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Old 1st October 2010, 13:53   #1036
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Originally Posted by spadix View Post
Seems to be a gem of a person, as can be made out from his achievements.

20k is a huge wallop to the wallet, whoever bears it. I'm glad that your car is back in shape (that's the second picture, right?).

Yes it is the second picture after repair and new bumper. The fitting and color turned out to be really good.

Last edited by GTO : 4th October 2010 at 11:02. Reason: Please proof-read your posts before submitting. Too many spelling errors
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Old 1st October 2010, 15:12   #1037
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Originally Posted by idofsuresh View Post
I read in this thread that civic spark plug is iridium and the change interval is 100,000 kms or 10 years. Is it the case for a 2006 civic as well ?
I will expect so. The plugs in the Civic are inside the top cover. So it take a lot of work to change them. I will not expect them to hide them there if the plugs have to be changed frequently.

I suggest you take a look at the manual. That is the best guide. If the interval is 100,000/10 years then the answer is a pucca Yes.
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Old 1st October 2010, 20:41   #1038
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Originally Posted by idofsuresh View Post
I read in this thread that civic spark plug is iridium and the change interval is 100,000 kms or 10 years. Is it the case for a 2006 civic as well ?
It is the same for all years of the 8th generation Civic in India.
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Old 3rd October 2010, 10:21   #1039
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Originally Posted by lalitk25 View Post
Now some facts
He is a Major In Indian Army

He told that there are black spots in army as well and there are officers who would not have offerd a single penny in the same incident but if he would have done like this then for life long I would have a bad image for his organization.... this was the best line I heard that evening.
Alls well that ends well. Hats off to the major then, if you get a chance to meet him again convey our best wishes to him on behalf of the entire forum.

My brother works in some contracting business for the naval docks and the corruption stories he tells me just boggles the mind. So this comes across as a breath of fresh air.

The repair work seems to be of high order. Well done!
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Old 3rd October 2010, 15:56   #1040
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Note from Team-Bhp Support: Team-BHP maintains a strong stand against drinking and driving and any mention of alcohol. Hence posts containing ANY alcohol content (in text or pictures, directly or indirectly) are not allowed.

Last edited by GTO : 4th October 2010 at 11:01.
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Old 4th October 2010, 11:27   #1041
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Mileage update

Of-late my cars returning very abysmal mileage figures:
City mileage: 7.51 kmpl
Highway: 11.5 kmpl

I find this very surprising as earlier the same used to be around 9.8 kmpl and 13.5 kmpl for city and highway respectively.

Can you suggest anything I can do to improve the mileage? Would cleaning of injectors help?

In my defense I am very soft with my car, I don't rev the engine much and change gears around 3-3.5k mark. On the recent highway trip (past weekend) of around 350 kms I did not exceed 130 kmph and tried to maintain a steady speed as much as possible but the state of NH8 and trucks did not help.

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Old 4th October 2010, 13:31   #1042
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@Hiren; I am surprised (no shocked at the figures of 7.51/11.5). Even my AT (not run in) does much better! Let me try and analyse and try to guess the reason;

1. The first which comes to mind is poor petrol. Did you by any chance tank up at an unknown source.

2. I doubt whether there are binding brakes - you will notice and the figure should not be that bad.

3. ECU malfunction is again very unlikely.

4. If there is a loss of power and roughness then one cause may be a failed plug.

What i would suggest is to tank up at a reliable source, put some additive (System G or equivalent) and then see.
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Old 4th October 2010, 14:32   #1043
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* Refuel at Shell once and try
* Check tire pressures
* Any change in A/C usage? I generally keep it in AUTO with 22-24C initially and then drop to manual with lowest blower speed.
* Check if parking brake is releasing properly
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Old 4th October 2010, 15:08   #1044
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
@Hiren; I am surprised (no shocked at the figures of 7.51/11.5). Even my AT (not run in) does much better! Let me try and analyse and try to guess the reason;

1. The first which comes to mind is poor petrol. Did you by any chance tank up at an unknown source.

2. I doubt whether there are binding brakes - you will notice and the figure should not be that bad.

3. ECU malfunction is again very unlikely.

4. If there is a loss of power and roughness then one cause may be a failed plug.

What i would suggest is to tank up at a reliable source, put some additive (System G or equivalent) and then see.
Even I am shocked.
1. I always fuel up at the same petrol pump since ages, and I have no reason to doubt them. But I don't mind tanking up elsewhere to analyse further.
2. You are correct, the brakes seem to be ok. But on a side note, after my recent highway trip I noticed that the front right wheel was covered with a lot of brake dust as compared to other wheels. I could not see any brake dust on the rear wheels though.

