Originally Posted by esteem_lover absolutely. this is ridiculous. the ideal shifts for the esteem would be
1st to 2nd - 10 km/h
2nd to 3rd - 25 km/h
3rd to 4th - 40 km/h
4th to 5th - 50km/h |
Quite right (carb Esteem)... it's slightly different for the MPFI Esteem and it's better if you use the Tach to decide when to shift gears instead of the speedo...
Here's my experience with a E-II MPFI Esteem burning IOC Xtrapremium (91 Octane), the engine has to be revved up slightly higher for standard 87 octane petrol:
Economy Driving: Up shifts:
The idea is to disengage the clutch while taking your foot off the accelerator, smoothly slot up a gear and release the clutch (without accelerating) in such a way that there are no jerks (engine rpm matched with the gearbox rpm) and the engine has enough torque to pull the car in the higher gear (without knocking). Once the car is "rolling" in the higher gear, you can gently accelerate. If you do it right and shift smoothly without forcing the box, your engine rpm will have dropped slightly and it will (almost) match the downshift rpm table (next list).
1st to 2nd: 1500 rpm
2nd to 3rd: 1500 rpm
3rd to 4th: 2000 rpm
4th to 5th: 2250 rpm (half way between the 2000 and 2500 marks)
Down shifts:
The trick is to let the engine coast down in the highest gear possible where a gentle dab on the accelerator would still have enough torque to pull the car in that gear. Once the engine drops below this rpm, shift down.
5th to 4th: 1400 rpm (just below the 1500 rpm mark)
4th to 3rd: 1400 rpm
3rd to 2nd: 1000 rpm
2nd to 1st: 800rpm (the "idle" mark)
Originally Posted by esteem_lover but all this is situation dependant
like in the highway, if you are going to follow the above procedure, you might find that your car takes eternity to reach 100KMPH.
if you can drive without engine knocking, then you are doing fine.
now, for my IDEAL shift would be
1st to 2nd - 40 km/h
2nd to 3rd - 90 km/h
3rd to 4th - 130 km/h
4th to 5th - 165km/h
that would set your adrenalin pumping, wouldn't it? |
I hear ya!
To squeeze the most of your MPFI Esteem, shift when the tach hits 6000 rpm.
I dont know what speeds that transalates to, but I do know that she hits 120Kmph in 2nd
... and you dont need to use the 5th gear... top speed (indicated) is just above 175Kmph in 4th... if you shift up to 5th at 175Kmph, the speed will actually drop gradually to around 165 - 170Kmph.
Watch out: Stomping on the accelerator and redlining an MPFI Esteem in 1st gear can be a real b**ch! With the stock LX (155/80) tyres, this is only good for tyre smoke... even those skinny mopeds will leave you behind on the signal if you try this! (and when and if the tyres finally bite, u end up ramming into 'em from behind!)
With my 185/70 Potenza GIIIs, she still does wheel spins if the surface is anything less than ideal, but now the real problem to watch out for is the torque steer... it could easily send you careening into that skinny moped on the left / right of the car!
Oh... before I forget... dont stomp hard on the gas pedal in 1st on a U turn (unless there's no traffic and you really really want to impress the babe in the red top across the road) ... the car will first shoot out across the road and start a gentle but scary spin... and when you take your foot off the gas in panic, you get a violent "lift off oversteer" spin and end up facing the oncoming traffic... Don't ask how I know this!
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