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Old 24th December 2023, 21:18   #31
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

An accident involving similar situation is posted in the Accidents thread: (Accidents in India | Pics & Videos)
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Old 25th December 2023, 13:34   #32
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

Originally Posted by MT_Hyderabad View Post
An accident involving similar situation is posted in the Accidents thread: (Accidents in India | Pics & Videos)
Saw the video and really hurt but the events that happened. How they sabotaged the accidental car to eliminate all evidence is just so painful to see after the man lost his leg for no fault of his. Humanity seems to have gone a long way off the good road. I wish the gent gets the justice and Mahindra is successfully sued and made to pay through their nose for not doing their homework.
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Old 26th December 2023, 16:00   #33
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

Originally Posted by revver View Post
If this happened while he was driving, it surely would've caused an accident. Fortunately, this happened in his parking area.
Recently happened to a person on the Samrudhhi Mahamarg. The person lost his leg. Your friend was lucky. But that person has been really unfortunate because the car didn't get a chance to save him after the failure due to the faulty guard rails on the roadside.

I'd really like to know if this issue has been sorted out in newer batches or not because it's not something as simple as a sunroof failure or a door making noises.

In my observation, even the Xuv700 is quick to dislodge it's tyres in cases of collisions. This is a weird behavior. What are they doing wrong.?

Last edited by Aditya : 26th December 2023 at 17:14. Reason: Quote tag fixed
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Old 26th December 2023, 19:46   #34
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

This is heartbreaking. I understand that Mahindra did hush up to avoid persecution and paying a hefty amount to the person. But the real damage was done in the car itself and in the Samrudhi expressway.
So many accidents have happened there. It seems any time a new expressway happens, Indian drivers want to show their F1 racing acumen resulting in accidents. Its just the mentality of huge lot of drivers. And some cricketers have led with wrong example of speeding on roads, you know whom I am talking about.

And a new highway like Samruddhi expressway would always have problems, the barriers are bad. The road is good at some strech and bad at others.

Sometimes I wonder if long drives in India are worth it with so much risk
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Old 27th December 2023, 20:39   #35
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

Originally Posted by revver View Post

Apart from this issue, the car is performing well. So i assume this is not a lemon but maybe a one off but serious lapse in QC by Mahindra. I doubt that the company will admit the mistake. But It's better to take a permanent corrective action in their Assembly, QC & PDI process & never let this happen again.
Its relieving to know that All is Well. I have a Scorpio N Z8 D AT 4 Xplor, Apr'23 BS6.2 model. Can you please share your vehicle details, alongwith Month of Registration / Manufacture ?
After the near fatal and tragic incident of another SN Owner, I am trying to identify if this is limited to a specific batch. Appreciate your help on this
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Old 1st January 2024, 08:53   #36
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

I think we can save ourselves from this in a way.
1. Spring washer another nut onto the ball joint?
2. More intrusively, drill through the bolt and install a, cotter pin.
3. Wait for MnM to push a silent upgrade / recall (which would be unnecessarily incriminating IMO) and thus unlikely now that the spotlight has been shone so brightly on this part?

Again, this is all assuming it's just the nut that can come off theoretically, and in no way do I say that this is what happened, but making these adjustments will allay some fears and on the flip side, be a admission of guilt to varying degrees of inference (people will color this as they like.)

I'd be inclined to go with option #1.
The question that then arises is, flanged nuts are used in a ton of places without nylock nuts or spring washers and split pins. Are they deemed inadequate everywhere? I don't think so (non scientific opinion) else we'd be seeing a significantly higher number of failures across the board and a seasoned player like MnM would know better. A cotter pin adds, what, 5 rupees to the BOM?

Lastly, I think the flange nuts are smooth and not serrated as in the attached picture. Just swapping this out should prove to be a good stop gap for now, yes? Hoping for a vehicle engineer to advise.
Attached Thumbnails
Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure-screenshot_20231231_005344_boodmo.jpg  

Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure-screenshot_20231231_005215_boodmo.jpg  

Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure-screenshot_20231231_093055_boodmo.jpg  

Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure-screenshot_20231231_005501_boodmo.jpg  

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Old 1st January 2024, 12:48   #37
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Re: Mahindra Scorpio-N suspension | Upper wishbone joint failure

You should not mess with an existing set up like this. Adding washer or a flange nut, or worse a serrated flange nut will definitely mess up this connection. Because it alters the required nut.

The ball joint has a taper and is being pulled against a highly machined inside of the also tapered hole inside the wishbone. It needs setting to a specific torque to get the correct amount of friction and stiffness. Even with the nut gone this connection won't come loose just like that. It will require a ball joint splitter or similar. Banging very hard against the ball joint might pop it as well.

I have never seen one of these without a cotter pin. A cotter pin, properly inserted ensures that no matter what the nut can't come off. Even when not properly torqued, the ball joint will never pop off with a nut held in place with a cotter pin. It might rattle a bit, but it won't come off.

Not sure why they did not think it was necessary here? All my cars have nuts with cotter pins on all ball joints in the suspension and steering linkages!

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