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Old 29th November 2015, 15:45   #7066
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

I think Tampering the Odo is endemic, and if I dare say the habit with some folk. I remember I test drove a Zen AT (owned by a Dealer) and happened to notice the Odo. About three weeks later we bought and picked up the car and the Odo had been doctored. If I had seen the older reading then what was gained - nothing.
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Old 29th November 2015, 17:06   #7067
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
I think Tampering the Odo is endemic, and if I dare say the habit with some folk. I remember I test drove a Zen AT (owned by a Dealer) and happened to notice the Odo. About three weeks later we bought and picked up the car and the Odo had been doctored. If I had seen the older reading then what was gained - nothing.
Hi sgiitk,

I can take the risk of buying a zen with a tempered odo but not a Civic and that too an AT. I don't have any proof that the above mentioned car's odo has been tampered. But a car which had covered 56k kms in first 2.5 years and have covered 65 k kms in 5.5 years raises the doubt. The dealer is claiming that the car was not driven much after that as the owner had purchased another car and I can take the car to Honda and get it checked before closing the deal.

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Old 29th November 2015, 19:04   #7068
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by nik0502 View Post
Hi sgiitk,

I can take the risk of buying a zen with a tempered odo but not a Civic and that too an AT. I don't have any proof that the above mentioned car's odo has been tampered. But a car which had covered 56k kms in first 2.5 years and have covered 65 k kms in 5.5 years raises the doubt. The dealer is claiming that the car was not driven much after that as the owner had purchased another car and I can take the car to Honda and get it checked before closing the deal.

I would prefer cars bought directly from owners rather than dealers as the middle man to maximise profits will resort to tampering for sure. If possible speak to the old owner and ask him. You can get the owners address and have a word with him if possible.
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Old 29th November 2015, 19:48   #7069
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
I would prefer cars bought directly from owners rather than dealers as the middle man to maximise profits will resort to tampering for sure. If possible speak to the old owner and ask him. You can get the owners address and have a word with him if possible.
I have seen 3-4 cars from individuals and all the cars had odo tempered. I had also decided to buy directly from individuals but after the experience all I am looking for is a clean less run car with service history.

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Old 30th November 2015, 08:56   #7070
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by nik0502 View Post
1. I can take the risk of buying a zen with a tempered odo but not a Civic and that too an AT.

2.I don't have any proof that the above mentioned car's odo has been tampered. But a car which had covered 56k kms in first 2.5 years and have covered 65 k kms in 5.5 years raises the doubt. The dealer is claiming that the car was not driven much after that as the owner had purchased another car and I can take the car to Honda and get it checked before closing the deal.
1. I bought the Zen with the higher reading, and then when I got it I found the Odo doctored! Why, what for, no sense at all.

2. In general the car's condition (mats, tyres, pedal rubber, etc) do give a clue. Take my Civic - in almost five years it has dome only about 20 odd thousand km. There was one six month window (it was during the extended warranty period) when I did not even do 1000km.
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Old 30th November 2015, 11:47   #7071
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There's a 2011 model Civic VAT with 46k on odo. The car is of a VP in one of the MNCs. Seller has refused to go below 5 lacs. Does the price sound right in delhi. On the other hand there are two other cars both 2011 model with sunroof both has run approx 70k kms and asking price is in range of 5 lacs. This car is best of the lot but my budget is in range of 4 to 4.5 and if I have to strech I would really want a sunroof in my car. What do you guys think ?
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Old 30th November 2015, 14:20   #7072
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Hi All,

Need suggestion on an issue with my 2007 Civic. A week back had to change the main engine harness because of rodents chewing it out. Now, i see that the temperature display next to the trip meter is not showing any value, instead showing as "---". Also, the A/C is acting a bit odd, like even with temperature set to 23 or 24, it blows mildly hot air which was never the case. Also the "AUTO" climate is working only when i set the temperature knob to "LO". Basically the A/C is seems to go into sleep for some time and wakes up. This keeps happening a lot.

Can anyone with similar experiences let me know if the issue could be because of something missed during the Harness change by ASS or a co-incidence that A/C need to be checked up ?

Thanks in advance
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Old 30th November 2015, 14:58   #7073
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by Adi22 View Post
Hi All,

Need suggestion on an issue with my 2007....

