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Old 9th December 2015, 09:56   #7096
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by saket77 View Post
To my knowledge, HASS does not have a policy of selling spares over the counter. If you insist, they might sell you the spares but they might charge you for labour so as to show on invoice that it was fitted in your car by them at the service center.
Yes, I got charged ₹140 and 21 for a fuse by two HASSes at about the same time. See

Originally Posted by StallionAmit View Post
Hi just want to know what can be the safe way working under the car while doing DIY, how can i make the car lift and stand on some supports?
You should get a pair of stands. I bought a pair in the UK in 1989. They should be available on-line. Never rely on jack(s) alone.
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Old 9th December 2015, 10:04   #7097
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Originally Posted by nik0502 View Post

I have this thought back in my mind to have the car checked before making full payment. In fact I paid the advance thinking if it doesn't turn out to be good enough I ll probably lose 12k advance which I have paid. If it is good then I am good to go, but the problem is I don't know what to say to the owner now. It would be very stupid to tell him that I want to have the car inspected before make the payment as I have already finalised the deal.
Just say that your home folks are pressing for a check up at honda for peace of mind. If he has nothing to hide he will oblige, if he resists then something fishy could be going on. Tell him and get a thorough check up. Do not skip this.
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Old 9th December 2015, 11:02   #7098
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Just say that your home folks are pressing for a check up at honda for peace of mind. If he has nothing to hide he will oblige, if he resists then something fishy could be going on. Tell him and get a thorough check up. Do not skip this.
I had requested him for a check up from Honda and he quickly agreed and we drove down to Ring Road Honda. Unfortunately Honda did not accept the car stating the mech's have left for the day and we need to bring the car the next day.on which he asked me to check the service History and saif that I should be more than satisfied with it.

Originally Posted by coolvenk View Post
Nik, tell him that some of your friends with Civics advised you to get a check up before getting the car. Say that doing so will give you a lot of peace of mind. If he resists ask him what does he lose (or have to hide). If that doesn't help, say that you are not inclined to go ahead with the deal unless this is done.

Good luck! By the way, what was the final price you guys agreed on?
He did not resist yesterday. Buy as mentioned above unfortunately Honda did not accept the car. The seller is 70kms away from my house. So I just did my basics. Checked if there are oil fumes coming out of dipstick and there was only air no signs of oil fumes while the engine was on. No abnormal sound from suspension. The D light was not blinking. The shifts were smooth. Tried sports mode as well as paddle shifters. No issues with them also. The boot area under the carpet was absolutely clean and the spare tyre was never used. Brakes were fine. Though I couldn't check the the ABS as I couldn't find any empty strech. I believe the brake pads were replaced at 37k service. I am not sure about engine mounts but what I believe newer civic don't have the problem with mounts. Also the noise and vibrations were well under control.
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Old 9th December 2015, 14:53   #7099
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Originally Posted by laluks View Post

I guess the diamond dealer was at his career best, pampering and boosting the buyer. Hope the car is good as it sounds
Its always best to get it checked. I know of a friend who paid the money to car saying the owner was nice and there is no reason to mistrust him, and went into huge issues later. It turned out to be a spruced up flood hit car!!
Yes laluks,

I will definitely try to get the inspection done before making the final payment. For now I called up ring road Honda and checked if the car has been involved in any accident in the past, they checked previous records for any major repairs and they have informed there has not been any accidental repair on the car. Also when the car had gone for service last time they did a general check up as well and there was no problem with the car and there was no work pending. The car has undergone 50 k kms service. All the fuel lines have been cleaned along with throttle body cleaning In last service along with the general service.
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Old 10th December 2015, 09:35   #7100
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

My Honda Civic (Automatic top end) was under flood water for 3 days. Water has gone down and the door is jammed. We are not able to open the door. Since both Parking and Hand Brake is engaged, we are not able to tow the car. Its hindering my neighbours and causing a lot of problem for them.

The only solution i got was to break open the quarter glass in the back and open the back door. My Insurance company is saying i cant do that without their surveyor coming to check and it will take them at least 3 more days to get a surveyor. If i still go ahead and break glass without them they will not honour my claim.

