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Old 9th March 2009, 10:43   #286
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WD-40 helps!

WD-40 also helps keeps these pesky rodents at bay. I usually spray a little inside the bonnet in a few areas and have not had problems till date.

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Old 9th March 2009, 19:48   #287
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Originally Posted by Herbie98 View Post
Even I faced the Rats problem in Banagalore. Rats used to stay in my engine bay and would hide the scavenged food at various places. It used to be a mess and always worrying me that rats would chew the wires.

Here is what I did, purchased some Tobacco leaves from a road-side petty shop and put them in netlon nylon bag and tied two of these bags in the Engine bay. This solved my problem.

But remember to sprinkle water on the tobacco leaves occasionally which makes the tobacco leaves to emit a strong odour. This really works.

Additionally had put some naphthalene balls in the cabin under the seats and in the boot just for added safety.

Also remember not to eat in your car, more clean the car lesser chances of the rats entering.
Too much of Tobacco and water on them will cause the car to smell bad. The point about eating in cars was correct. Never eat inside cars and litter
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Old 9th March 2009, 22:02   #288
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Originally Posted by gpa View Post
WD-40 also helps keeps these pesky rodents at bay. I usually spray a little inside the bonnet in a few areas and have not had problems till date.

Whats WD-40. Can you pls elaborate.
All I know about WD is Good Western Digital Hard Disks
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Old 9th March 2009, 22:56   #289
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WD-40 will change your life!

It is a wonder lubricant, comes in a spray can. Also really good at keeping moisture away from surfaces.

Maybe Seagate might change your life too. In my experience, their disks last longer
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Old 9th March 2009, 23:25   #290
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IMO, WD40 isn't exactly a great lubricant. It excels more as a penetrant and rust remover, etc.

WD40 for repelling rats kinda gives me an idea... kerosene might work well in repelling them too! And kerosene is far cheaper. Anybody tried it?
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Old 10th March 2009, 00:03   #291
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Originally Posted by gpa View Post
WD-40 also helps keeps these pesky rodents at bay. I usually spray a little inside the bonnet in a few areas and have not had problems till date.

Beware rubber parts / hoses may give away too soon if you spray WD40 / Kerosene / Diesel inside engine bay. One of the main reason of rubber parts failure is that service people spray diesel
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Old 10th March 2009, 00:21   #292
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Well WD40 says its safe to use on rubber. However, even then, its better not to... just to be no the safer side.
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Old 10th March 2009, 02:02   #293
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Originally Posted by Sunny916 View Post
Well i have Sierra it was under attack by a field rat man they are the nasty ones but took care of it by glue called sticky pad its available in M.K Retail in Kundanahalli on the way to ITPL(Bangalore) its in the pet section 1st floor small pad it Rs19, big one is Rs77 or 79,after i caught the rat i left poor Dumb soul to go free and from that day no rats in my sierra but the pad is open and kept still and for Cockroch try this method cause when i was in dubai,our room and kitchen was infested with them so one of my friend told me about this mix:
1.Boric Powder 5 to 6 Tsb
2.Sugar 3 Tsb
3.Ghee 3 or 4 Tsb
(Try this much and wait for the results then u can mix more )

Put every thing in a bowl mix well untill its kind of pasty stick them on the corner of the wall or in corner of the kitchen or put it and a pieace of paper or plastic and even car (i have not tried it in car but fringers crossed might help)
this mix has some kind of smell that is not liked by the roches they don't come back please keep in mind this thing takes time to react by the roches, take about 5 to 6 days to see the results and takes very long time to expire but make sure to keep it away from the little ones and pets.
Originally Posted by amitk26 View Post
Boric powder is not toxic to humans and pets but is deadly for cockroaches,
Boric acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact boric power is used as antiseptic as well.

So no reason to worry if this formula works for roaches but not sure if it attracts more Rats due to sugar and ghee
Can vouch for this.
There was a time(3yrs ago) when my 10x10 room had more cockroaches than number of people in china.
Then came across this wonder formula and 3 months is all that it took to get rid of them. Since then touchwood, no cockroaches.
Can't believe these insects which are said to survive nuclear blast, can't get over boric powder

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Old 10th March 2009, 11:17   #294
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
Well WD40 says its safe to use on rubber. However, even then, its better not to... just to be no the safer side.
WD-40 or Water Displacement coumpound 40, is safe to use on rubber surfaces. Infact, it prevents rubber and leather from cracking due to extreme heat. Spray a little onto the wiring harnesses inside your bonnet and that will keep those pesky rodents at bay.

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Old 10th March 2009, 17:53   #295
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They have a web site which lists thousands of uses people have found for it.

In my native country, it is popular for keeping moisture away from ignition and plug cables --- especially on the old car with a mechanical distributor!
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Old 14th March 2009, 14:04   #296
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The curious case of the cat in my car!

Today morning, I was in for a big shock!

My car is parked in front of the house on the road and as I go near the car, I could hear 'MEOW' 'MEOW'. I thought there might be a cat under the car and started searching for it. But, the sound was coming from under the bonnet!

I carefully open the bonnet to see a cat sitting on my engine comfortably! It was not willing to move out at all! After some persistent approach (a small crowd gathered to watch me trying to chase the cat away!), the cat agreed to get down from the engine bay and still decides to stick with the car! It climbs on my right rear wheel and again denies to move!
Try again, it gets down and sits on the front tyre!

This Tyre tactic continued for another 15 minutes before I managed to move it away.

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Old 14th March 2009, 14:26   #297
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Holly Molly, how in the world did it get inside the bonnet in first place?

I am not sure a cat would love to squeeze itself from under the engine bay for some cozy sleep.

When you give the car to Prabhu, get the underbody checked and if there is any big gap, try to cover it up. On second thoughts, i dont think this is going to happen again and just forget it as one odd case
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Old 14th March 2009, 16:25   #298
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Easy... they climb up from underneath, just like the rats do. In cold UK they are often attracted to the warmth of the engine.

Many a cat has ended its life, rather than its snooze, in the moving parts of a car engine. Even the animal haters will not relish clearing away the remains! I had a very, very disgusting experience of mortal remains of rat in my car; the experience of the engineers who had to dismantle until they found where it had crawled to die must have been fr worse.

We have two cats, and I always beep beebeep before starting up and moving.
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Old 14th March 2009, 16:35   #299
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Hi Pulsar56 do check the engine bay thoroughly,seeing the persistance of the cat do check weather it has kept kittens in there.
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Old 14th March 2009, 17:36   #300
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
When you give the car to Prabhu, get the underbody checked and if there is any big gap, try to cover it up. On second thoughts, i dont think this is going to happen again and just forget it as one odd case
The cat was waiting at the same spot to climb back in suppose! I parked in a different spot!

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Easy... they climb up from underneath, just like the rats do.
yes. That is how it came inside and when I opened the bonnet and was shooing it away, it climbed down via the route it came in!

Originally Posted by yogi1771 View Post
Hi Pulsar56 do check the engine bay thoroughly,seeing the persistance of the cat do check weather it has kept kittens in there.
It was a kitten! So, I need to find out if there are any brothers/sisters who are joining it!
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