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Old 8th October 2024, 15:00   #16
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Hybrid & Hyryder Hybrid | Frustrating battery drain issue

Update: Toyota replaced my 12 V battery under warranty:

This thread on Team-BHP must have reached the right people at Toyota Kirloskar Motors, because a few days ago, I received a call from Galaxy Toyota about the issue I was facing.

They told me that a team from TKM would like to have a look at my car, in pursuance of which, they’d like to have it over at the service centre. They took it there at a convenient time and inspected it for one day. They drove for around 60 KM and screened the entire electrical system of the vehicle. However, everything was found to be in order. As a goodwill gesture, they replaced my December 2023 make Amaron battery with a new one from Exide. They’ve asked me to keep the car under observation, but there isn’t anything wrong with it.

This does restore my faith in the brand to some extent. They seem to be responsive and supportive and are not shying from accountability like some other brands. Kudos to them for making honest efforts to help resolve the issue.
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Old 10th October 2024, 18:58   #17
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Hybrid & Hyryder Hybrid | Frustrating battery drain issue

Originally Posted by Sanidhya mukund View Post
This does restore my faith in the brand to some extent. They seem to be responsive and supportive and are not shying from accountability like some other brands. Kudos to them for making honest efforts to help resolve the issue.
It was surprising to see the drain issues on this thread and I am glad Toyota made an effort to set it right for you. This is one Company that doesnt shy away from taking ownership of their products.

I've been a Toyota owner for a very long time, a span of over 18.5 years with multiple cars, and never have I felt let down. Let me give you a relatively recent example; sometime in Jul 2023 I gave my car for its annual service and had the Hella Red Grille horns that were failing replaced with an OEM set. One out of station trip and one of the new horns I think the high tone unit started giving issues while the low tone worked normally. And as you can imagine driving without a properly functioning set of horns is dicey.

When I returned to Pune I called up the ASC and told them about my problem. To my pleasant surprise they sent a technician from their service centre over to my place, a distance of about 9-10 km, to adjust the horn and it has been working perfectly to this day. Charges? Zero. I can't express how happy I was and thanked the technician for attending to my issue promptly. You may wonder why they did's because TKM offer a 6 month warranty on genuine spares. And that's the peace of mind you get when TKM or a a TKM ASC maintains your vehicle.

Last edited by R2D2 : 10th October 2024 at 18:59.
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Old 25th October 2024, 06:54   #18
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Hybrid & Hyryder Hybrid | Frustrating battery drain issue

Good to see that Toyota has resolved the battery issue you are facing with your Hycross. That's the reason why Toyota's service is still good despite collaborating with Maruti.

And, one thing I want to know is why the battery drain is happening in Hycross and, how's the car doing post battery replacement?
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Old 27th October 2024, 09:17   #19
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Hybrid & Hyryder Hybrid | Frustrating battery drain issue

Originally Posted by car_guy1998 View Post
Good to see that Toyota has resolved the battery issue you are facing with your Hycross. That's the reason why Toyota's service is still good despite collaborating with Maruti.

And, one thing I want to know is why the battery drain is happening in Hycross and, how's the car doing post battery replacement?
Unfortunately, no particular cause could be ascertained for this issue. They found no parasitic drain or any other issue. In fact, I believe even the battery was doing okay, but they replaced it anyway as a goodwill gesture. My car has been doing fine since the replacement. The issue hasn’t shown up again.

On another note, my driver had taken my Ertiga to the large Nexa-Maruti workshop in Greater Noida for its 50k service. He told me that an Invicto had come to the service centre with similar battery issues.
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