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Old 29th July 2008, 12:33   #1
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Baleno Gear Shift Problem

Dear friends,
I know that there are a lot of baleno owners and fans in this forum. Hope some one will be able to help me!

The gear shift to 1st and 2nd for my baleno is not smooth. I see this problem mostly when doing a downshift. For example, at a road hump, if I want to get to 1st gear, it resists and I have to use a lot of force to push it in. At this point, the vehicle will be in motion, may be at 10Km/hr speed. I don't see this issue while the vehicle is stationary. All the gear shift happen smoothly. The obstruction is not hard.. It feels like a rubber object obstructing the free movement.

While upshifting, i some times feel some obstruction... like some rubbery object obstructing the movement. But it is not worse as downshifting.

Any clues? Is this related to the syncho mesh?
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Old 29th July 2008, 13:15   #2
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Originally Posted by guruji View Post
Any clues? Is this related to the syncho mesh?
The logical sequence of events would be to first check clutch pedal adjustment. When all else fails, we come the the box itself!
BTW, how many kms on the odo?
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Old 29th July 2008, 13:44   #3
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i think this may with the speed at which you are changing your gears .
if you want to shift to 1st gear,then i think you must be at a high speed
< >10km/hr>..
as you have mentioned that you face no problems while the car is stationery.

i think you should try the same thing on 2nd gear ,reduce the speed a little that it doesnot touch the ground.
how much on the odo,which model.??
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Old 29th July 2008, 16:11   #4
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29000 Km on Odo

Thanks for the reply. It has completed 29000 Km till now. It's a Vxi model.

I also suspected the speed at which i am changing the gear and tried a couple of different combinations already. May be I should focus on that more.

I will check the clutch pedal ply this Sunday and reply on that.
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Old 4th August 2008, 06:09   #5
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Hi guruji
Noticed the same problem not only in baleno but on other cars too. It seems more exagerated in baleno because of the basically rubbery gearshift. While the vehicle is moving and you want to shift into first gear try pressing the brake pedal just a little way(not enuf to stop the vehicle) and shifting. It goes thru like butter.
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Old 4th August 2008, 14:10   #6
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Try matching your engine speed to gear you are trying to select.
For example,20kmph in second is at 2000rpm and 20kmph in first is at 3000 rpm.
Dab the throttle a bit while downshifting and it should help.
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Old 5th August 2008, 00:44   #7
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Guruji, I have always dismissed this issue as a minor "known bug" of this car! Others being loud thud out of front suspension (hardly encountered anytime in two and half years), bottoming up (a few times, always with 4-5 people on board and extremely bad speed breakers), slight engine grunt (which sometimes feels good instead!).

Me too think it has something to do with synchro-mesh design. As per my understanding, engine speed and car speed naturally tend to match while up-shifting, and exactly the opposite when down-shifting, hence it is aggravated during shifting down. BTW, I remember noticing that reverse gear do not feature synchro-mesh for all of the car brochures that I had gone through while purchasing. May be for the obvious reason- there is no pressing need as such, though that makes it lock at times. Reverse gear problem can be easily worked around by slotting into another gear and slightly releasing the clutch. In 99% cases, you should be able to put it into reverse smoothly the 2nd time.
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