3. I shudder to think if somethings amiss with the ECU.

4. There is no loss of power, not evident to me atleast. I think I should take the car to the HASS and have them examine it.

I have not used System G yet but am game to give it a go.


Originally Posted by mkc15 View Post

* Refuel at Shell once and try
* Check tire pressures
* Any change in A/C usage? I generally keep it in AUTO with 22-24C initially and then drop to manual with lowest blower speed.
* Check if parking brake is releasing properly
There are no shell bunks in Bombay or atleast where I stay, so that option seems to be out.

The tire pressures are also ok, my tires are at 30 psi all around.

My AC usage is also similar to your, I set it on auto mode at 24C and don't move it at all.

Regarding the parking brake, I will need to check. But that too I feel is ok.

Thanks for the tips, I will keep you posted.
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Old 4th October 2010, 15:19   #1045
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@hiren: Brake dust does indicate some binding. However, if this was that bad, and that too on one side then you would have had the car pulling heavily to the right side.

As you say fuel is Ok, no evidence of a failed plug, then I will leave it to the HoASS to sort it out. A 2-4 PSI also will not do that much to the consumption. There is a slight binding in the brake but ....
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Old 4th October 2010, 15:25   #1046
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
@hiren: Brake dust does indicate some binding. However, if this was that bad, and that too on one side then you would have had the car pulling heavily to the right side.

As you say fuel is Ok, no evidence of a failed plug, then I will leave it to the HoASS to sort it out. A 2-4 PSI also will not do that much to the consumption. There is a slight binding in the brake but ....
You are right, it does not indicate binding but I was surprised to see the front right wheel caked with brake dust. And the funny part is the car was not pulling to the right.

I will head out to HoASS and have this examined. I am ok with 9.xx kmpl but 7 odd is alarming.
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Old 5th October 2010, 17:55   #1047
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FE of Civic-AT

Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
Of-late my cars returning very abysmal mileage figures:
City mileage: 7.51 kmpl
Highway: 11.5 kmpl
FE increases as you add on kms.
In my first year I got only around 8.5 to 10.5 kmpl.
Now at 3.25 years and 71,500 on the odo I get 14 to 16 kmpl on the highways.

I have also altered my driving style so I sub-consciously hypermile.
I feel very, very bad whenever I have to brake hard thus wasting fuel!

I fill ordinary petrol at BP bunks.
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Old 6th October 2010, 11:05   #1048
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Originally Posted by manim View Post
FE increases as you add on kms.

I have also altered my driving style so I sub-consciously hypermile.
I feel very, very bad whenever I have to brake hard thus wasting fuel!

I fill ordinary petrol at BP bunks.
My car is 4 years old and has crossed 20K KMS.
Hypermiling is possible on highways and open roads that Bombay does not have, ever.
I too fill ordinary fuel at BP bunks.

A visit to the HoASS is in the pipeline for me to understand what ails my car.
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Old 6th October 2010, 12:54   #1049
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Originally Posted by manim View Post

I have also altered my driving style so I sub-consciously hypermile.
Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
My car is 4 years old and has crossed 20K KMS.
Hypermiling is possible on highways and open roads that Bombay does not have, ever.
I too fill ordinary fuel at BP bunks.

A visit to the HoASS is in the pipeline for me to understand what ails my car.
What do you mean when you say Hypermiling?
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Old 6th October 2010, 14:40   #1050
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With 20k on the clock, you are in the plateau region of FE. After another 70-80k it may start decreasing!
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