jpg  

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