Domnic, I won't say thanks yet, since there is a lot of information needed

but you've helped a lot.......

continue helping
No, it means more air and fuel at the right ratio in the cylinder can produce more power. For stoich ratio its about 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel. So if you can stuff in more air/fuel into the cylinder keeping close to this ratio more power can be derived. But please note than 14.7 is just an indicative, ratios such as 12.8:1 etc can also derive more power... all depends on the engine, the way it acts and mods.
note that fouling is when theres an electrical leak in the plug and ground which causes failure to ignite.....
14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel. Sounds familiar. Is that because normal atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi? And at different altitudes, the air/fuel mixture can be different.
In some systems, the turbocharger itself mixes the additional fuel required to the additional air.
Does this occur after the air has passed through the intercoolers?? and how?
Normally Aspirated:
In cars that have an ECU, the computer calculates how much fuel is needed in the cylinder to counter with the amount of air entering the cylinder. In a non-ECU car, what calculates the air/fuel ratio?? The carb?? If yes, still how?
How is a turbocharger fitted on a non-ECU car?! Is this right > "On a non-ECU car, the turbocharger does not mix the additional fuel before sending the compressed air to the engine. The compressed air is directly sent to the carb where the carb understands that since there is more air coming in, more fuel must be added. So no problem."
Yes it does, thats the reason we make tuned length headers. Usually when using a bad design exhaust or company manifold, on the exhaust cycle, the upward stroke pushes the burnt gasses, due to the restrictions and design in the exhaust some gasses remain in the chamber. When using tuned exhausts, these exhausts create a scavenging effect which can remove most of the unburnt gasses, which lets more fresh air fuel mixture to enter thus creating more power. But be aware exhausts should be tuned perfect to create power. Cam timing is also crucial. If the valve overlap is long and the exhaust isnt tuned according to the cam timing, valve sizes, ports etc, this can cause some of the fresh mixture entering the exhaust also.... there are tons of things which go into tuning exhausts.. i think you should get the picture....
Yes I get the picture, because I knew most of this before, but I've forgotten everything. When the cam is modified, it must be seen that it doesn't keep the exhaust valve open for too long. When the intake valve opens, the exhaust valve should be closed late so that most of the exhaust gases are sent out AND quickly before any air/fuel mixture flows out through the exhaust valves. It all depends on cam timing AND also if there are any restrictions to the flow of the exhaust gases. So I guess porting and polishing would be a solution for the restrictions. If too much overlap is present, it will result in wastage of fuel.
You said "Valve Sizes". Does that mean that the valve "holes" in the block can be increased in size and bigger valves can be used??
Two stage turbos are usually twin turbo systems where two turbochargers are used. Each turbocharger is setup to produce boost at certian rpm ranges. For example turbo1 starts to produce boost from 2000rpm to 4500rpm, after which a valve opens and the second turbo also spools and starts producing more boost after 4500rpm, these systems are used to reduce turbo lag.
So in a twin turbo system, the turbo that generates power between 2000rpm - 4500rpm is a small turbocharger in size and the other is a big turbocharger in size. And after both turbochargers compress air, the air is sent for cooling at the intercoolers. Once the air is cooled down, it is sent to the cylinder.
Small turbochargers have smaller turbines and small compressors. At low rpms, the exhaust gases are enough to rotate the turbines AND give enough boost to the engine. However, at high-rpms they are not so powerful since the compressor wheel is too small to let in huge amounts of air. They have low turbo lag, because they respond faster.
Large turbochargers have bigger turbines and big compressors. At low rpms, the exhaust gases do not have enough force to rotate the turbines AND so there is no /or negligile boost provided. However, at high rpms they can produce immense boost. They suffer from turbo lag.
can somebody throw some light on Supercharging and the diff between turbocharging and supercharging
PS: If Supercharging topic has been discussed ealier can someone please provide me the link
Supercharging will soon be discussed in another thread.