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Old 20th December 2007, 14:17   #46
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Well to go into the gory details, the mitsubishi engineers have diagnosed that the rat is a female, and lots of wiring is chewed up.
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Old 20th December 2007, 14:32   #47
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i too had the problem (touch wood) and had to shell out money to replace the wiring for AMP. Now, my solution for the problem is that just place some rat cakes (donno what they call, but lot of varients in the market) both inside the car, as well as the engine bay, not just for few days, but something like having oil in your car..i mean for ever and keep watching it as you do check the engine oil, if the cakes are missing just replace them...atleast this has solved my problem till now...
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Old 20th December 2007, 14:35   #48
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These females always create problems. I am fed up of a female humanbeing eating my head. You know who

So a female rat who hates Mitsubishi is the culprit here.
After going through the thread, I really hope that rats dont hate Hyundai.
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Old 20th December 2007, 14:50   #49
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Originally Posted by rjstyles69 View Post
You forgot to add that 2 leather seats have already been damaged.
Another way of looking at it is that the Lancer in question now has 2 pottys-on-the-move. That Lancer would now be a very ideal long-distance car.
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Old 20th December 2007, 14:57   #50
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I am using rat cakes, rat gum pad and two types of rat catching device made with wood to catch rats. I always put rat cakes under the car. You can use Rat gum pad if rats refuses to eat any bait.
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Old 20th December 2007, 15:01   #51
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Well to go into the gory details, the mitsubishi engineers have diagnosed that the rat is a female, and lots of wiring is chewed up.
these females na... they will chew you to death!!! on a serious note why not use some rat-kill and show these buggerst the stairway to heaven/road to hell (whichever)
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Old 20th December 2007, 15:31   #52
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Thanks Tanveer for opening the thread.

Yesterday morning I get a call from my dad when he was going to work. He tells me that there is a huge hole in the middle of the back seat of the car. It looks like a rat has gotten into the cabin and chewed the leather seats. The rat has chewed up a 3" X 2" hole straight through the leather!! Luckily the OE upholstery is untouched.

The driver checks the cabin to make sure there is no rat still inside. So far nothing. I question him whether he kept the door open for sometime in the basement parking. He says no he didn't. I can't understand how a rat can enter the cabin area.

After a while the air conditioning also stops working. The compressor refuses to come on at all. I check all the fuses and wiring and they seem ok.

Take the car today morning to Lathangi and tell him that the AC has stopped working. He opens the bonnet and his first question is "Do you have a rat problem in your basement parking". I look at him in shock and show him the seats. He is also taken aback seeing the huge hole. Straight away he knows how the rat has entered. He opens the boot and removes all the moulding. There I see a small vent. The service advisor tells me that is the vent for the AC refresh mode. The fresh air enters through the front bonnet vent and the stale air leaves through this vent. This is a small plastic vent behind the bumper with a rubber cover on top. The rat has nibbled the rubber slat and nibbled the vent to fit through. It has entered the boot and gone through the vent to the cabin and chewed on the leather seats and AC wiring.

The Mitsubishi service advisor tells me that this is generally the way rat's enter the cabin. Moreover seeing the cold weather and rain he says that according to him it is a female rat and not a male one. He says the first trip to the car would be probably to make preparations and the subsequent one to give birth to baby rats. Yikes!!!

I look at him in horror with thoughts of small baby rats running around the cabin. He says not to worry he will thoroughly check the car for rats and do a standard rat prevention package. They cover the vents which are vulnerable to rats with a wire mesh grill and put a bag of some tobacco in the engine bay and if a rat has already entered they disinfect the cabin.

Now I need to talk to leather seat cover chaps to arrange for a patch of leather to be stitched on.

Also need to get the building guys to take care of rat problem. Thank god no other major problem.

Took this as an excuse and am getting the car serviced comprehensively.

Last edited by Vid6639 : 20th December 2007 at 15:38.
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Old 20th December 2007, 15:48   #53
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It has entered the boot and gone through the vent to the cabin and chewed on the leather seats and AC wiring.
I hope the rat and her ratlets are unharmed.
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Old 20th December 2007, 15:53   #54
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Originally Posted by theMAG View Post
I hope the rat and her ratlets are unharmed.
Unharmed and not anywhere inside the car. If I find any of them, they will pay heavily.

Hope there are no animal right's activists on board. lol.
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Old 20th December 2007, 17:20   #55
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
If I find any of them, they will pay heavily.
Another case of India Shining? Rodents now have adopted the capitalistic way of life, I see.
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Old 20th December 2007, 18:02   #56
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I used to have rats having a feast on my alto wiring - the indicator wires were their favorite. Also noticed that one of them has managed to get a good feed of my seat!

my solution was to place rat poison cakes (the ones you get from the local store) and place them around the car and below the stairway (besides which I park my car).

Got one big S** with his legs all raised! Been safe ever since.
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Old 20th December 2007, 19:02   #57
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
Unharmed and not anywhere inside the car. If I find any of them, they will pay heavily.
Arre kab tak choohon ki jaan lega ?? Apna dhyaan kahin aur laga beta !!
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Old 20th December 2007, 19:04   #58
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Just got a call from Lathangi. It seems the engine mount rubber bush has also been chewed. That needs to be replaced.
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Old 20th December 2007, 19:09   #59
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LOL looks like the rat really had fun in your car . Anyway be sure to put cakes of rat poison around in the boot, engine bay and under the seat from now.
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Old 20th December 2007, 20:16   #60
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They have created problem for me twice in my car. First the wiring for the Wipers are cut in to pieces. Then the tube that takes water from the wiper tank?? was cut.
The service guys adviced to use rodent killer and said its the common way many people use to do... So, am I now.
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