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Old 19th June 2008, 11:53   #91
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This should help you

Did you try decarbing anytime soon, and how about throttle body cleaning, try them out through a good technician/workshop.
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Old 8th June 2009, 12:42   #92
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I shifted to Shell 91 octance two months back. There has been a remarkable improvement is the drive. I do drive the new airport road. Just love the new feel. Now considering a engine flush and move over to mobil1, was recommeneded by lot of Bhpians over Shell engine oils.
The result of my shifting to shell 91,the fuel tank just got branded.
Just wondering on my long drives out of Bengaluru, will i get the branded one out of the city limits?,especially "Gods own country"..
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Old 8th June 2009, 15:51   #93
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All PSUs supply 91RON petrol. The change in engine response can only because you were using bad petrol before. Or a placebo effect.
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Old 8th June 2009, 17:01   #94
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Originally Posted by ImmortalZ View Post
All PSUs supply 91RON petrol. The change in engine response can only because you were using bad petrol before. Or a placebo effect.
Let me complete the picture:

Euro-III Cities: Petrol is 91 RON minimum
Euro-II Cities: Petrol is 88 RON minimum
Euro-IV (coming next year): 91RON min. Changes are in Benzene content etc.
IndianOil Xtra Premium: 93 RON
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Old 8th June 2009, 19:29   #95
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He's from Bangalore sgit. It must be a Euro III city at the very least. Are you sure Xtra Premium is 93RON?
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Old 9th June 2009, 12:22   #96
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Originally Posted by ImmortalZ View Post
He's from Bangalore sgit. It must be a Euro III city at the very least. Are you sure Xtra Premium is 93RON?
I was aware of that, but thought I will qualify the statement to give a full picture. At present some 20 or so cities are Euro III. The rest are Euro II. Next April when all of us go a notch higher then petrol will all be 91RON.

XtraPremium is 93RON as claimed by IOC in both their advts and website. Other PSUs do not specify the RON of their premium petrol. In practice I will say that 91/93 is (almost) the same, while 88/93 is not! In other words in a non-EIII city you gain more by going to XP than in a EIII city.
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Old 14th June 2009, 20:07   #97
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Well, according to this handy PDF ( ), BSIII petrol is 91RON and BSII is 93. Weird. Oh, and XtraPremium isn't higher octane either.
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Old 15th June 2009, 00:36   #98
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Originally Posted by DCEite View Post
Till recently, i was very hesitant to use high octane fuels like Xtrapremeium, Power, Speed 93 etc. But one of my friend regularly fills up one of these in his car and according to him his Mileage has improved by about 1-2 km/l and his car picks up better too.
I have three following questions for which i am very curious about.

1. Do high octane fuels like xtra, power, speed add to FE and Pickup or Both.?

2. Are all of the above types are 93 octane?. (specifically, is Power from club HP 93 octane?)

3. What if i mix and match all the three, because in city traffic its very difficult to stick to just one Brand. That is, if i have 5 litres of XtraPremium on my car, can i top it up with Speed 93?

check this out HowStuffWorks "What does octane mean?"

is it wotrh the price...check this out Is High Octane Gas Worth the Money? | Wanderings

octane rating ck out this site..Octane rating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

another web site about octane...The Low-Down on High Octane Gasoline

i hope this sheds the light on octane and fuels
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Old 24th June 2009, 15:18   #99
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Let me complete the picture:

Euro-III Cities: Petrol is 91 RON minimum
Euro-II Cities: Petrol is 88 RON minimum
Euro-IV (coming next year): 91RON min. Changes are in Benzene content etc.
IndianOil Xtra Premium: 93 RON
Originally Posted by ImmortalZ View Post
Well, according to this handy PDF ( ), BSIII petrol is 91RON and BSII is 93. Weird. Oh, and XtraPremium isn't higher octane either.
All those sites & figures seem to be dated. 2 months back I tried to check all such sites including oil companies' sites, & even came across that PDF. What I have noticed is none of the oil companies are claiming or even mentioning anything about octane rating of their petrols - not on website, not on any brochure, not in specification. Then I called on IOC, HP & BPCL tel no.s & spoke to the support / quality staff. None guarantee even min 91-octane.
IOC says they can guarantee 89 octane (though he said what you actually get would be > 90 octane.
HP says they can guarantee 88 octane (though he said what you actually get would be > 90 octane.
Only BPCL guy says they can guarantee 91 octane (though am doutful for the reasoning the above 2 had given)

When asked why 91-octane not even in Mumbai, IOC guy said, they were giving it earlier some 2-3 years back. But to control the distribution of different octane petrol in different cities got difficult since when their no. of pumps increased in rural or off-metro cities & hence they now give uniform octane petrol across the country.

On 1 point, all 3 of them agreed - there is no difference in octane rating in Regular unleaded petrol & branded premium petrol. The difference is only the additives which are added in premium.

If anyone comes across any LATEST stated/ written Octane-rating specification/ brochure/ advt/ mail from any of these 3 companies, pls do let me know
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Old 24th June 2009, 15:33   #100
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@vahanPujari: there are two things which emerge:

1. The Sarkari firms are breaking the law in EIII cities since 91RON is the minimum required. If they are supplying 91RON to EII cities, so be it.
2. All the ads of IOC about High octane in Xtra Premium are rubbish.

I think CSE and other environmental NGOs should take up the former.
Someone should complain to the Advertising regulator about the latter.
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Old 24th June 2009, 16:07   #101
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To share my experience.

I have 1985 SS80. I used to always fill normal petrol. However after last service. Car used to knock more often during low rpm with high gear.

To solve this problem and see if high octane fuel helps, I filled my tank once with speed and once with power.

Both gave my car higher power and no/very less knock. Low rpm torque increased.

Im not sure about efficiency but the time the fuel lasted looked i got better mileage.

I am thinking of filling high octane fuel till it gets another service.
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Old 24th June 2009, 16:10   #102
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
2. All the ads of IOC about High octane in Xtra Premium are rubbish.
I noticed the recent ads show some kind of "friction booster" and never mentionsd anything about octane
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Old 24th June 2009, 19:15   #103
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My experience with premium octane fuels has been very bad up till now. My Forester just seems to run better when I use "normal" petrol.

I suspect that the normal petrol is fresher and replenished at the petrol pumps regularly. Perhaps the premium fuel sits in the underground tanks for long periods of time before being refilled.
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Old 9th December 2009, 12:36   #104
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I know some one in Ahmedabad who has a Porsche and is looking for a place where he can find Speed 97 as recommended by the company. If thats not available, Speed 93 would be fine too.
Also which would be the places where we can find the best quality Petrol with an assurance of no adulteration?
Can any one advise?
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Old 9th December 2009, 12:50   #105
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^^What is this Speed93? Which BP pump sells this?
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