I am at complete loss with my neighbours put to hardship and on other hand if i break open I might end up losing entire insurance for my flood hit car. Any ideas on opening the door or releasing hand brake and transmission ?

FOllowing tried already:
1. Opened the door rubber and emptied WD40 yesterday, still same problem.
2. There is still water under car which is almost black in colour, so not able to get a mechanic under car to release disk break,
3. Have two flood affected cars in front and back, so tow vehicle not able to lift the car

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Old 10th December 2015, 09:54   #7101
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
My Honda Civic (Automatic top end) was under flood water for 3 days.
The only solution i got was to break open the quarter glass in the back and open the back door. My Insurance company is saying i cant do that without their surveyor coming to check and it will take them at least 3 more days to get a surveyor. If i still go ahead and break glass without them they will not honour my claim.
Any ideas on opening the door or releasing hand brake and transmission ?
It is a load of bunkum.

Be very firm with your Insurance company.

They can not hold you hostage by their inefficiency.
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Old 10th December 2015, 09:58   #7102
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by skdking View Post
It is a load of bunkum.

Be very firm with your Insurance company.

They can not hold you hostage by their inefficiency.
On a normal day, I would lost it. But in my apartment itself we have 780 cars waiting and in our area we have close 7000+ cars waiting :(. Ours was one of the worst flood affected area in Chennai
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Old 10th December 2015, 10:38   #7103
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
On a normal day, I would lost it. But in my apartment itself we have 780 cars waiting and in our area we have close 7000+ cars waiting :(. Ours was one of the worst flood affected area in Chennai
Ask your insurance co if you can take a proper video footage of the cars condition and use it as evidence. Explain your neighbors ordeal and see if they allow you to atleast move the car for the sake of the neighbors.
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Old 10th December 2015, 10:39   #7104
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
My Honda Civic (Automatic top end) was under flood water for 3 days. Water has gone down and the door is jammed. We are not able to open the door. Since both Parking and Hand Brake is engaged, we are not able to tow the car. Its hindering my neighbours and causing a lot of problem for them.

The only solution i got was to break open the quarter glass in the back and open the back door. My Insurance company is saying i cant do that without their surveyor coming to check and it will take them at least 3 more days to get a surveyor. If i still go ahead and break glass without them they will not honour my claim.

I am at complete loss with my neighbours put to hardship and on other hand if i break open I might end up losing entire insurance for my flood hit car. Any ideas on opening the door or releasing hand brake and transmission ?

FOllowing tried already:
1. Opened the door rubber and emptied WD40 yesterday, still same problem.
2. There is still water under car which is almost black in colour, so not able to get a mechanic under car to release disk break,
3. Have two flood affected cars in front and back, so tow vehicle not able to lift the car
Originally Posted by skdking View Post
It is a load of bunkum.

Be very firm with your Insurance company.

They can not hold you hostage by their inefficiency.
I have a feeling that once you get in the Parking setting may be easier to tackle (provided you can power up the car, since it may be electrically actuated).

For the hand brake access from under the car to release it may be the only realistic way. Getting into the car may not work either. If you somehow to manage the Park setting them lifting the rear and towing is another option.

Last edited by sgiitk : 10th December 2015 at 10:40.
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Old 11th December 2015, 08:06   #7105
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Hey bro,

Is it possible that the door lock is not jammed because of the flood but those were already jammed but you never noticed as you were using remote all this while. Happened to me twice. Once with my Fiesta. I had been using the remote and one fine day the unlock button on the remote stopped working. I thought I would just open the door with the key but was shocked to learn that it would not open with the as the lock has been jammed. I put few drops of oil innthe lock. Kept on trying to open it with mild force and after an attempt of 45 minutes I was able to open the door. On the second instance we lost the remote key for my brother's Honda City and tried to open the door with key and didn't work. In the end we had to call up a key maker who opened the door with the same key.

