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Old 22nd June 2008, 07:46   #31
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My Amby Petrol has this fuel smell inside the cabin problem, usually it's very low and sometimes non existent, however yesterday I filled the tank to the brim and after that the petrol smell was very very strong within the cabon, worst part was I was driving with my wife and 1 yr old kid, I pulled the windows down, it was soo hot outside, but I guess it was better than all of us breathing petrol, wonder where the problem is. The smell was never was as strong before as yesterday, maybe it's got to do someting with filling the fule tank to the absolute brim.
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Old 22nd June 2008, 07:57   #32
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Originally Posted by musicmanaman View Post
My Amby Petrol has this fuel smell inside the cabin problem, usually it's very low and sometimes non existent, however yesterday I filled the tank to the brim and after that the petrol smell was very very strong within the cabon, worst part was I was driving with my wife and 1 yr old kid, I pulled the windows down, it was soo hot outside, but I guess it was better than all of us breathing petrol, wonder where the problem is. The smell was never was as strong before as yesterday, maybe it's got to do someting with filling the fule tank to the absolute brim.
check for the petrol vapour filter if its pipe has not been disconnected i had same problem in my m800 and it was solved by connecting the pipe
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Old 22nd June 2008, 09:05   #33
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Originally Posted by harry2223 View Post
check for the petrol vapour filter if its pipe has not been disconnected i had same problem in my m800 and it was solved by connecting the pipe
Where would I find the Vapour Filter in the Amby?
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Old 22nd June 2008, 15:20   #34
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In continuation to the post by harry2223 I was advised by the Maruti dealership to change the filter which is located at the rear left of the car (M800) in the panel on the inside of the boot. They said that this was to do something with condensing the fuel vapor. In our Premier Padmini we had the same problem a while ago and it was diagnosed to a small filter kind of thing between the fuel tank and the carburator which had developed a crack and was leaking.

Hope this helps !! Take care
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Old 22nd June 2008, 16:47   #35
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Originally Posted by musicmanaman View Post
Where would I find the Vapour Filter in the Amby?
in my maruti 800 the petrol tank is connected to a plastic box through a pipe this box is on the left side of car where there is fuel lid it can be see by removing the panel inside. this plastic box is then connected to the filter in engine compartment through a pipe. if this type of filter is present in amby than may you can trace it by following the pipe from fuel tank other than the fuel pipes
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Old 23rd June 2008, 14:01   #36
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This is my first post in this forum. I have a problem with my M800 which seems to be kind of weird. After driving for some time with the AC switched on, the engine starts missing. Mainly this happens when the car is held up in traffic jams and the drive is very slow in first or second gears. After such half-clutch drive for some distance and the car is in first gear, when I press the accelerator it misses very violently. And after shifting to third and fourth gears, the problem seems to disappear (or it is not noticeable). I mentioned the word weird in the beginning because this problem usually happens only when the atmospheric temperature is high, say more than 40 degrees C. When the climate is cool and in winter, it does not happen even once. The car is 2003 model and this problem started from the summer of last year (2007) only. Once after such a drive, when the car was parked and switched off, I noticed there was a hissing sound near the petrol inlet nozzle as if petrol vapour was leaking and the smell of petrol was also there.

I showed it to a MASS once and they checked and mentioned it was something to do with reverse flow of petrol fumes. They opened the left side panel inside the dicky and disconnected a hose carrying the fumes and drove the car around for some time to clear possible blockages in the hose / pipe. After that it seemed ok for some time but the problem again started and still persists.

The car was serviced last week at the dealer workshop and I mentioned this problem to the service Adviser. But they could not rectify it even though the so called decarbonization of engine was also done. The car has clocked 41400 kms and I always use IOC Extra Premium.

Is there any remedy for the problem? I look forward for your valuable comments.


PS: I posted this in this thread because it has something to do with fumes and smell of petrol.

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Old 23rd June 2008, 15:39   #37
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# the rpm may not be adjusted properly
# the fuel pump may be missing while heated up it is a common problem with m800
#car engine may be heating up
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Old 25th June 2008, 19:35   #38
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Guys!!! Possible solution

I had a similar issue for my Maruti 800.
Did checkups everywhere, finally came to know that there is a pipe which goes inside from near the hole to bonet. The cable was disconnected somewhere. Actually u need to remove the pads inside the car to trace the pipe, actually it seems it is used to take out the smell of petrol and is not required.

He just blocked the hole and wallah, problem solved. Hope this might be usefull to you.

Fell free to call me # 9945502035 maybe i can explain you much better.


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Old 26th June 2008, 12:51   #39
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Thanks a lot Harry and Ramprakash for your advice.
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Old 21st June 2009, 15:31   #40
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Petrol smell in Omni cabin

Hi.. We have a 1996 Omni and recently noticed the smell of petrol in the car. It happens once in a while (like once per two hours of driving) and goes away in a few minutes. There seems to be no particular driving condition when it arises. We asked the service station about it and the first time they didn't spot it. Then the second time, they changed the fuel lines. But it still persists. What could be the issue?
Edit: Am I being paranoid about the possibility of a fire?

Last edited by McLaren Rulez : 21st June 2009 at 15:35.
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Old 21st June 2009, 17:26   #41
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1996 Omni would be a carb one, if all fuel lines have been changed, have you checked in and around the carb for any leakages ?
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Old 21st June 2009, 19:39   #42
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Yep. Service guys said they did, though we'll give it a recheck anyway. Any other possibilites?
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Old 21st June 2009, 19:50   #43
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check the gasoline breather pipe which is inside the cardboard on the rear left panel/ on the top portion of the filler. it is a small outlet to which a plastic pipe is connected. It is routed to the top of the tank. If the plastic is loose or broken you will have gas smell in the vehicle. Same applies to maruti 800 old and fronte.
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Old 20th May 2011, 13:27   #44
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Re: Petrol smell in the car

Bumping up an old thread.

Yesterday, after doing some high RPM driving with A/C on & windows closed, I could smell petrol inside the car. The A/C vents were giving out the smell. When I changed to fresh air mode (previously it was Recirc.) the smell was even more. I stopped the car & opened the bonnet. The smell was coming from somewhere near the injector/ Air filter region & it was being blown back from the air currents.

I checked today while idling & with some throttle while the car was stationary but, the smell wasn't there. Also, there were no petrol evaporation marks(white marks) on the injectors/ fuel lines. The issue seems to have vanished for now.

Come to think of it, when I slowly opened the fuel tank cap y'day after stopping the car, there was more than normal pressure & the hiss sound continued for about a minute. Could the issue be there because of the temporary pressure buildup?

I smelled the air filter too. There seems to be a slight smell (almost like the smell you get immediately after you start the car). Can the ECU dictate the engine to run on a very rich air-fuel ratio on high RPMs?
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Old 1st June 2011, 22:51   #45
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Re: Petrol smell in the car

Ok, I've pinpointed the exact situation when this happens -

After a fair bit of running with A/C on (1-2hrs) whenever I let the car idle for a while like in a traffic signal or while at parking speeds, the strong smell of petrol comes from the A/C vents. There seems to be no smell whatsoever while the car is in motion.

Can anyone point out the usual suspects for me . My warranty is about to expire soon.
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