Can anyone with similar experiences let me know if the issue could be because of something missed during the Harness change by ASS or a co-incidence that A/C need to be checked up ?

Thanks in advance
Not sure about the temp display but for the ac get the ac relay checked out. It seems the ac starts stops intermittently which could be due to a faulty relay which is located under the bonnet fuse section.
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Old 1st December 2015, 14:05   #7074
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Not sure about the temp display but for the ac get the ac relay checked out. It seems the ac starts stops intermittently which could be due to a faulty relay which is located under the bonnet fuse section.
Thank you. After some research on the web, came to know of similar cases caused because of either the "Outside temperature sensor" going bad causing both blank temp reading & A/C acting up because of inaccurate readings OR the A/C relay problem. I will have these checked over the weekend and update.
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Old 2nd December 2015, 13:23   #7075
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

My AC works perfectly well most of the times. Except sometimes on long drives, the airflow goes down. Even if I turn the fan speed up to full, there's hardly any airflow. If I switch the ignition off, and let it cool for 15 mins, the AC blower starts working fine again.
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Old 2nd December 2015, 13:30   #7076
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by coolkurt View Post
My AC works perfectly well most of the times. Except sometimes on long drives, the airflow goes down. Even if I turn the fan speed up to full, there's hardly any airflow. If I switch the ignition off, and let it cool for 15 mins, the AC blower starts working fine again.
Sounds like the a/c relay to me buddy. Maybe you should have it checked.
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Old 2nd December 2015, 15:56   #7077
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Sounds like the a/c relay to me buddy. Maybe you should have it checked.
Yes, I thought the same. Since I'd got the AC serviced last month. HASS want to overhaul the AC as they claim it's a 9 year old car. But my air-conditioning is working perfectly well. I did the cooling test and it came out with flying colors.

I went to Ghai Spares but he gave me a generic relay. I don't know which relay is for the air-conditioner. Can someone point it out in the fuse box diagram?
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Old 2nd December 2015, 15:58   #7078
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by coolkurt View Post
My AC works perfectly well most of the times. Except sometimes on long drives, the airflow goes down. Even if I turn the fan speed up to full, there's hardly any airflow. If I switch the ignition off, and let it cool for 15 mins, the AC blower starts working fine again.
Happens to me as well.

When it happened to me first time (described here as well), I took it to a local garage t who diagnosed it to some ice formation inside which blocks the airflow. He just put the heat mode on for 5 minutes and I could see a lot of water flowing under the body of the car. After that AC worked normally.

Happened again recently in October when I was driving down from Mumbai to Goa, just before kolhapur the same issue occurred. Rolled down windows, set the temperature to "High" and full blower speed. And there, after 5 minutes AC was back to normal. Haven't faced it again till now, fingers crossed.
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Old 2nd December 2015, 18:18   #7079
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Dear Bhpians,

I had a query regarding 2008 manual civic. I have been driving it since the beginning and till now it has been running smoothly.The car has done 67K kms.

Last week the following work was carried out at Rushab Motors(HASS), Nagpur:

- FR RHS engine mounting replaced
- 65KM paid service

Total: 13K/-

Recommendations from SA for replacement of the following:

- FR both shock up
- Tie rod end
- Ball joint and its boot

The service was delayed by a day and when i drove back the vehicle, I felt the brakes/clutch/gear went stiff and so too the steering wheel. One can feel the heaviness on the steering wheel.

When i told this to the SA, he got the breaks/clutch/gear back to normal but the steering still feels stiff. I thought it's just me but my friend has experienced the same without me mentioning to him about it.

Next day I took the car back to HASS and asked them to check what they can do about it. They did and found nothing that can cause this issue.

I can understand wear and tear but it was smooth before i got it serviced and the engine mount added.

It is difficult to live with a bad steering on civic.

Please guide.
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Old 2nd December 2015, 18:47   #7080
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Re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by coolkurt View Post
Yes, I thought the same. Since I'd got the AC serviced last month. HASS want to overhaul the AC as they claim it's a 9 year old car. But my air-conditioning is working perfectly well. I did the cooling test and it came out with flying colors.

I went to Ghai Spares but he gave me a generic relay. I don't know which relay is for the air-conditioner. Can someone point it out in the fuse box diagram?
Hope this is of help to you.
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