You might want to call a key maker and try your luck.
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Old 13th December 2015, 08:32   #7106
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Guys i did a trip to lonavla yesterday with 5 adults and 2 kids. The rear, due to the added weight of the CNG tank sagged heavily and i scraped and crunched the lower suspension atleast 3 times on lousy speed breakers. I do the have the 1 inch autorunner installed and was wondering if putting a 2 inch would help reduce this problem or not. The car really looked heavily loaded with 3 full size adults north of 65-70 KG sitting in.
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Old 13th December 2015, 08:57   #7107
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by madbullram View Post
My Honda Civic (Automatic top end) was under flood water for 3 days.
Its sad to know the state of your car. By the way, which area in Chennai are you living?

Mine is affected too as I had to drive through a flooded road once (came out successfully!) and water entered into my house as well. There's some problem with the engine and they are suspecting a bent connecting rod. I initially towed the car to Capital Honda, tried and failed to get my claim approved by my insurance provider (L&T) and have since got it towed again to Ignite. In fact, my Civic ran into trouble in the second phase of rains mid November itself. The folks at Ignite are very busy with lots of flooded cars and have still not started work on my car. Only when they identify what's wrong will I get to know what's busted and how big a hole to my wallet will it result in.

I met Raghav (Ignite) yesterday to check on my car's status and hoping that he and his team would get the car back to shape. I'm having my fingers crossed.
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Old 13th December 2015, 09:05   #7108
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by arvi86 View Post
Mine is affected too as I had to drive through a flooded road once (came out successfully!) and water entered into my house as well.
Arvi buddy i am sorry to hear your car and home were affected by the flood. However the more important thing to know is that you are safe. I am sure ignite would be able to solve your problem. But i do not understand why L&T refused claim ?

Last edited by sumeethaldankar : 13th December 2015 at 09:27.
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Old 13th December 2015, 09:23   #7109
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Arvi buddy i am sorry to hear your car and home were affected by the flood.
I actually escaped more losses as I had moved most of my stuff to my new apartment which was thankfully not affected by these floods. As you said, I'm glad me and my family and friends are all safe. At the same time, I'm sad the Civic ran into troubled waters, quite literally.
Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
But i do not understand why L&T refused claim ?
When the surveyor inspected the car, he could apparently find no traces of water entry through the air filter (It was dry, he said). So, they wouldn't even consider this as affected by flood. Multiple attempts of talking to him and his higher ups proved futile and I lost patience with them. Honda were not helping either as the service advisors who clearly told me this looks like water entry into the cylinders didn't quite convey or convince the surveyor about the same. I thanked them for what they did and decided to take this on myself. But I'll think twice before plonking my money on L&T and Honda next time. I'm that exasperated, especially after seeing the kind of support the guys at Ford and Maruti-Suzuki are giving to a couple of my friends whose cars were also affected. They're going out of their way to make sure the insurance claims are approved.
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Old 13th December 2015, 12:47   #7110
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Originally Posted by laluks View Post

I guess the diamond dealer was at his career best, pampering and boosting the buyer. Hope the car is good as it sounds
Its always best to get it checked. I know of a friend who paid the money to car saying the owner was nice and there is no reason to mistrust him, and went into huge issues later. It turned out to be a spruced up flood hit car!!
Hi guys!!!

I sold my 2007 Fiesta to a buyer for 95 K
as I was supposed to pay for the Civic, however the owner called me to tell me that he is not willing to sell the car now as his family is not happy with hus decision and I could take my money back. Now I am back to square one. Checked 3 more Civics all with odo meter in range of 50 - 60k kms and when checked with Honda all have been driven for approx 1 lacs kms. I am stuck now.

Originally Posted by coolvenk View Post
Nik, tell him that some of your friends with Civics advised you to get a check up before getting the car. Say that doing so will give you a lot of peace of mind. If he resists ask him what does he lose (or have to hide). If that doesn't help, say that you are not inclined to go ahead with the deal unless this is done.

Good luck! By the way, what was the final price you guys agreed on?
Hey coolvenk,

I tried to send you a pm but could not. I finalised the deal for 3.72 lacs.

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